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Posted (edited)

Is pineapple salad good? Is it worth dying for? Focker seemed to think so. This is one of two parts that always confused me. Roy doesn't seek medical attention which is odd. Anybody ever make pineapple salad? Is that a real dish?

The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?

Edited by Mephistopheles

Pineapple salad is not really an entre as much as a side dish. I've seen it served, and eaten it, at quite a few barbecues. From what I have seen though pineapple salad is kind of a regional thing and is not served very often in restaurants... it's more of a family picnic thing.

As for Roy's death, it is a common hero archetype for the wounded tough guy to either underestimate his wounds and not seek medical attention or as I believe more of a John Wayne/The Cowboys moment in which the hero knows he is going to die and rather than attempt to mend himself he simply lets it happen.

As for why Vermillion and Misa don't escape through the hole Britai floated out through you could reverse that... why didn't Britai re-enter the ship through that same hole? I could have sworn the ship "fixed itself" and a bulkhead closed over the blast opening... either that or I'm remembering wrong. Macross sure loved it's self-repairing ship bulkheads.

  Mephistopheles said:
The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?


Bukkake :blink: , I think you mean Kakizaki.

A bulkhead does close over the hole that Britai goes out.

  valk1j said:
  Mephistopheles said:
The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?


Bukkake :blink: , I think you mean Kakizaki.

A bulkhead does close over the hole that Britai goes out.


LMAO!!!! :lol: That's a good name for Kakizaki...maybe he was a fan or participant :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
Bukkake  , I think you mean Kakizaki.

My jaw dropped when I read that, after the shock i have been laughing pretty non-stop. if that is a subtitle error on your copy of Macross it'd be HILARIOUS. I know my sub of Macross is pretty terrible but that's much much worse.

Edited by jenius

It was shock. Even medical experts of MW agree.

As for Pineapple Salad. Yeah it can be good but worthy of dying for?

Well Pineapple Salad could been a codeword to suggest something else.

Posted (edited)
  JsARCLIGHT said:
Pineapple salad is not really an entre as much as a side dish. I've seen it served, and eaten it, at quite a few barbecues. From what I have seen though pineapple salad is kind of a regional thing and is not served very often in restaurants... it's more of a family picnic thing.

As for Roy's death, it is a common hero archetype for the wounded tough guy to either underestimate his wounds and not seek medical attention or as I believe more of a John Wayne/The Cowboys moment in which the hero knows he is going to die and rather than attempt to mend himself he simply lets it happen.


As for pineapple salad, I've not had the recipe that Claudia prepared, but I have had, a couple of times a nice Waldorf that uses pinapples.

As for Roy, his ignoring the wounds isn't that big a problem -- you're right that it was meant to be a John Wayne moment. But I still defy anyone to explain how everyone on the fraggin' ship (especially Claudia) failed to notice those three large and bloody holes in his back!

Edited by Pat Payne
  Pat Payne said:
  JsARCLIGHT said:
Pineapple salad is not really an entre as much as a side dish. I've seen it served, and eaten it, at quite a few barbecues. From what I have seen though pineapple salad is kind of a regional thing and is not served very often in restaurants... it's more of a family picnic thing.

As for Roy's death, it is a common hero archetype for the wounded tough guy to either underestimate his wounds and not seek medical attention or as I believe more of a John Wayne/The Cowboys moment in which the hero knows he is going to die and rather than attempt to mend himself he simply lets it happen.


As for pineapple salad, I've not had the recipe that Claudia prepared, but I have had, a couple of times a nice Waldorf that uses pinapples.

As for Roy, his ignoring the wounds isn't that big a problem -- you're right that it was meant to be a John Wayne moment. But I still defy anyone to explain how everyone on the fraggin' ship (especially Claudia) failed to notice those three large and bloody holes in his back!


Yeah, it would be hard to jump out of a jet with a huge blood spot on your back without being noticed and forcibly sent to the hospital however the scene could have never occurred if realism was applied.

  jenius said:
Claudia killed him... it's the only way.  What we see in the show is the version she told the MP inquisitors...


Ah, I see. I wonder why the inquistors never noticed that the Zentradi don't use .45ACP?

  Mephistopheles said:
A bulkhead does not cover the hole as Max later enters through the hole after Britai fights Hikaru. The hole was open the entire time.


No, they clearly show the hole close immediatly behind Britai. Besides which, the room would have decompressed completely if the hole wasn't sealed. The zentradi's ability to speak in the room proves it had air, and thus was sealed.

Max re-enters the ship through a diffrent hole, or more likely an airlock.

Posted (edited)
  JB0 said:
  Mephistopheles said:
A bulkhead does not cover the hole as Max later enters through the hole after Britai fights Hikaru. The hole was open the entire time.


No, they clearly show the hole close immediatly behind Britai. Besides which, the room would have decompressed completely if the hole wasn't sealed. The zentradi's ability to speak in the room proves it had air, and thus was sealed.

Max re-enters the ship through a diffrent hole, or more likely an airlock.


You're right; it does close but it is kind of hard to notice without playing in slow motion. It shows the second hole sealing too but then later on Max walks right through... well unless they skip over the part where he cuts through the hull. That answers that question.

Edited by Mephistopheles

Roy threw on his jacket after, probably took a little time for the blood to soak through. As for why he didn't get medical attention because he knew he was fatal.

As for Bukkakezaki....

Posted (edited)

Roys death always bothered me, either argument you make: he didn't know he was that wounded OR he knew and did nothing to help himself.. neither make much sence.

I mean, if you know you're wounded and dieing, thats pretty damn rude to go to your girlfriends house so you can drop dead on her sofa. that is not right for her. and pretty selfish is you ask me. If thats what he did then i have lost a lot of respect for him.

If he didn't know he was injured that bad, he would have still known he was injured, it would have worried him, and the sequence needed at least one shot of him thinking to himself about it "ouch, but i've had worse" type thing.

IMHO this is a Japanise thing, which is why i find it grating. He's acting completely diffrent than what I'd expect. He's either acting like an idiot, or being "brave" beyond logic. Maybe acting that brave is a romanticized notion in Japan.

I've said in other posts that in Japan, dieing in of itself seems to be a more significant statement than it is in the US. In the US dieing is seen as just that, and an END. Maybe there are some cultrual cues that I'm missing by watching this with my western culture. If i were to see some Irish people put pennys on a dead persons eyes with out any knowledge of religious Irish cultrue, I'd just think they were nut jobs.

I think something similar might be going on here. There could very well be a motivation that i'm just missing completely. the other two scenarios don't make much sence based on what i see in the show.

Edited by KingNor
  KingNor said:
Roys death always bothered me, either argument you make:  he didn't know he was that wounded OR he knew and did nothing to help himself..  neither make much sence.

I mean, if you know you're wounded and dieing, thats pretty damn rude to go to your girlfriends house so you can drop dead on her sofa.  that is not right for her.  and pretty selfish is you ask me.  If thats what he did then i have lost a lot of respect for him.

If he didn't know he was injured that bad, he would have still known he was injured, it would have worried him, and the sequence needed at least one shot of him thinking to himself about it "ouch, but i've had worse" type thing.

IMHO this is a Japanise thing, which is why i find it grating.  He's acting completely diffrent than what I'd expect.  He's either acting like an idiot, or being "brave" beyond logic.  Maybe acting that brave is a romanticized notion in Japan.

I've said in other posts that in Japan, dieing in of itself seems to be a more significant statement than it is in the US.  In the US dieing is seen as just that, and an END.  Maybe there are some cultrual cues that I'm missing by watching this with my western culture.  If i were to see some Irish people put pennys on a dead persons eyes with out any knowledge of religious Irish cultrue, I'd just think they were nut jobs.

I think something similar might be going on here.  There could very well be a motivation that i'm just missing completely.  the other two scenarios don't make much sence based on what i see in the show.


he had a promise to keep and no hospital was gonna keep him from it!


I'm thinking that by the time he got out of the plane and made it to Claudia's and sat there for a while he could have made it to the hospital and been saved easily. His wounds were not fatal it was just that he didn't take care of them so he bled to death.

His wounds were not fatal it was just that he didn't take care of them so he bled to death.

Well, I don't think we're really qualified to say that. After all, I don't think we even know what exactly cause the wound. I think this was debated in a thread once before. The presumption being that the Q-Rau's weaponry would have left HUGE holes in Roy so he must have been hit by something else. The most likely canidate being that his plane was hit and something exploded and the debris flew forward, through Roy's seat, and into his back. The debris obviously would still be in Roy since we never see it shoot through his chest so yes, he would likely be in immense pain.

I actually think KingNor has a good point about Roy's death probably being more alluring to the Japanese audience. Roy stomachs an insane amount of pain, goes to his girlfriend's apartment so he could see her one last time, then dies without letting the pain win or getting emotional. I'm a Westerner but that seems like a variation of the ultra honorable death we see in Eastern culture flicks pretty often and it also appears in some good films coming from this side of the sea also (Westerns have some good examples).

Since I'm pretty sure that's where the director of the series was going with Roy's death (This guy even dies cool!) I'm pretty sure it's a safe assumption that his wounds were going to be fatal no matter what. Roy's probably been wounded many times in battle and I think the audience is supposed to assume that he was acutely aware that he was on his death march and he would rather die with his girlfriend than in a hospital.

  jenius said:
I'm pretty sure it's a safe assumption that his wounds were going to be fatal no matter what.  Roy's probably been wounded many times in battle and I think the audience is supposed to assume that he was acutely aware that he was on his death march and he would rather die with his girlfriend than in a hospital.


That's pretty much the way I've always interpreted. I've always seen it in terms of Roy making a concious choice about how he wishes to use his death - being with Claudia one last time, rather than passing away separated from her by glass and steel in operating room of a hospital.

I think your right with your speculation that it's a cultural thing. I've tended to think it comes from a viewpoint that accepts death as being a part of life rather than the absolute negation of it. Rather than being something to accept any cost to postpone, death as an inevitable part of each individual's life with it being up to each individual how they use that death - just as it's up to each individual what they do with their life. I'm only speculating here but that's what seems to me to be one of the roots of that story element.

But I could be way off-base here.



It was shock.

Roy Folker the sap would go see the woman he loved one last time.

Roy Focker the drunk was seeking another helping of Claudia's "pineapple salad." He had a enough booze in him he wouldn't even know if he was hurt.

  Mephistopheles said:
Is pineapple salad good? Is it worth dying for? Focker seemed to think so. This is one of two parts that always confused me. Roy doesn't seek medical attention which is odd. Anybody ever make pineapple salad? Is that a real dish?

The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?


Bro, do you know what "Bukkake" means in Japanese? Check it out and let us know what it means. I'm sure by then you'll get the names correct.


He knew, shock reduced the pain, he WAS too cool to die in a hospital.

Pineapple salad was probably like chocolate covered strawberries or oyster to the couple. That or like saying: Hey, its Thursday night....that time of the week again.

And while I understand wanting to be with a loved one in your final moment, it was incredibly selfish and inconsiderate.

As to the other thing in this thread.... thank Shoji that he was micloned :blink:

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
Roy's probably been wounded many times in battle and I think the audience is supposed to assume that he was acutely aware that he was on his death march and he would rather die with his girlfriend than in a hospital.

Well if he has been wounded so many times would ya not think it would have got to him earlier? If ya watch it, Roy has not been wounded much or at all in battle, or was he, watch it and tell me if I missed something. Because anything before that fight I did not see Roy get hurt at all, and his Valkyrie looks brand spanking new everytime. Is it me that i missed something or is it the animation? :blink:

Seriously though, I would not continue my life with constant pain 24/7 it would be impossible for me to live, I would go to the hospital to get treated if if Im John Wayne or not.

I did not see bleeding either, ya think people would have noticed? Why was that even mentioned... <_<

I think it was just something jammed in his body, and it finally got to him internally at that moment.

Edit: But other than that it was the best honorable death I have seen.

Edited by Dean
  Agent-GHQ said:
  Mephistopheles said:
Is pineapple salad good? Is it worth dying for? Focker seemed to think so. This is one of two parts that always confused me. Roy doesn't seek medical attention which is odd. Anybody ever make pineapple salad? Is that a real dish?

The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?


Bro, do you know what "Bukkake" means in Japanese? Check it out and let us know what it means. I'm sure by then you'll get the names correct.


It's when you show someone you love just how much you care.

  Dean said:
  jenius said:
Roy's probably been wounded many times in battle and I think the audience is supposed to assume that he was acutely aware that he was on his death march and he would rather die with his girlfriend than in a hospital.

Well if he has been wounded so many times would ya not think it would have got to him earlier? If ya watch it, Roy has not been wounded much or at all in battle, or was he, watch it and tell me if I missed something. Because anything before that fight I did not see Roy get hurt at all, and his Valkyrie looks brand spanking new everytime. Is it me that i missed something or is it the animation? :blink:

Seriously though, I would not continue my life with constant pain 24/7 it would be impossible for me to live, I would go to the hospital to get treated if if Im John Wayne or not.

I did not see bleeding either, ya think people would have noticed? Why was that even mentioned... <_<

I think it was just something jammed in his body, and it finally got to him internally at that moment.

Edit: But other than that it was the best honorable death I have seen.


If i recall correctly Roy gets out of the cockpit leaves the hanger and a Tech looks into the Cockpit and we see the Tech cringe or something like that. Maybe it was bloody shrapnel or just blood on the back of the seat.

Well if he has been wounded so many times would ya not think it would have got to him earlier? If ya watch it, Roy has not been wounded much or at all in battle, or was he, watch it and tell me if I missed something. Because anything before that fight I did not see Roy get hurt at all, and his Valkyrie looks brand spanking new everytime. Is it me that i missed something or is it the animation?

Roy joined years and years before what we see in Macross... he's a veteran of the anti-unification wars. So, the assumption would be that you can't go being in war for so long without getting a little beat-up at some point (although, in reality, you certainly can). I do believe you're right... I used to think they actually showed blood in that scene but I think the only scene you see Roy's blood in is when he's hunched over dead.


Okay you romantics who think Roy some some sort of sap. I had to dig back to find this comment from Valkyrietestpilot in a old topic about this from 2003. Mind you he's not a people doctor about has some real experience dealing with shock.

shock would also deaden his perception of the true nature of his wounds.i'm a surgical tech for animals & they react the same way people do.you'd be surprised how alert & active a dog with his head split open by an axe would be.roy very well could have died before he realized how bad off he was.especially if the muscle wall that seperates the abdomen from the chest cavity was ruptured.it's pressureized to keep your lungs able to work.although if that happened to you,you'd only be a little sore & not knowing what was wrong with you.it's symptoms are easily missed,even by a doctor without trauma experience.so,aside from not being very detailed,his death on t.v. was based in truth

  Agent-GHQ said:
  Mephistopheles said:
Is pineapple salad good? Is it worth dying for? Focker seemed to think so. This is one of two parts that always confused me. Roy doesn't seek medical attention which is odd. Anybody ever make pineapple salad? Is that a real dish?

The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?


Bro, do you know what "Bukkake" means in Japanese? Check it out and let us know what it means. I'm sure by then you'll get the names correct.


Oh I know what it means, that's why I put it there. That and I didn't know how to spell his real name off the top of my head.

If i recall correctly Roy gets out of the cockpit leaves the hanger and a Tech looks into the Cockpit and we see the Tech cringe or something like that. Maybe it was bloody shrapnel or just blood on the back of the seat.

Or when he crapped his pants from nearly being killed... ...well, killed instantly.


Hell, maybe the shrapnel was so hot it cotterized on its way in, and re-opened the wounds as he was walking around. But let's take this into account. Regardless of the nature of the wound, if any major organs were punctured, it wouldn't haave been too likely in a crew of only 50,000 that he would have been able to get a doner. 10 or so extra minutes at the hopsital wouldn't have gotten him any less dead than he was.


I just wonder what song he was singing before he kicked it... knocking on heaven's door? highway to hell? stairway to heaven? running with the devil?

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