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NDEI (Netter Digitial Ent. Inc.) worked on the CG for Shadow Chronicles!? Weren't they the ones who did the CG for Babylon 5 and Voltron: The 3rd Dimension?

  gerwalk25 said:

NDEI (Netter Digitial Ent. Inc.) worked on the CG for Shadow Chronicles!? Weren't they the ones who did the CG for Babylon 5 and Voltron: The 3rd Dimension?

Are you sure about that? I thought Netter died a few years ago while Robotech 3000 was in pre-production, and after the whole Voltron 3-D shipwreck. I'm pretty sure they've been claiming DR Movie did the CG.


"What do we do now?"

"We die!"

Dude, back off Last Starfighter... if that movie featured the Governator it'd be the greatest movie of all time.

(bringing back some A1 humor in his absence)

  jenius said:

"What do we do now?"

"We die!"

Dude, back off Last Starfighter... if that movie featured the Governator it'd be the greatest movie of all time.

(bringing back some A1 humor in his absence)

agreed, to compare the CG in this latest robotech to starfighter is to do a huge injustice to starfighter. Starfighter actually created the illusion of movement... the CGI in robotech really fails at this in many of the shots shown in the trailer.

Posted (edited)
  Keith said:

Are you sure about that? I thought Netter died a few years ago while Robotech 3000 was in pre-production, and after the whole Voltron 3-D shipwreck. I'm pretty sure they've been claiming DR Movie did the CG.

I saw that little making of segment on the website and wondering if it's the same Jason Netter of NDEI?

AFAIK on IMDB he's listed for doing Voltron 3rd Dimension.


Edited by gerwalk25

I'm gonna download it, watch it, then compare it to the break dancing transformers video and wonder how those people who made the cg got there job.

Heres my idea for a new Robotech series, its brave, heroic, and full to the brim with cheesy synth music.

S'ok the story starts out the earth was blown up


Humans scatter in z galaxy mingling with aliums, they make lazer swords and start THE UNIVERSAL EMPIRE.


The empire builds a huge space station thats the size of a small moon and named it "Round ball of hurtin'"

round ball of hurtin

But see the empire didnt count on rick hunter being alive right, but hes old and hes gray, and for some reason british. and he trains a next generation of robotech defenders, and they uncover a message right that the evil empire plains to blow up a jungle planet with all the "Freedom Fighters" on it, so they leave to go give the message to the "Freedom Fighters" but instead land on the round ball of hurtin. and so they have to navigate there way off it and they escape deliver the message.


then gotta take small one man Veritechs on a run down a trench and shoot "Magic Missiles" (given to them by a giant robot known as Optimus Prime number) into a 3 foot hole. the death star...er ball of hurt blows up and the movie ends with a happy celebration, which turns into a rave >.>.

aim for the head

techno rave

Well thats it, hopefully we can start production soon as HG already gave me the green light and complemented me on my original story.


I just watched this trailer for the helluva it. "If I come out of this alive, my wife will kill me."

How about "If I buy a DVD this lame, my wife will kill me... and if that doesn't work I'll be forced to kick my own ass!"

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:

"What do we do now?"

"We die!"

Dude, back off Last Starfighter... if that movie featured the Governator it'd be the greatest movie of all time.

(bringing back some A1 humor in his absence)

If they let the Governator do a VA in it would that make it good. I doubt even Arine is that good.

  Skullsixx said:

I just watched this trailer for the helluva it. "If I come out of this alive, my wife will kill me."

How about "If I buy a DVD this lame, my wife will kill me... and if that doesn't work I'll be forced to kick my own ass!"

1. Can you actually do that ?

2. A movie of you doing that would probably be better and sell more copies.

Edited by big F
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Heh Just saw that VA comments trailer posted and whole heatedly agree with the very last line, "we need to kidnap them and make a new one".

WOW just ...

I consider myself a hardcore RT fan (yes I know the irony that it's a hack job) but after all the $ I spent on RT crap for them to almost totally screw over SCREEN and Novel continuity makes me consider RT:SC an alternate universe and my fanfiction and Mod projects EQUALLY VALID!

In fact it may be my fan projects are MORE CANON then RT at this point... :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, Aside from when I replaced my aging VHS collection with the DVD's not one penny more will be spent on RT! I'm curious about RT:SC only for purposes of better weapon placement on REF MESHES. Since it's going straight to DVD soon no doubt it will find it's way through less than innocent channels eventually...

Here's an ironic tangent: I work in the CD/DVD creation and replication industry in PA and Walmart legally sells "DVD Ripper 6" for like $9.99...

BTW: Basara owns everyone, except me Getter Robo...


Edited by Star Dragon

I saw SC a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty bad. There were good parts, but the new mecha shown were BAD and the rendered fights were BAD.

I'm probably going to cancel my preorder at Amazon.

Posted (edited)
  hutch said:

I saw SC a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty bad. There were good parts, but the new mecha shown were BAD and the rendered fights were BAD.

I'm probably going to cancel my preorder at Amazon.

I knew from following this production from the start, even before it actually began I was going to take a wait and see policy with this. Things have just been wasted. They had a great chance to really make Robotech it's own show and not just a show that resulted form the combination of three series. They had several jumping off points to go in an original direction but almost all fell flat. Not so much from lack of interest I think but due to quality. The comics and toys being the main issue. The games were okay for the most part but telling the developers to skip the Robotech Masters saga (which I believe was the case was wrong, can't go wrong with tank action). However all they've done is taken past material, butcher it and try to call it original. Allowing Tommy free run was the major problem from the get go. The man has no clue what he's doing.

That's from a purely content point of view. Visually I don't know what the hell they were trying to do. This is what happens when you jump on the CGI bandwagon without thinking if it was actually a good idea or needed. There is nothing wrong with traditional styled animation. You don't need CGI for everything, especially when you are working on a budget. If you have limited funds then CGI shouldn't even enter the picture. Much of what I've heard about this film hasn't made me feel good about. Even the trailers what I've seen had me really worried and just disappointed. Was I expecting something great? Nope, hardly. Did I want something at least decent, yes. Don't think I've gotten that.

Personally I wish they had continued with the video games. Those were pretty enjoyable and actually was able to move the RT story along and actually add to it in a decent manner. I see no reason why they couldn't have made that their focus and played to the shows strengths. Didn't have to be a big budget game series either, just one that looked decent and had decent game play. Tried to build a name for itself with a decent publisher and just advertised the hell out of it.

I do have a feeling though when this is finally out and things are looked at and it doesn't actual bury the RT franchise (at least it will rebuild RT interest among its fans) someone will get fired in the end. Actually the firing should have happen a few years ago.

Edited by Effect
  Effect said:

You don't need CGI for everything, especially when you are working on a budget. If you have limited funds then CGI shouldn't even enter the picture.

What are you talking about? It is way cheaper to have crappy CG robots than actually animate them. See: Macross Zero, Aquarion, Cadidate for Goddess, and basically every mecha show that has come out since 2000. They all have crappy CG robots. I really wish it was all hand drawn, but that is more expensive and everyone is going for cheap. Maybe Macross Zero's crappy CG robots are better than Shadow Chronicles' crappy CG robots, but they are still crappy CG robots. Don't try and delude yourselves into thinking this is something specific to Robotech when it is actually a horrible industry-wide trend.

  meh_cd said:

WHAT?! I just watched M:Zero and I happened to like the look of the mecha!

Don't bother, dude. I've been down this road with him before. He'll just get offended that you dare disagree with him, and put you on "ignore."

  Ginrai said:

Maybe Macross Zero's crappy CG robots are better than Shadow Chronicles' crappy CG robots, but they are still crappy CG robots. Don't try and delude yourselves into thinking this is something specific to Robotech when it is actually a horrible industry-wide trend.

I wouldn't say Macross Zero had crappy CGI robots. I'd say it had pretty competently done CGI robots. It may that you don't happen to like CG animation. That is a valid stand point. However, to suggest that all CG animation is equal strikes me as a bit of an inaccurate generalisation. After all, I don't like opera, but I wouldn't for a moment suggest that there was no distinction between different opera singers or producers and that all their work was equally bad.



From an RT perspective I hope this is a necessary transition piece. People wanted a series that connected firmly to the original. Shadow Chronicles, if nothing else, does that. That ties things down a bit because you can't have all new mechs, all new spaceships, and all new characters when you're trying to build the gluing piece fans are clamoring for. So, here we have the transition piece that will hopefully need RT to somewhere new where it can develop into something of its own. Maybe SC will start as being some terrible amalgamation and end up being a half decent series. If it ends here it's just gonna be that amalgamation and lead to no where.

The whole thing reeks of a fanfiction writer struggling to keep the show's worlds and its continuity straight, while at the same time trying to extend the world to go somewhere it was never intended. In otaku terms, it's like the manga artist quit and the filler episode writers took over

That's beautiful. Almost sig-worthy. The guy's not even a LMP, and yet he nailed it right on the head.

Posted (edited)

That is a pretty damn good quote and not a thing HG is going to want to hear. I'm curious what other reviews will say.

Edited by Effect

Phew! That was one crushing review. I haven't really seen too many reviews that were down on an "anime" as what I saw on ANN.

A lot of stuff that was reviewed was already talked about here: not so good cell animation; so-so CG; sub-par acting; and what looked like, at best, a so-so story.

All in all, a terrible blow to HG, and music to a lot of our ears. :D

Posted (edited)

I'm digging that picture of the Alpha/Beta in the clouds.

Hopefully I can grab an Alpha for cheap once the movie is out. Robotech.com is actually sold out of Scott Bernard's Alpha AND (shocker here) the YF-1R.

This won't hold a candle to Macross Zero, though.

Edited by meh_cd
  jenius said:

From an RT perspective I hope this is a necessary transition piece. People wanted a series that connected firmly to the original. Shadow Chronicles, if nothing else, does that. That ties things down a bit because you can't have all new mechs, all new spaceships, and all new characters when you're trying to build the gluing piece fans are clamoring for. So, here we have the transition piece that will hopefully need RT to somewhere new where it can develop into something of its own. Maybe SC will start as being some terrible amalgamation and end up being a half decent series. If it ends here it's just gonna be that amalgamation and lead to no where.

If that was the drive, why not just do The Sentinels? All the "Macross Saga" characters with the "New Generation" and "Southern Cross" technology fighting The Invid right beside The Zentradi.

Posted (edited)

Kinda like this quote from the ANN review:

"But where the visuals really fall down is in the 2D work. Characters have that hybrid anime-style-drawn-by-non-Japanese look that has become synonymous with Korean anime. The costumes are basically paint-on jumpsuits over Ken and Barbie-with-implants body types, not one of them deviating from another."

-ANN Reviewer

Edited by Dangaioh
If that was the drive, why not just do The Sentinels? All the "Macross Saga" characters with the "New Generation" and "Southern Cross" technology fighting The Invid right beside The Zentradi.

The Sentinels would just be an extended transition piece. By starting at the end of the third war you can transition quickly into something entirely new. The Sentinels never would have been anything entirely new. The Sentinels made sense in the time it was being made. It would have sold more existing toys. The time when the Sentinels was necessary has come and gone and Robotech's only hope now is to get to new ground. So, segue with the Shadow Chronicles OVA then get somewhere new with new bad guys and hopefully new Earth mechs and hopefully new heroes (with plenty of cameos from the old favorites).

  Dangaioh said:

Kinda like this quote from the ANN review:

"But where the visuals really fall down is in the 2D work. Characters have that hybrid anime-style-drawn-by-non-Japanese look that has become synonymous with Korean anime. The costumes are basically paint-on jumpsuits over Ken and Barbie-with-implants body types, not one of them deviating from another."

-ANN Reviewer

Sounds like even Pokemon has better animation! :lol:

I still don't understand what is HG and Tommy thinking... They are trying to draw new fans to the Robotch franchise with crappy production?

I know they are short of money but I think money can be spent better than that...

It is good that Bandai/Gundam never follow this way of marketing...

  jenius said:

Gundam sells itself... Robotech does not.

What's even funnier, I will actually buy a Gundam game for the PS2 or 3 (if I can either find one, or have the money for one). :/

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:

Gundam sells itself... Robotech does not.

not exactly... Turn A didn't do very well @ the beginning as everyone hate the mech design of Turn A Gundam. (For those don't have time to watch the TV series, I recommand you to watch the movie version)

However, it did become one of the best Gundam show with great 2D animation and rich storyline...

What does RT:SC have... outdated CGI, bad dub, cheesy 2D animation, questionable character designs, predictale storyline, "MIA" Rick Hunter...

Edited by ogami

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