deadghost Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 hi First off I have been a loyal fan of macross ever since I saw dyrl back when I was a little kid I got bored of it after a couple of years, then macross plus came and I was blown away, I heard about macross 7 but never got the chance to see it and was told by many friends that it was not even worth looking at so I never did, then I saw macross zero a while back and I was once again blown off my seat it was just art. I mean mac+ and mac0 were my all time fav animes I was touched by the great storylines and action scenes, and the realism that fited the flavor, BUT I fineshed watching mac7 right now and I am @%@#%#$^en pissd, I mean were do I start I mean THEIR IS THIS JAY ROCKER WHO FLYS INTO COMBAT AND STARTS SINGING refuses not to shoot, KILLS THE IMAGE OF MY ALL TIME FAV VFs (the vf-19, vf-22), and HE DOESNT GET KILLED. The story is exactly like DYRL, the protodevlin dont get killed regardless if they use nukes against them I mean nukes hteir hoter than the core of the sun and that doesnt even kill them then music kills them I mean wheres the F@#%$@#N logic in that, ther animation sucks and I mean sucks more balls than a porn video, and whats the deal mirias pilot suit they never had that in the DYRL, same thing goes for the other pilots they got theis crapy suits that have no relation to mac+ I will make a small exception for gamlins suits, and couldnt they come up with better enemyswhat the hell is a monster doing flying threw space. It just dosent make any sense to me people, and this basara dude what the heck is up with his rebel with cause personality, the sound force mecha didnt even look right it was as if a 6yr old girl came up with it, and speaking of sound force, HOW THE HELL DOES SOUND TRAVEL THREW SPACE IT HAS NO LOGIC. The ending sucked I mean if they are going to follow the DYRL footsteps mylene should have fallin in love with gamlin instead of basara who treats her like poo, gamlin and docker should have been the heros and should have killed the enemy like hikuru did, and BATTLE SEVEN TURNS INTO A HUGE ROBOT WITH A GUN OR RIFLE AS A CANON, you dont need a huge transforming robot for a good macross story, and not only that but why the HELL DID THEY KILL THE IMAGE OF THE VF-19, vf-11 AND VF-22. OK NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF, the only characters I like were Lt. docker( he kicks ass most of all), the bridge bunnys they were fine, and gamlin just a lillte. BUT EMERALD FORCE KICKD ASS I am even puting a model kit together right now, they were like the skull sq. THE VF-17 WERE OK but they arnt supposed to be dog fighting aircraft they are more like bobing and recon aircraft, not only that but they had no destroids. hu man am I dissapointed shoji, I COULD WRITE A BETTER STORY JUST GIVE ME THE CHANCE. They better come up witha better new macross ova studio nue. I guess thats why they came up with mac0. let me hear your feedback and comments, I know some and most of you people are just as mad as I am. Quote
Mephistopheles Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 hiFirst off I have been a loyal fan of macross ever since I saw dyrl back when I was a little kid I got bored of it after a couple of years, then macross plus came and I was blown away, I heard about macross 7 but never got the chance to see it and was told by many friends that it was not even worth looking at so I never did, then I saw macross zero a while back and I was once again blown off my seat it was just art. I mean mac+ and mac0 were my all time fav animes I was touched by the great storylines and action scenes, and the realism that fited the flavor, BUT I fineshed watching mac7 right now and I am @%@#%#$^en pissd, I mean were do I start I mean THEIR IS THIS JAY ROCKER WHO FLYS INTO COMBAT AND STARTS SINGING refuses not to shoot, KILLS THE IMAGE OF MY ALL TIME FAV VFs (the vf-19, vf-22), and HE DOESNT GET KILLED. The story is exactly like DYRL, the protodevlin dont get killed regardless if they use nukes against them I mean nukes hteir hoter than the core of the sun and that doesnt even kill them then music kills them I mean wheres the F@#%$@#N logic in that, ther animation sucks and I mean sucks more balls than a porn video, and whats the deal mirias pilot suit they never had that in the DYRL, same thing goes for the other pilots they got theis crapy suits that have no relation to mac+ I will make a small exception for gamlins suits, and couldnt they come up with better enemyswhat the hell is a monster doing flying threw space. It just dosent make any sense to me people, and this basara dude what the heck is up with his rebel with cause personality, the sound force mecha didnt even look right it was as if a 6yr old girl came up with it, and speaking of sound force, HOW THE HELL DOES SOUND TRAVEL THREW SPACE IT HAS NO LOGIC. The ending sucked I mean if they are going to follow the DYRL footsteps mylene should have fallin in love with gamlin instead of basara who treats her like poo, gamlin and docker should have been the heros and should have killed the enemy like hikuru did, and BATTLE SEVEN TURNS INTO A HUGE ROBOT WITH A GUN OR RIFLE AS A CANON, you dont need a huge transforming robot for a good macross story, and not only that but why the HELL DID THEY KILL THE IMAGE OF THE VF-19, vf-11 AND VF-22. OK NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF, the only characters I like were Lt. docker( he kicks ass most of all), the bridge bunnys they were fine, and gamlin just a lillte. BUT EMERALD FORCE KICKD ASS I am even puting a model kit together right now, they were like the skull sq. THE VF-17 WERE OK but they arnt supposed to be dog fighting aircraft they are more like bobing and recon aircraft, not only that but they had no destroids. hu man am I dissapointed shoji, I COULD WRITE A BETTER STORY JUST GIVE ME THE CHANCE. They better come up witha better new macross ova studio nue. I guess thats why they came up with mac0. let me hear your feedback and comments, I know some and most of you people are just as mad as I am. 413364[/snapback] I would have to agree. I watched the first five episodes and was ready to quit after the first episode. However I managed to convince myself to check out the next four episodes in case it got any better... nope. Seriously, what were they thinking? To me, I put Macross 7 in the same "alternate universe" as Macross 2. Quote
HWR MKII Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 The series was Kawamoris Way of showing his sense of humor. If you notice all the "Other" sound force valks that lost all the time only sang Macross 2 songs. He was also making fun of the monster of the week type shows. In a way he took macross back to its origional idea. It was INTENDED to make fun of all the giant robot shows. Just give it a rest guys and take it for the intentional spoof it is. Quote
Mephistopheles Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 The series was Kawamoris Way of showing his sense of humor. If you notice all the "Other" sound force valks that lost all the time only sang Macross 2 songs. He was also making fun of the monster of the week type shows. In a way he took macross back to its origional idea. It was INTENDED to make fun of all the giant robot shows. Just give it a rest guys and take it for the intentional spoof it is. 413370[/snapback] ...What? Quote
HWR MKII Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Back when macross was first thought of in 82 the idea was to make a comedy series that made fun of gundam and all the other giant mecha shows. They dropped that idea to bring us what we currently have with the VF-1s , SDF-1 and such. Macross 7 kind of went back to that idea in the way the valks are represented and the overall scheme of the show. It does have its serious moments but overall it is a lighthearted and quite comical series. Comparing it to SDF TV, M+ or M0 is like comparing apples and oranges. M7 is its own entity. It should be treated as such Quote
Nomake Wan Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 I think that Macross 7 is enjoyable in a similar way to the Magical Project S series for Tenchi, and the Live-action Initial D movie. That is, if you go into it expecting a completely faithful, war-worn story like Macross Plus or the original TV series, and that's all you care about, you'll come out of it pissed off because there's comedy and fantastical elements. But if you go into it with an open mind and take the jokes, I honestly don't think Macross 7 was all that bad. At least it had continuity--something Macross II's broken storyline never had. (By this I mean the confusing jumble of "episodes," rather than something linear like Macross 7) So yeah... ah well. To each his or her own. Quote
Noyhauser Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 (edited) Hi there, First off, deadghost, maybe you should try typing normally NOT SHOUTING LIKE THIS OR #@$#@$@#. People might take you more seriously. I guess you're new to the boards so you don't know the Ettiqutte that surrounds Mac-7 reviews. We just don't do them, because people tend to get real irrational, swearing, making fun of each other, ect. Somewhat like your first post. There are multiple threads on Mac-7 that cover what you are saying, you might have done well to use the search function. (I got bored after that) For my part, before this argument starts, I'd like to say that I think alot of the criticism of the series is unwarranted. The main one was that was a TV series watched weekly and not intended to be watched episode by episode all in one afternoon. It makes a big difference. Curiously though, I wonder if a sane Mac-7 discussion could occur since many of the usual suspects have left the board. Edited July 3, 2006 by Noyhauser Quote
Roy Focker Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Agent One is that you in disguise after suffering a some brain damage? I too heard that Macross 7 was in part a parody of a mecha series. I think Kawamori said that somewhere. Macross 7 is good and entertaining problem is with some people is their expectations. Quote
Noyhauser Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Agent One is that you in disguise after suffering a some brain damage?I too heard that Macross 7 was in part a parody of a mecha series. I think Kawamori said that somewhere. Macross 7 is good and entertaining problem is with some people is their expectations. 413404[/snapback] I don't think its a parody, as much as maybe a comment or critique of the mecha genre, given Kawamori's beliefs in pacifism. Parodies in Japanese anime are pretty blatant, they would have very obvious direct rip offs of other series. M7 doesn't have that. It does build on the trends that SDF has about something other than war that could be used to solve problems. I mean what mecha series has the main character get OUT of his vehicle to go fight the enemy? Quote
Keith Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 The science in 7 is sound. Sound never travels through space, the "monsters" are explained as a biological evolution of Protoculture technology, and since when didn't Macross need a huge transforming robot? That's what the freakin' Macross was! Quote
Dervish Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 I wasn't too fond of Macross 7, either. I didn't like Basara all that much, I thought his mech was too Gundamesque in a way. Max and Miriya being seperated was a downer (that's one point Robotech has on Macross, and that is sad). After the first episode or two, I was quite sick of it. I wish I had seen Macross Plus before I saw this. Quote
Zentrandude Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Agent One is that you in disguise after suffering a some brain damage?I too heard that Macross 7 was in part a parody of a mecha series. I think Kawamori said that somewhere. Macross 7 is good and entertaining problem is with some people is their expectations. 413404[/snapback] I don't think so. he didn't say anything about encourages weakness in children. only prob with macross 7 it is so polarized that you just either hate it or like it and very little room inbetween. Quote
danth Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 People, please help me. I really want to watch Macross 7. I refuse to even try to download it, because all of the M7 downloads I've tried before have been horrible quality (overly compressed or something?). I've watched TV shows online that looked fine, but all the M7 episodes I've seen have had nearly unwatchable video. Is there a good bootleg out there? I hate bootlegs because they compress like 10 episodes onto one DVD, but so far that seems like the only option. Any advice? Quote
ChrisG Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 I think I've avoided Macross 7 topics in all the years I've been posting/lurking here. Maybe that's changing since I'm slowly watching the series again. With that said.... you need to calm down deadghost. It's not the end of the world if Macross 7 isn't up to snuff for you. Also, please use some grammar. Humans communicate using sentences, punctuation and proper capitalization. It would really help if you used proper English instead of giant blobs of text. Seriously, it makes my eyes hurt just trying to decipher that post. Quote
Die, Alien Scum! Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Agent One is that you in disguise after suffering a some brain damage? 413404[/snapback] LOL! That's exactly what I was thinking! Quote
Mephistopheles Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 (edited) If it truely is a sort of parody then it isn't a very good one as it isn't that obvious. Edited July 3, 2006 by Mephistopheles Quote
Phyrox Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Macross 7 is good and entertaining problem is with some people is their expectations. All I was expecting was that it would: A) Not suck. B) Not put me to sleep. It failed on both. Quote
KingNor Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 i think its funny someone would watch an entire serise they didn't like, only to come to a message board dedicated to that serise and it's franchises and complain. I didn't like Mzero.. so i didn't watch it. Look how calm i am () Quote
jenius Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 Well, you have to watch the whole thing just in case there's some dramatic turn around where everything starts getting cool. I think, in order to properly be able to render a judgement, you should at least give the entire show a chance (unless it reaches some hideous point of no return). In the case of Macross, it's a Macross show so no matter how bad it gets we WANT to believe it's going to turn around and be cool at some point. Quote
Mephistopheles Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 i think its funny someone would watch an entire serise they didn't like, only to come to a message board dedicated to that serise and it's franchises and complain.I didn't like Mzero.. so i didn't watch it. Look how calm i am () 413487[/snapback] This place isn't solely dedicated to Macross 7 and he did state that he enjoyed the other Macross animes. I didn't really like Macross Zero that much either. The whole Bird Human thing didn't really seem to serve any purpose in the Macross universe nor did it seem believable. However it was still entertaining which isn't something I could say about Macross 7. Quote
Viceland Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 SNIPHOW THE HELL DOES SOUND TRAVEL THREW SPACE IT HAS NO LOGIC. SNIP 413364[/snapback] The science in 7 is sound. Sound never travels through space SNIP 413409[/snapback] "No really! I heard it from my third neighbour's fourth cousin's dead grandfather's poodle walker's stepson's emo-boyfriend's band camp counsilor's gynacologist... sound doesn't travel through space!" Although our ears are not sensitive enough to hear it, sound does travel in space. Quote
Hikuro Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 Okkkkkkkaaaayyyy......another meaningless, pathetic, hatred of M7 check........NEXT! Quote
deadghost Posted July 4, 2006 Author Posted July 4, 2006 I think I've avoided Macross 7 topics in all the years I've been posting/lurking here. Maybe that's changing since I'm slowly watching the series again.With that said.... you need to calm down deadghost. It's not the end of the world if Macross 7 isn't up to snuff for you. Also, please use some grammar. Humans communicate using sentences, punctuation and proper capitalization. It would really help if you used proper English instead of giant blobs of text. Seriously, it makes my eyes hurt just trying to decipher that post. 413465[/snapback] First I am sorry about my cap'd lockd grammer I did that to highlight the important areas of my topic and I was half asleep, and I was very angry after watching over 48 eps. Also I said I also had some fav's in the series such as emerald force, the vf-19 ex and Lt. docker that was the only reason why I watchd the series and I almost wenet grazy when I saw Lt. docker explode but later finding out that he survuved it was kinda like that moment from M+ with the whole Guld ending. Quote
Radd Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 Didn't like Macross 7? Well, this is ground that hasn't been covered before. Still, bad animation? It's got more consistant animation than SDF Macross. The story is exactly like DYRL? I don't even know where to begin with that one, still, you do a decent enough job of pointing out the dissimilarities, even if you get some of the details wrong. As Keith pointed out, there was never any sound travelling through space. I don't know what you mean about "killing the image of the VF-19 and VF-22". The VF-11 I can see, they made it worthless in that show. Still, the 22 is shown in a much better light than the YF-21 ever was, and the 19 is the 19. It shows up, and proceeds to be bad ass, though I take it you don't care for the motivations behind the most prominent 19 pilot in the series. Still, I do agree that there are plenty of things to dislike in M7. The animation is lower quality than I'd like, even if it is overall better than the original tv series. I'd say they focused less on the action scenes, and more on making the character animation better. I also didn't like how they made the VF-11 so useless. The cannon fodders from SDF didn't have it that bad. I personally didn't care for the glamrock costumes and the glamrock look to the Sound Force mecha, though the mecha did fit what they were going for. I didn't care for most of the Protodevlin designs. I wish they could have put more quality into the reused battle footage. I mean, if it's going to be so blatantly recycled it ought to at least look good. Finally, I thought presentation could have, overall, been better. The designs I've already mentioned, but more importantly how spiritua was presented. I, for one, did not get anything "mystical" or "magical" out of spiritua, or how Basara affected the Protodevlin, but it seems a lot of people did. I chalk that up to the monster-like designs of the Protodevlin, and the flashing lights associated with music in the series. What I got out of it was that Basara had no "special powers", other than stubborn determination, skill at anything he put his mind to to master, and his untraditional idealism. Things that any one of us are capable of, if we truly want it enough. Now, the things I did like I found to be enough to make me view the series in more of a positive rather than negative light. I appreciate the themes of the show, and how Basara's limitless idealism is constantly tested by both the enemies and his own circle of friends and acquaintances. I thought the character developement in the series was it's strongest point. It was never cheesy or forced, and it was more complicated than what we've come to expect from Macross (ie: Mylene not simply "falling" for either one of the two male leads, and getting together with them in a nicely wrapped up package to end the series). There are plenty of designs I do appreciate from the show, such as the VF-17, the VF-19P, the VF-5000, the VA-3 Invader, the VF-14, the New Macross class ships, and a number of the military escort ships. I thought the police mecha were a nice touch, though I did miss the Destroids. Quote
Nomake Wan Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 People, please help me. I really want to watch Macross 7. I refuse to even try to download it, because all of the M7 downloads I've tried before have been horrible quality (overly compressed or something?). I've watched TV shows online that looked fine, but all the M7 episodes I've seen have had nearly unwatchable video.Is there a good bootleg out there? I hate bootlegs because they compress like 10 episodes onto one DVD, but so far that seems like the only option. Any advice? 413460[/snapback] Central Anime. Get their version, never look back. Quote
Roy Focker Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 People's hate for Macross 7 is like my hate for pickles on a Hamburger. If I find pickles on my hamburger I make an icky face and peel of the pickles while bitching, "Must they put these on everything? It makes everything taste like a pickle." Then I stare down at the pickle juice stain on the cheese and swear, "Damn it the pickle is still on the cheese." I then attempt to eat the rest of the burger and stop after two more bites. "I can't stand it! That pickle has ruined my hamburger eating experience!" Then I push it to the side and bitch about rest of the night. The rest of the burger might have been really good or just decent but I'm so wrapped up about that darn pickle! Maybe those who hate Macross 7 are just obessed about the size of Basara pickle Quote
JB0 Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 People's hate for Macross 7 is like my hate for pickles on a Hamburger.If I find pickles on my hamburger I make an icky face and peel of the pickles while battying, "Must they put these on everything? It makes everything taste like a pickle." Then I stare down at the pickle juice stain on the cheese and swear, "Damn it the pickle is still on the cheese." I then attempt to eat the rest of the burger and stop after two more bites. "I can't stand it! That pickle has ruined my hamburger eating experience!" Then I push it to the side and batty about rest of the night. The rest of the burger might have been really good or just decent but I'm so wrapped up about that darn pickle! Maybe those who hate Macross 7 are just obessed about the size of Basara pickle 413535[/snapback] But the pickles were only in the original series and DYRL. I R CONFUZZLED! Quote
KingNor Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 i will listen to his song eventually. then I'LL be in a pickle. Quote
deadghost Posted July 4, 2006 Author Posted July 4, 2006 What about emerald force what was your guys feedback on it, I notiecd it never got the attention it needed, the image of the vf-19 and vf-22 were kinda blured I mean they never fited the M7 flavor those mechas are full out dog fighting machines not sound blasting "make peace not war" theme. Also the military in M7 were kinda viewd as the bad guys, basara keeps beckering about how U.N spacey uses war, first off the cloony fleet was being destroyed and killed by litteraly by devils, U.N spacey was simply defending it self not going on a full out rampage, u.N spacey was always the good guy in the rest of the animes why now. Quote
LePoseur Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 Funny. I always got the impression from SDF Macross that the UN government was just as bad, if not worse, than in Mac7. I mean, at least in Mac7 they were far enough away to not really be a bother most of the time. Contrast that with the constant problems the Macross had in dealing with the UN government on Earth, who seemed to be made of of either overconfident idiots or warmongers. For what it's worth, I've always felt a heavy anti-military streak throughout all of the series. Anyhow, carry on. Quote
Radd Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 One of the things that Macross has always had as a theme, and something I really appreciate, is that it shows that organizations are all just people. The U.N. Spacey has always been filled with really good people and the really rotten, not to mention the brave, the cowardly, the braggarts, the humble...all just people no matter what organization they were a part of. The same can be said of the Zentradi and Meltrandi. Macross 7 really keeps that intact. The U.N. Spacey are viewd as villains? Hardly, Max and Gamlin are both U.N. Spacey, and both shown in a rather positive light. Heck, Max is the benefactor behind Basara to begin with. And what about Ray? He's ex-military. As for the 19 and 22 not being a part of the whole "make peace, not war" thing...well I assume you mean Emerald Force in this context, why would they be a part of Basara's trip? That makes no sense. If everyone got behind Basara right at the beginning, that would hardly have been realistic character developement. Quote
Keith Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 Bottom line, had the U.N. gone in guns blazing against the Protodevelin, they would have been swatted away like fly's. The Protodevelin's technology was better, and they weren't even at full capacity. Hell, it took the full force of the Protoculture to subdue them (and even then, they still weren't able to defeat them. The theme of Macross 7 is that there's eventually going to be someone with a bigger gun than you. And when that happens, you can either die, or seek alternative means. Quote
GutsAndCasca Posted July 4, 2006 Posted July 4, 2006 (edited) Like glamrocking them into submission. If the earth ever gets attacked by aliens in my lifetime, I'm going to depend on "The New York Dolls" and "Cinderella" for my salvation. Sorry, I also forgot to add Ziggy Stardust in there. I bet he'd drive off the martians. Edited July 4, 2006 by GutsAndCasca Quote
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