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  capt.actionjackson said:
Heath Ledger as the Joker?  I really hope this is a mistake:

I can't quit you Bats!

I guess his age would be right, but I just don't see Heath Ledger doing "crazy/sociopath".  Maybe it's just me.


It's weird, I look at that face, and I do see a little potential. Though I've always felt Jim Carrey would make a cool joker and was horrifically miscast as the riddler.

  GobotFool said:
  capt.actionjackson said:
Heath Ledger as the Joker?  I really hope this is a mistake:

I can't quit you Bats!

I guess his age would be right, but I just don't see Heath Ledger doing "crazy/sociopath".  Maybe it's just me.


It's weird, I look at that face, and I do see a little potential. Though I've always felt Jim Carrey would make a cool joker and was horrifically miscast as the riddler.


Oh please! Crispin Glover will do just fine. After all, he IS weird!


I have faith in most of Nolan's casting choices. The first film had a fantastic cast which paid off with some really good performances. I'm sure Ledger will be good for the film if the rumor is true.

To be honest, I'm actually looking forward to more of Bale. For the first time, a Batman film concentrated on Batman and it worked great. I'm hoping to see some more of that character in the second film.


Nolan and Bale did a great job bringing back Batman's diginity (no nippled batsuits = good Batman film) and returning him to his Dark Knight roots, but I just don't know about Ledger.

I was personally hoping for either Crisping Glover or even Paul Bettany.


So, shouldn't the title be Batman's Begun ?

Sorry, the segway for that one was just too perfect... :p I kinda like Jack Nicholson's work as the Joker [even though he'd have been better if he were 10 yrs younger when he did it?], and it should be left alone at that. If they developed the character nearly as well as they did in BTAS, Harvey Dent/Twoface would make an excellent film villian. Nah, never mind, he's been done already too. And pretty crappily I might add, in whichever pile of steaming poo that sequel was w/Tommy Lee Jones.


Heath Ledger as the Joker. Hm. What's formulating in my mind... is it... Joke... Joke-Back? Joke-Back-Batman? Anyway. I look forward to Christian Bale doing another great job. I just hope they don't cheese-ball the hell out of it. I'm sorry, but after Batman came out in theatres in what was it - 1991 or something? After that came out they just went downhill. George Clooney? Excuse me as I sign off to shoot myself.

Posted (edited)

I think Willem Dafoe would have made a great Joker. I know he was being considered back when they were casting the first Batman movie. He's got the facial features. His version of the Green Goblin wasn't bad. He's proven he can play a decent psychopath.

Edited by sidearmsalpha
  sidearmsalpha said:
I think Willem Dafoe would have made a great Joker. I know he was being considered back when they were casting the first Batman movie. He's got the facial features. His version of the Green Goblin wasn't bad. He's proven he can play a decent psychopath.


I think he'd make a better Harvey Dent/Two face.


Wooo Hoooo! A sequel to a great Batman movie! B)) Wonder how different it will be compares to Tim Burton's Batman, since they both centering Joker's storyline this time. Hope they have more news soon. Sure I'll be watching this one on the big screen.

By the way. Just picked up the very cool Takara 12" Batman Begins figure. While a bit skinny compares to the movie appearance, it blows the competition away(Hottoys, Medicom, DC Direct...though some of these has some very nice details) in overall look, posebility, and play value. Looks even better in person. Batman Begins fans might wanna check it out!






Pictures courtesy from buddies at Toysdaily.


I think that movie will kick ass! Heard about that a while back. Also sounds like Nolan's brother will be penning the script for the next Batman flick.

  mpchi said:
By the way. Just picked up the very cool Takara 12" Batman Begins figure. While a bit skinny compares to the movie appearance, it blows the competition away(Hottoys, Medicom, DC Direct...though some of these has some very nice details) in overall look, posebility, and play value. Looks even better in person. Batman Begins fans might wanna check it out!



Wow! Very nice! I always wanted a really nice Batman display figure, and this one looks fantastic! How much is it and is it available domestically?


What scripts/movies did Nolan's brother do before? Is he good? Batman Begins has some pretty good writing and memorable lines. Hope he can live up to that.

"SWEAR TO MEEEEE!!!!!!" I love that one. :p

  Mr March said:
Wow!  Very nice!  I always wanted a really nice Batman display figure, and this one looks fantastic!  How much is it and is it available domestically?


Here is a comparison of the Big Three in the Batman 12" market. Medicom(16800yen), Takara(16800yen), Hot Toys(US$100+). You can find them in many online import toys stores or ebay. Unfortunately, HLJ sold out on them, so less likely you'll get a good price on them.

Takara vs Hot Toys




Takara vs Medicom



Movie reference


Medicom's is too short, chest too small(the body inside is skinny) and head too big. Its the earliest release, and most of the flaws were corrected by Hot Toys since Hot Toys' version used Medicom's as their model and modified it.

Hot Toys' cheaper, nicest details & accessories of all and more movie accurate in a lot of things, but when everything comes together, Batman look more like a middle aged guy with eyes way too big to be called manicing. And the suit is more like thin bodysuit with layers of rubber armor stuck on it, not a one piece thing, similar to Medicom's.

Takara's a bit skinny, neck not as thick as it should on the back(made the head look round), the visible neck seam(though head poses way better than the other two), and some details on the belt & boot are not 100% movie accurate. Takara took some liberty and changed minor details. But its has a very nice one piece (well, more like 2, one for top half, the other the legs) rubber suit that others don't have. And very flexible too. Also, the excellent waist and leg joints that let him pose natural poses the others can't and has the widest range of poses out of them all.

DC Direct's(US$80+), while the cheapest, its not even in the same league of these guys. :D

Take your pick. ;)

  mpchi said:
What scripts/movies did Nolan's brother do before? Is he good? Batman Begins has some pretty good writing and memorable lines. Hope he can live up to that.

"SWEAR TO MEEEEE!!!!!!" I love that one. :p

Chris Nolan's brother wrote 'Memento', which was directed by Chris Nolan and made him famous. Warner asked him to direct Insomnia to make sure it wasn't a fluke before asking him to resurrect Batman.


All things being equal, I'd rather have a figure with more articulation thatn anything else. The Takara figure looks like the one to get for me. But I have to get working first :)


With the Joker in Batman Begins/Continues 2 ... there'll be tons of comparison between the new Joker and the one played by Jack Nicholson. And the latter did a pretty amazing job ... it'll be tough for whoever to tackle this role. Talk about pressure!!



I have a feeling they will draw some aspects from "The Killing Joke". At least the origin aspects.

  azrael said:
I have a feeling they will draw some aspects from "The Killing Joke". At least the origin aspects.


Ooohhh, one can only hope. Killing Joke is one of my favorite Batman stories.

It's Official: "Batman 2" Gets A Title

Posted:  Monday July 28th 2006 1:16am

Source:  Dark Horizons

Author:  Garth Franklin


It's confirmed, the next feature film installment of "Batman" will use the moniker "The Dark Knight". "Batman Begins" helmer Chris Nolan is locked in to direct again and Heath Ledger is confirmed to be playing the role of The Joker.

Studio reps from Warner Bros. will be issuing an official press release in the next twelve or so hours and when it is out, check back with this article for the full release. They've been kind enough to confirm the facts (title, Nolan, Ledger) already though. Expect a Summer 2008 release date also to be targeted.



I would consider "The Dark Knight" a working title. Originally, Batman Begins was called "Batman: Intimidation Game". Sure threw us a curve....


I have come to respect heath ledger and his acting abilities. Yes i did see brokeback (with my girlfriend) and thought it and he were both good. To see him be maniacal and crazy, and with an insane smile and laugh will be excellent. i think he is going to suprise an awful lot of people, and as it was said before i am completely confident in chris nolan's ability as a director and his casting choices, (except maybe for Katie Holmes, but that may have been more the studio than him). Did anyone one think that pretty boy cillian murphy would be good as the scarecrow? did he not surprise people? i know he surpised me


yeah, I think heath is a very solid performer. I've enjoyed his work since A Knight's Tale. I think we'll see a very different sort of energy to the joker than we're used to. Not so much the manic clown but something more bi-polar.


I've always wished they could pull a Vader with Joker. Have anyone playing the role that could get the look down but then just dub Mark Hamil's Joker voice over the actors voice. The same way Lucas did with Vader and James Earl Jones. That would be a perfect setup I think.

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