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  promethuem5 said:

Alt Ravage looks alright, but really epitomizes why I stopped buying Decepticon Alternators... they're just unecessary and don't really make sense to me...

Mostly agree... except that AFAIK, the Jaguar XK for Ravage is the first version of a car that came out FIRST for a decepticon instead of being a 'repaint'. As my bro's prized TF shelf runs outta space, I've had to nudge him along with the inevitable decision to keep some of the repaints... esp. once MP-5 Megs gets here! Candidates for retirement include the craptastic Lambor, Laker-in-disguise Swindler and possibly Streak, UM.

  dr_vandermeer said:

Man, you either made Ravage look really good, or Hasbro's photographers make him look really bad. I wrote him off from the pics I had seen before, but may just have to get one now!

I think the earlier publicity photos sucked - either the shooter had no love for the subject, OR, his assistant had to deal with incomplete instructions! The trick with Ravage is the whole 'curvature' of the spine... you really need to get the middle pivot point down as low as you can get to the gray 'skeleton'. Otherwise it ends up looking shapeless or just plain boxy instead of sexy like a big cat should. When I shot Ravage, I kept trying to position the legs such that I could attain an aggressive, stalking pose. It's no fun leaving him straight up on fours like a dinner table! :-)

  drifand said:

The trick with Ravage is the whole 'curvature' of the spine... you really need to get the middle pivot point down as low as you can get to the gray 'skeleton'. Otherwise it ends up looking shapeless or just plain boxy instead of sexy like a big cat should. When I shot Ravage, I kept trying to position the legs such that I could attain an aggressive, stalking pose. It's no fun leaving him straight up on fours like a dinner table! :-)

I put it down to years of practice posing Zoids! :p

  wolfx said:

Megs is kinda big.

Or that guy is kinda small :p .

  drifand said:

Hope this is on topic; just a couple of shots of my new Alt Ravage alongside BT Dead End... Nice Kitty!

Awesome pics, great posing! :o

  promethuem5 said:

Alt Ravage looks alright, but really epitomizes why I stopped buying Decepticon Alternators... they're just unecessary and don't really make sense to me...

Sometimes Hasbro makes no sense. Deadend should have never been a straight up Sunstreaker in disguise, and TWO Ravages in the same line?

I'm looking for a replacement head for the first Ravage, and a different head for Dead End.

I don't mind Decepticon Alts/BTs as long as they are reminiscent of their original forms, of which Ravage, Rumble, Shockwave, were not cars.

  Hikuro said:

Just got my UltraMagnus/Skywarp 2 pack and Ramjet from sh002, VERY cool repaints! Skywarp is freaking fantastic looking.

I agree, Skywarp is really quite incredible, and for $20 a set, you can't go wrong! I don't have Ramjet though, will buy it when I see one.


Meh CD, I might be intertested in the UM figure if you just want to grab the two pack and take the Skywarp... the Seeker repaints never did anything for me anywyas.... i'd rather apprecate the mold once nicely then worry about the same mold with lots of different colors...


even for repaints, the seekers right now are lookingn good, they all have a different paint pattern to them....besides their different colors, each one has a unique style of it's decoration.

You can tell Hasbro tried to make them look retro in their color choices, atleast there isn't any neon.

I switched guns with Prime and Magnus, Prime now has Magnus black smoke stacks, and Magnus has Primes silver smokestacks, they look MUCH better this way.

In other news, I messed around with a few of my classics.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfATPOozArw Mirage transforming from Indy car to Robot

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUEXRj0KXuQ Astrotrain in all his forms.

and finally:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GvJ-2AuWi8 Classics Optimus Prime.

  Chewie said:

Two of my Targets have about a hundred of the two packs, each.

Damn i should have waited a bit. I spent $45 bucks on a two pack from eBash because we don't have Targets down here. <_<

Two of my Targets have about a hundred of the two packs, each.

It'll probably be March when Oregon and S.Washington stores see anything.....which honestly is a big let down cause we're packed with toy stores, just no good product.


Has anyone in the bay area seen Classics Jetfire yet? I still haven't seen a single one and I haven't gotten desperate enough to pay an inflated price on ebay.

  Ginrai said:

I still haven't seen a single one and I haven't gotten desperate enough to pay an inflated price on ebay.

I had been looking in my area since December and have not found any. I got impatient and paid $35 plus shipping for mine.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I really don't like classics Jetfire either. I really regret buying it for $20. The worst of the bunch IMO.


Edited by Dobber
  Dobber said:

Yeah, I really don't like classics Jetfire either. I really regret buying it for $20. The worst of the bunch IMO.


I don't know why they didn't make it look MORE like Skyfire and just call it that.

  hutch said:

I don't know why they didn't make it look MORE like Skyfire and just call it that.

I forgot but something happened and Hasbro can no longer use that name.

Even his Stormbringer colors are a little off. The tops of the shoulders and the knees should be black. The arms should have black cannons and not blue missles. :blink:

  Dobber said:

Yeah, I really don't like classics Jetfire either. I really regret buying it for $20. The worst of the bunch IMO.


Agreed. But don't tell the TF fanboys that. :huh: They are nuts enough to think that it is as good as a 1/48. (hahahahahahaha)

  meh_cd said:

Agreed. But don't tell the TF fanboys that. :huh: They are nuts enough to think that it is as good as a 1/48. (hahahahahahaha)


Are you KIDDING?

PLEASE tell me you're kidding!


  meh_cd said:

Agreed. But don't tell the TF fanboys that. :huh: They are nuts enough to think that it is as good as a 1/48. (hahahahahahaha)

Nah, classics jetfire is not as good as a 1/48, ITS BETTER! :blink:


LOL!!! unfortunately he's not! check about 15 pages back. As of now it is somewhere buried in my sons toy box and I could care less.


Posted (edited)

Yes, there was a (vocal) minority over at TFW2005 who were equating Classics Jetfire with a 1/48. In my opinion even the 1/60 VF-1 beats the crap out of Jetfire. He's boring as hell. The only reason I'm keeping mine is so that I can have the seekers + Jetfire. That'd make a nice little display I think.

Edited by meh_cd

Your 1/48 is about 100 USD whereas Classics Jetfire is just under 20 bucks....go figure. :p

For 20 bucks, I'd say that classics jetfire is pretty awesome. It has details, fun to play with and its chunky. ;)

Ratchet joints all around and no worries of looseness or stress marks. :lol:

  meh_cd said:

Agreed. But don't tell the TF fanboys that. :huh: They are nuts enough to think that it is as good as a 1/48. (hahahahahahaha)

I think thats pretty sad. Classics Jetfire is one of my favorite transformers ever, but again its sad some people even compare him to a 1/48. Jetfire is a $20 toy, 1/48s are easily 6 times the price, if they were comparable, something would be wrong. I think those guys should judge it for its own merits, its like comparing a matchbox car to a real life BMW or luxury car.(In other words no comparison, you get what you pay for in this case). For the age group its aimed at, I think its great, but it does not come anywhere close to toppling the 1/48, and of course, it shouldn't, its not even in the same price range!

(And to those tf fans I mean really, did they want jetfire being some cargo or transport plane AGAIN?, I got tired of that, I wanted a more aggressive version and Classics gave me that). I mean what did they think cybertron, armada and energon jetfire were better? Show me which jetfire aside g1 is better than classics.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Show me which jetfire aside g1 is better than classics.

I agree besides the G1 the Classics Jetfire is much better than the cybertron, armada and energon verisons. I liked the figure and have 2 of them. With some modding I going to make them look more like the comic version.

Posted (edited)
  Mechafan said:

I agree besides the G1 the Classics Jetfire is much better than the cybertron, armada and energon verisons. I liked the figure and have 2 of them. With some modding I going to make them look more like the comic version.

I actually liked armada's jetfire. at least he didn't have huge arms hanging off the side. Classics Jetfire is to me a complete and total disapointment. Hasbro really fumbled it here. We had a chance to get a true skyfire toy. Instead they tried to merge a VF-1 and Skyfire. So instead of getting a slick F-15 replica, or a chunky but anime accurate skyfire, we got some unholy mixture of the two.

And I have to say, regarding comparing highpriced toys to lowcost economy toys I'm probably in the minority here, but I do actually think classics starscream is a way better homage than the MP.

Edited by GobotFool
Posted (edited)
  meh_cd said:

Agreed. But don't tell the TF fanboys that. :huh: They are nuts enough to think that it is as good as a 1/48. (hahahahahahaha)

Wasn't that just some dudes at 2005? Your post here makes it seem as though many TF fans think the same way. I was rather vocal in my disgust over Jetfire's arms not going anywhere in vehicle mode.

  promethuem5 said:

I thought Jetfire would make a nice 15 dollar toy, but it's certainly not anything like a real high-=quality toy...

Its not like Yamato has much to boast about quality control over the past few years mate. And they only do a few new Macross toolings per year. So, realistically, they should be able to have the time to sort out problems before production and charging people an arm and a leg for their products.

Quality of product design is questionable as well if they need to do several re-releases/repaints to finally work out the kinks in the design.

Edited by Fit For Natalie
  GobotFool said:

I actually liked armada's jetfire. at least he didn't have huge arms hanging off the side. Classics Jetfire is to me a complete and total disapointment. Hasbro really fumbled it here. We had a chance to get a true skyfire toy. Instead they tried to merge a VF-1 and Skyfire. So instead of getting a slick F-15 replica, or a chunky but anime accurate skyfire, we got some unholy mixture of the two.

And I have to say, regarding comparing highpriced toys to lowcost economy toys I'm probably in the minority here, but I do actually think classics starscream is a way better homage than the MP.

Skyfire would have been cool as an F-14 replica, F-15 is Starscream's realm. I just wish Classics Starscream had good retractable landing gear.

But in all honesty would you guys have wanted a true g1 accurate cartoon skyfire? His alt mode in the cartoon always came off as a box with wings. I think classics jetfire looks better but eh, I think its a 50/50 mix here on these boards. And on 1 hand, I can understand since we never did get a 100% cartoon accurate skyfire.

Classics Jetfire sure as hell looks better than energon skyblast.

An in defense of classics jetfire, armada jetfire didn't even have clear windows in his cockpit and couldn't even move his hips forward. I thought armada jetfire was okay, but I like Classics Jetfire much better.


Classics Jetfire is, IMHO, superior to all Jetfires but the original. That said, I would have loved to have a boxy, cartoon accurate Skyfire. I mean, why not?


It's been said a dozen times or more.

They are what they are.

$10-20 children's toys. If you want better quality and such, make one yourself or get Hasbro to pick up some of Yamato's aspects, thus making those children's toys collector's items that cost $120 a pop. Hence the MP Prime. He's still $90.

Overall, I am happy to see a new toy line that closely resembles the originals with a new flare on them. Pissing and moaning about what a bunch of hardcore (read: stupidly insane at times) TF fans are raving about on ANOTHER SITE doesn't do anything but start senseless arguments.


I think Shane Anderson over at TFW sums up Classic Jetfire quite nicely.

Nice figure. Not as good as the original, but a very nice mixed homage. Close enough so that I can tell it's based on G1 Jetfire, but far enough away that it doesn't run afoul of copyright laws by copying the Macross design exactly.

- I really like the removable armor as a nice nod to the old design. The addition of cannons to the top boosters and the way the boosters can fold down over the shoulders is very nice, and it fixes the back-heavy problems that the figure otherwise has.

- The removable helmet is just a nice touch, no two ways about it. And the double-cannonsare a nice nod to the original. Between the armor and the helmet, and the generally bulky nature of the figure, the concept of Jetfire as a tough, armored explorer is well-conveyed.

- The robot mode is good, but with the ratchets it's not as poseable as a smaller figure with ball joints would be. I suppose the weight of the figure dictated the ratcheting joints.

- I think the step where the plane nose splits apart to make the chest is very clever.

- The plane mode is weaker than the robot. Again, it evokes the original, but the arms and legs aren't tucked away as nicely on Classics Jetfire as they were on G1, and of course the hands don't go anywhere at all on the Classics version. The booster covers them up a bit. The plane itself looks more like a cross between an F-15 and F-14 with an odd stubby nose. The original was a more convincing plane.

All in all, not as good as the original, but a nice figure in its own right that looks a lot like the toy and cartoon versions combined. It could use a few more joints, but the accessories make up for a lot. A solid "A-" in my opinion. A more realistic jet and better concealment of the hands would have helped a lot, but those are minor complaints.

Hate the splitting gun so I'll probably just drill a hole in the middle and mount it there in plane mode. Just like a valkyrie. :p

What it needs are mid bicep and mid thigh swivel joints. Beyond that, I like it.


To be fair I'll admit classics Jetfire looks nice in bot mode. It certainly works as Skyfire without having to streach the imagination to far. But the jet mode makes it a hard toy to love for me.


I like Jetfire's fighter mode - from the cockpit aft.

The nose on the fighter mode has to be one of the ugliest things I have ever seen - it's like an unholy hyrid of a Phantom and a Super Sabre, without the charm of either. I'm quite fond of his humanoid mode, with the wings folded down Valk-stylee rather than the recommended wings-up which I think looks ungainly. The secondary head under the main head is quite good as well - a nice homage to the comic Jetfire head design. Not so keen on the primary head because of the long "axles" the head lasers are mounted on.

It's a bit of a mixed bag really. More good than bad though, and for a £20 toy it's fairly decent. Much more value for the money than the £20 classics Prime. But other folks mileage may vary.


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