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  Keith said:
For shame on all of us, apparently this month Bandai stealthly started hinting at, and this past weekend finaly announced, that they've licensed Haruhi season 2. There's a new video promo up at www.asosbrigade.com , and man, are the girls they got to promote this time around "skanky," in the "eww" and "dirty" kinda way. Oh how I miss season 1 promo Mikuru, she was far hotter than who they got this time around. Unfortunately, there are no release specifics yet, but I can't wait to buy all 100 episodes of endless eight...no really! :)

I've ordered the last two boxes of the R2 release. If the Bandai release will be anything like it, your in for a treat, the quality is extremely good. Wonder if the extra's will be the same. On the R2s is a guided tour by the makers of the anime through the places that were the inspiration for the animation.

It's a strange sensation to see that pretty much all the buildings and locations in the anime really exist.


R2 is Europe?? Where ?? Just don't say amazon... they don't ship to me...

Maybe I ca just paypal you some money and you can send me a box?? :lol:


Posted (edited)
  VFTF1 said:
R2 is Europe?? Where ?? Just don't say amazon... they don't ship to me...

Maybe I ca just paypal you some money and you can send me a box?? :lol:


Sorry to get your hopes up, R2 is both Europe and Japan. I've bought mine from CDJapan as the Japanese version of season 2 has an English sub. For a while it was not certain there would be a US release, and tbh the difference in price after shipping and taxes would not make it much cheaper for me to wait for a US release.

I've bought the Season 1 version from BEEZ in 2008 that's Bandai Europe which is also in R2 and can be ordered from quite a few UK vendors like Play.com. I'm still collecting the Japanese Limited Editions from season 1 but most are sold out.

Edited by Bri

Good morning.

There are times in the course of human history, when events transpire that leave us in awe of our own stupidity. Times like when the caveman who spent 20 years building a square wheel and trying to make it roll notices that his competitor has made a circular wheel which roles. Times like when you put tomatos into your sandwitch, which you have with hard boiled eggs, and then later eat a bag of doritos and wash it down with coffee, to only realize once you are confined to the toiet and in pain that you have made a major blunder.

I have just had such a moment...I think.

After spending the better part of the last year whining that I couldn't get anime on DVD - I found that ...well...it seems I can get the entire first season of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya on DVD here in Poland.

The subs are in Polish...which I am actually kind of dreading... because I remember long ago buying Transformers with a voice over in Polish and...well... the less said about that the better... But it says that these are subs - so whatever crap the subbers write - it won't interfere with the lovely Japanese of the original.

About 70 bucks for the set... but...as I order now...it should be at my door in a couple of days...


No season 2 though...

Some company called Anime Virtual got the license.

Even though there is a Bandai Poland....

Oh well...

It reminds me of how a company in Poland called Demel had the license for distributing Transformers for like 20 years - even though there is a Hasbro Poland...

I dunno... this place is wierd. No - wait. I do know. Somebody at Hasbro PL decided to sell the license for cheap to their cousin who then made money off of it..


I dunno.

I just hope these DVDs are the real deal. They're sold in a legitamite store - not on the Polish equivalent of Ebay - where all the anime DVDs are pirated...


Posted (edited)

They also have all of Gundam SEED (the series) and the two Gundam Movies Gubaba has recomennded I get. I already sent an email to my girlfriend asking her to get me the Gundam movies for my birthday. Since both of them together cost 20 bucks shipped - I hope she'll do it...although...knowing her...she won't!! :lol: But it's what she gets for sending me a "take me to this ridiculously ugly yet expensive hotel for Valentines day because somebody famous told me it was trendy and my girlfriends all agreed" email... <_< So ... I guess I got back at her by making (from her point of view) an equally assinine request of "get me these two obscure anime movies via the internet which you have no clue how to shop on" :)

No Evangelion though...and no Macross....no older anime. Lots of Ikee Tousen, Black Lagoon and lots of moe stuff...

I too am intrigued by the Polish subtitles, but judging from the content discriptions - they should be spot on. The description of the story is excellent - so hopefully the translations will be too.


Edited by VFTF1
Posted (edited)

Anime virtual is the German daughter company of Kaze, which in turn, is a French subsidiary of BEEZ (European branch of Bandai Virtual). So you have the official Bandai discs on your hands. Got to love the transparancy of multinationals

Edited by Bri
Anime virtual is the German daughter company of Kaze, which in turn, is a French subsidiary of BEEZ (European branch of Bandai Virtual). So you have the official Bandai discs on your hands. Got to love the transparancy of multinationals

I also have Bandai Poland who clearly have about as much of a clue about promoting their products as Hasrbo Poland - which is to say ZERO....:lol:

But thanks for the tip! That makes sense now.


  VFTF1 said:
I also have Bandai Poland who clearly have about as much of a clue about promoting their products as Hasrbo Poland - which is to say ZERO....:lol:

But thanks for the tip! That makes sense now.


Unfortunately for those of us that live in Europe, the distribution and licensing of anime is a complete disaster an makes it very complicated to find stuff. I used to get most of my stuff from ebay or Amazon in the U.S and Madman in Australia. Unfortunately with the new import tariffs introduced in Denmark this year, I'll have to cut down on that.

Even worse than that, I can't see half of the stuff on crunchyroll due to licensing issues. Even stranger than that, every time I try to access Funimations website, I get sent instead to their parent company's (Navarre ) website...

Pete: if you buy the japanese DVD to watch on your tv, just make sure that your tv is NTSC compatible. Otherwise you'll just have to watch the DVD on your laptop.

Pete: if you buy the japanese DVD to watch on your tv, just make sure that your tv is NTSC compatible. Otherwise you'll just have to watch the DVD on your laptop.


Pete doesn't have a TV.

As for "corporate transparency" and licensing issues for anime in Europe - in my opinion the fault lies with Europe's ridiculous tax laws, import laws and a host of other issues that all boil down to "The EU is not a free trade zone."

I highly doubt that corporations engage in creating several sister, cousin, brother, step father companies in because they get their jollies that way. Instead, I am pretty sure it's done due to the maze of regulations that any company that wants to do business in Europe has to jump through - particularly VAT tax laws. See - even though technically we have free trade - importers from within the EU still have to file numerous forms. Like if my company imports from the UK, where the VAT tax is 15% on hobby goods - into Poland where it's 22%, then while filing QUARTERLY tax returns (although some companies can opt to have the fun of filing monthly returns), then they have to file special forms to calculate their returns since they paid 15% VAT in the UK but charged 22% VAT to customers in Poland (according to the law).

This creates a sick situation - so it's much easier for corporations to just create dumby companies in various European countries in order to reduce the accounting costs, the red tape and all the headache that would go into simply fuctioning as - say - Bandai Visual throughout Europe.

This is my third year in Business in Europe and it is unbelievably horribly grotesquely insanely stupidly complex. Maybe I feel this way because I'm a true blue American in many ways, and for all the flaws of the US tax system, it's no where near as complex and incomrehensibly asanine as what Europe features - and so I am going through "tax culture shock" ... But I think this is one of the reasons why niche markets, like the anime market, are so...well...disorganized in Europe. There's just no way that something so small can take advantage of even the basics of economies of scale :(

At the very least they could harmonize the stupid tax codes instead of having 27 of them. I mean - it's not so bad for a small business like mine since I function ONLY in one European country. But damn - if I was a medium sized company that wanted to execute a pan-European business strategy...my God would that be craptastically complicated.

I know that Hasbro imports all their products to Germany, from which they are distributed throughout the continent - I THINK this is because logistically it comes out cheapest for them.. but still it's just amazingly stupendously difficult to wrap a small human brain around. At least my brain is too small to fathom it...

This is what came to mind as I mulled over Bri's post about Anime Visual winding its' way back to Bandai...

And yeah -it's impossible to watch things "legally" on the internet because of licensing issues. I ALWAYS get the stupid "this product has not been licensed in Poland" message on crunchy so I just gave up.


Consider that 99% of the globe looks like this. And it's just not in the interest of corporations to lobby for this situation to be changed because why should they spend resources to capture extremely small markets in remote locations anyways?

But from Europe's point of view...they're just hurting themselves...although - on the other hand - given European elites disdain for popular culture (unless it's being used as a means for pointing fingers and laughing at the "bourgious classes" or "stupid Americans" ... I doubt they actually realize this....

I dunno... it's certainly a mess... But whatever. Oh well. Chances are it'll clean itself up sooner or later...


Posted (edited)
  VFTF1 said:
I highly doubt that corporations engage in creating several sister, cousin, brother, step father companies in because they get their jollies that way. Instead, I am pretty sure it's done due to the maze of regulations that any company that wants to do business in Europe has to jump through - particularly VAT tax laws.

This creates a sick situation - so it's much easier for corporations to just create dumby companies in various European countries in order to reduce the accounting costs, the red tape and all the headache that would go into simply fuctioning as - say - Bandai Visual throughout Europe.

True, these company structures are often result from taxes and regulations. But in fairness this happens in every country. Mulinationals operating in the US or Japan adapt their stuctures to local legislation as well. Japan is know for it's conglomerates.

  VFTF1 said:
This is my third year in Business in Europe and it is unbelievably horribly grotesquely insanely stupidly complex. Maybe I feel this way because I'm a true blue American in many ways, and for all the flaws of the US tax system, it's no where near as complex and incomrehensibly asanine as what Europe features - and so I am going through "tax culture shock" ... But I think this is one of the reasons why niche markets, like the anime market, are so...well...disorganized in Europe. There's just no way that something so small can take advantage of even the basics of economies of scale :(

At the very least they could harmonize the stupid tax codes instead of having 27 of them. I mean - it's not so bad for a small business like mine since I function ONLY in one European country. But damn - if I was a medium sized company that wanted to execute a pan-European business strategy...my God would that be craptastically complicated.

A lot of companies, even small ones, outsource the financial administration to accountancy firms. A good ccountant can save you a lot of money and hassle. The EU VAT or taxes in general are not as a big an issue compared to the problems with the labor markets and it's regulations. In fact the EU vat is considered on of the areas of where harmonisation was rather succesful (member states are allowed to vary it within a bandwith of 15 to 25%)

  VFTF1 said:
But from Europe's point of view...they're just hurting themselves...although - on the other hand - given European elites disdain for popular culture (unless it's being used as a means for pointing fingers and laughing at the "bourgious classes" or "stupid Americans" ... I doubt they actually realize this....

The difference in factor mobility makes the EU internal market hard to compare to the US. Differences in social security, language, culture and education make it a lot more costly for people (labor) to migrate to other member states. You need mobility in both capital and labor to have a functioning competative market like the US has. The current situation is far from optimal but you need harmonisation on social policy and education (which does not have popular support) or a US style competative market wont happen in the EU.

Coming back to Haruhi, which is a more fun topic:

Found an AMV that brought back memories. The old Tenchi Miyo opening just sounds like it was written for Haruhi even though it predates the series by more then a decade:

wish there was a version with the Japanese original too:


Edited by Bri

The excellent translations of the Haruhi Suzumiya novels available at Baka Tsuki have now been removed by request of the copyright holder Hachette Book Group.

I had bought the first two novels available in english and then moved on to the Baka Tsuki translations due to the unavailability of the rest of the series. Considering that Hachette is releasing them at the sedate tempo of 2 a year, one can expect to see novel 9 (The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya) sometime in 2013.

Sometimes I get the feeling that publishing houses don't get how the internet has changed the world.

  Marzan said:
Considering that Hachette is releasing them at the sedate tempo of 2 a year, one can expect to see novel 9 (The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya) sometime in 2013.

Had to happen sometime, and I am glad I saved them all before they went poof, but I'm also glad they're finally getting an official release that I can read in my favorite reading nook, rather than on a screen.

On the plus side though, the delay in publishing might lead to them actually having time to finish Vol. 9... Either the online translation is incomplete, or the author pulled a move out of Monty Python, and died in the middle of the chase scene. There was just no freaking ending. The book just stopped. We get a glimpse of what's happening, but the story isn't far enough along for a cliffhanger yet, because we don't have a clue what the events even mean.

  Chronocidal said:
Had to happen sometime, and I am glad I saved them all before they went poof, but I'm also glad they're finally getting an official release that I can read in my favorite reading nook, rather than on a screen.

On the plus side though, the delay in publishing might lead to them actually having time to finish Vol. 9... Either the online translation is incomplete, or the author pulled a move out of Monty Python, and died in the middle of the chase scene. There was just no freaking ending. The book just stopped. We get a glimpse of what's happening, but the story isn't far enough along for a cliffhanger yet, because we don't have a clue what the events even mean.

I had only gotten up to vol. 6, hence my dissapointment. However as we know nothing really "dissapears" once it hits the web so I'll just go somewhere else to read it.

Didn't know about vol. 9 being incomplete. Anyone else out there know if it was a translation thing or was it left like that on purpose? According to wikipedia ther should be a vol. 10 coming out sometime, but then again wikipedia isn't always too accurate.

Maybe Tanigawa just got the jitters and is at a loss on how to finish such a remarkably popular story!


My Season 1 4-DVD set of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya arrived today. I'm gonna marathon the series tonght I think :) The Polish subtitles are accurate to what I remember. So far, I'm only a few minutes into the Adventures of Mikuru Asahina and...

There's a scene in it that was cut from all of the version I saw in fansubs!!

Namely this scene:


It lasts for a few seconds, with a narration from Kyon, where he says "if you think about it, this angle makes it look like Yuki has some evil intentions towards Itsuki."

I never saw this scene before in the originals!


See? Legal DVDs always rock!! As pirates, we missed out on this EPIC amazing scene :lol:

But seriously - I am happy that I can legally buy the first season in Poland. I have no hopes for the second one, but since Bri says it's subbed in english then I'll get the Japanese original DVDs somehow...

I'm curious whether or not I'll discover any other new footage that I wasn't aware of before!


  VFTF1 said:
See? Legal DVDs always rock!! As pirates, we missed out on this EPIC amazing scene :lol:

But seriously - I am happy that I can legally buy the first season in Poland. I have no hopes for the second one, but since Bri says it's subbed in english then I'll get the Japanese original DVDs somehow...

I'm curious whether or not I'll discover any other new footage that I wasn't aware of before!


Plus there is something to be said about the feeling that at least a fraction of your money will eventually reach the people who make such entertaining things possible :)


Actually, the box EXPLICITLY says that the anime series is copyright "SOS brigade."

I'm not only a MEMBER of SOS brigade - I'm actually Danchou.

I'll prove it next week by posting a picture of myself in my SOS brigade T-shirt with my Danchou armband.

I'm actually not so much Danchou as I am Man-Dan-Chou. Haruhi is Woman-Dan-Chou.

Don't believe me?

Check out who I'm standing with in my twitter profile: http://twitter.com/dyrl


Anyways - there's actually quite a few scenes I've never seen before. And all of them are pretty much as epic as the above picture of Yuki. For instance, Ryoko giggling with some girls, some guys telling Kyon not to worry about how wierd Haruhi is, Haruhi walking around the school looking for members, Kyon reading the official school guidelines for clubs...

I'm just happy to own this. I'm gonna carry all four DVDs around with my laptop at all times!

But the real test will be when I see my girlfriend again! Now that I have this with Polish subs - she'll be able to watch it...question is...will she?

Well - it's my birthday on the 14th! So - this is my chance! I can FORCE her to watch it with me by claiming that she can't deny my for my birthday.

Problem is - it's also valentines days...so she can counter that she doesn't want to watch it, and if I make her - it means I don't love her.

Besides - she already agreed to dress up like Mikuru-chan in a waitress/maid outfit... which I ended up not buying her in favor of a nice nightgown (although a very short one!) which I found instead...

Um...but anyways...I dunno... I watched frickin' THREE episodes of Dr. House at her insistence... she could watch some Haruhi with me :(

We'll see...


  VFTF1 said:
But the real test will be when I see my girlfriend again! Now that I have this with Polish subs - she'll be able to watch it...question is...will she?

Well - it's my birthday on the 14th! So - this is my chance! I can FORCE her to watch it with me by claiming that she can't deny my for my birthday.

Problem is - it's also valentines days...so she can counter that she doesn't want to watch it, and if I make her - it means I don't love her.

Besides - she already agreed to dress up like Mikuru-chan in a waitress/maid outfit... which I ended up not buying her in favor of a nice nightgown (although a very short one!) which I found instead...


How to get your GF to watch Haruhi

Option 1: Tell her you want her in character and she needs to watch in order to be in character.

Option 2: Tell her its a story about a boy and girl who secretly love each other but they have trouble expressing it.

Option 3: Tell her the series is embodiment/ physical manifestation of your feelings for her.

Option 4: Drugs

Option 5: Ask her to watch it and you in turn do something she wants.

Option 6: Pay her to watch it.

Posted (edited)

It's not so much that scene's were cut from the fansubs, it's more to do with retouched animation/new scenes being added to DVD releases in Japan in general. The fansubs are true to the "as broadcasted" versions of the episodes. This isn't an uncommon practice, Macross Frontier also had retouched animatoin in the home release.

As for getting the girlfriend to watch Haruhi, as soon as I can get mine to watch anything other than Mononoke Hime, I'll tell you how!

Edited by Keith
  BeyondTheGrave said:
How to get your GF to watch Haruhi

Option 1: Tell her you want her in character and she needs to watch in order to be in character.

Option 2: Tell her its a story about a boy and girl who secretly love each other but they have trouble expressing it.

Option 3: Tell her the series is embodiment/ physical manifestation of your feelings for her.

Option 4: Drugs

Option 5: Ask her to watch it and you in turn do something she wants.

Option 6: Pay her to watch it.

1. If I tell her I want her "in character" she'll think I don't love her as she is, and that I'm hunting for a girl "like" Mikuru. Besides - I already told her she IS in character, because she has Mikuru's shame, is constantly embarassed about how pretty she is. She's not clumsy though - but I don't think I want her to be :)

2. She would say that's too simplistic for her refined and sophisticated taste...

3. That wouldn't work, since I'm always giving her presents, taking her places and doing tons of things to show express my feelings for her...so saying an anime does that would be a step down :)

4. My girlfriend can't even swallow an asprin without fanfare (she needs me to flatten it between two spoons, mix it with water - and even then she has trouble swallowing it)... besides- we don't do drugs. Neither of us are into them :)

5. I always do everything she wants anyways - and besides, it's totally unromantic to openly barter with your girlfriend... it'll ruin my romantic image :)

6. She makes more than President Obama - I don't think I could offer her enough money to do anything :)

  Keith said:
It's not so much that scene's were cut from the fansubs, it's more to do with retouched animation/new scenes being added to DVD releases in Japan in general. The fansubs are true to the "as broadcasted" versions of the episodes. This isn't an uncommon practice, Macross Frontier also had retouched animatoin in the home release.

As for getting the girlfriend to watch Haruhi, as soon as I can get mine to watch anything other than Mononoke Hime, I'll tell you how!

Yeah - I'm pretty much in the same boat :)


  Keith said:
As for getting the girlfriend to watch Haruhi, as soon as I can get mine to watch anything other than Mononoke Hime, I'll tell you how!

Ive tried and so far it isnt going so well. The mrs. is hard to please! No to Haruhi (too slice of life for her taste),no to Ghost in the Shell (too complicated), no to Grave of the Fireflies (too sad). You can imagine why I'm currently watching Gurren Lagann alone...

If you ever find the secret, please let us know....

Posted (edited)
  Marzan said:
Ive tried and so far it isnt going so well. The mrs. is hard to please! No to Haruhi (too slice of life for her taste),no to Ghost in the Shell (too complicated), no to Grave of the Fireflies (too sad). You can imagine why I'm currently watching Gurren Lagann alone...

If you ever find the secret, please let us know....

We can definitely rule out anything with robots (for now) :p

How about these?

Clannad and Clannad: After Story

Vampire Hunter D (both movies)

Rurouni Kenshin (the OVAs)

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Any Studio Ghibli film

...and if you have any kids,

I dare say... Naruto?

[edit] Rozen Maiden might be a good choice.

Edited by shiroikaze
  VFTF1 said:
1. If I tell her I want her "in character" she'll think I don't love her as she is, and that I'm hunting for a girl "like" Mikuru. Besides - I already told her she IS in character, because she has Mikuru's shame, is constantly embarassed about how pretty she is. She's not clumsy though - but I don't think I want her to be :)

2. She would say that's too simplistic for her refined and sophisticated taste...

3. That wouldn't work, since I'm always giving her presents, taking her places and doing tons of things to show express my feelings for her...so saying an anime does that would be a step down :)

4. My girlfriend can't even swallow an asprin without fanfare (she needs me to flatten it between two spoons, mix it with water - and even then she has trouble swallowing it)... besides- we don't do drugs. Neither of us are into them :)

5. I always do everything she wants anyways - and besides, it's totally unromantic to openly barter with your girlfriend... it'll ruin my romantic image :)

6. She makes more than President Obama - I don't think I could offer her enough money to do anything :)



You could always say that her watching it would allow her to gain an insight into your mind/soul. which would allow you to become even closer.


We've been together 6 years now :) I think she has all the insights into my mind and soul that she needs :lol: It's not like we're in high school and just started dating ya know :lol:

Ultimately I just need to be lucky enough to have her in the right mood...:)



Oh...and sorry for the double post - but my official DVD edition of Haruhi Suzumiya actually does have ONE very important scene in it. I forgot the episode - but Kyon openly muses about how Yuki, Koizumi and Mikuru are all super-normal and have some kind of powers while he doesn't...and then he says..."so what's my power? Am I normal? Or do I have some hidden power?" ... and then he says "I think I'm the consciousness of SOS brigade. My super power is ensuring that we don't do anything wrong or illegal."

Very interesting.

And also puts to rest the speculation about whether Kyon is the one who creates the world and runs everything - although...it also opens up the possibility that Kyon DOES have some hidden power...



Only item i can think that's left is to get translations of the book and get her into reading them. If she likes those tell her they made a show based off the books.

That or hide a ring in DVDs somewhere.

Or if all else fails light some candles spread some rose pedals dim the lights... then put haruhi on. :lol:

  BeyondTheGrave said:
Only item i can think that's left is to get translations of the book and get her into reading them. If she likes those tell her they made a show based off the books.

That or hide a ring in DVDs somewhere.

Or if all else fails light some candles spread some rose pedals dim the lights... then put haruhi on. :lol:

a) There are no translations into Polish, and her english is decent - but not good enough to read the Haruhi novels in english.

b) A ring is the last thing she wants :lol: She's still in the midst of a post-divorce real estate battle. I don't think she'll ever want to get married again and can't say I blame her...

c) you know...recently she's taken to not liking dim lights. Either it has to be pitch black or all the lights have to be on. Rose pedals? She likes when I buy her flowers; sometimes roses too - but I think if I spread rose pedals anywhere - on the bed, on the floor..anywhere...then I'd hear the following: "What have you done?! I just finished cleaning!! Get the vaccume and clean up this mess!!"

Trust me - she's a hard nut to crack :lol:


  VFTF1 said:
Rose pedals? She likes when I buy her flowers; sometimes roses too - but I think if I spread rose pedals anywhere - on the bed, on the floor..anywhere...then I'd hear the following: "What have you done?! I just finished cleaning!! Get the vaccume and clean up this mess!!"

Lol! :D

It seems that women all over the planet share certain priorities!


I guess I'm sort of lucky in that department altough it leads to it's own problems. My girlfriend is a worse sci-fi/fantasy nerd then I am but she draws the line at mecha and space ships. I mean elves, fairyfolk and whatever strolls in the forrest are fine off course. Anything magic, however unrealistic is great, but starships and robots go pew pew get me a wary look as if saying, "really, that's so unrealistic, hun". Must be something hardwired in the female brain... :blink:

My poor Valks and G1 transformers have to share their cupboard with her "My little pony" and "She-ra" collection *sigh*. She also loves games so getting her off the desktop whenever I need it for work is a pain if she is too wrapped up in killing stuff in CS or whatever mmorpg she is playing this month. Off course I can't complain too loud, she is a vet and any women that castrates for a living should be handeled carefully :ph34r:

  VFTF1 said:
a) There are no translations into Polish, and her english is decent - but not good enough to read the Haruhi novels in english.

b) A ring is the last thing she wants :lol: She's still in the midst of a post-divorce real estate battle. I don't think she'll ever want to get married again and can't say I blame her...

c) you know...recently she's taken to not liking dim lights. Either it has to be pitch black or all the lights have to be on. Rose pedals? She likes when I buy her flowers; sometimes roses too - but I think if I spread rose pedals anywhere - on the bed, on the floor..anywhere...then I'd hear the following: "What have you done?! I just finished cleaning!! Get the vaccume and clean up this mess!!"

Trust me - she's a hard nut to crack :lol:


Well I'm out of ideas for the moment.

All I can say is hope that you somehow get force powers,

, biotic abilities or she sees how much fun your having watching Haruhi.
  VFTF1 said:
We've been together 6 years now :) I think she has all the insights into my mind and soul that she needs :lol: It's not like we're in high school and just started dating ya know :lol:

Ultimately I just need to be lucky enough to have her in the right mood...:)


If your experiencei s anything like mine, then even "the right mood" will lead to falling asleep before any single episode is over.... Until such time as they make a CSI or Law & Order anime, I write off the issue as a lost cause. Unless you count waiting until they're asleep and watching anime in the same room as watching together :)

  • 2 weeks later...

So - yesterday was my Birthday - and I had fun. Although none of this stuff was bought "yesterday" it can all be considered Birthday loot - and I'm happy to finally have it.

First - not visible is of course my Season 1 Haruhi DVD collection which I've already posted about ...anyways...on to other stuff.

First - the Haruhi Suzumiya Figma figures - very happy to have all of them now:



Well....all but Kyon...but I always feel like I'm Kyon anyways...so...it evens out....

But - best off all...I present this!:


I can't wait for summer - then I'll be able to wear my SOS-dan t-shirt AND my Danchou amrband!

Anyways...I'm really happy with all my Haruhi stuff. Now I think I'd like to get some pillow covers and posters...but I haven't seen much of that anywhere... Maybe I'll go for Gurren Lagann pillow covers and bath towels...

Anyways... I think Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has comfortably become my all time favorite anime and the new "center" to my imagination... just as Transformers was for most of my childhood, teenage years and time in college... ever since abandoning Transfomers - I've been looking for a 'favorite.' For a time - it seemed Macross would be it... but then I saw this anime and there was just no going back....

Macross is my second favorite anime along with Gurren Lagann:)

But Haruhi is number 1 !



See, if you'd gone for the R1 Special edition DVD's instead of the polish one's, you'd already HAVE pillow covers!

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