chrono Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 About as close to the Wii as I'll be getting. [attachmentid=38290] Though I'm sure plenty of people will be doing alot of this: [attachmentid=38291]
UN Spacy Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Alright MW'ers. Went to Target around 5:30am and ended up getting ticket 50 out of 60. YIPPY!
VF-0S FAN Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Can't wait to get mine for free and sent by my boss = Nintendo France
Hikuro Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 I'm gonna wait till I get all my bills paid off and all my loans done, so it'll be late Jan or early feb I hope. There was a kid at gamestop yesterday when I was at lunch who couldn't figure out the Wii remote for playing Excite Truck or something so I got the remote from him and tries it out and got it within seconds. He just looked at me "Can I have the remote back?" "No"
Radd Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Went to Target around 6:30-6:45. Went home about 7:30. Sat around, poked at the internet, then met up with my minions at about 9 where they handed over my prize. Wii console, second controller+nunchuck, Call of Duty 3, Trauma Centre, and, of course, Twilight Princess.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Hey guys how will the internet thing work? Would you need access to a cable modem? I heard it was wifi but I didn't know if you needed a wifi network within your own home or such. Is it free to go online with the wii?> And Radd please give us your first impressions! Wii seems awesome..anyone else here looking forward to the dbz game and marvel ultimate alliance?
Briareos Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 I came back from camping out the Target in Buffalo, NY being ticket holder number 55 out of 60. The cops and the Ambulances swung by periodically every hour to make sure we weren't dead from wii rage or the freezing cold. At seven, people started scalping their tickets for $75 to $100. Some of them had a heart though. This poor mother who camped out all night being number 61 in line despite us telling her there were only 60 units inside. She insited that there was more. According to her, the online database of Target showed 69 in stock for that store. When they handed out the tickets and she didn't get one she broke out in tears and started to leave. One of the scalpers chased her down and sold his spot for 5 dollars.
Hikuro Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Well that's nice of someonen to do that for a mother whose probably buying that for a christmas present I bet. The mother I saw at a gamestop was trying to sell her kids 64, the guy just looked at her and said "Ummm I can give you 20 bucks" "WHAT?! I paid 150 for this thing when it came out!" "Yeah......7 years ago lady" She thought she could get enough money cause it's "rare" to get a Wii for her bratty kid who was like "Mmmmmmmmooooooom i want a PS3 get me a PS3!"
Ishimaru Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 (edited) Back at last...20 hours of camping. And I got me self a Wii!! When I left and arrived at Target there were over 20 people in line already, I was 30, it was at 2pm too, and thats alot, but they had 81. By midnight all the spots were taken which is crazy.. But damn I'm so worn out, it was worth it though. We had a Bomberman and Mario Karts DS lan party with like 10 people all spread out during the line, I had to say it was real fun. Then I went to Gamestop to pick up Zelda, as I was the first one to get it as I waved it around people went WOW then I went back to Target and I had to go through nearly the whole line just so people could get a look at, a dude from the Target line gave me a ride since he needed to go there too. It was one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. It just wears you out though just waiting in line. They didn't even pass out food. T_T Overall I'm enjoying the Wii, better than the PS3 experience at Target, just one thing that is bugging the crap out of me is the blue led on disc drive it won't glow or anything, just when I place a disc in it blinks, my friend got the same thing. Is this something that Nintendo did, because I can't seem to find any information in the manuals, or Wii itself. I swear the one at Target had the led on, any ideas? I want my Wii to look sexy. I will post pictures later but I'm just exhausted, I'm just going to sit down and enjoy the system while it lasts. Edit: Can't get this off my mind but a girl who dyed her hair blonde(You can easily notice) came up to the group of people next to us, she was asking real real stupid questions like I mean not even a 4 year old would say it. One of them was "Are you guys waiting in line to pay $250 for that box?", I really wanted to burst and swear at her but it kept on going, she even mentioned how cool was it to have Tetris on her Razor and was showing it off like she owned the place. Really I wanted to hurt her for her stupidity as the conversation went on she said..."Oh Halo 3? I barely started playing Halo 1 and the graphics are better than the PS3!". I walked away inside the store after as I could not stand her stupidity, I meet people like this in my history class, but this is just beyond that. A guy lost his place in line though, he waited 20 hours, waited 20 minutes since the tickets were late, he went to the bathroom and came back realizing they already handed them out, he didn't go crazy, but he made 30k from 6 PS3s in which he decided to sell and forget to keep one. He was cool though, I felt like I've known all these people for years, but its out interest in video games that actually supports it.(Forgot how much I was typing .) Edited November 20, 2006 by Ishimaru
Radd Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Sorry, wound up being up really late, and eventually, in the middle of playing Zelda, had to just put the controller off and stumble into bed where I passed out instantly. The Wii is fantastic. Wii sports is simply something to exerpience, perferably with a large group of friends. I've only tried Tennis and Golf so far, much fun was had. Tennis can easily be played sitting down, but swinging the controller like a racket definitely gets the best results. When Wii Golf came up, one of our friends tried to play sitting down, which earned him a barrage of mockery around his third turn when it had become very obvious that the only way to get anything near good results was to stand. Golf was a lot touchier than Tennis. It didn't respond well to subtle moves, like trying to tap the ball into the hole when you're right there. Also, you could do the exact same motion 5 times in a row, and get 5 different reactions onscreen. This became frustrating for me. Tennis, though, was a complete and total blast. I should tell you I'm a much bigger fan of real tennis than real golf, too. If anything, after a bit of practice both games accurately reflected how well I can play a real game of each. Heh. Before the wife and I left, I saw someone trip over the cord connecting the sensor bar to the Wii. Pulled the Wii right over and several feet across the carpeted floor. No damage, the game didn't even skip. Got home, set out our own Wii, and sat down to play a little more Wii Sports before popping in Zelda. Within the opening screens it became apparent where the critisism of its graphics comes from. It's a pretty game, to be sure, but while some areas are absolutely gorgeous, some scenes looked rather bland. Mainly bare faced cliffs, with the same texture repeating across the rock wall as far as the eye could see. Get into more detailed areas like the forest and it looks wonderful, for a Gamecube game. I didn't get very far into the game, I'm still in the village at the beginning, but from that early experience the game seemed incredibly fun. It controls like a dream. I'm looking forward to getting a better impression once I wake up a little more and maybe get some coffee in me. Of course later I'll probably be taking my copy of CoD3 over to a friend's place. Everyone I know wants to see how much the controls affect the experience.
Radd Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 I should say something about the line experience. I wasn't there long, I had to work that night, no way I could get out of it. I did get out 40 minutes or so early so I could roll by Target at about 6:45 in the morning, say hi to some friends, and find a spot at the "no-chance in hell" section of the line. Even that far back the general feeling was friendly, the closer you got to the front the more festive the ambiance. It was cold, people had long ago put away their DSes by the time the wife and I had arrived for fear of losing fingers. Still, all the way to the end, most people were smiling and happy. It didn't seem that anyone was in line to get a system simply to sell. Most seemed very genuine about wanting the console for themselves. People were friendly, too. I recalled going to see Episode III back when it came out. We'd pre-bought tickets so we were guaranteed a seat at the 9 o'clock showing, but some friends were waiting in line. We walked by the line to talk to them, and immeadiately a group of people started swearing at us, assuming we were trying to cut in. No such nonsense at this line, despite people having been there much longer, under much less pleasant conditions. From what I heard, Target Employees had, at some point during the night, handed out coffee and food. That definitely seems nice. Still, it seemed as though everyone had come prepared. Pizza boxes, fast food bags, two liters, and I even saw a bottle of Everclear sitting next to some sleeping bags. When the tickets were handed out, there was less a sense of dissapointment than resignation towards the end of the line. It seemed everyone who had been there all night had gotten their system, it was the early morning latecomers that mostly went without (though even some of them beamed brightly with ticket in hand). Those who couldn't get one that morning all seemed to expect they'd be able to get one within a few weeks, definitely before Christmas. It was a fun, pleasant experience by all accounts.
Wes Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 The problem with twilight princess is it WAS supposed to be a GC game a year ago, but then they decided to make it a Wii launch title. They should have just given us a couple of new levels on the Wii version and given us the original a year ago when I had time to play it.
jenius Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Quote The problem with twilight princess is it WAS supposed to be a GC game a year ago, but then they decided to make it a Wii launch title. They should have just given us a couple of new levels on the Wii version and given us the original a year ago when I had time to play it. LOL, yeah, I don't have enough free time to play video games right now but last year I definitley could have used that. I currently spend 60-80 hours a week in my office. I have web access now so I get to harass you MWers but man, I can't imagine what it would be like to start immersing myself in a new Zelda game. Crap, I was about 40 hours into DragonQuest VIII when my life started to get this crazy and now I don't even remember where I left off . Some day I'll play video games again... and by then the blah launch titles will have come and gone, the crowds will be gone, and I'll be able to pick up everything used for half price . Until then, I will diligently work and be jealous of y'all. Is the Gamecube version of Twilight out? I'd love to see someone compare the two versions.
chrono Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 myk said: So much for the Wii being a family console... *thinks about Nintendo's history of violent games* *laughs at myk's remark quite heartly!* Shame about Zelda being designed and made for the other console like that. But then again many people have been wanting a matured Zelda since the SNES came out.
Keith Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Hmm, any word yet on whether or not the Wii can play Turbo CD, Sega CD, Saturn, or Dreamcast disc's?
Uxi Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 THAT would be a reson for me to consider the Wii. As is, I'm not finding very many...
Gaijin Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Keith said: Hmm, any word yet on whether or not the Wii can play Turbo CD, Sega CD, Saturn, or Dreamcast disc's? It will never play the discs. They could release some of the games on the Virtual console...excepting the Saturn and Dreamcast ones. Wii: first impressions so far: 1. Slick and sexy looking...small and quiet...looks like it came from Apple. 2. Wiimote seems interesting...Wii Sports is a fun lil' diversion but's a tech demo...gets old very fast...this was from the people I had trying it that don't play games...they found it intuitive for the most part...but got bored fairlyquickly. 3. Not liking the 24hr Wii connect..I prefer to tell my stuff when to connect to the internet and not have it decide it wants to when it wants to. 4. Wii interface is fairly easy to use with teh Wiimote...virtual keyboard on this is quick. 5.'s a given winner. But you can get it on the Gamecube as well...looking exactly the same (with the exception of 480p and widescreen).'s worth getting if you have a Wii. 6. Red Steel. Disclaimer: I don't own it so maybe it gets better further in...the control probably won't. This is the game that sold many people on the concept of the Wiimote at E3. Those videos of swinging a sword around and shooting with teh Wiimote seemed like a dream come true. Good thing because that's the only thing it was good reality it is worse than a standard controller. This game is crap. Good idea...horrid execution. Rent to see how bad. 7. Lots of potential for games that were actually created for the Wiimote and not ports of other games like Marvel UA, Call of Duty etc. You'd think FPS's would work great on the Wii. They could. Hasn't happpened yet though. Possibilities are exciting. 8. Remotes and accessories are in short supply it seems. Looks like Nintendo got the hardware numbers...they forgot to make a few extra Wiimotes and nunchucks to go along with though. Overall: nice exterior hardware design...familiar graphics...interesting controller...lots of potential. Do I think it's going to change the way we play? No, but it's a step in the direction. Really hard to say with the titles that are out now.
Radd Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Yeah, about the overall hardware design, I shoulda mentioned earlier, but the Wiimote and nunchuck are both very comfortable to hold. Just the right size and shape. I've been playing Call of Duty a lot tonight, after tinkering with the sensitivity (turned it way down), I have to say I'm impressed. The first time I poked around a corner and a german knocked my gun from me and I had to wrestle his away to beat him with wrong as it may sound, that just made my day. Still wish it had a centering button, or you had to hold a button down to look around, or something like that, but I'm definitely having fun with it so far. Still need to play further into Zelda, plan to go do that in just a few minutes. It controls wonderfully so far, but nothing that really takes advantage of the Wii controller, except talking with people. Looking forward to seeing how the sword fighting is handled. Wii Sports is so far the game that shows off the controller capabilities the most. With the group of people I was playing with, all gamers, everyone enjoyed it. They were still playing it tonight. Definitely a group game. It really won over some people that were not expecting to like the Wii at all.
JELEINEN Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I got in line at the local Target at 5:30 AM and waited a little over an hour and a half. I ended up being number 11 out of 24. I got extra controlers, but I haven't gotten any other games yet (I plan on playing Sports with my brothers after Thanksgiving, so having the controlers was a bigger priority). So far, I'm really liking the game. I rock at bowling and am getting better at golf. Boxing is definitely the hardest (and very tiring).
Ishimaru Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 JELEINEN said: I got in line at the local Target at 5:30 AM and waited a little over an hour and a half. I ended up being number 11 out of 24. I got extra controlers, but I haven't gotten any other games yet (I plan on playing Sports with my brothers after Thanksgiving, so having the controlers was a bigger priority). So far, I'm really liking the game. I rock at bowling and am getting better at golf. Boxing is definitely the hardest (and very tiring). Wow...I went at 2:00pm Saturday and it was 30 already, by midnight their were no more spots as they had 81 . You guys are lucky, I live in the most heavily industrialized wanting part of South California. Oh well at least I have it now. Just a heads up to everyone with the question the disc light illumination. It only turns on when WiiConnect is on, so all those other times are when the system starts up,etc. Just clearing a few heads as I was worried if my Wii was broken. They should make it a option to have that light on during gameplay, it brings out the Wiiness in the console and the game.
Kin Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 (edited) heheheh the Wii is a good way to lose a couple of pounds... I can imagine myself putting some weight into the controller and just get hooked up with a game... playing 1 year and switching left and right sides... and look at the result even better than tellsell! Wii is simply awesome! Edited November 21, 2006 by Kin
Hikuro Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I tried my luck at a few stores, no ones got anymore, which is fine I would only be able to get the console but would have to sell some stuff to cover the bills later. I'll still wait.
Ishimaru Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Well here is my Wii: And Here is the Wii Box: Sorry for the blurryness of the second picture. Its on a old computer case since thats the only spot I can find that suites the TV and sensor position. It's a real fascinating machine, good thing I got it when I did.
HoveringCheesecake Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Uhhh... ok? I think we all know what it looks like at this point.
Viceland Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I'm getting a Wii, cause it's "Peppy"!;q=PS3+vs+Wii (Yeah, it's old, so what)
Zeta Otaku Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I got my wii and I've never had so much fun with a game system ever! The new Zelda is absolutely amazing. The control scheme is perfect (takes a few minutes to get fulling used to it) and it's much harder than the last installment. I think I'm about 16 hours into it and JUST got to the third temple. I also snagged Red Steel... pass this one up. major sensitivity issues. If you go with average, it's not fast enough, if you go with advanced, you're all over the place. really can't say much else about it since i got too frustrated with it... this sucker is getting returned... next up is DBZ:BT2... hard. just friggin hard. Definitely need more play time with it... Zelda's been sucking up more of my time
UN Spacy Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 How about we start a Mii thread? Let's list it by MW username - Mii nickname - Wii Console Code. UN Spacy - Mar - 6436 4644 4430 5348
armentage Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Zeta Otaku said: I also snagged Red Steel... pass this one up. major sensitivity issues. If you go with average, it's not fast enough, if you go with advanced, you're all over the place. really can't say much else about it since i got too frustrated with it... this sucker is getting returned... How do you return a WII game?? Most stores won't let you return opened software....
Hikuro Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 They'll let you return them, but for exchange of the same product only, so you tend to get SOL.
jenius Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Some places give you a week to return for store credit and anyone who complains enough and makes a big enough stink always gets some sort of preferential treatment just to shut them up and to keep them buying their games from that particular store. We have lots of options, having the best service helps.
Hoptimus Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 UN Spacy said: How about we start a Mii thread? Let's list it by MW username - Mii nickname - Wii Console Code. UN Spacy - Mar - 6436 4644 4430 5348 Mii = MilkManX Wii Friend Code 3896 5966 4421 6752 Overall I love the Wii. Nice machine. Great second machine to my X360. Zelda rocks and Wii Sports is the Party game(with some beers for extra bowling fun)
Hikuro Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I should of done that when Spiderman came out, I ended up just flipping the guy off and tellin him to go sit on it and spin. Even bought the DVD player from the same store year or two earlier, and they're like "We've never had that brand" 0_o then how did I get it you Tom Cruisees? Yeah.......I had a funky dream the other night I was playing Zelda with the Wii Remote....I think I'm getting really antsy to get one. Luckily I'm on a list now to just get a call when they hear something of a shipment coming in and when.
Apollo Leader Posted November 21, 2006 Author Posted November 21, 2006 Haven't had the chance to try the Wii out yet, but I will have to say that it looks like things are looking up for Nintendo's new system. Congratulations goes to them for marketing their new machine (even though it's significantly less powerful then either the PS3 or Xbox360) and for having the right amount of supply at launch. For now, I'm satisfied with my 360 and really only have time to dedicate to one system, but it would be nice to have a system again that I could take to more social gatherings. Most definitely would like to play the Wii incarnation of Mario Kart, especially online.
Ishimaru Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I'm dying to see how Brawl is going to be on this system.
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