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Biggest Philippines-based Cosplay Site Launch!

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I know some of us here like browsing thru nice cosplay pix, so, please take time to visit and look at the ever growing gallery... :)

Filipino cosplayers can now enjoy their own little corner of the Cosplay World through http://www.Cosplay.ph where you can get the latest news on the Philippine Cosplay Scene, as well as a place to put your latest cosplay pictures for all to see.

About www.Cosplay.ph (taken from Cosplay.ph's FAQ Page.)

What is www.cosplay.ph?

http://www.Cosplay.ph is a profit-free community dedicated to bringing you the very best of cosplay in the Philippines. Everything you'd want to know about past, present or future cosplay events, you can get here!

To check out Cosplay.ph, just go to http://www.cosplay.ph and enjoy! And spread the love! Spread the news about Cosplay.ph!

Edited by polidread
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You had to bring up Man Faye didn't you! Damn your eyes! (Too late!)

There've been cosplay threads in the past, but they usually got closed down due to:

a) skanky pics

b) personal commentary, which can be hard to avoid when the person looks nothing like the character and is a monstrous fatty to boot, or has a costume that they spent NO time or energy on. (kind of like what I just did)

c) Man Faye, need I say more?

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well, I havent posted any cosplay pics in this thread, so no need to burn out any eyes.

and i was just informing people who might be interested.

if its against rules, and gets deleted, sorry for me.

Im not for man-fayes either, so im confident you wont see things like that in the links i gave.

so far :lol:

ps. but just to be nicer, im editing the original post to be less bothersome to read. ok? thanks.

Edited by polidread
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