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  On 1/14/2011 at 6:09 PM, shiroikaze said:

Wait, what? Wow. I need to watch Animax Musix now just because of this.

By the way, I found this one through your link.

May'n x God knows is a pretty divine combo.


I didn't have time to search around for that this morning, but I suspected she must have sang God Know's as well. Of course now I want to see Aya Hirano sing Northern Cross, or Seikan Hikou.

  • 1 month later...

Something just occured to me... hope someone can answer this for me.

In ep1 of Haruhi season 2, Kyon travels back 3 years before and to get back to his original timeline, Nagato freezes time in her room. Kyon and Mikuru is in stasis for 3 years until they arrive at their original timeline.

Question is, where is the Kyon from 3 years ago during this time? Wouldn't there be two Kyons when he wakes up 3 years later? 1 is the time travelling kyon, and the other the original kyon of that timeline. I'm sure this is explained somewhere and I missed something but currently am stumped.

  On 3/16/2011 at 12:15 AM, wolfx said:

Something just occured to me... hope someone can answer this for me.

In ep1 of Haruhi season 2, Kyon travels back 3 years before and to get back to his original timeline, Nagato freezes time in her room. Kyon and Mikuru is in stasis for 3 years until they arrive at their original timeline.

Question is, where is the Kyon from 3 years ago during this time? Wouldn't there be two Kyons when he wakes up 3 years later? 1 is the time travelling kyon, and the other the original kyon of that timeline. I'm sure this is explained somewhere and I missed something but currently am stumped.

The time travelling Kyon and Mikuru wake up after their past selves have used Mikuru's device to travel back in time. So yes, timetravelling Kyon exists next to his past self for three years. In that episode (BLR) Yuki confirms that he was in stasis in the other room when Kyon visited Yuki's appartement for the first time in season one.

In disappearance they take it one step further when future Kyon arrives with friends to save himself from bleeding to death after being stabbed by Ryoko. Bit of a Bill and Ted paradox that one.

Posted (edited)

Actually, this is one thing they have never addressed directly.

Yes, there was the original 3-years-ago Kyon in that timeline, simultaneously. But we have never heard what was going on for him at that time.

Many people are very curious to see what exactly Kyon himself was up to on that night when the world changed.

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Suffice to say.. I'm really really curious about that too.

But anyway, no there wouldn't be two Kyons when he woke up from the three year sleep, because he woke up shortly after he was taken back in time to begin with.

Despite all the crazy time shenanigans in the series, one thing they are very careful about is the small details, and I've had many an hour spent just tracing all the individual stable time loops that occur throughout the story. It's a fun ride that would really be more accurately described as a time pretzel, or even a sweater.. yes, there are enough time lines and loops you could probably knit one out of them. ^_^

Edited by Chronocidal
Posted (edited)

On Kadokawa’s Haruhi light novel site, http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/haruhi/, there’s a list of 12 items under 「涼宮ハルヒの報告」 (“The Information/Report of Haruhi Suzumiya”). The 12th item is the cover for the second-half of The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya, featuring the silhouette of Sasaki, and when you click on it, it takes you to a “beta” (as in β :) ) site featuring her instead of Suzumiya and some of the windows filled with static :)

Edit: Didn't notice that the main page is designated α :)

Edited by ly000001
  On 3/16/2011 at 1:03 AM, Bri said:

The time travelling Kyon and Mikuru wake up after their past selves have used Mikuru's device to travel back in time.

Ahhh duhhh......that should be it. Thanks. Hence Yuki's explanation on when is the opportune time to wake them up.


I don't think it's a spoiler at all to assume Kyon is the true center of the Haurhi-verse. It's probably the primary reason we don't get to know his true name. Dissapearance definately boosted everything that was great about the series ten-fold though. That story should be studied for generations with all the complexities it added to an already deep story.

  On 3/16/2011 at 8:17 AM, Keith said:

I don't think it's a spoiler at all to assume Kyon is the true center of the Haurhi-verse. It's probably the primary reason we don't get to know his true name...

That's so true and I hadn't really thought about it. 10 novels in and we still don't know his name.

Maybe we'll get a surprise of "Star Warsian' proportions"? :D


Ok, this is where the fun speculation begins. ^_^

Theory 1: Asahina is Kyon and Haruhi's daughter, hence the "don't get too close to me" bit.

Theory 2: Haruhi is Kyon and Asahina's daughter. This makes even less sense, but would be a hilarious turn.

Theory 3: Haruhi is Kyon an Nagato's daughter. Even crazier, even less sense, but then we'd have some idea of where her powers might've come from... though in that case.. the paradoxes caused by

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get even more mind bending than I even want to consider.

Either way we'd have the potential for a "No.. I am you father!" line from Kyon, which might cause the universe to implode in a roiling massive ball of facepalms.

  On 3/17/2011 at 6:33 PM, Chronocidal said:

Ok, this is where the fun speculation begins. ^_^

Theory 1: Asahina is Kyon and Haruhi's daughter, hence the "don't get too close to me" bit.

Theory 2: Haruhi is Kyon and Asahina's daughter. This makes even less sense, but would be a hilarious turn.

Theory 3: Haruhi is Kyon an Nagato's daughter. Even crazier, even less sense, but then we'd have some idea of where her powers might've come from... though in that case.. the paradoxes caused by

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get even more mind bending than I even want to consider.

Either way we'd have the potential for a "No.. I am you father!" line from Kyon, which might cause the universe to implode in a roiling massive ball of facepalms.

Vader: Kyon... help me take this mask off.

Kyon: But you'll die!

Vader: Nothing can prevent that now.

(Kyon takes Vader's mask off and gasps)

Vader (as Tsuruya-san): (belly laughs) ;)

Other than what Kyon's real role is in the grand scheme of things, I wonder what's the meaning behind that vision he had where

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Hm. This is turning into a regular soap opera. At this rate, Haruhi better start piloting transforming super robots fast...


Posted (edited)

I doubt there's a time traveling parent issue going on. The reason Mikuru doesn't want Kyon to get too close is obviously the rage that would ensue from Haruhi at her. She's perfectl;y content to flirt when Haruhi isn't around, especially the more Mature Mikuru. As for transforming super robots, i'd rather see the Haruhi gang in more of a Gunbuster setting.

-Haruhi as Noriko

-Mikuru as Jung

-Yuki as the Uchuu Kaijuu

-Koizumi as Kazumi (hilarious!)

-Churuya as Coach Ohta

And of course

-Kyon as Smith Touren (and pormptly freaking out about being cast as a prominent side character who dies, then rationaliising it as having not died at all, merely hiding to get away from Haruhi).

Damnit, if I could draw worth a damn, I'd totally make this into Doujin.

Edited by Keith
  On 3/17/2011 at 10:11 PM, ly000001 said:

Vader: Kyon... help me take this mask off.

Kyon: But you'll die!

Vader: Nothing can prevent that now.

(Kyon takes Vader's mask off and gasps)

Vader (as Tsuruya-san): (belly laughs) ;)

Other than what Kyon's real role is in the grand scheme of things, I wonder what's the meaning behind that vision he had where

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Thank you for that, I nearly snorted coffee across my work computer. :lol: That would be absolutely epic. I'm going to have to draw that now too.. Darth Churuya!

As for the vision...

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is good news. I'd love to get this on DVD - even if from the UK. And given their pace, I might just be debt free and able to buy something around the time they get done :lol:


  On 4/14/2011 at 2:13 PM, Noriko Takaya said:

A bit off topic, but someone should shoot May'n's costume guy. Watch the God Knows video and read what is printed on the front of her jacket.

I'm at work, so I can't see it, but is it worse than the t-shirt Aya wore in the Gekisou concert?

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Interesting news. I'm not sure what to think, but something is going on again. Another website has appeared, saying there will be an announcement on July 7th this year regarding the series.

Rumors Abound for Haruhi Season 3

Sad news about Aya Hirano's statement about her health, I have my doubts a good replacement could be found for a third season. I kind of hope they decide to go out on a high note, and call Disappearance the end of the animated material, but I'll also be sad to never see the rest of the books animated. Either way, the books have been announced to be continuing, so the story isn't over yet.

I've been rewatching the series from the start with a friend recently, and went to check out the progress on the novels. Apparently, novel #10 is in the process of translation by fans, and can be found in chapter sized snippets around the internet, though not necessarily all of the chapters are complete. From what I have read... yes, there is a good reason #10 is called "The Astonishment of Haruhi Suzumiya." I'm trying not to spoil myself until I can read a complete version, so I'm going to re-read all the fan translations of the later novels to lead into it. Really glad I saved those somewhere before they were taken down.

Speaking of the novels though, Amazon has books 1-5 available in hardcover for about $10 each, so I'm going to be making an order shortly.

By the way.. Just a random thought I had looking at this topic.. how come it didn't get called "The Thread of Haruhi Suzumiya" to start with? Should we change it? :lol:

Edit: Just noticed the link there, taking you to a site for posting tweet-wishes on a virtual bamboo tree. New Haruhi Website

Edited by Chronocidal
Posted (edited)

End it with Dissapearance? Go out on a high note? You're crazy man! Yeah, E8 was...well E8, season 2 was still full of infinate amounts of awesome. Sigh totally made up for the obnoxiousness of E8, and Dissapearance blew everything that came before out of the water. If Aya Hirano truly does have to retire, that would be incredibly sad, "but" as the old saying goes, the show must go on. Fact of the matter is, Haruhi is much bigger than an Aya Hirano vehicle, and given the circumstances, the fanbase would readily accept a suitable replacement. As far as I'm concerned, I'd be more worried if they had to replace Kyon, as he's truly the central figure of the series.

In other words, come hell or high water, WE NEED THIS STORY TO CONTINUE BEING ANIMATED!

ALSO: I hereby nominate myself to be sent to Japan to help nurse Aya back to health... :)

Edited by Keith

Aya is still working ongoing anime like Fairy Tale and upcoming sequels and iirc a Haruhi 3 DS game. So Aya will be available for any future Haruhi projects. Sankaku complex loves to spread/create rumours so I always take any *news* on Aya with a pinch of salt untill it gets confirmed by reliable sources.

Fans love to moan about Endless Eight, but the supposedly poor sales had more to do with the DVD only release of S2 then anything else. The BD boxed set thrashed sales records. A third season is more of a question of *when* rather then *if*. Given the upcoming K-on movie this fall, I don't think we will see a third season before winter or spring 2012.

Posted (edited)

Heheh. I bet half the wishes on that website tree are for her to get better. The site I saw didn't read anything like a rumor; apparently she announced she has a tumor on her pituitary gland, and won't be taking any more voice roles, and is halting her singing career. Now, whether "any more voice roles" means "no more than I already have" or "no more voice work at all" is up for grabs. It could potentially be rumor, but it seems rather specific.

Anyway, I guess I should rephrase what I mean.. If the announcement is that the series will be ending, I hope they use Disappearance as the last hurrah, just because of what the plot does after that point. To continue for some amount of time, then just have the series die off mid-plot would be sad.

On the other hand, why would they ask for fans to submit wishes just to announce the ending? Considering Disappearance ends on a sort of causality-induced cliffhanger, they can't very well leave it unresolved.

The problem is, bringing about the final conclusion for Disappearance involves a story that is arguably a bigger mess than Disappearance, and introduces the overarching plot for the entire rest of the novels. Once they open the can of worms that is the

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it's going to be a long and crazy ride.

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Edited by Chronocidal
Posted (edited)

I'd actually be surprised if

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Edited by Keith
Posted (edited)
  On 6/28/2011 at 2:14 PM, Keith said:

In other words, come hell or high water, WE NEED THIS STORY TO CONTINUE BEING ANIMATED!

ALSO: I hereby nominate myself to be sent to Japan to help nurse Aya back to health... :)

As I hereby nominate myself to be sent to Japan alongside you, to help nurse ♥Mikuru-chan♥ into being by my side forevers and evers... ♥

Edited by Shaorin
Posted (edited)
  On 6/28/2011 at 5:32 PM, Keith said:

I'd actually be surprised if

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Well, the setup I keep expecting has a lot to do with the 9th novel.

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Anywho, I'll re-read book 9 tonight, and then go hunting for bits of 10 and 11 to see what happens. ^_^

Edited by Chronocidal
  On 6/28/2011 at 5:32 PM, Keith said:

I'd actually be surprised if

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Actually, at this point in the narrative, Kyon's done more time travel than Mikuru. And through the events of Disappearance, he's arguably ALREADY a slider.

So I'm waiting to find out how he becomes an alien and esper, and consequently Haruhi's perfect man.


Ok, so I read book 9 and a translated portion of 10 last night. Hoo boy.

Seems like books 9, 10, and 11 can be treated as one continuous story. Once the alpha/beta numbering in book 9 starts, it continues in sequence in book 10. Book 9 leaves off at a-6/b-6, and 10 starts with a-7/b-7. Not sure if it's entirely consistent, but it looks like each labeled section is about a single day (though the length of the sections vary based on what occurs.. one alpha section is about a paragraph long, and just tells about how Kyon wasted his sunday doing nothing in particular).

Now the fun stuff.

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Anyway.. so yeah. My brain hurts, and I can't wait to read more of this one.


It also brings up an interesting point in how these things would be handled animated. Perhaps

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  On 6/29/2011 at 2:35 PM, Chronocidal said:

Ok, so I read book 9 and a translated portion of 10 last night. Hoo boy.

Seems like books 9, 10, and 11 can be treated as one continuous story. Once the alpha/beta numbering in book 9 starts, it continues in sequence in book 10. Book 9 leaves off at a-6/b-6, and 10 starts with a-7/b-7. Not sure if it's entirely consistent, but it looks like each labeled section is about a single day (though the length of the sections vary based on what occurs.. one alpha section is about a paragraph long, and just tells about how Kyon wasted his sunday doing nothing in particular).

Now the fun stuff.

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Anyway.. so yeah. My brain hurts, and I can't wait to read more of this one.

Wow. It does seem that the story is getting more complex by the book.

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