wolfx Posted November 8, 2006 Posted November 8, 2006 Hmmm...should i wait for the eventual release of the theatrical edition on R1?
Keith Posted November 8, 2006 Posted November 8, 2006 wolfx said: Hmmm...should i wait for the eventual release of the theatrical edition on R1? The runtime on the theatrical edition is only 95 minutes, which means you'd be missing half of the story. I'd definately get the OVA, of course I'd also get both, but that's me
Seven Posted November 8, 2006 Posted November 8, 2006 Sigh... it uses the newer Mikimoto style of enlarged craniums and overly stylized hair.
treatment Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 fyi. Gunbuster-R1 site is live. with trailer and stuff. http://www.bandaivisual.us/gunbuster/
Noriko Takaya Posted November 9, 2006 Author Posted November 9, 2006 (edited) Looks like The Gunbuster Index will need a major overhaul once the set is released. All I've had to go on for the last decade is the information provided by the old US Renditions tapes. Now that the series is going to be professionally translated, I may have to go and change some things around. I know some areas are not perfect, but I wonder what did I get wrong? Edit: I wonder if now would be the time to seek official representation of my website? I mean, I have been on the radar for the past few years, and Gainax is aware of me. Hopefully this does not mean I will be shut down... Edited November 9, 2006 by Noriko Takaya
wolfx Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Why would they shut you down? You're running a fan site and they should be honored to have someone such as you. Then again i was never sure how much "free use" they'd allow to fans when it comes to copyrighted images.
Keith Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 I wouldn't worry about it, Honeamise seems like a decent enough company, I doubt they'd start shutting down fansites all of a sudden.
chrono Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Noriko Takaya said: Edit: I wonder if now would be the time to seek official representation of my website? I mean, I have been on the radar for the past few years, and Gainax is aware of me. Hopefully this does not mean I will be shut down... Unless you like being told what to do, how to do it, without a why. You shouldn't bother. Because right now are a fan site and basically illegal as it gets in at least 2 countries and internationally, so unless you've gotten written legal paperwork permission from Gainax, the US distrubtor, and the artists involved with the anime of course... Personally I'm hard pressed to throw money at the boxedset, because it looks "MEH!" at best and more then unprofessionally done(15 years can do better designs). I'll wait for the price to drop below 30 bucks before I buy it. Frankly this smells like another Art Box challenge just waiting to happen!
Mercurial Morpheus Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 (edited) I wouldn't worry about being shut down. It's a fan site, and does still fall into fee-use. You're basically promoting them. Now, if you were offering direct downloads of the show, or full scans of artbooks or mp3s, I could see there being a problem. About time the site was up. I forgot all about it yesterday, otherwise I would've stumbled upon it sooner. I kept checking daily. Damn elections. The boxset is interesting in it's look. It's similar to the Patlabor ones in it's simplistic stylings focused on model like mecha. I too can't say I'm too pleased with the modern Mikimoto stuff. His new Gunbuster art doesn't appeal to me as much. Though he's still among my favorites. I liked the look of the old US Renditions covers better. It still looks better than Sadamoto's take on the characters as demonstrated above. It's a weird mishmash of both their art styles. Especially Noriko's face, which tries to combine Mikimoto's rounder look, with Sadamoto's angular one. The logo's interesting. Stylized, but not overly so. Interesting incorporation of the emblem. I kind of wish they had labed it by its full name "Aim for the Top: Gunbuster". Oh well. The booklet looks nice. The trailer they had was good. Not too many spoilers and such, plus no annoying narrator. Not much new info from the sites. Still no imput on what the "30 minutes of video material" will be. My guess is the science episodes and three other clips. That doesn't leave any room for the open matte version of "At the End of the Endless Stream". While I'm happy with my videos (seeing as I prefer them ;, it'll be interesting to see it with a less loose translation. I remember hearing something about a major fan being in charge (was that here or at a con?). I know Digital Panic's and Studio ADTRW's subs already had me looking at scenes differently. Namely the episode four discussion between Kazumi and Ohta. Kazumi uses the saying, "Spilt water can not be returned to the cup" to which he replies, "If water is spilt, pour more in". It just feels different than the USR version. Bring on the contests. Hopefully, all of just the people in this thread will enter. I can't see that site getting too much traffic seeing how Gunbuster's been out of the limelight for some time. I know I'll be saving up cash to buy this on the 20th. I may even buy copies for my non-believing friends. I loaned an extra tape (I found a spare Manga tape once) to one and he was interested. He said he'll get it when it comes out, so I wouldn't have to part with my precious USR tapes. It also seems to confirm that there will be no english dub. Thank goodness for that. What appears to be the DVD cover for the movie. I can't read japanese, so I'm guessing .;; http://www2.gainax.co.jp/shop/index.cgi?rm...A1%E04=2%A1%DE0 Edited November 9, 2006 by Mercurial Morpheus
wolfx Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 On a slightly OT note, i was just wondering, where does this engrish word come from...."BUSTER". In may Japanese games/anime this word is always used to describe something BIG....i think. Examples: Cloud's Buster Sword Rockman's R.Buster Buster Gundam's....uhhh....buster cannon? And of course.....Gunbuster.....was wondering if anyone knows how this word came about or what it actually means. Another example of a widely used engrish word in japanese media but not used in actual english is ESPER, which is basically a ESP-User, to describe people with Extra Sensory Perception or very simply, psychic powers.
Keith Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 I think it just has to do with it sounding cool. And as far as Im concerned, both words should be part of the english language
Gaijin Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 wolfx said: On a slightly OT note, i was just wondering, where does this engrish word come from...."BUSTER". In may Japanese games/anime this word is always used to describe something BIG....i think. Oy the youth of today... Buster isn't "engrish"; it's a real word. It's a noun. A person or thing that destroys or overpowers something. It can also mean something large or as slang as in, "now you're gonna get it buster!"
Mercurial Morpheus Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 I think that's the first I've seen someone not recognize that word. I sympathize, Gaijin.
Dangard Ace Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/buster Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source bust‧er  /ˈbʌstər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[buhs-ter] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun Informal. 1. a person who breaks up something: crime busters. 2. something that is very big or unusual for its kind. 3. a loud, uproarious reveler. 4. a frolic; spree. 5. (initial capital letter) (used as a familiar term of address to a man or boy who is an object to the speaker's annoyance or anger): Look, Buster, you're standing in my way! [Origin: 1825–35, American; bust2 + -er1] Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source Bus‧ter  /ˈbʌstər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[buhs-ter] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun a male given name. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source bust·er (bstr) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "buster" [P] n. 1. One that breaks up something: a crime buster. 2. A broncobuster. 3. A particularly robust child. 4. A baby buster. 5. Informal. Fellow. Used in addressing a man or boy, especially out of annoyance: Watch where you're going, buster! (Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. WordNet - Cite This Source buster n 1: an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?" [syn: fellow] 2: a robust child 3: a person who breaks horses [syn: broncobuster] 4: a person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something; "dam buster"; "sanction buster"; "crime buster" 5: a person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically [syn: baby buster]
wolfx Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 Its engrish in the way its used in anime/games. It always seems to describe a big cannon/gun. Not exactly dictionary.com usage. I was just wondering what's its meaning is in Japanese. The English usage, not quite how its used in Rockman, Gunbuster is it?
Fort Max Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 I always thought it was Gunbuster as in it destroys guns, or in this case the space aliens which are considered living weapons.
Gaijin Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 (edited) wolfx said: Its engrish in the way its used in anime/games. It always seems to describe a big cannon/gun. Not exactly dictionary.com usage. I was just wondering what's its meaning is in Japanese. The English usage, not quite how its used in Rockman, Gunbuster is it? You're kidding right? How about Splinter Cell? Is that engrish? How about filibuster? And did you not read some of the meanings? "2. something that is very big or unusual for its kind" "It can also mean something large" Buster is a noun. Dictionary .com doesn't need to specify a large gun, cannon, or sword. The meaning in japanese is the same in english as it is an english word. Engrish would be a mis-translated one or literally translated in which it would not make much sense in terms of proper grammar (not the case in Buster Sword for instance or any of the examples) "sword of unusual big" would be more engrish. Edited November 11, 2006 by Gaijin
wolfx Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 Gaijin said: You're kidding right? How about Splinter Cell? Is that engrish? How about filibuster? And did you not read some of the meanings? "2. something that is very big or unusual for its kind" "It can also mean something large" Buster is a noun. Dictionary .com doesn't need to specify a large gun, cannon, or sword. The meaning in japanese is the same in english as it is an english word. Engrish would be a mis-translated one or literally translated in which it would not make much sense in terms of proper grammar (not the case in Buster Sword for instance or any of the examples) "sword of unusual big" would be more engrish. You're missing the point if you even have to bring in "splinter cell". The "buster" weapons seem to be unique only to Japanese sci-fi media and have been repeated in alot of them. Have you seen something named as "Buster Cannon" in any other English media? Ouh i'm sure there'll be stuff like "Tank Buster Cannon" or "Duck Buster Cannon" to denote what they "bust" but that's besides this question. But its obvious you do not have an answer. So i'll wait for someone who does. Btw interesting to note, I found out Buster Sword has the same katakana as "Bastard Sword" so its a transliteration. As most ppl know a Bastard Sword is a huge sword. It could be that the "Buster" word was transliterated from the word "Bastard" in all other incarnations. "Bastard Cannon" ? XD
Gaijin Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 (edited) wolfx said: You're missing the point if you even have to bring in "splinter cell". The "buster" weapons seem to be unique only to Japanese sci-fi media and have been repeated in alot of them. Have you seen something named as "Buster Cannon" in any other English media? Ouh i'm sure there'll be stuff like "Tank Buster Cannon" or "Duck Buster Cannon" to denote what they "bust" but that's besides this question. But its obvious you do not have an answer. So i'll wait for someone who does. Btw interesting to note, I found out Buster Sword has the same katakana as "Bastard Sword" so its a transliteration. As most ppl know a Bastard Sword is a huge sword. It could be that the "Buster" word was transliterated from the word "Bastard" in all other incarnations. "Bastard Cannon" ? XD So your question is why they use the word before instead of after? This is your "engrish" argument? Your own Rockman example follows American usage such a s a tank buster . Your original question was...where this "engrish" word came from and what does it mean...and we've answered that in spades. You may form any theory you wish...it's your mind...most people have no problem with the word nor the meaning of it. Besides this is way OT now. I'll concede that you find the word a lot in "anime" and such a lot...doesn't mean the word doesn't exist outside in the world in the same context. Something large...simple no? Edited November 12, 2006 by Gaijin
wolfx Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 Buster and bastards aside, back on topic, i got this in my mail yesterday. Top Front Behind Beneath Contents Gawd.... Its the Wonderfest Summer 2006 limited edition buster machine nana gou (that's 7 to you ) sculpted by F-Face, the person that brought you the poseable rei and asuka figures as well as his famous RaCaSeal figures. The 100 units sold at the convention were eaten up in 5 minutes after the line was opened. I was one of the 1st to form the line, but unfortunately wasn't the 1st freaking 100. Scary otakus. Anyway those left in line were given a chance to own this by pre-ordering the 2nd run made, to be delivered in 2 months time. So I did....for 10,000 yen. It was delivered to mr. tokyohunter himself as they only deliver to a Japan address and I was there at WF with him. So finally it has reached my hands. The pictures of the Nono on display was very impressive. I had to get one. But little did i know that this was going to be a resin kit that required me to drill my own holes. After examining the kit, its mostly moulded in the actual colors, except details aren't painted like the clear orange visor, the mouth, the eyebrows and the panel lines. Looks like i'll have to contract someone to make this kit for me. Drilling holes on soft (did i mention that this costed me 10,000 freaking yeN?) fragile resin isn't my kinda thing. Creator's link here. http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery/nono/nono.html
Fort Max Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 Damn, I almost got one of those myself, congratulations man! Take good care of her.
Area88 Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 (edited) Has anyone been to the updated Gunbuster website? It looks pretty impressive! Official US Gunbuster Website Edited November 12, 2006 by Area88
Noriko Takaya Posted November 12, 2006 Author Posted November 12, 2006 Area88 said: Has anyone been to the updated Gunbuster website? It looks pretty impressive! Official US Gunbuster Website Thou needest to have thy thread viewing privileges revoked, kind sir. Old news...
wolfx Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Not quite BM-3, but cleverly done with bamboo scenery.
Gunbuster Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 I just got my SOC Gunbuster today and WoW! it's a beauty! It's heavy and feels very solid. Do we post this SOC Gunbuster news here or in the SOC thread? I just read Fort Max review there and there's not much I can add except it way bigger than the SHE Gunbuster (about 2.5X bigger) and it's not fragile!!! The funny thing is today people got their ps3s and I got the SOC Gunbuster, I think I got the better deal I want go buy 2 more now to display them in both modes and the third one to play with
Noriko Takaya Posted November 18, 2006 Author Posted November 18, 2006 I got my Chogokin Gunbuster today also and have been playing with it for the better part of an hour. This thing is awesome. And it was definitely worth the price, as this thing is nearly unbreakable. The SHE model, while very pretty and extremely fragile, does not even come close to the quality of this toy. I have both of these models, and I can honestly say the SHE model will stay in the closet where it will not get damaged. I want the Chogokin out there for everyone to see. Then if someone gets out of line, I can konk them on the head with it.
Mercurial Morpheus Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Man, you guys are making me jealous. I'm definately picking at least one up when I can afford it. Good to hear it's been worth the wait.
Dangard Ace Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Agree with Noriko. Got my SoC yesterday but opened it today. Just combining the toy had me humming the music when Gunbuster first combined. This toy is awesome. So much fun and doesn't feel like a display piece at all. It's replacing my Popy Dangard Ace, SoC Getter G and MF Makinkaiser as my chogokin centerpiece. Another Grail down. Popping in the old US Rendition tapes just to watch this show again. Where's the fracken HONNEAMISE Gunbuster DVD boxset?!? (grrr....3 more months to go...)
Twoducks Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 This toy is so good that I keep forgetting that it’s formed from two separate pieces.
Mercurial Morpheus Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Cool tidbit from the official site. Apparrently Honneamise has made a special agreement with Kinokuniya Booksellers. They've decided to release a limited R1 version of the R2 remastered set. It's exactly the same outside of the region coding. So it's basically for those that absolutely can't wait.
Keith Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Definately awesome for those who don't already have the R2 set, as it's a way to get the 4th bonus disc, and honestly, if it had subtitles, I'd go for it. But since it doesn't, no point in getting a half breed set
MacPnoy74 Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 Has the Chogokin GunBuster been spotted at Frank & Sons yet? If so, what's the average price for it there? I'm thinking of heading there sometime soon but don't want to drive all the way there to find out it's not in stock. Thanks!
MacPnoy74 Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 Gunbuster said: Yes, it's at Franks for $185 Thanks for the info Gunbuster, just got one tonite =)
Valkyrie Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Finally got mine today. And like others have said, it's pretty damn impressive! I was kinda disapointed with all the parts swapping that's involved. I suppose that's the big difference between the Chogokin and the Studip Half-Eye. If I'm not mistaken, the SHE one is perfect transformation. No parts removal or swapping. But on the flip side, that's why it doesn't look as good as the Chogokin. I was also disapointed with Gunbuster's back. It's just a mess back there... http://liu11115.myweb.hinet.net/3.jpg But if you just pull off that one big out-of-place piece off its hinge, it cleans things up a bit. And just cause I was curious, I snapped a pic of the Chogokin with my Gunbuster garage kits. The Kaiyodo non-scale kit is on the left, and the General Products 1/500 resin kit is on the right. By a rough guestimate, the Chogokin looks to be about 1/600 scale.
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