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Suicide or self-destruction seems to be a favored tactic by the REF in this movie. If you can recall, Marcus' wingman Alex destroyed himself to take out seven enemy fighters...


The dialogue is horrendous. The voice acting is overly melodramatic. They are trying too hard.

That sure sounds like Robotech to me.


about the Neutron missile in Liberty

"it was a boobytrap, during the second world war the retreating germans would leave explosives in pens or thing the enemy would notice and then when they picked them up, *boom*"

Seriously dumb blowing up a space station, just like scuttling a ship on a planet just so that it's cannon would go off and take down a couple enemy ships when they came looking for it... I guess the supervision army is stupid too! :lol:

Seriously they explain it in the show "now you see why we can't just launch them." "Yeah they'd certainly see these coming" That make sense... take out an enemy fleet, and survive, or see them destroy you and the space station anyway... which too choose? Especially because the Arkangel had to survive to warn the rest of the fleet about the ShadowTech, otherwise the war with the Haydonites would be over in no time fast.

As for it taking too much protoculture to launch them? It dosn't make sense on it's face... unless they already drained the missiles of their fuel supply once they realized their situation in order to divert it elsewhere... Imean otherwise the protoculture they had on board would just be destroyed when the station was blown up anyway.


Didn't they say it would take too much protoculture to move them, not launch them? When the statment was made about the protoculture, Captain Grant was talking to the General about the Neutron S missles being flawed, and the General said that the ones they had were destroyed, the rest were at Liberty station and would cost too much protoculture to get. I took that to mean that sending a ship to go get them would cost too much protoculture, especally since they were not needed at the moment.

  strtkwr said:

Didn't they say it would take too much protoculture to move them, not launch them? When the statment was made about the protoculture, Captain Grant was talking to the General about the Neutron S missles being flawed, and the General said that the ones they had were destroyed, the rest were at Liberty station and would cost too much protoculture to get. I took that to mean that sending a ship to go get them would cost too much protoculture, especally since they were not needed at the moment.

That wouldn't make much sense either, we continually see the Icarus and Ark Angel fold multiple times, lord only knows how much stress that put on the vessels.

  briscojr84 said:

That wouldn't make much sense either, we continually see the Icarus and Ark Angel fold multiple times, lord only knows how much stress that put on the vessels.

Umm... after the protoculture scare comes up we only see the Icarus fold once more... to get out to Liberty. and only see the Ark Angel fold once more to get back to Earth. those were neccesary folds... So I don't see the problem in you thinking that would impact the moving issue... Since they wern't essential, and were flawed why wait for them?

oh and here's another RoboBREAST picture.



Right on man! Got any 'pics of Ariel when she was wearing nothing but her "aura" outside of Reflex Point?

  justvinnie said:

Wow, I just saw Shadow Chronicles. A few comments:

I feel asleep

Oh my god, you're an Outer Heaven mercenary!

  Hikaru's VF-1S said:

anyone got more pics of maia sterling or janice (like the part where maia walked in on lowey and janice and u see here backside?) =]

i wonder if theres any gifs of like maia eating, thought that was funny

Dude, you need to get yourself a real woman.


Posted (edited)

How long was this thing in production for ?

I remember about 5-6 years ago when working the night shift seeing Robotech.com for the first time and it showed the new characters on the poster flyer for the site then. I only just remembered this small detail when I read jenius`s post.

That whole night was spent looking at Macross stuff and kinda rekindeled my Macross adiction, It ended with me getting a DYRL vcd from a Yahoo auction, The rest shall we say is history ( rather expensive time consuming history).

Edited by big F
  big F said:

How long was this thing in production for ?

I remember about 5-6 years ago when working the night shift seeing Robotech.com for the first time and it showed the new characters on the poster flyer for the site then.

Those characters were for Robotech 3000 a completely different project. Shadow Chron's only been 2-3 years. The original project was scrapped and it was quite a while before Shadow Chron went into production.


This kind of fits here, but Robotech.com has put up info about the next series of Masterpiece toys: Cyclones and Shadow Fighters. Check the info here:




That's just what I need-a black and pink Alpha...


As a Robotech fan I give SC a 7.5 out of 10. As a regular movie watcher I give SC a 4 out of 10. As a RT fan I liked seeing a continuation of the RT storyline even if the story was only so-so (but after watching other anime I didn;t think the storyline was that bad, it seemed like every average anime to me), seeing the mecha again and apart from everyone else's opinion I did like the 2D artwork used.

As a regular movie watcher I did not like how the movie ended with the hanging plot points (seeing how long it to SC to come out on DVD I expect the sequel to come out in 2018). The 3D battles ARE jarring to see, wish they kept them animated like in Mac Zero or Yukikaze. I was hoping to see some ground battles on earth vs. the Invid. The backgrounds on the characters were pretty sparse. And finally...boobs, yes they are big and distracting sometimess...but especially on Ariel and Janice's bodies sine for some reason they wear the super low V-neck suits.

P.s. What happened to the special features section? It was just a trailer and fan documentary? Not even the United Nations trailer. I did not like how when the producers and HG employees discussed RT or showed clips it was only Mosepeada no mention of Macross or Southern Cross or why it took so long for SC to get back on-screen.

  Hikaru's VF-1S said:
anyone got more pics of maia sterling or janice (like the part where maia walked in on lowey and janice and u see here backside?) =]

Yes, sadly, I got some of the 'ghetto booty' shots. I don't know which is worse, you asking for them or me providing them. I feel like an enabler. ;)

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

Posted (edited)

I finally bought this DVD last weekend. I watched as soon as I got home and I can say objectively the story is pretty good. Everything seems to flow well but towards the end I realized that Admiral Hunter, along with the Protoculture Matrix, was not going to appear again.

My biggest complaint as a fan was that the animation seemed out of place. At times I felt like it was something that came out close to Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie. Which is fine but considering that the movie has so much CGI, it seemed like an awkard match at times. If you were expecting something on the level of Macross Zero, you will be disappointed.

And finally the boobs...not sure everyone woman and android has to have huge knockers but they do. Someone get a screen shot of Sterling and Marcus standing together at the end...it pretty ridiculous how big her boobs are.

Nevermind someone posted it already...http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&showtopic=19053&view=findpost&p=465994

Edited by Los

Watched the show all the way through once last night along with the first half of the making of documentary. All in all, I thought it was entertaining. Lots of action, the first half hour ties in and gives more detail to that final episode of Robotech/Mospeada, the original cast members have definitely matured in their voice acting capabilities, props for stars like Mark Hamil and Chase Masterson for being brought into the project, and props to Harmony Gold for getting finally making this a reality. It will be interesting to see where this goes next. I say its best to watch this with little or no exposure to the Sentinel comics or the McKinney novelizations. On the negative end, I could have sworn there were "jaggies" in some of the CG, the detail of the CG needs to be bumped up some, there's maybe a little too much fan service with the female characters, and so on. Also, it was very obvious that they went well out of their way to make sure that anything that was Macross related was not discussed specifically or shown.

  lord_breetai said:

What about Janice? Prelude to Shadow Chronicles seemed to support the idea that she was Minmei's singing partner from the Sentinels movie, and the fact that all the songs she sings in the movie are old Minmei songs would seem to lend some credit to to that... but she says she was created in part by the Haydonites who would not have been encountered up to that point... in Shadow Chronicles she switched to a new body which might be the body the Haydonite designed one, and her original body was simply Dr. Langs. So does the Janice entity pre-date the Haydonite treaty?

This a reference to the Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles comic where Janice's original body is destroyed and she switches to a new body Dr. Lang and the Haydonites created.

  Ginrai said:

I know, Ginrai.

But at the time, it was accurate. Although I didn't check the RT.com site at the time, Toynami had nothing announced on their website (as usual).

You'd think they'd want to build up some hype and interest in their new lines PRIOR to the Toyfair. I mean, how hard would it have been to add a little blurb on their main page saying, "Check out our booth this weekend at the Toyfair. We'll have some new and exciting Robotech products out on display!"?

Or if they wanted to spend a little more money, how about adding a little insert ad in all the SC DVD's, announcing the new Toynami products?

Oh well, I ain't in charge of their marketing department.

Sorry to go off-topic there everyone.

  Roy Focker said:

Wait a minute!!!!

How come Vince is'nt wearing a man-boob supporting, buns hugging, crotch sqeezing jump suit?

You sure he's not wearing it underneath the jacket?


Now that the movie is finally out, everyone has seen it, and even I've given it an "it doesn't completely suck" review, I can finally post this again without getting accused of not giving it a chance!




Ah, once you get past the melodramatic voice acting that's typical of ALL English dubs, the CGI that's on par with The Last Starfighter from the 80's, as well as the fact that this movie skips over the entire Sentinel's story arc and leaves most people clueless about what's going on, you realize that 'Chronicles IS actually enjoyable. Besides Ariel, Janice and the rest of the rendered females will give you hours worth of whack-off material. I'd say it's $20 well spent...

  Keith said:
Now that the movie is finally out, everyone has seen it, and even I've given it an "it doesn't completely suck" review, I can finally post this again without getting accused of not giving it a chance!


Heh, Keith, I think in all the time I have been here, I've never been on the opposite end of you with regards to a Robotech production.

  myk said:

Ah, once you get past the melodramatic voice acting that's typical of ALL English dubs, the CGI that's on par with The Last Starfighter from the 80's, as well as the fact that this movie skips over the entire Sentinel's story arc and leaves most people clueless about what's going on, you realize that 'Chronicles IS actually enjoyable. Besides Ariel, Janice and the rest of the rendered females will give you hours worth of whack-off material. I'd say it's $20 well spent...

For the sentinels tie in you need to get the Prelude comic, and that will also clue you in if your feeling clueless. But I think someone who hadn't seen Robotech at all would still be able to enjoy it... they'd be like "okay earth is already occupied by aliens and now they're getting beaten... maybe I'm missing something but whatever. oh look new aliens, okay I don't have to worry about the old ones anymore."

Honestly it's no more then you were missing comming into the first episode of Babylon 5... sure you'd understand it better if you saw "In the Begging" first but then you'd be missing half the fun.

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