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Any other fans of Hirohiko Araki here? The artist famous for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! I recommend it for anyone looking for a mature Manga title with some strange magical storylines and cool fight scenes.

The Manga(Generation 3 anyway) is now coming out here finally!


I am hoping if it sells well that we can get Generations 1-2,and 4-7 over here.

You can also get the OVA's of the same series here.


So far I have read through volume 3 and love it. I ordered the entire set of DVDs after reading this review


I cant wait to watch them.

I cant put my finger on it but I really did the style and art in Jojo's. It is a mix of Tetsuo Hara(Fist of the North Star/Blue Sky) and something more akin to a standard Shonen Weekly.

If anyone has any info on the other series or just some comments that would be cool. Thanks!


I remember seeing the original Jojo OVA for the first time about 8 years ago. It was in an anime convention and subtitled only in Korean or something but it sure got my attention (you couldn’t possibly ignore those over the top character designs :p ). I've read good things about the manga also.

If you can, pick up also the first OVA they made (which chronologically takes place after the new OVA). It's much better than the new OVA, has some great old school animation and has some of the best parts of the story.

  Twoducks said:
I remember seeing the original Jojo OVA for the first time about 8 years ago. It was in an anime convention and subtitled only in Korean or something but it sure got my attention (you couldn’t possibly ignore those over the top character designs  :p ). I've read good things about the manga also.

If you can, pick up also the first OVA they made (which chronologically takes place after the new OVA). It's much better than the new OVA, has some great old school animation and has some of the best parts of the story.


All 6 DVDs have both OVA series(which is basically the entire story of Generation 3 Jojo)


I D/L all of fanscanned jojo till volume 60ish last summer read it all over the summer and wow I've never seen such....overly odd powers/characters/monsters/plots in any shonen manga ever... i'm on the mafia part and who knew a fight between a magical fishing hook and and guy who can turn anything into zippers would be so intense

I also own the jojo PS1 game SOOOO amazing for a PS1 fighting game... with about 20 selectable characters with unique stands which impress me even more by having 4 characters on the screen at the same time... on the PS1 and with all the cheesy voice overs and even the loading screens are entertaining *thinks of Jotaro's grandfather JoJo oh my god pictures* and with each of the 20 characters having their own semi-unique arcade mode makes it quite the anime video game adaption.

haven't seen the anime but will probobly watch when I have the time


my first experiance with JoJo was with the fighting game for the Dreamcast. it was pretty cool with all the selectable characters and unique figthing styles. i liked it alot. i have never seen the anime or manga.



Hell, I only know of a 4chan flash series about a stickman named "Dio"

landing steamrollers on (not so) innocent bystanders being tied in with

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

since those flash movies made me lmao I might just have to check this out


Jojo's adventure is divided into 5 parts. I think the 3rd part is the one that popularize even more the already popular jojo's series which I think due to the "stand" concept. Played the arcade game before but it was a bit meh for my taste.

anyone who wants to read the whole series of the manga just PM me.


  Jojo's adventure is divided into 5 parts. I think the 3rd part is the one that popularize even more the already popular jojo's series which I think due to the "stand" concept. Played the arcade game before but it was a bit meh for my taste.

anyone who wants to read the whole series of the manga just PM me.


5 more like 7 :p

Original JoJo with Jonathan Joestar aka jojo no stands and ripples as super powers JoJo fights Dio his step bro

2nd JoJo with Joseph Joestar aka jojo grandson of Johnathan joestar no stands use ripple as well bad guys 3 evil mask wielders

3rd JoJo with Jotaro Kujo aka jojo grandson of Jospeh Joestar stands come in, bad guy Dio with Johnathans body

4th with JoJo Josuke Higashikata (can somehow related to jo) who is the illegitamite child of Joseph joestar... sorta unique everyday life highschool JoJo bad guy of the week sorta deal till the end

5th Jojo with Giorno Giovanna the son of DIO when he took Johnathans body bad guy ummm like the italian mafia :p

6th JoJo with Jolyne Kujo jotaro's daughter. I haven't read this one yet

7th Steel ball run with Johnny Joestar. Haven't read yet either. This is the most current JoJo story. Apparently sorta like a alturnate universe sorta deal or something with no real connection to old jojo

Insane huh:P


I always found the fifth part of the series to be the most intense, among those Sticky Fingers (the zipper dude), Purple Haze (releases viruses), and Aero Smith (model airplanes FTW! lol) being my favourite battles. Waching Sticky Fingers work is really something, a guy who has nothing to lose going over the edge to accomplish his mission.

Haven't read any of the manga since Part 5 ended though, for some reason Part 5 just left me drained and satisfied... like.. cigarette in the bed satisfied, lol :lol:

  bob joe mac said:
  Jojo's adventure is divided into 5 parts. I think the 3rd part is the one that popularize even more the already popular jojo's series which I think due to the "stand" concept. Played the arcade game before but it was a bit meh for my taste.

anyone who wants to read the whole series of the manga just PM me.



7th Steel ball run with Johnny Joestar. Haven't read yet either. This is the most current JoJo story. Apparently sorta like a alturnate universe sorta deal or something with no real connection to old jojo

Insane huh:P


Well so far I have only read Jojo Generation 3 up to book 3(what they have out here now) but I did dl some of the scanlation of Steel Ball Run. It is really cool and I think he is trying to just use all of his best ideas in one last Bizarre story.


I was lucky enough to have seen the anime many years ago when I was in college. I still to this day think it's one of the most violent things I've ever seen, and I loved every minute of it. Kujo Jotaru is hands down one of the coolest (bishonen, if you want to call it that?) characters I've ever seen. I'd love to find a copy of the anime again...


I just finished watching all of the DVDs last night.

Now if you know the history of this OVA its backwards.

DVDs 4-6 Came out first in Japan as Jojo Bizarre Adventure in 1993-4.(Its basically a streamlined version of the Manga from the halfway point to the end) Then in 1999-2000 the original production team wanted to finish the entire Jojo Generation 3 manga and do the begining of the story. These DVDs(on the US release they are 1-3) were done with newer computer animation and not film like the previous ones. Overall though it is very consistent but I have to say that Jotaro looks more like the Manga Jotaro in the DVDs 4-6(93,film animation) then in the Early 1-3 DVDs with the Computer animation. Its just so ever slightly different model.

Now anyway onto the Review!!

Overall I was very pleased with the DVDs as a fan of the Manga and these types of stories. The plot isnt very thick but the action is great and the charicters are all very unique. Iggi is cute too!

Story/Plot B

The animation was very good and overall both the newer made episodes and the older ones look fantastic. The charicters are all designed well and stay true to their Manga origin(Except for some reason Jotaro has more of an older man look in the DVDs 1-3...like more weathered)

Animation/Art A

Now the soundtrack and the foley for these DVDs are friggen incredible. Props to Skywalker sound for this. Seriously if anything these destroy most other anime in the sound department due to this alone. You also get 4 soundtrack choices Japanese 2.0 Stereo,Japanese 5.1 Digital,English 2.0 Stereo,and English 5.1 Digital.

Music/Sound A+

The Japanese voice cast is great and they are fantastic. You really get a feel for the charicters and their personalities. The English dub cast is hot and cold. Some are good(Jotaro,Joseph) but most of them fall pretty flat.

Original Japanese Audio A

English Dub Audio C

The subs are nice and they use the green color to overlap conversations like Animeigo does(I hate when companies dont do that. ).

Each DVD is also loaded with Extras. Not many anime have extras but these have some great ones.

There are interviews with Hirohiko Araki(creator of JoJo manga),the directors,the animation charicter designer(same guy from Hokuto no Ken) The Japanese Voice cast,The US voice cast,Skywalker sound production teams Etc.

There is also a JoJo time line feature that runs on 5 of the 6 DVDs and Image galleries Etc.

DVD Extras A++

Like I said I enjoyed it but its not without its faults. It kinda drags in the middle but the ending is awesome and well worth it. There are also some great funny bits and some great fights with the Stands.

Overall Grade A

  bob joe mac said:
  Jojo's adventure is divided into 5 parts. I think the 3rd part is the one that popularize even more the already popular jojo's series which I think due to the "stand" concept. Played the arcade game before but it was a bit meh for my taste.

anyone who wants to read the whole series of the manga just PM me.


5 more like 7 :p

Original JoJo with Jonathan Joestar aka jojo no stands and ripples as super powers JoJo fights Dio his step bro

2nd JoJo with Joseph Joestar aka jojo grandson of Johnathan joestar no stands use ripple as well bad guys 3 evil mask wielders

3rd JoJo with Jotaro Kujo aka jojo grandson of Jospeh Joestar stands come in, bad guy Dio with Johnathans body

4th with JoJo Josuke Higashikata (can somehow related to jo) who is the illegitamite child of Joseph joestar... sorta unique everyday life highschool JoJo bad guy of the week sorta deal till the end

5th Jojo with Giorno Giovanna the son of DIO when he took Johnathans body bad guy ummm like the italian mafia :p

6th JoJo with Jolyne Kujo jotaro's daughter. I haven't read this one yet

7th Steel ball run with Johnny Joestar. Haven't read yet either. This is the most current JoJo story. Apparently sorta like a alturnate universe sorta deal or something with no real connection to old jojo

Insane huh:P


That's bizzare :blink: .....only thing i know about Jojo was the fighting game in the arcades with stands.


  bob joe mac said:
yea JoJo is pretty huge

almost 90 volumes out quite a few video games one that released here another for the PS2 based on part 5 Giorno's adventure and a brand new one coming out soon


looks more like fist of the north star:P


This is based on JoJo generation 1 Manga. There is also going to be a theatrical Anime Film of the same story. New toys are also in the works for this movie and game. I hope it kicks butt in Japan and we get a movie or preferably another OVA series for Gen 2(its a bit longer and more complicated that Jojo Gen 1)!


The new game and theatrical Anime are based on Jojo gen 1. Araki had a very Tetsuo Hara look in the early Jojo. Later he gets sleeker and more unique during Gen 2.

  • 8 years later...

Digging this up for posterity and to check if anyone has been watching the new JOJO TV series via Crunchy Roll or the Japanese BD releases?

WE finally got parts 1 and 2 and now a remake of part 3?! WOW!!

I wonder if they will do 4-7?

Guest davidwhangchoi

Yes a couple of mw ers were discussing it on the anime thread. I love it.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

anyone reading Jojolion? i'm up to 34.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Yup been following the anime remake. Used to read the manga in high school, but the old anime was kinda meh..

Kinda cool the way they capture the 80's feel in the manga thru musics in the anime.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 7/23/2014 at 7:45 AM, aaajin said:

Yup been following the anime remake. Used to read the manga in high school,

The latest manga is the retelling of Josuke's story arch

  On 7/22/2014 at 12:02 AM, MilkManX said:

I wonder if they will do 4-7?

The first intro in season 1 all the characters are displayed from story's 1-7. that's a good sign :wub: also the anime and manga seems successful based on the manga being re-newed after steelball run.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

I'm loving this series. The story is decades old and yet this thing is a meme factory. Couldn't stop laughing in India.


So I guess VIZ is going to release ENG versions of Manga series 1+2! Digitally and print. Now bring the new Blu Rays over someone....


I didn't even know we had a JoJo thread here in MW. Discovered the Bizarra Adventure series about a year ago and loved it. It's so delightfully camp and over the top. And I'm currently enjoying Stardust Crusaders as well. Polnareff's ongoing troubles with the sanitary facilities of South Asia bring out the childish 'toilet humor' in me.

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