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  Agent ONE said:
  Isamu Atreides 86 said:
  Mechamaniac said:
Now, that's not to say I want to see him turn into a pussy like Clint Eastwood did, no Bridges of Thal on Graz for Arnold I hope.

*Cough* Junior *Cough*


Yeah, but Junior was a comedy, Bridges of Madison County was a drama. Real different. I think that Mechamaniac may be right, he may participate in action sci-fi in a different way all together. Either directing or cameo type appearances.

He may be just tired of acting all togeather though. We will find out soon though.

BTW: I vote no on the Mexifornia jokes... Please no politics.

i hated the movie, but Clint can't be faulted for trying something different, even though it blew ass. however many Bridges of Madison County movie clint makes, he'll always be William Munny and Dirty Harry and the man with no name (AKA Blondie).... :D

  Isamu Atreides 86 said:
  Agent ONE said:
  Isamu Atreides 86 said:
  Mechamaniac said:
Now, that's not to say I want to see him turn into a pussy like Clint Eastwood did, no Bridges of Thal on Graz for Arnold I hope.

*Cough* Junior *Cough*


Yeah, but Junior was a comedy, Bridges of Madison County was a drama. Real different. I think that Mechamaniac may be right, he may participate in action sci-fi in a different way all together. Either directing or cameo type appearances.

He may be just tired of acting all togeather though. We will find out soon though.

BTW: I vote no on the Mexifornia jokes... Please no politics.

i hated the movie, but Clint can't be faulted for trying something different, even though it blew ass. however many Bridges of Madison County movie clint makes, he'll always be William Munny and Dirty Harry and the man with no name (AKA Blondie).... :D

YOU didn't like it, but many others did.

Imagine if Arnold did that kind of movie, he may appeal to a totally different crowd. He may be forced to... Lets face it, there aren't many kick ass character films made with old guys.


but i think hes got the kind of presence, especially in the genre to make that sort of role (the kick ass older person) acceptable to the masses. Just look at what Harrison Ford did with Air Force One, an action movie, with and older man as the hero.

  Mechamaniac said:
Either way, I can see him staying in the movie biz. Sort of like Connery. Connery didn't even need a credit in Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves for his cameo, he just walked in, and delivered his lines, upped the clout of the movie by 500%, and donated his salary to charity. He needed no introduction, Arnold has already reached that status, so even if that's all he does from here on, I will be happy.

I don't think Arnold could ever land the luck in that like Connery did in the original Highlander movie. The guy got 7 million for 7 days work! :o:blink: 'Course he came back for the sequel, I mean, it isn't like he could have lost money for it. B)


Looks like Arnold is running for office in Afghanistan also!!


Afghan girls pass a billboard of Arnold Schwarzenegger in an advertisment for a bodybuilding club in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2003. The former bodybuilder and movie star is a popular hero in Afghanistan.

Taken from Yahoo news.

  Agent ONE said:
Looks like Arnold is running for office in Afghanistan also!!

Given their penchant for propoganda, I'm surprised they didn't paint a turban on his head.

  Mechamaniac said:
  Agent ONE said:
Looks like Arnold is running for office in Afghanistan also!!

Given their penchant for propoganda, I'm surprised they didn't paint a turban on his head.

Actually turbans aren't really a big thing in the Muslim religion... Seiks (sp?) on the other hand always wear the turban, but they are located in India for the most part.


Of course, the real reason they are all standing around the poster is probably because they are wondering how many of them he would feed if properly cleaned and dressed out. :lol:

  >EXO< said:
This thread has been... derailed.

Notice my strainuous effort to stay silent..... <_<

  Mechamaniac said:
Of course, the real reason they are all standing around the poster is probably because they are wondering how many of them he would feed if properly cleaned and dressed out. :lol:

Especially since he looks about 40 feet tall in that image.

  Jemstone said:
  >EXO< said:
This thread has been... derailed.

Notice my strainuous effort to stay silent..... <_<

re-railed since. :p


Im not sure on how many times he will remain in office, personally I think itll go 2 terms and he will "try" to get into comedy. I remamber a while ago watching an interview (rosie, maybe) and he stated his real love was comedy more than action and drama.

  Mechamaniac said:
I can almost see Arnold laying his movie career aside. He seems to be very pragmatic when it comes to these things. He knew that bodybuilding was a tool, so he used it, and when he had achieved his goal, he put it down, and focused on the next step.

Yeah but he never fully gave it up. He still stays in shape. It will be the same in movies IMO.

I'm thinking when he's done with Governor (term limits), he'll go for the Senate. Or at least I hope. :) If he decides to do King Conan and THEN run for Senate, I'll be happy with that, too. B)


Eastwood on Schwarzenegger


PARIS, France (AP) -- Clint Eastwood, himself no stranger to the rough and tumble of elected office, says his friend and fellow actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to need a good measure of luck in his new role as California's governor.

"Politicians have to make unpopular decisions. Schwarzenegger is going to understand the nature of his job. I wish him good luck, he's going to need it. It's going to be difficult for him," Eastwood said in an interview published Tuesday by respected French daily Le Monde.

Eastwood, the tough-guy actor-director known for his "Dirty Harry" character and Oscar-winning movie "Unforgiven," was elected mayor of the Carmel, California, in 1986 and served for two years.

Eastwood, 73, told Le Monde that his love of movies curtailed his own political career. His latest film, "Mystic River," premiered in the United States last week.

"I knew I was in place for two years and I had absolutely no desire to present myself" for re-election, he said. "I was able to direct two movies during my mandate without failing in my duties as mayor. Everyone imagined me on course for the White House, especially with a former actor, Ronald Reagan, in power. But I love cinema too much for that."

"I was always dreaming about very powerful people - dictators and things like that. I was just always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years, or even, like Jesus, be for thousands of years remembered." –in the 1977 film "Pumping Iron"

No politics of course...


Arnold is standing closer in this picture to the camera than "W" is... would you guys say they are the same height?


I think Arnold is looking down and George is looking up. George "Dubya" looks short from any pic. Maybe 5'6".

  >EXO< said:
I think Arnold is looking down and George is looking up. George "Dubya" looks short from any pic. Maybe 5'6".

The President is short, I shook his hand at a campaign stop during the Senate election here a year ago.

I think Arnold is looking down and George is looking up.  George "Dubya" looks short from any pic.  Maybe 5'6".

ummm...has anyone noticed Ahnold's hairdo gives him about 4 more inches? hmmm...shoe lifts, big hair...reminds me of RuPaul. ;)


Well It looks to me that the two of htem are looking eye to eye, or possibly Arnold is just slightly taller than "W". the reason I brought this point up is the fact that I actually know how tall "W" is and he isn't anywhere near 6 ft. tall.

This pic is of my Fraternity Brother when he and I were working on the Bush campaign, Chris, who IS 6'1, is obviously a 4 inches taller, making "W" 5'9. This is a further illustration of just how short Schwarzenegger is.


  Mechamaniac said:
Oh, crap, in the name of all that is good and pure....


Would that I had $3500 bucks I didn't know what to do with.... :(

Oh wow! Those are awesome! The detail in the Father's sord is really wicked. Maybe if I put off some Macross purchases I can justify spending that kind of cash.

  Agent ONE said:
  Mechamaniac said:
Oh, crap, in the name of all that is good and pure....


Would that I had $3500 bucks I didn't know what to do with.... :(

Oh wow! Those are awesome! The detail in the Father's sord is really wicked. Maybe if I put off some Macross purchases I can justify spending that kind of cash.

Also, after having drooled over that site for the last two days, I realized that the guy making these swords is Jody Samson, who actually made the original swords for the movie...

So, it's not just some company who snagged the license, these are made by the original prop manufacturer.

I have always wanted the Father's sword, since the day I first saw the film, I never did understand why they had Conan break it at the Battle of the Mounds scene in the movie. I guess there was some symbolism there in how he took the shards of it, and beheaded Thulsa Doom.

Either way, now I have something else to lust for...

  bsu legato said:
You realize that now I have to go out at lunch today and buy the Conan DVD. <_< Thanks a lot, guys.

CROM laughs at your DVD expenditure!


More in the "Arnold height" issue:


Born: November 15, 1951

Birthplace: Ephrata, Pennsylvania, USA

Died: September 6, 2001

Height: 5'8"

This guy was my trainer in high school. he doesn't lie about his heitht, notice he and Arnold are the same height:



As some of you may have gone to a state run school, you would know that if you do the Gorveror signs your degree... Well that means that all those who are going to graduate in the next three years are going to have Arnold's signature on their wall! As my girlfriend is a PhD student at Berkeley, she was wondering if Arnold had a good signature... unfortunately it dosen't seem to look too great. <_<


  Agent ONE said:
As some of you may have gone to a state run school, you would know that if you do the Gorveror signs your degree... Well that means that all those who are going to graduate in the next three years are going to have Arnold's signature on their wall! As my girlfriend is a PhD student at Berkeley, she was wondering if Arnold had a good signature... unfortunately it dosen't seem to look too great. <_<


Dude, if your name was as long as his, you'd get tired of signing it too!.

Hell, my name gets tiresome, and my last name is only 8 letters, Arnold's is 14!!

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