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  haterist said:

woulda, coulda, shoulda, yamato never wins. :rolleyes:

I don't know... getting grown men to buy most, sometimes all, and even multiples of everything they make associated with the Macross license counts as a major win in my book. Don't get me wrong, I think their stuff is great, leagues beyond anyone else, but I do reserve the right to point out something that I think is boneheaded.

  mechaninac said:

I don't know... getting grown men to buy most, sometimes all, and even multiples of everything they make associated with the Macross license counts as a major win in my book. Don't get me wrong, I think their stuff is great, leagues beyond anyone else, but I do reserve the right to point out something that I think is boneheaded.

you're absolutely right, no question. i still find it funny because no matter how good of a job yamato does, theres always people that will find some kind of fault.

don't get me wrong, i used to batty about their toys too(and i mean a lot of battyin) but i've grown more appreciative of their efforts lately. i look at all my yammies and can't help thinking how glad i am some company out there is making something i'm willing to buy. :)


how do you guys know that the default color for the missiles and the dorsal fuel tanks wasn't supposed to be grey and that the white on the 0S was done all special for roy cause he complained about it?


Posted (edited)

Quick question - isn't the default color for modern AAMs gray? All the pics of AMRAAMs being fired from Super Hornets and Raptors that I've seen are gray, with white radomes. So, even though they don't look as cool, the gray missiles on the 0A appear correct.

If Focker gets a custom hoopty 70s hi-vis paint job on his VF-0, then I guess he should get hoopty hi-vis white missiles also.

Edited by ghostryder
Posted (edited)
  ghostryder said:

Quick question - isn't the default color for modern AAMs gray? All the pics of AMRAAMs being fired from Super Hornets and Raptors that I've seen are gray, with white radomes. So, even though they don't look as cool, the gray missiles on the 0A appear correct.

If Focker gets a custom hoopty 70s hi-vis paint job on his VF-0, then I guess he should get hoopty hi-vis white missiles also.

What a nice turn-around for the previous question. You got a point there, I must admit. ^_^

The 0S hi-vis scheme is sooooo retro, and so Fokker at the same time. He must had made quite a fuzz 'cause he wanted his plane "muddafukkin white with muddafukkin yellow & black stripes!!! " (Sam L. Jackson-mode on) :D

Edited by Garou Kuroryuu

Live and dummy missiles in the US (and possibly all of NATO) are 36375 grey. That should match the main color of the original low-vis VF-1. Nosecones are usually off-white, being ceramic or composite or whatever--they're not painted, they're "whatever color the material is".

Russian missiles are still white with black stripes AFAIK. Russian missiles seem to have almost no color coding at all.

Posted (edited)

Mine finally arrived today.

I'm still in the process of lining it and applying the decals, but I figured I'd give it a test transformation and here is the result:

IPB Image

What amazes me about the poseability of this one is how much better the joints are. Virtually all of the weight of the toy is on the back leg in that pose, and only the very back of the forward foot is actually on the ground. It doesn't seem to be providing much support at all, which is really surprising when you see a side view of this pose and can see just how leaned back it is. I'm very pleased!

Edited by BinaryFalcon

why does the VF-0 have 2 FP booster slots(don't know what else to call them) on each side of the backpack?

i know upper slots is to lock the legs in fighter mode, but whats the reason behind the lower ones?

Posted (edited)

Im not sure about this...but does the picture shows a yamato SV-51 next to Yamato's VF-0S ????

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Edited by aaajin
  aaajin said:

Im not sure about this...but does the picture shows a yamato SV-51 next to Yamato's VF-0S ????


That's what it looks like to me. Well, looks like the cat's out of the bag!

Posted (edited)
  aaajin said:

Im not sure about this...but does the picture shows a yamato SV-51 next to Yamato's VF-0S ????


I think (or my wallet hopes) that's a Hasegawa 1/72 model :huh: . Looks too small to be 1/60. A 1/72 SV-51 would be about as long as a 1/60 VF-0.

Edited by ghostryder
Posted (edited)

Fully detailed and painted like that already? :blink:

I doubt it...

usually the first thing we see is some cad stuff... to see a painted prototype especially shelved like that in a local japanese store is a bit too soon...

honestly though, I wish I was wrong. :p

EDIT: that looks like it CAN be a 1/60 scale sv-51... since it's behind the vf-0s... the size seems about right...

more than that though... the WHOLE display seems to be yamato... kinda strange if there's just ONE hase model there filled with yamatos, No?

Still leaning on it being a model though...

Graham can you confirm??

Edited by Nani?!

I am gonna play naysayer....

That looks like one of the ABC store displays in Akihabara, and unless I am way off bae they only display finished toys a few weeks/month before they are released.

I just can't fathom how a Yamato SV-51 could make it to a storefront without anoyone finding out about it first.


I guess it could be a Hase model. It does look a bit small, but it's hard to tell from the pic. Seems odd to have it in that display like that though, considering that the rest of the display is full of Yamato toys.


Scouting around all the JP toy show news sites I know of---trying to find more pics of that display. Apparently yesterday and today were "press only" days, the general public is tomorrow and the next--should be a lot more pics in the next 48 hours.

Thing is--wouldn't Yamato do Ivanov's first, to go with Roy?

Posted (edited)

personally, i do think its a hasegawa model. the best way to know the truth is to grab a 1/72 model and put it side by side with the VF0 1/60. I have seen it in one shop fully painted and place beside 1/60 scale but sold off after i return to the shop. Even if it is a bit smller but it does look kinda close to the VF0 1/60. (Lets hope that I am 100% wrong about it :D :D :D)

Edited by ikhii

That's the question---I found there's a separate Hase kit display at the show, with built versions of all the Zero mecha together. So why is there a lone SV-51 in the Yamato display? A 1/72 Hase as a huge hint, a 1/60 prototype (unlikely), or a 1/72 Hase just to "fill out the scene" with the VF-0?


That's what I'm thinking, just for decoration. But, I would have thought that it didn't "really belong" in the group as it is from a different company, and is a model, not a toy. While the reason could be as simple as that, I'm not satisfied.


Graham will not say anything on this...well, he's having fun seeing us like this :lol:


I do hope its a Yamato, but from the looks of it, it seems like a hasegawa....but is the the hasegawa's sv-51 really THAT pink? I thought it was more like a flat pink...or maybe someone painted it that way...?

Toy Hunter, any clue on this?

  Scream Man said:


heatp some water to boil. Grip the tube in tweezers or something, and dip it in the water for a count of 4 or 5. then bring it back out and straighten it. Holding it straight, place it under rubnning cold water for 5/10 secs. Then check it. if not straight, try again

  Scream Man said:

hey Dante did u get the tube straightened?

Oops, must have missed your second post.

It worked perfectly!

Thanks for the advice. :)

  BinaryFalcon said:

Mine finally arrived today.

I'm still in the process of lining it and applying the decals, but I figured I'd give it a test transformation and here is the result:

IPB Image

What amazes me about the poseability of this one is how much better the joints are. Virtually all of the weight of the toy is on the back leg in that pose, and only the very back of the forward foot is actually on the ground. It doesn't seem to be providing much support at all, which is really surprising when you see a side view of this pose and can see just how leaned back it is. I'm very pleased!

i haven't really been following the VF-0A, but when I saw Falcon's valk I fell in love, so if this question is a dumb one let me know.

Question: why does Flacon's VF-0A look like it is much more of a haze grey color than these pictures from BBTS's website?

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  Coota0 said:

i haven't really been following the VF-0A, but when I saw Falcon's valk I fell in love, so if this question is a dumb one let me know.

Question: why does Flacon's VF-0A look like it is much more of a haze grey color than these pictures from BBTS's website?

A couple of reasons, most likely.

Primarily because the photo on BBTS's site doesn't really do the color scheme justice. It's far more subtle than the photos would have you believe. I was pleasently surprised when I saw it in person.

Other factors probably include the lighting used when I took the picture (which was not entirely ideal) and the fact that I'd done a small amount of weathering/lining on it at that point.

My lining method in this case was a simple wash of FS 36118 and black acrylic paint thinned with water. (I used Gunze Sangyo in this case, but any water based model paint should work). I traced over the panel lines or even covered large areas with this tick/dark wash and then almost immediately wiped away the excess with a slightly damp paper towel, which left most of the wash in the lines and only left a very faint hint on some of the larger surface areas (much like real dirt/oil/etc would).

Any areas that got too heavily discolored or painted on the surface were easily addressed with light use of a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, which is absolutely wonderful for this kind of work. I even used it to remove some stray red paint marks on the silver sections of my MP Prime. Just go slowly and it'll buff off the very surface paint without rubbing down through the entire layer.

I'm still working on adding some additional weathering to it to give it that more 'in service but well maintained' look. I'm generally not a huge fan of heavily weathering things or very dark washes, as it's rare that something like a pure black wash is appropriate. It's just too intense.

Mostly though, at least on my 0A, the colors were not quite as light as they appear in the BBTS picture.


The official pics from Yamato used on most sites like BBTS and HLJ are flat-out a different color--it's an early prototype, those pics have been around for like 6 months. The final version is much more subtle. It's not the lighting, it's actually painted differently. Happens ALL THE TIME for toys/models---they don't re-photograph things if there's a change, pics and box art is done early.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the YF-19 uses the painted resin prototype pics we've already seen as "official photo of the final product" and it won't match the actual release.


Late comer...

Didn't want start Macross Zero line... :(

But damn!!!... cannot resists to get one...

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Fighter Mode:

I love this gray color scheme so much, much more realistic...

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Prepainted missle

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I think I will do panel lining and apply decal/stickers later... :-5


Yes, the vf-0a is one of the best yamato toys (along with vf-1s Roy of course). If you are like me and always wanted the low vision but couldnt afford it, here is your chance, its really really nice. Put it next to your stealth, and let it boogy!!!

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