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The 2nd Coming of the YF-19


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I really like it, thanks Graham. I'll also say though that the wings do look pretty small considering how large the rear of the plane is.


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What I liked about the VF-1/VF-0 designs was that Yamato was able to compromise the wing size so that they didn't look way too small in fighter mode or way too big in battroid mode. With the YF-19, they could easily make the wings a bit bigger (and maybe the vertical fins, too) and not affect the battroid at all.

Ah well, even with all my b1tchin, I'll probably break down and get one just because it's not an F-14 wannbe design.

Edited by ghostryder
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All right Graham you were right it does look a lot better "in person" so to speak. I'm still not convinced about that neck though, the pictures you posted do a pretty good job of hiding it but I worry that once I get the final product in my hot little hands it's going to stick out like a sore thumb. I've got to agree with everyone else that the V. Stabs and wings look too small, I don't see why they couldn't be upsized. Actually if you up-size the V Stabs you might be able to hide some slightly enlarged shoulders and improve the look of the batroid mode.

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I'm guessing based on the VF-0's release date, we'll see at least 5-6 more of these hobby mag shots before we see the actual product and that's 5-6 months. :(


Just imagine. In a couple of months we'll all have at least one of these on preorder and we'll all be drooling over pics of the YF-21 prototype...


btw: Is a YF-19 bigger then a Vf-0? If so, then this is going to be one massive toy.

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I'm guessing based on the VF-0's release date, we'll see at least 5-6 more of these hobby mag shots before we see the actual product and that's 5-6 months. :(


Just imagine. In a couple of months we'll all have at least one of these on preorder and we'll all be drooling over pics of the YF-21 prototype...


btw: Is a YF-19 bigger then a Vf-0? If so, then this is going to be one massive toy.


IIRC, Graham said it was just a tad shorter.

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Sorry for the delay.  Just had to feck around for an hour reinstalling the driver for my bleeping antique scanner!  :angry:

Anyway, below are the scans of the fighter mode of the upcoming 1/60 YF-19, as featured in the new September 2006 issues of Hobby Japan & Dengeki Hobby magazines.

A few points of note: -

1) The cover behind the neck looks like it's been incorrectly painted grey, instead of black.

2) AFAIK, these pics are of the early painted resin sculpt. Please bear in mind that the actual ABS & die-cast metal test shots from the actual molds may look a little different.

3) Note the correctly located and correct length front landing gear. :D

Anyway, enjoy..........................

Hobby Japan (click to enlarge)


Dengeki Hobby (click to enlarge)


I'll get better scans up in the magazine section and toy section at the weekend.



For the love of god Graham! Tell them to lengthen the wings!!! I dont want another short winged 19!! Its the one thing i hated about the 1/72 version. It looked fat, with small wings. So, if they love us and want our money, they need to lengthen those wings!!!!

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For the love of god Graham! Tell them to lengthen the wings!!! I dont want another short winged 19!! Its the one thing i hated about the 1/72 version. It looked fat, with small wings.  So, if they love us and want our money, they need to lengthen those wings!!!!


Speak for yourself ^_^ I'm all over this one.


looks great. Can't wait to see the other modes.

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Agreed. That at least is still doable. The other thing is the single hinged canopy, but I guess it's a bit late to redesign it. (BTW: It's me or the figure looks a tad big in comparsion to the plane? I can't see how Yang could sit in the back, but that don't bother me so much).

This lady's got a fat a$$, so somethin as simple as the wings being larger woulf fix it altoghether IMO.

Thanks to Graham for the pics. The whole discussion on the CAD drawings was starting to get pathetic :p

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I'm not sure if the wings are indeed too small...

All the shots are isometric so there's a whole lot of foreshortening...

The only thing that's definitely a bit small are the rear vertical fins.

Like I said before, I really want them to take their time with this bird... Given there will be two other must get releases coming out, this bird definitely can use the extra time of refinement...

Edited by Nani?!
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Looks great, bring on the Battroid pics.

Groovy. :D  This thing looks awesome already!  Can't wait to see more pics as they come out.

1/48 VF-11 or 1/60 VF-11, please!


They better stay in one scale. I'd hate to be scale hoping again...

It still pisses me of that the better VF-1 is out of scale with everything yamato has to offer macross-wise.

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For the love of god Graham! Tell them to lengthen the wings!!! I dont want another short winged 19!! Its the one thing i hated about the 1/72 version. It looked fat, with small wings.  So, if they love us and want our money, they need to lengthen those wings!!!!


Someone forget their prozac today? At the very least, reserve judgement until you've seen it from other angles and in other modes.

As for the stabilizers, I would think that you wouldn't be able to make them bigger unless they folded in half or something. They're already going to stick out from the other side of the leg as it is in battloid, from what I see in those pictures (and I could be wrong).

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Looks great, bring on the Battroid pics.
Groovy. :D  This thing looks awesome already!  Can't wait to see more pics as they come out.

1/48 VF-11 or 1/60 VF-11, please!


They better stay in one scale. I'd hate to be scale hoping again...

It still pisses me of that the better VF-1 is out of scale with everything yamato has to offer macross-wise.


it seems to me that they're making products at the biggest possible size and at the price that the fans are willing to pay. All the higher end robots are between 10 and 12 inches tall. The Koenig Monster, the VF-1, VF-0, YF-19, the Qraus and even the Garland at 1/15 scale can all be displayed together well and cost about the same. Think of it as a company coming out with a line of 1/6 action figures but robots instead. At the same time they've pleased some of the fans by making a majority of them at 1/60 scale.

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Wow... I am simply speechless. Thank you for the pictures, Graham! Please extend my compliments to the people at Yamato who are making this happen, and encourage them to keep up the great work!

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Someone forget their prozac today?  At the very least, reserve judgement until you've seen it from other angles and in other modes. 

As for the stabilizers, I would think that you wouldn't be able to make them bigger unless they folded in half or something.  They're already going to stick out from the other side of the leg as it is in battloid, from what I see in those pictures (and I could be wrong).


Exactly, they already are sticking out. And with any rendition of a perfect variable yf-19, the stabilizers will have to be 1/72 vf-11b tiny for it to not stick out.

Given this fact, it wont hurt to add a mm or two to make it look better in fighter mode. :p

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Wow it looks great!!! So streamlined and lacking gaps/exposed screws!!!! I have to agree that the control surfaces still look too small but I think that is a nitpick at this point. Still looks pretty good as is!!!

edit: by the way, it says in the scan they will have a prototype on display at this summer's "kyarahobi" or chara-hobby. i'm assuming that's the name of an event. anyone going????

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Sorry for the delay.  Just had to feck around for an hour reinstalling the driver for my bleeping antique scanner!  :angry:

Anyway, below are the scans of the fighter mode of the upcoming 1/60 YF-19, as featured in the new September 2006 issues of Hobby Japan & Dengeki Hobby magazines.

A few points of note: -

1) The cover behind the neck looks like it's been incorrectly painted grey, instead of black.

2) AFAIK, these pics are of the early painted resin sculpt. Please bear in mind that the actual ABS & die-cast metal test shots from the actual molds may look a little different.

3) Note the correctly located and correct length front landing gear. :D

Anyway, enjoy..........................

Hobby Japan (click to enlarge)


Dengeki Hobby (click to enlarge)


I'll get better scans up in the magazine section and toy section at the weekend.



I'm not supposed to be online at work... but I just HAD to pop on to see those pix. And I have to say one thing, they look absolutely beautiful!

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Personally, I don't think the wings are too short, just not wide enough. Maybe just a little more from leading to trailing edges. There just dosn't seem to be that much "lifting" surface there, but we are talking about a fictional transforming jet here :p.

But I really think just a slightly wider wing would make a big difference in balacing out the large rear-end! Just nitpicking I guess because so far I really do like it!


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I have to agree about the wings being too small... Makes the Fuselage look too fat or something. On the bright side, I image it wouldn't be too hard for someone to make a custom pair of wings and recast them in colored resin and sell them by the pair.


First it's Vader's small hands, now it's the YF-19's small wings! Sheesh, what is it with you people and size? :p:D:lol:


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I have to agree about the wings being too small... Makes the Fuselage look too fat or something. On the bright side, I image it wouldn't be too hard for someone to make a custom pair of wings and recast them in colored resin and sell them by the pair.


First it's Vader's small hands, now it's the YF-19's small wings! Sheesh, what is it with you people and size? :p:D:lol:



You know what they say, people desire what people don't have...



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Sorry for the delay.  Just had to feck around for an hour reinstalling the driver for my bleeping antique scanner!  :angry:

Anyway, below are the scans of the fighter mode of the upcoming 1/60 YF-19, as featured in the new September 2006 issues of Hobby Japan & Dengeki Hobby magazines.

A few points of note: -

1) The cover behind the neck looks like it's been incorrectly painted grey, instead of black.

2) AFAIK, these pics are of the early painted resin sculpt. Please bear in mind that the actual ABS & die-cast metal test shots from the actual molds may look a little different.

3) Note the correctly located and correct length front landing gear. :D

Anyway, enjoy..........................

Hobby Japan (click to enlarge)


Dengeki Hobby (click to enlarge)


I'll get better scans up in the magazine section and toy section at the weekend.



oooooh crap, I'm gonna' have a heart attack

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Holy.........the landing gear look as good as they did on the bandai 1/.100 Fire valk kit!(I LOVED the fighter mode and gear on that one, and no mass market thing has ever come close...till now!).

Bravo yamato! Sure their might be nitpicks, but sheesh this is the BEST YF-19 toy by FAR!

Anyone ever notice how Yamato kicks their own ass before any other company can take them on in regards to their macross license? They beat themselves by making a 1.48 that outdid their 1/60, and just did with their 1/60 YF-19 tearing the crap out of the old 1/72. Wow

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Holy.........the landing gear look as good as they did on the bandai 1/.100 Fire valk kit!(I LOVED the fighter mode and gear on that one, and no mass market thing has ever come close...till now!).

I'm actually surprised they didn't just recycle the VF-0S nose gear. It looks just as good and is a bit smaller than what's on the YF-19 proto - maybe a smaller gobble could have been possible?

First it's Vader's small hands, now it's the YF-19's small wings! Sheesh, what is it with you people and size?

No problem with size B)) , just don't like to shell out $160+ for a fighter that looks slightly less likely to get airborne than a 1/55...

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Like many others have said, thanks for the pics Graham!! They are sweet! Seeing the Vf-19 in 3D is much better than the line art.


I hope it doesn't get released until early 2007, man, my wallet can't take it with sooooo many releases already this fall: VF-0A, Angel bird, Max DYRL re-issue .....


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I just noticed something while watching Macross Plus again. The shoulder intakes look a little small compared to the anime version. In the anime, they almost start at the shoulder mounts. I've posted the two different images to show what I mean.



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