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hi everybody ! after a long time of just viewing your e-mails , i finally join in !! man..... my respect for all of you , most of you have very impressive collections!! to tell you a little about myself , originally i'm from Lima-Peru , fervent fan of macross (robotech) over there , actually everybody in school was crasy about the show , my cousin had a 1/144 taka vf1s valk , and one time he let me borrow it and i took it to school , man... everybody wanted to jump me :lol: !!! finally after coming to USA in the 90's , i begin to collect little by little and now i have maybe around 30 robots from orguss : i love the ongroid and the nikick , votoms :scopedog , brutishdog and red shoulder , and the most beatiful toy in the whole world........the takatoku chunky monkey :D , anyways i still need a few . and i'm wondering , do any of you know when bandai will reissue any more chunky monkeys? maybe we should write letters to BANDAI , asking for more reissues, they might take the hook ! what do you think guys? .............johan


Welcome to MW!

At this time, BanDai has reissued all the 1/55 valks except the Strike, Elint and Super O (which are the ones that everyone needed!). Hopefully they will reissue the last three so I can get a complete collection, but I don't think that it is a possibility. If you need the currently available reissues, eBay might be your best bet. Best of luck to you in your search! :)

Posted (edited)

Dear Bandai

When will you satisfy my hunger for the Chunkey-Monkey.

Hoping for a Holiday release.

yours truly


Edited by Macross73
Posted (edited)

Welcome to Macross World

If BanDai reissued the Strike, Elint and Super O they would crack the world open as far as the recast guys are concerned. At the moment If you want one of these un released ones the recasters are your only choice, unless you have cash and go old school.

Edited by big F
Posted (edited)

praise the word! Chunkey reissues! More of them.

Why hasn't bandai taken a clue from yammie and spat out everything under the sun in every color variation and an absurdly high price knowing some fools will pay it? Especially with the remaining f/p type sets. They could sell strike sets without a valk and make a killing before they even worried about the other ones. I can understand reluctance to recreate a seeker armor mold due to cost but they already did reissue super armor and adding a cannon is not that friggin hard!!!!!

heck... how many people would buy straight up super armor sets if sold seperately at a fair price? If they made a "red" version with the old style arm armor [ie jetfire] I know I'd personally buy way to friggin many :blink:

we need an in at bandai... somebody who can whisper good ideas in ears that listen... or pull out a gun and demand satisfaction :rolleyes:

Edited by kanata67
Posted (edited)

Count me in on the "please re-issue your classic 1/55 valkyries Bandai" bandwangon!!


Man, I love those toys!! I got 4 of the recent re-issues (Hikaru, Max, Miriya, and DYRL Hikaru) and love 'em!! Still gotta get a Fokker, but then I recently discovered the amazing 1/48 Yamatos!!

I drool everytime I see a Strike, Elint, & Ostrich 1/55 Bandai on eBay!!


Edited by Vermillion21

so , what about it guys! okay we need someone up for the job , i know that someone here would know the address for bandai headquarters , or we could send all the letters to a known house , and then delivered the whole pack. setting a date for all inquiries, of course with permission from mr shawn and macross world , i know everybody is on yamato valks right now , but if we get bandai again in the market , we might be able to get more reasonables prices for yamato toys intead of paying 200.00 for a 1/48 low/vis etc. , i know for sure i would buy 2 reissues from every 1/55 model , not counting the armor by itself , any ideas guys :) ............i know we can get organized !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE REISSUE YOUR CLASSIC 1/55 VALKYRIE BANDAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c'mom guys!!




some of us have been trying to do this for years. Thats why we were lucky enough to get the reissues we have. Either we need an "in" or somebody willing to get cad/cam scans of the f/p parts and a group of us pay to get our own injection mold made. This to has been discussed before and will not be cheap. Even if scans are free the mold will be many $k. Once made though f/p could be spit out quickly and cheaply. I can buy a k/o g1 cassette tape from the phillipines for $2... how come nobody there is booting 1/55 f/p's?

anybody want to give me $10k? :rolleyes:


It always amazes me how you can buy a $5 bootleg of standard VF1 that sometimes even comes with some of the FP armor. How come the bootlegers arent doing GBP or Elint or Super O, surely these guys have people who look at Ebay and see how much they go for. They obviously are not bothered about copyright issues. Come on booters get cracking. If i can buy $2 boots of obscure hardly known Transformers surely you can do a few GBP`s and Super O`s.

The recasts are great (I have some) but I cant help felling that Bandai stopped bothering when the saw Yamato`s efforts. Ive seen reisues selling retail in the U.K for £70 ($130ish) come on Bandai theres room for you.

Posted (edited)

Maybe bandai are just waiting and biding thier time, kinda thing. Waiting until they get to such ridiculous prices that indicates there is a huge demand that it would make it worth the reissue?

I think I would be a chunky munky whore were it not for my pocket taking a pounding with yamato valks.

What I would really like (doubt it would ever happen) is for bandai to just make a line of macross models they way they have for gundam. Make them perfect variable, and you assemble them yourself. Give swappable heads like the banpresto, and make it so each major part was detachable, with higher poseability than yamato and then I think they would sell like mad.

Huge super posable destroids, pod fighters, Qrau, regult and glaug all in large scale to match the vf1 could come later. Then later do a macross plus or macross 7 line of snap-fit models. Maybe they could even have unofficial variants to release. But with models I think it would be cheaper, and you could afford to get more and complete a set from a range in the series. (you could afford not just the popular guys and designs but all the other stuff)

Will yamato ever lose the macross license though? It will probably be another 20 years before another vf1.. :D

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Honestly, i'm amazed to see this many people still have an interest in the monkey.... why? They were cool and all for the early 80s but wouldn't you rather Bandai produce something newer and cooler to compete with Yamato? I, for one, never purchased a single reissue and never would.

  Fortress_Maximus said:
Really? I still want an Ostrich and Elint... if I can't find the originals MIB... the reissues are good enough for moi! :p


Yeah I'd be in for Ostrich, Elint and an Armored Set. I like the 1/55's mostly for nostalgic reasons I guess. I have a 1/60 yammie Armored Valk becuase it was the only available and it's my fave. I don't go for the 1/48s becuase I don't what to get into another scale/size.


Maybe they have a Soul of......Chogokin VF-1S in the works.

New 1/55 sculpt. Mostly diecast.


A new 1/55, perfect transformation, high diecast, valk toy would be so much nicer than chunky reissues.... it would get Bandai getting my money back, that's for sure. Heck, they could even do something in 1/72 scale like the old HCMs. Ooh, or they could do a Joke Machine version 2.0! Just some thoughts -

  jenius said:
A new 1/55, perfect transformation, high diecast, valk toy would be so much nicer than chunky reissues.... it would get Bandai getting my money back, that's for sure.  Heck, they could even do something in 1/72 scale like the old HCMs.  Ooh, or they could do a Joke Machine version 2.0!  Just some thoughts -


What's a chunky? Is it referencing the 1/55 Bandai fighters?

They are good, no?


Posted (edited)

I think the only reason that I`d want Bandai to release more Chunkies is for models that eaither have never been done or for ones such as the GBP or Super O or Elint, these are super rare now in orginal 80`s form and command very high prices. Im not saying they should do a straight recast of the old stuff as that would cheapen all the real 80`s ones, and plenty of people would be pissed about that. What they should do is:- New style packaging matching or complementing the other rereleases, and mix it up a bit by subtle updates. e.g the GBP could have openable missile pods a`la Yamato 1/60 and 1/48, that sort of thing.

Of cause if Yamato decided to do the Elint and Super O in 1/48 then that would be a different thing.

Edited by big F
  • 3 weeks later...

rumor smumor. I want my VF-1S Hikaru Strike Damnit! Bandai has got to be kidding not to reissue this plus the elint and ostrich. :angry:

  Bub said:
rumor smumor. I want my VF-1S Hikaru Strike Damnit! Bandai has got to be kidding not to reissue this plus the elint and ostrich.  :angry:


Hear, hear .... I second that!!


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