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Okay I like watching late nite TV talk shows. They are generally funny but you really have to watch them at nite when your half a sleep. The stuff on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim I think you have to be high to enjoy.

Is it just me but is 90% crap just crap? The shows that they bought re-runs of for the most part are okay but they original programming is pretty crappy. The animation is bad. The jokes are hmmm where are the jokes?


I think their original programming has been flagging in recent years, but there's still some good stuff. I love Venture Bros., but absolutely hate crap like Tom Goes To The Mayor. Yuck.

Posted (edited)

Can't go wrong with Family Guy, Futurama, GitS, Evangelion, Eureka Seven, Inu Yasha, and Robotchicken...those shows are really the only reason why I watch Adult Swim.

Edited by Oihan

The only original adult swim programming I have ever enjoyed was Robot Chicken. Now that is a funny show. I really REALLY hate aquateen hunger force, and sealab 2021 or whatever.


Robot Chicken is by FAR the best original program they have. Venture Bros is a good second. Other than that... can't think of another program they have that I watch... as far as their anime goes, eh, Inuyasha is really all I watch. Family Guy and Futurama I catch occationally (have all the boxsets, so I've seen most of what they air several times already)


I enjoy Robot Chicken, ATHF, Venture Bros, as far as original programming. Tom Goes To The Mayor just isn't funny to me at all. Sorry to see the Boondocks success seems to be waning....what happened to the new eps?


It's gotten crappy.

Back in the day when Brack and Space Ghost were still on and before they drove Aqua Teen deep into the ground it was one hell of a funny line up. Now I can't even sit through stuff like Tom Goes to the Mayor or Minoriteam. Like everyone else here I stay for the Venture Brothers and Robot Chicken (Moral Oral gets some laughs out of me too), and shows like 12oz Mouse and Squidbillies can be funny if you're drunk enough.


I really hate how they rearrange their schedule. I set my DVR player to tape Eureka 7 at 1:30 am because that was the schedule said, but I ended up taping an episode of Cowboy Bebop. Do these guys even care about their viewers? :(

  realdeal said:
I really hate how they rearrange their schedule. I set my DVR player to tape Eureka 7 at 1:30 am because that was the schedule said, but I ended up taping an episode of Cowboy Bebop. Do these guys even care about their viewers? :(


In response to your rhetorical question I have but to mention "Peewee's Playhouse"...WTF??? :blink:

Other than Venture Brothers and Robot Chicken their original line-up sucks major monkey balls.

  mechaninac said:
  realdeal said:
I really hate how they rearrange their schedule. I set my DVR player to tape Eureka 7 at 1:30 am because that was the schedule said, but I ended up taping an episode of Cowboy Bebop. Do these guys even care about their viewers? :(


In response to your rhetorical question I have but to mention "Peewee's Playhouse"...WTF??? :blink:

Other than Venture Brothers and Robot Chicken their original line-up sucks major monkey balls.


"Peewee's Playhouse" actually makes some sense for CN and AS (it's like a cartoon with live actors, and the whole porno theatre incident still makes it hard to show it to kids). "Saved by the Bell" on the other hand is major WTF?!?! territory.

  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
What about Harvey Birdman? Most of those were great, but I hear this season may be it's last. Season 2 is coming out on DVD in October.


I always forget about Harvey Birdman because, while the show is great, it goes on a year long hiatus after new episodes are shown. I honestly thought AS had cancelled it (and have before only to be surprised when new episodes are announced). Space Ghost was like this, I only realized the show was cancelled because the current hiatus has gone on for years now.


Wait, they're showing Pee-Wee's Playhouse on Adult Swim now?

But yeah, AS has a lot of great shows, and a lot of really terrible shows. Overall, I like it, there's been some great stuff to come out of it.

  Radd said:
Wait, they're showing Pee-Wee's Playhouse on Adult Swim now?

But yeah, AS has a lot of great shows, and a lot of really terrible shows. Overall, I like it, there's been some great stuff to come out of it.


Not now, later. Next week? I don't remember. It's before the end of the month though.

  Oihan said:
Can't go wrong with Family Guy, Futurama, GitS, Evangelion, Eureka Seven, Inu Yasha, and Robotchicken...those shows are really the only reason why I watch Adult Swim.


I strongly agree! in the other hand and less appreciated areHome movies Sealab, Aqua Teen, Space Ghost, are more of a read between the lines show. They appear to be really silly, but if you really pay attention you can get the comedy behind it.

Venture brothers and American dad are also some of my favorites.

The shows I've not yet paid attention to are 12oz mouse, Tom Goes mayor, Squidbillies, Perfect hair foerever, Oblong, Minoriteam, etc. These shows are hard for me to get into, and the animation is so poor IMO. A friend o' mine likes the Squidbillies, but I yet have to seat and watch through a whole episode. i really could do without having this shows taking up space.

This is just my opinion...


Venture Brothers is a great show. It's hilarious how it riffs on Johnny Quest, Fantastic Four, and all that.

Harvey Birdman is very clever in how it turns all those politically incorrect 60's cartoon characters into lawsuits.

Both are very well written.

The rest is ass.

Posted (edited)

Oh yeah, how could I forget Harvey Birdman? Also some pretty funny stuff. But yeah, WTF is with the live action movies and shows that are finding their way into the scheduling on CN? Hel-lo?! If I wanted to see that s--t, I wouldn't have tuned in to the Cartoon Network! And yes, their constant fiddling/changing of the show lineups makes one want to take a bat to somebody's cranium.

Honestly, about the only reason I even tune into that channel anymore is for AS shows. The crap they show the other 20-something hours of the day sucks lint from the crack of a dead whore's arse.

Edited by reddsun1
  glane21 said:
Harvey Birdman is very clever in how it turns all those politically incorrect 60's cartoon characters into lawsuits.

Shaggy and Scooby getting busted for drugs was great. Finally, someone was willing to admit that it was all about weed. The ep with the Jetsons was good too.

  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
The only good thing about CN is Foster's Home. I don't care what anyone says, that show is hilarious!


Yea, I like the show as well. I watch CN for that show, a few shows in Toonami, and then Adult Swim. I only ever seem to watch CN, G4TechTV, all the learning channels (TLC, Discovery, History, etc) and the channels that air all the games I want to see (NFL, FIFA, NHL). But yea, Fosters is teh $hit


The repeats played on Adult Swim tend to be good. Since they were often good show that just get the attention they deserved from the networks.

What I just think for the most part as being crap is those originals. You might find one decent joke in every third episode but most like Nied said you need to be drunk. Honestly I could produce a show about mice tied on to paper airplanes flying to the sound of urinating in the background and I think they might pick it up.

  realdeal said:
I really hate how they rearrange their schedule. I set my DVR player to tape Eureka 7 at 1:30 am because that was the schedule said, but I ended up taping an episode of Cowboy Bebop. Do these guys even care about their viewers? :(


Same thing happened to me. Thank god for Bandai's free weekly episode streamings to save the day.


I agree that the best thing about AS is the rereuns of Family Guy and Futurama.

Although, I must admit that after three episodes, Aqua Teen grew on me quite a bit, and Robot Chicken has had a few (and I mean few) sketches that were really good.

The same can't be said for the other shows though. It's as if they realized that quirky can be cool/funny, as so decided to make all their shows super quirky, all the time. Doesn't work.

I HATE Sea Lab, I HATE minoriteam, I HATE Squibles, I HATE tom goes to the mayor, I HATE just about all their shows.


I disliked Aquateen a lot when I first saw it. Of course, the early episodes weren't nearly as good as some that came later, and even then the show was hit or miss. Some of the shows are pure genius, like The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future.

SeaLab, on the other hand, I liked instantly. However, since Murphy's voice actor died, it hasn't been nearly as good.

Personally, I think the best things to come out of AS have been Harvey Birdman, and my personal favourite Venture Bros. Both I found to be consistently excellent.


I really liked Space Ghost. Sealab 2021 was great too, but I haven't watched it in the last three years or so. Family Guy is sometimes funny too.

But what really grinds my gears is those stupid little blurbs in between commercials. That just instantly makes watching AS less cool, as it gives the entire block of programming a sense of junior high group think.


Robot Chicken is hilarious. And I don't know how it is now, but SeaLab 2021 was funny back in the day, at least. The episode where Murphy is stuck under the vending machine and gets addicted to scorpion venom amuses me.


I wish they would have more serious anime on AS. GITS and Paranoia Agent (when I can understand what is going on) are my favorites, I wish they would have more.

The episode of Robot Chicken with the Emperor saying "What the hell is a Aluminum Falcon?" was hillarious too.

  Phyrox said:
I agree that the best thing about AS is the rereuns of Family Guy and Futurama.

I HATE Sea Lab, I HATE minoriteam, I HATE Squibles, I HATE tom goes to the mayor, I HATE just about all their shows.

I completely agree with ya mate!


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