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Here's two celebrities I've met before starting with the most recent:

Kenny Latimore (R&B singer)

May 31, 2005

Comcast center @ University of Maryland College Park,MD

He appeared as a guest speaker at my high school graduation. He shook hands with me as I received my high school diploma.

Emmit Till's mother

June 23, 2002

Some church in Chicago, IL

While I was attending church as a part of my family reunion, she went up to the podium to give a brief history about what happened to her son and to let everyone in church how she's still coping with loss of her son some 50 years ago. I shook hands with her after the Eucharist. Unfortunately, I received word from my father that she died last winter.

And how about you? If you've ever met a celebrity please post your responses in the same format I have.

Phalanx ;)B))


How famous do they have to be to be considered famous?

I used to hang out with some of the guys from the Juliana Theory, before they signed with Tooth and Nail. Feidler used to work at the mall where I presently work.

There's a huge mansion being built on top of a hill less than a mile from my parents' house. Supposedly, it's Ben Rothleisberger's.

Speaking of Steelers, I've met a few over the years. It happens to be that they're doing their training camp in Latrobe around the time that Madden is released, so they'd show up at my store for our midnight releases to nab a few copies for themselves.


Henry Rollins and co. at a Rollins Band/Skunk Anansie concert, invited us to the after concert party Didn't get to talk to him much there though, guess he didn't like me telling him "hey, you look so much ripped and huge in your pictures than in real life". He's actually a lot smaller than me, I dwarfed him, I can be intimidating, but I didn't do it on purpose.

Jason Ward, NHL player now with the NY Rangers. I used to work as a telecom tech for Bell Canada and I installed a landline and phone jacks in his condo when he used to play for the Montreal Canadiens. Really cool guy, looks a lot bigger on TV than in real life too. His girlfriend was SMOKING hot.

Used to be a live sound tech for a club called Bourbon Street (mostly blues & rock) near Montreal about 10 years ago, got to hang out with lots of bands there, like April Wine, Blue Rodeo, Jeff Healy, Barenaked Ladies, etc.

There's more, but I can't think of them right now.


I met and talked to all the guys from In Flames after their concert back in Febuary. I also met Chris Barnes of Six Feet Under, ex Cannibal Corpse.

I have also met the guy that played Boba Fett in the original movies.

Posted (edited)

Several years ago when I was working retail at an ice hockey equipment store, a bearded gentleman and his son came in to buy some goalie gear for the youngster. I helped them with everything they needed, the whole time thinking this guy looked really familiar. Shortly before they left, I asked the guy, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jeff Daniels?" He replied that everybody said that. Knowing that the actor was a local, I asked, "Are you?" He replied, "Yes, I am," and shook my hand. We had a brief exchange about some of his films, he thanked me for the service, and then left. He seemed like a really down-to-earth person who didn't have any interest in his celebrity status, so I'm just glad I didn't blurt out something stupid like, "Oh my god, that diarrhea scene in Dumb And Dumber was so funny!" I would've felt like an ass.

Edited by Die, Alien Scum!

I met Shatner...........it was just after they finished filming Generations....it was like weird cause I was like one of five or something that actually met him. My star trek club (I was 10 dammit) got me in the room as part of the security so yeah haha ppl having to show their stamps and cards to a 10 year old kid and who ever didn't have one got kicked out or refused entery cause of the room capacity. So yeah I finally got to sit down and listen to him speak thinking "OMG! I met god!" cause back then Shatner was an idol of mine, sucked for me huh?

So I raised my hand to ask him a question and he saw me and had me come up stage with him, only one upstage, aske dhim a retarded question which I will never say again and will never repeat even in my death bed.

My "crew members" were so pissed off I was "selfish" and wouldn't let them come up with me. And I think about it now, "Dude, I was a child, a little kid, getting pissed off at some child cause he met your god is so stupid"


The woman who played Tim Allen's wife in Home Improvement would go to one of the tourist areas near where I went to HS and stopped at McDonnalds (gosh I hatted that job). She did the whole renting a summer home thing thru this reality place I works out of later (gosh I loved that job).

Then a few months ago a group from my training class went to a bar to blow off some steam and then a few of us glanced to the entrance and was like "Dude am I drunk or was that Mankind?!" because the guy had the hair, face, even trademark flannel jacket. Then 10 min later he comes around just says "Hey guys what's up?" Sure enough it was Mick Fowley down to the missing teeth. He just talked to us for a moment, thanked us for our service and respectfully bowed out.

That and being in audiences that pissed Lewis Black off and nominating Weird Al for presidency is about it for me.


I met Jeremy Bulloch at a local fair ground.

He was signing autographs and what-not .

So i had him sign my talking 12" Boba Fett :)


Let me try this one...

I've met Koffi Annan and several austronauts during the third UNISPACE conference back in 1999, I was part of the SGF (Space Generation Forums) delegates. :rolleyes:

I even have a pic of me with a ferengi in one of the conference session when the ferengi was promoting the Star Trek convention :lol:

Posted (edited)

Freakin' A' Deathhammer. You've quite the life there! As for me, if you're into muay thai kickboxing and/or kickboxing then I've met a lotta' famous people. (I've got pictures of me in Muay Thai magazine, Oct. 2000)

I sort of met Jean Claude Van Damme once. Kru Thosaphon Sitiwitjana (aka Master Toddy) had opened up the 1st USA thaiboxing camp in Las Vegas and I got invited to live there. During this time I met a lot of head honchos from the Thai government. Anyway, at one point we had some very famous fighters from Thailand stay with us and then fight at the Venetian Hotel against France. There were a lot of famous people at the show because it was a huge event; first time full Thai rules were allowed in the USA (full use of elbows), and a lot of celebrities were there.

ONE French guy won his fight (haha, only one), Jean Charles Lebowski. I'd had the pleasure of getting acquainted with the guy previous to the show (days before) and even knew that he banged the only girl living at our thai camp during this time! But anyway. After the show was over, I walked up to Jean Charles and started congratulating him and talking to him about the match. A few other fighters from my camp walked up and we were enjoying ourselves when all of the sudden we get mobbed by like 15 security guards telling us we have to move away. We were stunned, like, "what the f-- did we do?" So we step about 4 feet away from Jean Charles, and up walks Jean Claude Van Damme, looking like an aging coke addict, with his nasty blonde bimbo booty for the night. So I stand there like "So just because this famous a--hole wants to talk to MY friend, I have to move out of the way?" I was kinda' pissed off that he'd use his stardom to interrupt my conversation, so were the other guys from the camp, and not to sound like I'm cool but any one of us could have kicked his ass quicklike, and I was the lowest weight fighter - 132 lbs.

I guess it was pretty obvious that we didn't like what was going on, and I guess 4 ft from Jean Claude and his lil' army wasn't far enough, because they started threatening to kick us out if we didn't piss off. So we had to leave while Jean Charles got his ass kissed by Jean Claude Van Damme.

I also got an autograph from some famous football player who played for the Dallas Cowboys but I don't care for football so I've long since lost the autograph and forgotten the guy's name.

When I was a little kid I sat on Santa Clause's lap at a shopping mall in Houston and started crying.

---addition: I knew I forgot something important. I got to meet the guys from Das EFX at a small show in Flagstaff AZ. I shook one of the guys' hands, he was way cool. They said I could go drink with them upstairs (it's a club called the old post office) but I was only 18, and my fake ID only worked on idiots.

Edited by GutsAndCasca

I've meet a couple at geek related events.

I used live in Hollywood and LA county in general during my first 12 years of existance and I meet someone at least once a week. Strange thing is that my first case of accidently catching someone making out were a couple of celebrities. Now you why I'm so screwed up.

I visit the area about one every five years and I still end up seeing someone. You don't have to go to some event or hang out at certain places they just come to you. I'm pretty dense when it comes to who's who and people with me have to point who I just asked for the time. I'm pretty self absorb. I don't care if the person I almost bumped into walking in a resturant was famous. I just need to eat.

Even not being in LA at the moment I still have a knack for bumping into someone famous. Well more has beens outside of LA. I've never been star struck but I haven't really met any dude cooler than me nor any starlets.


Living and working in LA, I've met lots of movie/TV celeb types over the years. Off the top of my head... Telly Savalas, Merlin Olson, Jamie Lee Curtis, David Faustino, Danny & Chris Masterson, Jason Lee, and several others. All have been very down to earth, regular folk.

You can hardly swing a dead cat in LA without hitting some 'celeb' :p


George Pratt is my teacher

Met Sterling Hundley(used to teach at my school, he and Pratt are in the HALO gn set for july, some of you might know him from his rolling stone magazine illustrations)

Met Steve Yun and Tommy Yune this weekend

My cousin in cali does a bunch of stuff with broadway and hollywood stuff, voice coached Ming Na wen(is that how you spell it? the girl who played chun li and later was in the ER show on NBC), met Lea Salonga and a bunch of other actors and actresses.

I think I have met more but forgot.

And Limbo for teh win!


While vacationing in Chicago, friends and I meet the former coach of daaaaaaaaaa' Bears, Mike Ditka at his bar not really expecting to meet him. The bartender told us he was here and suggest we go meet him. He gave us really firm handshakes and striked a short conversation; very humble and easy going. We just wanted to get some drinks on the way back from Lincoln Park before getting back to our hotel.


I was in line to see a movie at the big newport and the guy who played mr roeper (three's company) was in line in front of us... and well, I didn't really meet him/talk to him because I was too busy laughing at his interaction with the girl in the ticket booth, "do you know who I am?"

Posted (edited)

at work : actors, directors, etc.... (french most of the times and few international celebrities)

in other cases (cons etc....) : star wars actors mostly

Edited by isamu_dyson

I met a few "famous" people

Spoke to Kevin Smith at Comic Con a few Times

David Hewlit (Star Gate Atlantis) and fellow Dr WHo Fan

I too met The Pompus Ass that is Shatner... story for another time

Arnold was at the Theater were I worked in HS for a press screaning of Eraser back in the day

Leslie Nelson (naked gun) on a plane to Vancouver

I have a Mutual friend who does Voice Overs for Disney.


This Girl was a classmate of mine in HS she was on 24 during season 4 and is now in the cast of Windfall on NBC she was in Boomtown too.

Singers wise I met Milissa Ethridge (hottie Mcscottie).

oh yeah Dany Trejo (Desperado) I saw him in Santa Monica nice as hell in real life


True story - I met Mel Gibson at a Carolina Panthers game a few years back. My mom had one of the children of the co-owners of the team in her first grade class. They thought very highly of my mom, and invited our whole family to come see a game and have seats in their suite. During the game, the assistant to one of the co-owners handed me a pair of binoculars and told me to look across the stadium at a particular suite and I'd see Mel Gibson. Sure, enough, there he was. The assistant then asked me if I wanted to go meet him, and I was like "hell yes." (I'm a huge fan of Lethal Weapon.) We marched over to the other side of the stadium, and went right in the suite - which was flanked with security. (And this was long before the Passion.) He had his whole family with him and is apparently a huge fan of football. I very briefly introduced myself, shook his hand, and told him that I was a big fan.

Another significant one is that I went to high school with Kona Carmack, Playboy's Miss February 1996. ;)


hmmm...i shook hands with seth green, a what's-up to cedric the entertainer during a lakers game, oscar de la joya, jim lee, john cho from american pie, lou ferigno, justine lin of 2 fast 2 furious 3, and hung out and chilled with Sadaharu Oh.

not too many hollywood peeps nor super models...but i probably wouldn't recognize them anyway even if they stepped on my toes.

  doodler7 said:
hmmm...i shook hands with seth green, a what's-up to cedric the entertainer during a lakers game, oscar de la joya, jim lee, john cho from american pie, lou ferigno, justine lin of 2 fast 2 furious 3, and hung out and chilled with Sadaharu Oh.

not too many hollywood peeps nor super models...but i probably wouldn't recognize them anyway even if they stepped on my toes.


Oh Yeah I forgot John Cho and Kal Pen at a screening for Harold and Kumar at Comic Con few months before the MOvie release


Met Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat and several other minor HK celebs while working on various HK movies back in the '90s.

Celebs don't impress me. They're just people like you and me. In fact many of them tend to be real Alpha Hotels.



I'm with G. I work in TV and they're pretty dull on the whole actually. some are funny, some are nice, some are nasty, lots are up themselves and most are just average people in the right place and the right time. One of the most embarrassing was the guy who plays c3p0. he would do the c3po voice to strangers walking by to attract attention as we were filming his interview.


When I was a kid I met some famous Japanese Fighter Pilots from WWII. Also met at least on famous American Fighter Pilot from WWII.

Didn't talk to, but saw Kiefer Sutherland and his family at the opening special showing for Toy Story. They were sitting in the row in front of my family and I. I didn't even know who the hell he was at the time, but my mom pointed him out.

Met Dom DeLuise at an autograph session at a bookstore. He was signing with a family friend for a restaurant guide they worked on together.

Met Kevin Smith at San Diego Comic Con, but didn't talk to him since I didn't want to bug him.

Saw Billy Boyd and David Wenham as well. Actually my wife walked right next to them during their autograph session, while we were wandering through the dealer's room trying to get past a big crowd. Security stopped her and asked her if she had a pass for autographs, and my wife was like "huh? I just want to get past the crowd to look at the LOTR costumes." :lol:

Sat next to Andy Seto at either Japan Expo or Cartoonist here in Paris, one of the two conventions. I didn't ask him for an autograph and sketch, didn't want to bother the guy since EVERYONE was throwing themselves on him for autographs... I kind of wish I asked for a sketch of Leona Heidern. Oh well. Oh yeah, he did the chinese comic King of Fighters Zillion.

Got an autograph from Fujishima Kousuke and my wife talked with him and his group at an autograph session at a local bookstore in Paris (his first autrograph session too!). Author of Oh My Goddess/Aa Megami-sama.

My wife has met and gotten autographs and sketches from, Takeuchi Naoko (Sailor Moon), Watase Yuu (Fushigi Yuugi), Masakazu Katsura (Video Girl Ai), Nihei Tsutomu (Blame and that crappy Wolverine comic), Akimoto Nami (Miracle Girls), Takahata Isao (My Neighbors the Yamadas, Grave of the Fireflies, Pompoko), and a number of famous european comic artists. She has some sketches that they drew together (not all at the same time, but on an individual basis), since my wife is a pretty good artist.

In Japan we went to the Hijikata Toshizo museum and met his descendents (not direct, descendents of his sister), even got an autograph from them written in a book about Hijikata Toshizo and the Shinsengumi.

Met Kawarajima Koh at comike and got his autograph on one of his doujinshi. Normally he doesn't do autographs but made a special exception for my wife and I, because we were foreignors. :D I even got to shake his hand. We got an autograph from Satoshi Shiki (Riot, and Kamikaze), who was at his booth, but hiding behind a stack of boxes, drawing. We got a personalized autograph from Yonekura Kengo, who did Pink Sniper and was the character designer of one of the recent Evangelion games. She was really nice. Went to Saigado's booth and the guy holding the booth helped me helpt this guy collect his coins when he dropped his coin bag on the ground. Then it turned out the real nice, healthy looking, thin guy that was holding the booth was Saigado himself! We didn't realize until we asked if it was possible to get an autograph "from the master" (the way you word it in Japanese since you never know if you're talking to just someone holding the booth, an assistant, or like in this case, the artist). So he searched out a pen and signed the two doujinshi I bought from him.

My wife got an autograph from the famous mangaka, Shimamoto Kazuhiko (Hoeru Pen). The guy made an exception to the "no autograph policy" because of my wife being a foreignor. The people at the booth thought I was just some Japanese guy trying to follow the foreign girl to get an autograph and were going to kick me away from the booth. :p:lol: So my wife had to intervene to tell them that "no, he's my husband."

We also got autographs from a number of less famous doujinshika, and some sketches. Like my wife got this awesome sketch of Naked Snake/Big Boss from MGS3. We both got some Saint Seiya sketches by some of the better Saint Seiya focused doujinshika.

Fun stuff.


Every famous person I've ever met has been quite cool and gracious, I guess I was lucky that way.

(in no particular order)

Mark Hamill (Luke from Star Wars, and Joker from Batman cartoon), Patrick Stewart (Picard from Star Trek), Adam West (Batman TV show, himself on family guy), Billy Boyd (Pippin from LOTR), Sean Astin (Sam from LOTR, Lynn from 24)Nichelle Nichols (Uhura from Star Trek) ... as well as a few Star Wars actors like Peter Mayhew (Chewie), Kenneth Colley (Piett), Michael Sheard (Ozzel, rest in peace), and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett). Oh and Orli Shoshan (Shaak-Ti from SW Prequels)

  GutsAndCasca said:
So we had to leave while Jean Charles got his ass kissed by Jean Claude Van Damme.


By all accounts Van Damme sounds like a royal apeface. A friend of mine worked as a parking garage attendant in Santa Monica and one day Van Damme pulls up to my friend's booth and says something to the effect of "Hey, do you give parking discounts for superstars?"

  eugimon said:
I was in line to see a movie at the big newport and the guy who played mr roeper (three's company) was in line in front of us... and well, I didn't really meet him/talk to him because I was too busy laughing at his interaction with the girl in the ticket booth, "do you know who I am?"


Too danged funny!


I met that dude from Kid and Play in a restroom in some bar up in Hollywood. Hmmm... so was that Kid with myself in the restroom or Play with myself in the restroom? Damn too drunk to remember.


true story though...

Posted (edited)

Got to meet Bruce Campbell while he was on his "If Chins Could Kill" book tour a couple years ago. Great guy, fun actor, but I've been less and less impressed with his work since he sold his soul to the SciFi Channel. Oddly enough, he looked just like my dad.

Got to hang out with Kevin Murphy, Mike Nelson and Trace Beulieu from MST3k. Those guys are great.

Ate dinner across the aisle from Clint Eastwood in Carmel.

Worked extensively with Bob Bakker, rogue paleontologist - the guy who popularized the warm blooded dinosaur idea, was "eaten" in Jurassic Park 2. Had another field hand who looked just like Tim Curry from Muppets Treasure Island - but I don't think he counts. One of my really good friends was the shark expert on the Shark vs. Crocodile show on Discovery last year.

Edited by Kelsain

yeah, like mentioned above, living in the L.A. area, you are around actors all the time. I also went to hollywood high school. Nobody famous at that school when I went there. Just a bunch of gangs. You would think it would be cool to go there, but it was a dump. Then again, a majority of hollywood is a dump anyway. One thing I have learned growing up here in hollywood and being around actors so much is that THEY ARE DUMB. :blink:

Lord K.

Posted (edited)
yeah, like mentioned above, living in the L.A. area, you are around actors all the time. I also went to hollywood high school. Nobody famous at that school when I went there. Just a bunch of gangs. You would think it would be cool to go there, but it was a dump. Then again, a majority of hollywood is a dump anyway. One thing I have learned growing up here in hollywood and being around actors so much is that THEY ARE DUMB.  :blink:

Lord K.


I have seen Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson back on TV years ago when I had cable. If they are any indication, I think "dumb" is a mild, inapplicable reference. These people are astronomically ridiculously mongoloid. I admit I don't do enough to help those less fortunate than me, but seeing those girls in action made me want to reach out to the special olympics or something.

Edit here: I don't think Britney or Jessica could win a medal at the special olympics

Edited by GutsAndCasca
Posted (edited)


Gotta remember his name.... Nick Nolte.

Anyways... the guy who played in the orginal Black Lagoon, 007's Jaws, the kid(not so much of a kid anymore!) from the orginal LIS, Erin Grey, the TBS Witchblade chick(in suit), the wolf guy from American Werewolf in London, and a few other old B acters. Bruce Campbell was there but I could never find out which floor he was on(damn you sheridan!).

Edited by chrono

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