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Just recently released in Japan is Konami's Busou Shiki series incorporating their new MMS (Multi Movable System) which features girls in mecha armour. Looks pretty neat, a good series for the mecha girl fan. ;) Really poseable stuff.



There seems to be alot of fanfare around the mecha musume genre recently, with the release of Sky Girls OVA and pretty soon, Air Witch...(can't remember the name, gotta check)

More pictures here:




Future releases. There's gonna be a santa-claus type as well.

I like the bunny (spec op) one. :D



These are really cool. Without knowing exactly what they are, I already placed an order of the black one at HLJ the moment I saw the pics on Japanese sites. This line is not just cool & cute, its very playable. Just look so fun to put on all the parts and pose, some parts, swap parts, mix up parts, add more parts...just very high play value. The Strarf model particularly caught my eye. Looks awesome, even when I don't usually collect cute little girl figures or any weapon type musume stuff. This one, I got to have. B))


The fact that I simply don't have more funds to collect these is the only

reason I didn't get them

I always browse the 'preorder' list at HLJ and this is one of the few things

I've had no connection with that caught my eye

oh well, maybe in the future


These Musume figs look as good almost better than the recent wave of Microman figures. I wonder if their about the same size?


Ok i feel stupid. I thought I posted these links here but apparently I didn't. So its somewhere lurking in Macrossworld now. Let me know where it is so i can delete it thanks.



Either that or my connection is !*(@&! up really bad which is quite the situation now.

  Phyrox said:

Posable girl toy with anime-junk/kibble thrown on...

I'm gonna vote "LAME" on this one.

I think it's more of a fetish thing. Not that I'm into it, either. They even made a recent anime of it called Sky Girls.

  Phyrox said:

Posable girl toy with anime-junk/kibble thrown on...

I'm gonna vote "LAME" on this one.

on a forum about 80's F14 lookalikes that become robots

uhuh,.. lame indeed B))


I got both the Angel and Devil type yesterday, removed both girls and did naughty poses and was quite impressed with the poseability. I'm sure they'd make Evangelion Plugsuit tributes in this line one day.

Then i only had time to put the armour on the Angel type. There's some degree of part swapping involved. You have to disassemble the arms, hands, and thighs to remove a small spacer/washer, and put another spacer that has a hole for you to put the armour parts on.

The manual is kinda dodgy cause it doesn't show you how to apply the armour 100%. I had to look at the box art for reference. It includes a serial number which you can scratch to reveal, supposedly to gain access to an online software that allows you to design and "play" with the doll you bought.

Overall pretty fun. But i'll probably stop myself at the Waffe Bunny. Running out of space as it is.

  promethuem5 said:

Naughty pose pics? :lol:

Seriously, how's the material, joint stiffness, and overall quality of the figs?

The material on the girls itself feel sort of a mix between ABS and rubbery PVC, much like those found on the Revoltech figures. The armour goes without saying is ABS plastic with some tampo printing and 2-3 colors for paints.

The joints are tight enough, but i'm worried about the parts where you need to disassemble to replace the spacers. They are tight now, but over time i'm not sure if they will become loose. But generally the figures themselves are pretty good quality. No complaints .... yet.

  F-ZeroOne said:

Is that the same product? I know it shows the Waffe Bunny figure, but the listing is as "Weapons Set" and the price is half that of the other figures - is it more likely to be just a set of additional weapons...? :huh:

I'm assuming it is because A) HLJ has other future items listed on preorder like the "mao chao", "hawrin", "knight", and "samurai" types B) the prices HLJ has on its preorders roughly matches the prices on the article posted by wolfx above C) the price for the waffe bunny in the above article is 1575 yen to be released on 9/28, close to HLJ's 1500 yen releasing in September.

I'm guessing that the waffe bunny is an armor set for the girl figures, so you would have to buy a set to play dress up. Again purely speculations on my part, don't take my word for it.


The armour parts seem a little lesser than the angel and devil sets...so probably due to that its priced cheaper. Wild guess here.

  GDomino said:

I'm assuming it is because A) HLJ has other future items listed on preorder like the "mao chao", "hawrin", "knight", and "samurai" types B) the prices HLJ has on its preorders roughly matches the prices on the article posted by wolfx above C) the price for the waffe bunny in the above article is 1575 yen to be released on 9/28, close to HLJ's 1500 yen releasing in September.

I'm guessing that the waffe bunny is an armor set for the girl figures, so you would have to buy a set to play dress up. Again purely speculations on my part, don't take my word for it.

Thanks - I've checked against another source since posting that and it does appear to be the correct figure. Bunnies with guns shall be mine! :)


Pictures of the new releases.


Reason why the bunny is cheaper is cause it doesn't come with the MMS body. It only comes with extra armour parts and the head. Which can be a good or bad thing. :(

Should i buy another Devil Type just for the body or should i wait for a release of a basic body figure?

  wolfx said:

Pictures of the new releases.


Reason why the bunny is cheaper is cause it doesn't come with the MMS body. It only comes with extra armour parts and the head. Which can be a good or bad thing. :(

Should i buy another Devil Type just for the body or should i wait for a release of a basic body figure?

Ah, nuts - so I have to get a seperate MMS body then if I want the Waffe bunny?


is there a way to only buy the girls? or a "blank" body? I'm really digging the poseability of these characters but the armor is really not my style


For now, doesn't seem like there is a body only figure yet.

I got my bunny armour! Will play with it later.

  wolfx said:

For now, doesn't seem like there is a body only figure yet.

I got my bunny armour! Will play with it later.

Well, Konami got my 4,500 yen in the end. I hope their marketing people are happy. First thing I do when I get my gun-bunny is send her round to strafe their offices. :p

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