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What kind of collector are you?  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of collector are you?

    • I never take them out of the box, I want to keep them MISB.
    • I display my valks, but without the stickers so I can sell them later.
    • I display my valks with the stickers.
    • I panel line and/or customize my valks and put them on display
    • I buy my Valks to play with them, they are toys after all.
    • I could care less about the Valks, I just like to hang around these boards
    • other;

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I've been hanging around MW for close to a year now, and I've read a lot of different reasons to collect Valks, which made me wonder; What kind of collectors are you?

Do you keep them boxed up in storage or do you panel line them or even customize them and put them on display?

I try to get only the Valks I like to put on display. IMO the differences between a VF-1s Roy and a VF-1s Hikaru are too small to justify me spending so much money on practically the same valk.

I've panellined my CF as an experiment and I've fallen in love with it all over again. When I'm bored with my Valks or need to sell them I probably won't get as much for it with the stickers on it and all, but I don't want to worry about that now, I just want to enjoy this hobby.

VOTE OR DIE (and please explain your choice)

Posted (edited)

Completist, displayer, and player. B)) I buy a lot so I display them proudly, and for a long time and also have some to play with. I collect nothing else so this is my pride and joy.

Edited by kensei

I plan to have at least one VF for each of my favorite characters.

I have just started to learn how to customize so im starting with my favorite "VF-1A Max DYRL"

I like to pose and display my VFs and every now and then ill transform them.

as a kid i never had the money for these toys so im catching up on some missed out youth HAHA!

Posted (edited)

I'm a 1/60 line completist. Bought everything. Q-Rau and VF-0S included. Got the Garland and two Köenig Monsters too

Regarding the 1/48 line I buy what I like. I have two CF's one equipped with GBP, Hikaru VF-1S with Strike Pack, Roy VF-1S with GBP, naked Hikaru VF-1A and the Low Viz II. I skipped all the VF-1J's, Low Viz I, Max VF-1A, and Stealth.

Since I have all the variants in 1/60 scale I don't need all in 1/48, just the above mentioned which are my favorites. But I will buy two seaters if Yamato produces them in 1/48.

I display all of my valks with stickers applied :)

I don't buy toys to keep MISB, or as an investment and I'm not going to sell them ever.

just my two cents :lol:

Edited by Ignacio Ocamica

I just own what I think is essential. Next on my list is the Quadeluun Rau (Millia's), Roy's VF-0, and of course my favorite the YF-19! I currently have a VF-1S Super Valk, and the YF-21 as well as a few figures of Roy and Misa.


I tend to collect just the valks that interest me (unfortunately, the 1/48s are starting to interest me more and more since I got the new stealth and woodland camo ones). I always panel line them, since they look much less like toys afterward (IMHO), but I HATE (geek rage!!! :angry:) stickers, so rarely if ever apply them, and even then usually just the UN Spacy logos. All valks get some display time, but my space is limited so various parts of my collection see open air on a rotating basis :D .

  kensei said:
Completist, displayer, and player. B))


Ummm, what he said. :lol: As for the 1/60s I dropped out of that due to the 1/48. For now we will see.


I just get the ones I like. Can't be a completist, since I'd run out of space too quickly!

It's funny: When I first started collecting Yammie Valks, I said to myself, "The GBP is just too bad-ass; that'll be the only one I buy." (It was that pic that used to be on the MW front page that "seduced" me! :p:D )

But then, they re-released the Roys and the FP's. I had some extra cash. So I said, "What the heck?" Then, Kevin closed up Valkyrie-Exchange, so I took the opportunity to buy the Millia Q-Rau and the 1/60 Max. Then the Stealth popped up. And now the YF-19. And......well, you get the picture.

As far as the poll goes, I usually display 'em with stickers. I don't mind putting some extra TLC into the valks. But I'm still too chickenpoop to panel-line 'em just yet.

Posted (edited)

I display my collection, and i am a half arsed completist/perfectionist, i collect what i need to feel satisfied! :p I will collect all the accesories, 3rd party ones included (clear FP's, Cap's 1D pack). That'd suck bein without them and not being able to get them at a later date.

Although my valk count will continue to grow with all the hotties coming out, particulary the up'n'comin 1/60 Macross Plus line. The Zero's can wait till one is paired up with a Ghost pack. The YF-19 and 21 are more important. Not sure about anymore 1/48's. Later if i get the dow i'll grab up Max (the 1S version Yamato!) and 1S version of Kakizaki (hint hint Yamato) but perhaps i can settle with the new 1A Kaki, and one for Roy of course. But for now i am happy with my FP 1J hikky pack with his GBP, and my VF-1S Hikaru. I have one of Roy, but i was going to use that as a custom Valk, and the extra GBP armor set. That and the 2 Super FP packs that will go with my 1S hikky and the other for the custom. :D Good fun!

Decals? Only have 2 Valks stickered up, my first 1/48 (1S hikky) and my very first valk (1/60 VT-1 Ostrich), and after witnessing those crappy don't step stickers half peeling off with age i'll never apply stickers again unless they are the up market ones. :p I do however place the main ones on (UN Spacy logos etc) to keep them from looking too clean.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

I'm a wanna-be completist. By that, I mean I wish I could afford to be a completist. I take the 1/48's out of their box and display them, but that's only because 1/48's don't come sealed. If they were sealed from the factory, I'd have to buy more than one before I would open one. All of my 1/60's are still MISB except the extra VF-1A Hikaru I have. I don't have anything stickered because I'm a bit OCD and if I accidently applied even a single sticker just the slightest bit off or crooked, it'd bother me to no end...so I just don't bother.

Posted (edited)

I was pretty careful with applying the stickers to my Valk, and it is hell time consuming. But i was happy with how they all looked. It was fun too of course!

Problem is the dunt stay there! Ohh and losing the don't step stickers on your seat or clothes and even under my show (ironic!) was a pain in the arse. lol!

So yeah, only apply the main UN Spacy stickys is the go. :p

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

Display valks with stickers! :D

Honestly, I love collecting and displaying my Macross stuff, I dun look at it as an investment, but as a hobby that keeps me happy... ;)

IMO the differences between a VF-1s Roy and a VF-1s Hikaru are too small to justify me spending so much money on practically the same valk.

I agree 100% with you there. These are pricy items. I could buy the VF-1S Roy, VF-1A Hikaru, Max and Hayao but wouldn't I just have four 90% white painted VFs? Plus three would have the exact same head.


I get what I want and desire.

I only sell what I dont want anymore and not for the sake of profit.

I usually get the characters or mecha that were memorable to me in the anime, or simply because it just looks damn cool.



I buy what I like and then I display my valks with the stickers.


I only buy what I like, put select stickers on, display 'em, & play with them on an occasional basis.

I love this hobby and will never sell 'em, they are part of my childhood; toys I could never get when I was younger.



i voted other because i want to be a panel line/customizer, but i don't have the time/money/courage/skills

i only buy valks that i want, and currently own only 3 yamatos.

Posted (edited)

Buy what I can afford, and if I can't get it all, I just prioritise. If I get time to panel line and apply stickers (remember you got to cut them out and shave the crap off them too) then I apply but most of the time I get lazy.

For me the look of the valk makes a difference. When I display something I want a team of battroids with varying eqiupment (at least 1 strike, 1 super, 1 gbp, 1 naked etc) so that they look good with each other. I think the tv max and milia super are my fave to display next to each other because in the show they were rivals and it reminds me of the arcade sequence in the show. :D I like the blue they used for max.

One of the reasons I liked that the CF was released is because to me when you display stuff from a show you want a good cross section of things that were in it. The CF just look good near a 1S or 1J because they are so common and identiftyable. You see them get shot down, explode, or as random guy in the background so it adds to the scene. (that there is more happening in the background beyond the main characters.) It's also why I tend to like the green Qrau color vs the DYRL purple Qrau grunts. Green or brown for a grunt is so much more suitable.

All those complaining about "trying to keep up" should be happy there is a wide range of different types. Because in the show, vf1 valks were everywhere and they were the workhorse of SWI - at least there aren't pink pecker squads in sdf macross. :D (is it because this color is associated with royalty or elite status in some cultures? That's what I heard from someone talking about the release of DS Lite pink) I might end up getting an alaska base color scheme if they ever get around to it.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I've bought 8 1/48's in the last few years and almost all of them are out of the box, on display and with stickers on! I'm keeping one in the box and one that serves as my playpiece.


I pick and choose my favorite valks and display them fully decked out with stickers and customizing.

I am a original series/dyrl purist except for the yf-19.. cant wait for that bad boy to come out.

Posted (edited)

I like mine in their original box. And I also like them in their original Factory Sealed Shipping Case. Its been almost two years and I have not transformed my 1/48 yet.

Edited by Agent-GHQ

Completist w/a budget

I like to have 3 of each. thats one to play with and then back-up.

I bought all the 1/60 Valks 3 to 4 of each, for play with and keep MIB

I started late on the 1/48 and dont have 3 of everything but thats Ok.

just need 1 LV Lmtd, 2 Hikaru w/packs , 2 Max w/packs, and 1 Milia w/packs

Though i dont expect the LV to come out I'm hopefull about the others.

With the flood gates open like this its a strain right now to buy so many. :(

Most everything stays in its box but i do take the CF out to transform. :)

I thought I'd be panel lining them and modding but with Yamato in full swing my plans for customs are already fulfilled. :D

I have no intention of selling the ones I have.


I have some custom valks, and some regulars. I only have one of each, no duplicates. They go in the boxes, and come out, depending on whether or not I feel like displaying them at the time. My wife and I have a collection of Berserk toys, so we alternate between displaying Macross stuff and Beserk stuff. Right now, we're in Berserk mode.


I'm just starting out. I've got 2 1/60's (Ostrich & Hikaru) & 2 1/50's (Cannon Fodder & Hikaru). I have them out of the box with the stickers on, although I'll probably replace the stickers with decals and add some detailing & wear later.

1/48's are next and I suppose I'll try and get 1 of each type. As a few people have mentioned I've got the money now (although I'm still a big kid) :D so I'll buy what I can.

  Macross73 said:
Completist w/a budget

I like to  have 3 of each.  thats one to play with and then back-up.

I bought all the 1/60 Valks 3 to 4 of each, for play with and keep MIB

I started late on the 1/48 and dont have 3 of everything but thats Ok.

just need 1 LV Lmtd, 2 Hikaru w/packs , 2 Max w/packs, and 1 Milia w/packs

Though i dont expect the LV to come out I'm hopefull about the others.

With the flood gates open like this its a strain right now to buy so many.  :( 

Most everything stays in its box but i do take the CF out to transform.  :)

I thought I'd be panel lining them and modding but with Yamato in full swing my plans for customs are already fulfilled.  :D

I have no intention of selling the ones I have.


Wow. You could give Godzilla and Kensei a run for their money .....


  Vermillion21 said:
  Macross73 said:
Completist w/a budget

I like to  have 3 of each.  thats one to play with and then back-up.

I bought all the 1/60 Valks 3 to 4 of each, for play with and keep MIB

I started late on the 1/48 and dont have 3 of everything but thats Ok.

just need 1 LV Lmtd, 2 Hikaru w/packs , 2 Max w/packs, and 1 Milia w/packs

Though i dont expect the LV to come out I'm hopefull about the others.

With the flood gates open like this its a strain right now to buy so many.  :( 

Most everything stays in its box but i do take the CF out to transform.  :)

I thought I'd be panel lining them and modding but with Yamato in full swing my plans for customs are already fulfilled.  :D

I have no intention of selling the ones I have.


Wow. You could give Godzilla and Kensei a run for their money .....



the only way I could match them is to win the Lotto :p

  thegunny said:
I'm just starting out. I've got 2 1/60's (Ostrich & Hikaru) & 2 1/50's (Cannon Fodder & Hikaru). I have them out of the box with the stickers on, although I'll probably replace the stickers with decals and add some detailing & wear later.

1/48's are next and I suppose I'll try and get 1 of each type.  As a few people have mentioned I've got the money now (although I'm still a big kid) :D so I'll buy what I can.


What's a 1/50? You mean the 1/48's?


I used to think I would resell them someday. but I doubt it. I sticker some up but now-a-days, I don't have the time to do that. And I just buy the ones I like now.


I currently own six 1/48's, and that's more than I had planned when the 1/48 was first released. I try to buy only those that I like, but this can get tough sometimes. I also gave in when they re-released the Hikaru Vf-1S and bought a second one in Hong Kong. The price was just too good (US $96)

I do open my valkyries and play with them, but most of the time I just leave them in the boxes. I like to display my toys in their boxes, as I find that more attractive.


A little of completist collector: i got almost all model released By Yamato (in 1/48 + 1/60 VF-0S and Millia Q-Rau) no dupes except for 1J hik ( 1 Super, 2 std ) , i passed on Koeing, Max Q-Rau, LV2, GBP LV ) mostly because i get bored with the Huge Yamato boxes and since i moved to the smallest flat i ever had, i had to think twice before getting more yammies, and overall because of their almost-monthly release, simply i can't keep up. So since VF0-S, i now get only the ones that i like (next one Kakizaki is okay but Angel bird .... come on how many different VF-1A release it will make ? )

Posted (edited)

You know what would be an interesting stat?

The correlation between how much we spend on Macross and whether we are single or not. Then again, our income probably determines how much we spend, so we would have to use our expenditure as a percentage of our income?

The results may be scary, so maybe we shouldn't do that poll.

Edited by physioguy

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