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Many responded to part 1 with mech fighting so i've broken down the category a bit. So what's your fav anime fight in the following categories.

Space fight(one-on-one or armada battle)

Plane fight (atmospheric)(ie non-space)(can be transformable plane like Macross Plus)

Mech fight(self explanatory)

Robot fight(you know the difference between them and mechs)

Giant Fight( battles amongst large folk)

Group battle(one where multiple fights are going on. Can be any of the other category types too...i guess?)

Horror fight(you know the type. the one where evil is sure to win)

Car/automobile fight/car chase etc. Just a fav scene involving cars(ON THE GROUND) not flying cars though.

Fav description of an attack/sword etc( you know when they describe the history of the attack etc or even when they have a fantastic name/magic call for the attack itself.

Best location of a fight(where the fight took place had you thinking "wow")

Any other category fight(i can't think of any other "types" so put any other of note that you feel deserve mentioning)

there may be a part 3...

Posted (edited)

Space fight(one-on-one or armada battle)

Legend of Galactic Heroes... Either the FPA's Galatic Empire Campaign that culminated in the Amlitzer Star Zone encounter, The Second Battle of Mar Aldetta (with Bucock) or The battle between the two fortressess... Classic classic battles.

Mech fight(self explanatory)

Macross plus again.

Best location of a fight(where the fight took place had you thinking "wow")

Amlitzer star zone was over a sun...

Fav description of an attack/sword etc( you know when they describe the history of the attack etc or even when they have a fantastic name/magic call for the attack itself.

Saitoh Hajime's Gatosu.

Edited by Noyhauser
Posted (edited)

Space Fight I'll second Galactic Heroes, but Vermillion is my favorite battle, probably followed by the Tiamat battle in the first movie. Armlitzer is a definite third and Astarte fourth.

Spoiler: At Vermillion we see that Yang is definitely the better tactition.

Plane Fight Gonna have to be the dog fight between the Swordfish and the Martian military in the Bebop movie.

Giant Robot Fight - Hmm... I'll have to go with Van vs. Allen in Escaflowne. Macross Plus is second.

Robot Figh Huh? See above, I guess.

Giant Fight Err...

Group Guess I'll go with any of the above LoGH battles for this one too.

Horror The Eva episode where they get Touji to pilot. The whole thing just made me cringe, but I couldn't look away. Nasty business that was.

Automobiles The chase vs. the red mini in the first episode of the old You're Under Arrest! OVAs.

Description In Berserk durring the hundred man battle, where Guts is explaining to the guys he's fighting that his sword isn't very sharp so getting hit by it is going to be rather unpleasant.

Best Location Armlitzer is a possibility as is the battle above the gas giant in the first LoGH movie... Can't really decide on this one. I'll have to come back.

Edited by JELEINEN
Posted (edited)
  JELEINEN said:
Space Fight I'll second Galactic Heroes, but Vermillion is my favorite battle, probably followed by the Tiamat battle in the first episode.  Armlitzer is a definite third and Astarte fourth.

Spoiler: At Vermillion we see that Yang is definitely the better tactition.

(The whole thing is a spoiler) Yeah I know, but Vermillion is the "signature" battle of the series, its the climactic battle between the two leaders. Of course its great.

Bucock at Mar Alldatta 2 is something different alltogether however.With a badly outnumber force he picks apart Reinhart's fleet in a battle he knows he's not going to win. And yet he still fights because of principle and honour, and knowing that makes his final speech all the more poignant and yet stirring moments in the whole series.

I also liked any battle with Willibald Joachim von Merkatz... just because he was such a great tactician.

Edited by Noyhauser
  Noyhauser said:
  JELEINEN said:
Space Fight I'll second Galactic Heroes, but Vermillion is my favorite battle, probably followed by the Tiamat battle in the first episode.  Armlitzer is a definite third and Astarte fourth.

Spoiler: At Vermillion we see that Yang is definitely the better tactition.

(The whole thing is a spoiler) Yeah I know, but Vermillion is the "signature" battle of the series, its the climactic battle between the two leaders. Of course its great.

Bucock at Mar Alldatta 2 is something different alltogether however.With a badly outnumber force he picks apart Reinhart's fleet in a battle he knows he's not going to win. And yet he still fights because of principle and honour, and knowing that makes his final speech all the more poignant and yet stirring moments in the whole series.

I also liked any battle with Willibald Joachim von Merkatz... just because he was such a great tactician.


I second that. The Battle at Starzone Doria is another classic as well.

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