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To Detail Or Not To Detail


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i've a spare scrapped 1/60 Max 1A i've mentioned and i'm gonna repaint him to Jack Carvers 1A from Roblowtech Battlecry (sry i really can't say or type that with a straight face)

should i go flat/gloss coloring like the games Cell shading or extra detail with my Gundam Marker and an airbrush (once i get one)

i've never had much luck with gloss as it seems never to dry right for me, and collects dust and dirt really easily :/

so any recommendations (paints/removers/tools/etc..) for a customization newb?

should i extra detail my 1/48 1S Fokker fer fun? :p

Detail lines mostly, unless someones got a tutorial on weathering i could learn from

thanks ahead, i would've posted in the Newb Questions post but it seems all but ignored now :unsure:

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for tips, check the pinned thread in this section for wmcheng tips, they help alot.

i hate gloss finish/paints myself. to me a glosssy finish is strictly for cars and not for fighter jets. i prefer using acrylic paints to anything else since its thinner than most paints, its easier to use and to clean up but thats a personal perference, everyone likes what they like.

as far as paint removal, theres a few methods but the most recent find that works is this STUFF

and lastly, its jack ARCHER not carver....where the heck did you get carver from? LOL!

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i have NO idea

i was just playing the game too... LOL


who cares what his name is! :p J/K

i've yet to see much in the way of his design popup anywhere (even Toynami's YF-1R figure was painted wrong compared to the game) so i figured it'd be a good one to make and little more original than doing what everyone else is :p

on the WMCheng thing most of the links are broke :/

mentions it right there, and honestly i can't find much for weathering in'em :/ least not that helps a newb out.

though grand tips for construction of those kits though, i'm half tempted to dig one up!

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dude, you gonna ruin a perfect 1/60 max? man, i say you sell that to me and use something else for your custom, kyatsu  :blink:  :ph34r:  :huh:



i'm not crazy!

the tail part broke of at the tab/joint piece and is held together with a small piece of tin and a ton of superglue (not to mention some flesh) i managed to do it just right that it Tforms clean and stays rather tight, though its got a gap in fighter mode now, but hardly noticable really

i've a mint in box one sitting aside i saved from the display case at store somewhere in Hiroshima while i was in japan now :p

so this ones on the mark to be redone

hence the "scrapped" comment in my original post :p

strip the decals and paint and i'm gonna redo this sucker some, course first i need money... heh, leaving the Navy and got my last paycheck so im waiting on my DD 214 (discharge papers) so i can get a good job, otherwise no one will believe me and my benefits are useless :o

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i've yet to see much in the way of his design popup anywhere (even Toynami's YF-1R figure was painted wrong compared to the game) so i figured it'd be a good one to make and little more original than doing what everyone else is :p


How are you going to do the animation error head? I'll try to rephrase my question in Robotech speak; how have you (or will you) get the two additional lasers on the Battloid's head?


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i've yet to see much in the way of his design popup anywhere (even Toynami's YF-1R figure was painted wrong compared to the game) so i figured it'd be a good one to make and little more original than doing what everyone else is :p


How are you going to do the animation error head? I'll try to rephrase my question in Robotech speak; how have you (or will you) get the two additional lasers on the Battloid's head?


say wha? roblowtech can take its whack YF-1R and head laser crap an' shove'em where the sun don't shine

i was just using that as an example since Toynami painted it wrong (game version had red markings/"eye" where the toy went white), i won't even buy anything (figure wise, since the gameing market is slim for Macross) marked roblowtech mind you, Yamato all the way! (i'm still on a boycott agianst Harmony gold... sry, but i just can't stand money grubbers that won't even work a better deal than redesigns of the 80's versions, i'm also agians Fu*&imation (DBZ/ FMA) for stuff they cast upon the fans when Budokai was getting released, so i'll import my stuff for these from Japanese companies and pay that extra to them willingly)

i intend to do the 1A you start out with in beginning of the game.

so it was an animation error? i was wondering where the hell they got that screenshot they show on their website

and honestly, looking at that pic there i didn't even realize how close it even came to the 1A's head... lol, a 1A mixed with a 1J.. interesting...

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i've yet to see much in the way of his design popup anywhere (even Toynami's YF-1R figure was painted wrong compared to the game) so i figured it'd be a good one to make and little more original than doing what everyone else is :p


How are you going to do the animation error head? I'll try to rephrase my question in Robotech speak; how have you (or will you) get the two additional lasers on the Battloid's head?


say wha? roblowtech can take its whack YF-1R and head laser crap an' shove'em where the sun don't shine

i was just using that as an example since Toynami painted it wrong (game version had red markings/"eye" where the toy went white), i won't even buy anything (figure wise, since the gameing market is slim for Macross) marked roblowtech mind you, Yamato all the way! (i'm still on a boycott agianst Harmony gold... sry, but i just can't stand money grubbers that won't even work a better deal than redesigns of the 80's versions, i'm also agians Fu*&imation (DBZ/ FMA) for stuff they cast upon the fans when Budokai was getting released, so i'll import my stuff for these from Japanese companies and pay that extra to them willingly)

i intend to do the 1A you start out with in beginning of the game.

so it was an animation error? i was wondering where the hell they got that screenshot they show on their website

and honestly, looking at that pic there i didn't even realize how close it even came to the 1A's head... lol, a 1A mixed with a 1J.. interesting...


I believe I was confused as to the nature of your project. I didn't realize the "Jack Archer" had a "Veritech" besides the "YF-1R" (based on an animation error in the original Macross TV series). So, if this "Archer" character starts off in the video game with a VF-1A, how is it different from Yamato's 1/60 CF? I actually own "Robotech Battlecry" but somehow can't remember much about it.

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Is this the on you’re talking about? Pretty sure it has a standard 1A head.

Definitely go flat finish. For a bright red scheme, maybe stick with just light panel lines first to see if you like the look before going hog-wild on weathering and battle damage.


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Is this the on you’re talking about? Pretty sure it has a standard 1A head.

Definitely go flat finish. For a bright red scheme, maybe stick with just light panel lines first to see if you like the look before going hog-wild on weathering and battle damage.


yeah that paint scheme

the "wolf squadron" scheme in his colors

question though, how did u get a screenshot of him and izzy both in the same colors?! Izzy flew that mission in her green valk i coulda sworn...

jetfire was the bootleg :p

i've got 3 of them..

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