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I was wondering when we'd get the fourth incarnation of this thread. :)

Just picked up the 6 inch Titanium series Megatron--the tank version. Now that I've opened him, I'm kind of torn about the figure. On one hand, he looks pretty cool, and the die-cast construction is pretty solid. On the other hand, it took as long to get him out of the twist ties as it took me Armada Unicron...and he's floppy as hell. Really weak hip and shoulder joints.

  Doctor Reggae said:

I was wondering when we'd get the fourth incarnation of this thread. :)

Just picked up the 6 inch Titanium series Megatron--the tank version. Now that I've opened him, I'm kind of torn about the figure. On one hand, he looks pretty cool, and the die-cast construction is pretty solid. On the other hand, it took as long to get him out of the twist ties as it took me Armada Unicron...and he's floppy as hell. Really weak hip and shoulder joints.

I picked up the Titanium WW Prime almost immediately after release, but i just can't force myself to pick up the Megs. He doesn't look too bad, but he could have been better in relation to how well prime came out. What really got me though was the fact that he doesn't look all that poseable (WW Prime isn't a shining example of poseability either, but it works), i guess his poseability comes from a lack of stability in robot mode. <_<


Prime was at the Walmart earlier when I picked up Megs today...I'm still trying to figure out if I have the money to afford him. And god help me if I see Alt Mirage or Alt Prime...I still haven't seen them in stores yet, and I want them BAD.


Don Figueroa said he was dissapointed by Titanium Prime and Megs. Originally his Megatron design was supposed to allow the cannon to flip all the way down so its parallel with his arm (like G1 Megs), and was supposed to have rubber tracks.

Wave 2 (Jetfire and Thundercracker) are supposedly huge improvements, with ratcheting joints.

  Fit For Natalie said:

Wave 2 (Jetfire and Thundercracker) are supposedly huge improvements, with ratcheting joints.

Ratcheting Joints ala Revoltech? If so that would be a huge improvement and i hope it's true.

Posted (edited)
  promethuem5 said:

How is the posability on WWI Prime? I've got it an Jetfire on pre-order and can't wait to get them.

Considering he's a die-cast toy and the price range and that he's transformable i'd say not too bad. His head and upper torso can basically move anywhere (although for the torso i wouldn't recommend it considering the bottom half is supposed to line up with the top). His arms and legs are kind of a let down though considering that they can only move in a limited number of directions. His legs can move in a complete circle, but the bottom half of the legs connected from the knee joint down can only move backwards and forwards. While the arms run into problems from the elbow up. The forearm connected from the elbow down can move anywhere in 360 degrees, but this ability is restrained by the fact that the top arm half (shoulder) has to disconnect from the body past a certain degree. If you're trying to pose his arm past this degree it just doesn't look right seeing his shoulder disconnected from too far. Once again it comes down to how far the torso can go before looking out of place though so all in all, you can create some great stand up action poses, but nothing too complicated beyond that.

Edited by Veritas
Posted (edited)
  Veritas said:

Ratcheting Joints ala Revoltech? If so that would be a huge improvement and i hope it's true.

I think just like normal ratcheting joints, like every larger TF these days. Clicky joints.
  promethuem5 said:

How is the posability on WWI Prime? I've got it an Jetfire on pre-order and can't wait to get them.

Decent posability - elbow, mid-bicep swivel, shoulder up and down/backwards and forwards, hips are ball joints (BAD IDEA for a mostly die cast toy), knees.

The Titaniums are made by the Galoob division of Hasbro, rather than Takara.

And surprisingly, the Energon combiner teams (Arielbots, Constructicons and Combaticons) were Hasbro engineering, which shows Hasbro can make good TFs. But I'd still prefer TF to be a collaborative effort between both companies - Hasbro for its conceptualisation and ideas, Takara for its skill and technical expertise.

Edited by Fit For Natalie

i have seen both the titanium ones around here but all the Primes I saw had horrible paint jobs. the megs looked cool but i am not to keen on his alt mode, it also seems like Megs wasit does not hook together properly and splits apart easily.


Posted (edited)

Their vehicle modes are great. I like the way they look the paint is decent.

I like Prime his transformation works nicely and he has decent poseability.

Megatron is sorely lacking. its just that the poseability doesnt completely work.

His legs swing around to form his waist and hips etc.

its supposed to be held together by two plastics stubs that fit into a couple of holes but they dont stay in place and he tends do the splits alot. They should have rethought this.

Overall there good, not great. i keep them in vehicle mode. There packages are nice but he twist ties are numerous and difficult in spots to get to. i didnt want to damage them so it was hard t get the figures out.

I kept the boxes.


edit: added pic

Edited by Macross73
  Veritas said:

Real quick pic of my WW Prime.


Aside from the fact the arms aren't connected to the body :p, you're supposed to rotate the shoulder pads so the yellow circles face outwards from the sides of his arms.

In the Transformers Super Thread 3, there was discussion of whether or not they would make a Masterpiece Megatron.

I would personally love to see Takara engineer a transformation scheme for Megs as an H&K Socom




re MP megs, it's probably been discussed already so I am gonna get slapped I'm sure, but due to bans on importing gun replicas in many countries, it'd be too damaging to sales making a megs MP I'd think. And who wants one with bright yellow nerf parts to make it obvious it's a toy?


I'm betting, or hoping at least, for something similar to G2 Megatron. Sure the toy wasn't too hot, but the basic design idea is perfect.

Posted (edited)
  Fit For Natalie said:

Aside from the fact the arms aren't connected to the body :p, you're supposed to rotate the shoulder pads so the yellow circles face outwards from the sides of his arms.

Whoops, forgot about the headlights facing away from the body. :lol: But i have the arms disconnected from the body to show what i was talking about in terms of the limitation on poseability. :p

Edited by Veritas

that pic of the gun kinda looks like the gun they used in teh classics's line... although the colors are all screwed up.... if it was all black like that... it'd be nice!!

i think i'm gonna get it and then repaint somehow....

  Black Valkyrie said:

I thought Takara has nothing to do anymore with the TF franchise.

That's not what MP-03, MP-04 and all the upcoming Kiss Players figures say. IIRC Takara is taking a break from mainline TFs until after the movie.

Posted (edited)

TFW has pictures up of the new Alternators Jaguar robot mode:

Alt. Ravage Prototype

Ravage it is. :huh: I gotta say i'm really happy that they're continuing with new alternator molds (instead of only repaints) but compared to Mirage this is a step backwards IMO. I'm sure it's mistransformed, but i'm still not digging it. Maybe when completed pictures surface with a proper transformation, but i can't say for sure. :blink:

Edited by Veritas

yeah I saw pictures of that earlier when I got home, it seems it is mistransformed.....but I dunno, a second coming of Ravage? ......Does that mean my hunt for Battle Ravage and succeeding was all for not?


That was pretty cool.

I wish they'd redo prime though or just leave him as the masterpiece. Aren't the scales roughly the same?

  Black Valkyrie said:

I thought Takara has nothing to do anymore with the TF franchise.

Takara still does most of the TF engineering for Hasbro, though Hasbro does do a fair amount in-house (like the new Beast Wars toolings and the Titaniums), but Takara have withdrawn from mainline Transformers due to the relatively poor performance of Galaxy Force and Binaltech in 2005.

Looks interesting, especially since it's the first Alt to NOT transform into a humanoid form. Makes sense for it to be Ravage, since the car's a Jag. And, of course, I'm curious to see who they'll make the repaint into. Steeljaw, perhaps?

  areaseven said:

It's a Jaguar, NOT a Cadillac.

You’re right. The new Alternator Cadillac is actually Rumble. Edited my original post.

  meh_cd said:

No, the new Alternator Cadillac is going to be Megatron. Rumble is a Honda Civic Si.

Ahh damn, i guess i haven't been keeping up with the new Alternators vehicles modes at all. Where in the world did you hear that the Cadillac was going to be Megatron though?


Ravage looks pretty good, IMO.

I also like making him a Jaguar. :)

In other Alternators news: I found another Mirage!

Sweet toy, aside from the engineering snafu that left the panels to the sides of his chest unable to dock with the hood.

They're either too long, or the hinges snap to the wrong angle. Your choice.

The feet, while a tad petite, are a major step up from the RX-8 feet(no wheels on the bottom, and they actually LOOK like feet).

The "real" license plate is also a nice touch.

I'm tempted to take some tape or wire or something, and suspend him from his feet so he's "standing" on the ceiling above Shockwave. Just because it'd look cool.

But I'm not gonna. It'd be pretty ugly when he fell and I had to buy a THIRD Mirage.

  Doctor Reggae said:

Prime was at the Walmart earlier when I picked up Megs today...I'm still trying to figure out if I have the money to afford him. And god help me if I see Alt Mirage or Alt Prime...I still haven't seen them in stores yet, and I want them BAD.


I spotted and got the Dodge Redneck-Prime at our Walmart here in DiegoTown day before Labor Day for $20, iirc. Haven't bothered to take pics, but he's actually not that bad nor floppy as the previous pics shows him up.

And yeah. There were also about four Mirage's and three Jazz/Meister's. But that was weeks ago from today, so they're most likely gone.

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