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No probs fellas, I'm just as eager for answers as the rest of you! And really George Sohn should hold toynami panels, as most of my questions were about the toys..(hell I asked about 95% of all the toy questions yesterday and today!).

If the masterpieces were to be retooled for shadow chronicles with diecast in the strain areas of the arm, and RATCHETS on the shoulders rather than friction joints, then I think the toys would fare better. And I think they would do even MORE better if they go with the current rt.com price of 59.99, I'm sure a lot of us would have bought more on the get go with that price rather than 80$.

With toynami's 1st releases, they definitely had growing pains, and the 80$ was always hard to justify(I never got mine for full msrp, got rick and ben for both for 100$ togethere, and 10$ for roy@local gamestop delisting sale 2 years back), but with the alphas I figured they would have done better. At least at this point they should know where the problem areas are, and hopefully the new alphas and beta turn out as good as their voltron.

If anything I want 20$ alpha and betas.

Posted (edited)
The Claudia's nephew or whatever from southern cross is back as a commander now, and he is older too.

Okay, do you guys remember who Bowie was? Bowie was the whiny kid who was like "Oh I so hate being in the military." "Oh, I just want to play piano Dana." "Oh Dana, why do I have to fight?" Then he fell in love with Musica and ran away from the military with her committing God knows how many illegal acts in the process.

At what point does any of that sound like commander material?

Edited by jenius
  jenius said:
The Claudia's nephew or whatever from southern cross is back as a commander now, and he is older too.

Okay, do you guys remember who Bowie was? Bowie was the whiny kid who was like "Oh I so hate being in the military." "Oh, I just want to play piano Dana." "Oh Dana, why do I have to fight?" Then he fell in love with Musica and ran away from the military with her committing God knows how many illegal acts in the process.

At what point does any of that sound like commander material?


No clue but he is much older in the teaser we were shown. Not to mention I think his ship gets blown up. So maybe he doesn't last very long...

*though I am not sure we were not shown the part right after the explosion*.

Posted (edited)
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Went to the recap panel today. More news!

I asked a lot of questions that most of us want answers to. So here it goes...

1-Rick Hunter IS in shadow chronicles but does not have a prominent role. The Shadow Chronicles movie is Scott searching for Rick and SDF-3.

2-SDF-3 has been refitted...apparently they explain this in the "prelude to shadow chronicles" book by wildstorm.

3-Shadow Chronicles is the FIRST in a trilogy. The movie's distributor will be announced soon. It will be in high def(it was shown this way in Cannes according to Tommy Yune). Steve Yun told me that it will be 88 minutes long. So about a good 1hr&1/2

4-The collectable card game either is out or out soon...I recieved a free deck and instructions to test it out. The one I have is all macross....the artwork contains screengrabs of the tv series. Robotech.com wants to know what we think, but I have yet to test it out.

5-Tommy Yune was saying that all anime in japan right now is being done digital....well I guess the finalization. The drawings are done by hand then scanned and mass printed(I may have heard this wrong). Anyways all the coloring and such is done digitally(you can tell in a lot of the recent animes). *I am not sure if he was speaking of anime in general in japan or tatsunuko).

6-DR Movie and tatsunuko are involved in the animation. Tommy does know of Yukikaze(which btw holy hell was that boring, I saw the 1st episode today and walked out during the beginning of the 2nd), and DR movie did work on Yukikaze, perhaps that is why they sought them out? Rather than do all CG like robotech 3000, they felt that shadow chronicles would be better with the anime touch, thats the reason they enlisted DR movie and tatsunuko.

7-Most of the voice actors ARE back. The VA for Claudia is back as Claudia's relative...or sister...whichever. Actually I am not sure but its her relative. The Claudia's nephew or whatever from southern cross is back as a commander now, and he is older too. Roy Fokker's VA is back as a higher up. The VA's for Rick, and a bunch of others are back too. Tommy described it as a reunion of sorts. Oh yea Mark Hamill is Wolf Leader as well....or at least the commander of wolf sqn.

8-The RDF mecha in shadow chronicles is Alphas and betas...primarily shadows.

9-I asked about a successor to the alpha and Steve replied that there MAY BE

a successor in the 2nd movie.

10-The SDF-3 looks nothing like a zentraedi ship anymore.

Good job Shin & thanks for the info. Cluadia's VA is Iona Moriss; she was also the voice for Storm back on Fox Kids X-Men series and her father was Phil Moriss from the original Mission Impossible. She'll be playing the voice of her sister-in-law Dr. Jean Grant. Richard Epcar will be Captain Vince Grant who was Claudia's younger brother (seen in Wildstorm's Robotech: To the Stars mini series) and father to Bowie Grant. I'm glad Bowie's back; he started out whinny but got tougher towards the end of the Southern Cross chapter. Will Musica (Bowie's Robotech Master girlfriend) have a cameo or was she even mentioned?

Edited by terry the lone wolf

Funny thing is, they're making it sound like the every had a choice in including Zero or anything else Macross ina future robotech project :)

As for 7, you guys seriously need to get over it, it was an awesome series, deal!

  Keith said:
Funny thing is, they're making it sound like the every had a choice in including Zero or anything else Macross ina  future robotech project :)

As for 7, you guys seriously need to get over it, it was an awesome series, deal!


They never mentioned anything of macross zero or plus being used in robotech future projects at all. Some fans asked about overlapping in the japanese series and in robotech here, and robotech is going in its own direction apart from the japanese series it was originally based on. Thats all.

I can't believe I forgot to ask if max and miriya would return!


That's exactly what I mean. The stance that "we're going in another direction," completely ignores the fact that Big West would tell them to stick it up their ass if they tried :)


Thing is, I don't see the point of adding the macross titles from japan into robotech. More fans know that macross and robotech went into seperate continuities in comparison from lets say 4 years back when robotech was not as popular and most rt fans had no idea. Besides adding more macross to it would only confuse the storyline and fans even more. Not to mention piss off fans as well.

Robotech has evolved into its own thing, and I think it should keep going that way. I love macross and grew up on robotech, and I believe you can love both without having to take sides and hate one while love the other. The way I see it Macross and Robotech at this point are very different and they should stay that way.

In the panel no one really brought up legalities, it was pretty much understood that the story for shadow chronicles was planned and written in America and from what I saw, had no story influences from the later macross sequels whatsoever. Harmony Gold already has a ton of flak for their handling of Macross, so in addition, once again I highly doubt they'd even try to tie in more macross into it. Besides that, it would make them seem very unoriginal in light of them making totally new productions(shadow chronicles).

Either way I hope for the best and I left the panel impressed by Shadow Chronicles.

Oh yea I did ask Steve about internships for illustrators but he said any production work would be done by people with experience already in the industry and that Tommy Yune does the character designs.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Thing is, I don't see the point of adding the macross titles from japan into robotech.  More fans know that macross and robotech went into seperate continuities in comparison from lets say 4 years back when robotech was not as popular and most rt fans had no idea. 


Four (hell, seven) years ago Robotech fans had just a good of a grasp of the origins of Robotech and different between Robotech and Macross. Believing otherwise is a commonly held misconception in the Macross community.

  jenius said:
The Claudia's nephew or whatever from southern cross is back as a commander now, and he is older too.

Okay, do you guys remember who Bowie was? Bowie was the whiny kid who was like "Oh I so hate being in the military." "Oh, I just want to play piano Dana." "Oh Dana, why do I have to fight?" Then he fell in love with Musica and ran away from the military with her committing God knows how many illegal acts in the process.

At what point does any of that sound like commander material?


Oh that is hilarious!!! *hands clappin'* My sentiments exactly. Even my WIFE hated Bowie when she'd randomly pop in when I was gritting my teeth through "the masters." Hell she just hates the masters period. I thought it sucked too. And Bowie was the suckiest character of them all. I hate him so much, I wish they'd have made one of those robotech/barbie-type dolls of him just so I could buy it for my wife as a joke like I did with the Dana doll.

Densetsu, thank you for telling me there's a slim hope of Bowie getting blown up. I'll never be able to thank you enough. *wipes tear frome eye* I'm so happy I'm crying.

  yellowlightman said:
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Thing is, I don't see the point of adding the macross titles from japan into robotech.  More fans know that macross and robotech went into seperate continuities in comparison from lets say 4 years back when robotech was not as popular and most rt fans had no idea. 


Four (hell, seven) years ago Robotech fans had just a good of a grasp of the origins of Robotech and different between Robotech and Macross. Believing otherwise is a commonly held misconception in the Macross community.


My mistake, my view stemmed from how I saw the other fans from the panel this weekend. (Some of them seriously had not known at all about the MPC's!)

Me myself, I hated the masters portion/southenn cross part of robotech. I really didn't care if it was in shadow chronicles or not. The story did nothing for me, and maybe its my bias but I was so used to variable aircraft...so macross and mospeada to me were always best.

I think Steve mentioned Dana would be in this too.

  Keith said:
That's exactly what I mean. The stance that "we're going in another direction," completely ignores the fact that Big West would tell them to stick it up their ass if they tried :)


Uhm, isn't there stance implying that they know that Big West (or someone else, namely the fans,) would, uhm, sodomize them?

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
The Claudia's nephew or whatever from southern cross is back as a commander now, and he is older too.

No, Bowie Grant is not in The Shadow Chronicles. His Dad, Vince Grant, is now a Commander and the Captain of the UES Icarus.

8-The RDF mecha in shadow chronicles is Alphas and betas...primarily shadows.

Just be technical, there is no RDF. There never was. The Robotech Defense Forces is an apellation, much like Strategic Rocket Forces or Conventional Forces. There WAS a United Earth Forces (now defunct) and a United Earth Expeditionary Force.

9-I asked about a successor to the alpha and Steve replied that there MAY BE a successor in the 2nd movie.

Interesting. I thought the revamped transformable AF-03 Bat (aka VF-13 Gamma Fighter) was an interesting design.

10-The SDF-3 looks nothing like a zentraedi ship anymore.

Heh, the 'Space Turd', as I've sometimes heard. Technically, that was supposed to just be a shell anyway, the SDF-3 was inside it (along with a number of other ships). Just one more way The Sentinels doesn't count anymore (Thank God).

  terry the lone wolf said:
he started out whinny but got tougher towards the end of the Southern Cross chapter

Eh, he beat the sh*t out of one of the Black Lions in False Start and got into a barroom brawl in (and apparently didn't get the crap kicked out of himself cause he didn't have a scratch) in Prelude to Battle. He also faked out a Bioroid Terminator into blasting his own buddy before Bowie shot the other one himself in The Trap. Bowie, to be fair, has never been 'weak'.


Yup then that must have been Vince's ship getting blown apart. So yes Vince may die lol. Sorry for the confusion fellas.

And I had no idea what to call the REF or whatever when I asked about the fighters, but Steve knew where I was coming from.

The only southern cross thing I'd like to see is a revamped ajax.

There was a blue alpha in the footage but I am not sure if it was Scott's.

Someone also asked about the "escort" mission in battlecry and proclaimed how pissed off he was at it.(All you gotta do is make sure you keep destroying the male power armors whenever they get near the cats eye).


Even if it's just one of Bowie's relatives that gets blown up, that's fine with me. As long as anyone related to him dies. His bloodline needs to be done away with for the greater good.

  GutsAndCasca said:
Even if it's just one of Bowie's relatives that gets blown up, that's fine with me. As long as anyone related to him dies. His bloodline needs to be done away with for the greater good.


Ouch - tough critic of the Grant family, eh?


he started out whinny but got tougher towards the end of the Southern Cross chapter

Eh' date=' he beat the sh*t out of one of the Black Lions in [i']False Start[/i] and got into a barroom brawl in (and apparently didn't get the crap kicked out of himself cause he didn't have a scratch) in Prelude to Battle. He also faked out a Bioroid Terminator into blasting his own buddy before Bowie shot the other one himself in The Trap. Bowie, to be fair, has never been 'weak'.


Y'know devil you're right. I forgot about that hook Bowie shot at one Marie's men. Listen I never thought Bowie was a weak person; he had daddy issues with his godfather Rolf and never really wanted to be a military guy. But hey, if people have a perception of Bowie being soft because he rather play on a piano than blowing up Bioroids well that's just too bad.

Y'know devil you're right. I forgot about that hook Bowie shot at one Marie's men. Listen I never thought Bowie was a weak person; he had daddy issues with his godfather Rolf and never really wanted to be a military guy. But hey, if people have a perception of Bowie being soft because he rather play on a piano than blowing up Bioroids well that's just too bad.

My problems with Bowie:

1) His voice actor just sounded incredibly whiny.

2) He was a bit depressing/awkward at times.

3) He seems weak.

4) He does do a bunch of whining and its at points where you'd think someone would have resigned themselves to their fate.

I would very much welcome seeing his death in the Shadow Chronicles. His Herculean father (boy did Bowie miss out on his genes somehow... I mean, seriously, Vince has bigger neck muscles than Bowie) on the other hand, may be cool. I got no problems with his aunt...

  jenius said:
My problems with Bowie:

1) His voice actor just sounded incredibly whiny.

2) He was a bit depressing/awkward at times.

3) He seems weak.

4) He does do a bunch of whining and its at points where you'd think someone would have resigned themselves to their fate.


And yet, that seems to be the de facto standard for anime heroes these days.

  CoryHolmes said:
  jenius said:
My problems with Bowie:

1) His voice actor just sounded incredibly whiny.

2) He was a bit depressing/awkward at times.

3) He seems weak.

4) He does do a bunch of whining and its at points where you'd think someone would have resigned themselves to their fate.


And yet, that seems to be the de facto standard for anime heroes these days.


Uh, that's been the standard for anime heroes for over 30 years. Nothing new.

Posted (edited)

I have only watched "the masters" one time through in my life. Therefore, I can't delve into incredible detail as to exactly why I don't like him. But here's my vague recollection of him:

#1: He looks like a freaking dork

#2: He acts like a wuss

#3: Instead of concentrating on kicking ass, he wants to play piano

#4: The fact that I don't like anybody he's surrounded by, including Dana, doesn't help things

#5: He manages to stand out as exceptionally irritating in a show full of irritating characters

#6: He looks like a freaking dork

#7: I don't even like his name

So there you have it! My absolutely non-intellectual characterization of one of anime's most irritating sissies. Hopefully someone out there shares my sentiments. I think it would have been great if the producers of Macross 7 would have figured out a way to get Bowie into Fire Bomber.

And I ALREADY KNOW that Macross 7 and {THE MASTERS/SOUTHERN CROSS CAVALRY} aren't related and no I don't think this issue ever came up in production... unless I was working there... I'd have been like "Well. Let's just freaking stick BOWIE from the MASTERS in Firebomber. Then it's perfect. And in episode 15 we'll have a special appearance from He-man."

Edited by GutsAndCasca
  GutsAndCasca said:
And I ALREADY KNOW that Macross 7 and Mospaeda aren't related and no I don't think this issue ever came up in production...


Well, sure, but Bowie is from Southern Cross, not Mospeada, so what's your point? :)


More things I just remembered.

-They have considered doing an MMORPG but most of those games in their eyes have not done well. Still its a possibility in the future

-They want to buy their video game license back from TDK. Apparently when TDK had new management take over...or was bought out..wait which one got bought out? Eh either way when the company that now has the license came to fruition, according to Steve Yun, "all that company cared about was their Shrek license".

-They did mention that robotech has hundreds of characters and just because they do not show up in the first shadow chronicles movie does not mean they are dead. They said if they put more characters into the first movie that there would not be any room for character development with the main characters for that movie.


Captain JLS of the Robotech fanzine Emissaries interviews Ford Riley, the script writer for the Shadow Chronicles, about his beginnings as a writer, how he got the job, and why certain characters won't be in the movie.rileyinterview

Also, you can download a portion of the conversation.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
And in my opinion, shadow chronicles is just gonna be a continuation in a new direction away from macross and mospeada.  They did mention that it would, and that in japan macross went in its own direction.  Robotech had its start in macross but developed into a whole different storyline by the end.  They also said that most of the japanese anime fans do not know of robotech.  So I DOUBT that we will ever see YF-19s or YF-21s or any more macross mecha ever in the new robotech series. Maybe mospeada stuff yes, but not macross. 


There will never be a YF-19 or any of the post SDF Macross VF fighters with the "RT" brand on it!

HG owns half the international rights to SDF Macross TV animation ONLY!

This has been a judgement handed down to Tatsunoko (the other owner of the rights) by the Japanese courts, that could easily be upheld in North America. Thus any infringement by HG would find an immediate court challenge by Big West itself, not to mention "Manga Ent.", who currently holds the North American license for Macross Plus and Macross II.

Studio Nue and BW both own all character and mecha designs for the Macross franchise worldwide according to the Japanese courts. Thus if a legal challenge were to result from the RT Macross toy line, there would be room for BW to argue infringement.

So it makes the most sense for RT to continue the RT story based on Mospeada designs rather than Macross. Mospeada is wholey owned by Tatsunoko Studios.

This legal stuff is further discussed in this thread:


  Zinjo said:
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
And in my opinion, shadow chronicles is just gonna be a continuation in a new direction away from macross and mospeada.  They did mention that it would, and that in japan macross went in its own direction.  Robotech had its start in macross but developed into a whole different storyline by the end.  They also said that most of the japanese anime fans do not know of robotech.  So I DOUBT that we will ever see YF-19s or YF-21s or any more macross mecha ever in the new robotech series. Maybe mospeada stuff yes, but not macross. 


There will never be a YF-19 or any of the post SDF Macross VF fighters with the "RT" brand on it!

HG owns half the international rights to SDF Macross TV animation ONLY!

This has been a judgement handed down to Tatsunoko (the other owner of the rights) by the Japanese courts, that could easily be upheld in North America. Thus any infringement by HG would find an immediate court challenge by Big West itself, not to mention "Manga Ent.", who currently holds the North American license for Macross Plus and Macross II.

Studio Nue and BW both own all character and mecha designs for the Macross franchise worldwide according to the Japanese courts. Thus if a legal challenge were to result from the RT Macross toy line, there would be room for BW to argue infringement.

So it makes the most sense for RT to continue the RT story based on Mospeada designs rather than Macross. Mospeada is wholey owned by Tatsunoko Studios.

This legal stuff is further discussed in this thread:



Oh i know. I was just explaining stuff so no one would get confused.

  Ginrai said:
  GutsAndCasca said:
And I ALREADY KNOW that Macross 7 and Mospaeda aren't related and no I don't think this issue ever came up in production...


Well, sure, but Bowie is from Southern Cross, not Mospeada, so what's your point? :)


aw crap, I didn't mean to put mospaeda there. *slaps forehead*


When I first watched the "Masters" segment of Robotech, I hated it. But after seeing it again on DVD (I bought all 7 Robotech legacy DVD box sets), it has grown on me. True, it's no Macross, nor Mospeada - and the mecha designs were only OK, but I appreciate what the creators were trying to do. Create a complex sci-fi anime character drama. Although, the bad guys were lame.

I believe the show was suppose to be longer (e.g., more than 23 shows), but was cancelled due to low ratings. I think the creators had intended on more character development that just never happened. Plus, I honestly love the personal body armour kits for the 15 different armies. Now don't y'all go bashing me for liking Southern Cross, ok? It's just my 2 cents.


  Vermillion21 said:
When I first watched the "Masters" segment of Robotech, I hated it.  But after seeing it again on DVD (I bought all 7 Robotech legacy DVD box sets), it has grown on me.  True, it's no Macross, nor Mospeada - and the mecha designs were only OK, but I appreciate what the creators were trying to do.  Create a complex sci-fi anime character drama.  Although, the bad guys were lame.

I believe the show was suppose to be longer (e.g., more than 23 shows), but was cancelled due to low ratings.  I think the creators had intended on more character development that just never happened.  Plus, I honestly love the personal body armour kits for the 15 different armies.  Now don't y'all go bashing me for liking Southern Cross, ok?  It's just my 2 cents.



Haha! You like southern cross! Haha! (just joking) Hey, if it's any consolation, my wife and I like the HG voice actors from Robotech better than the original Japanese Macross and especially the new english dub Macross. Lisa's voice actor was badass in Robotech. Which reminds me... WILL WE GET TO SEE LISA HAYES AGAIN???????

  Vermillion21 said:
When I first watched the "Masters" segment of Robotech, I hated it.  But after seeing it again on DVD (I bought all 7 Robotech legacy DVD box sets), it has grown on me.  True, it's no Macross, nor Mospeada - and the mecha designs were only OK, but I appreciate what the creators were trying to do.  Create a complex sci-fi anime character drama.  Although, the bad guys were lame.

I believe the show was suppose to be longer (e.g., more than 23 shows), but was cancelled due to low ratings.  I think the creators had intended on more character development that just never happened.  Plus, I honestly love the personal body armour kits for the 15 different armies.  Now don't y'all go bashing me for liking Southern Cross, ok?  It's just my 2 cents.



This is really what happen to me. Originally I didn't care as much for the Robotech Masters aspect of Robotech but I was really young when I originally saw it. Then I got copies of the episodes and then the Legacy dvds when they came out. Around this point I wasn't just watching the battles but actually paying attention to the story and I understood "character developm, plot, and story". Just one of those things that changes as you get older when you watch a show, you realize there is more to it then the explosions, even though those are still cool to see. My apperciation of the part of the story grew and I like that part now and wish it would be expanded upon. Actually I started to dislike other aspects of the Macross saga as result of this new outlook. Mainly post-Rain of Death and what Lisa was reduced to and realize just how much of a jerk and ass Rick was.

  GutsAndCasca said:
  Vermillion21 said:
When I first watched the "Masters" segment of Robotech, I hated it.  But after seeing it again on DVD (I bought all 7 Robotech legacy DVD box sets), it has grown on me.  True, it's no Macross, nor Mospeada - and the mecha designs were only OK, but I appreciate what the creators were trying to do.  Create a complex sci-fi anime character drama.  Although, the bad guys were lame.

I believe the show was suppose to be longer (e.g., more than 23 shows), but was cancelled due to low ratings.  I think the creators had intended on more character development that just never happened.  Plus, I honestly love the personal body armour kits for the 15 different armies.  Now don't y'all go bashing me for liking Southern Cross, ok?  It's just my 2 cents.



Haha! You like southern cross! Haha! (just joking) Hey, if it's any consolation, my wife and I like the HG voice actors from Robotech better than the original Japanese Macross and especially the new english dub Macross. Lisa's voice actor was badass in Robotech. Which reminds me... WILL WE GET TO SEE LISA HAYES AGAIN???????


Being that she was leading SDF-3 into space and Rick is in it, and the SDF-3 is in it, yes.


I really didn't like Robotech: Masters very much, but when I saw SDC Southern Cross I changed my tune. It actually makes -sense- now, Jeanne doesn't piss me off like Dana does, and you see that there is really deep character development. This is also probably why the show failed. It has entire episodes with no fighting. It is more concerned with character than kewl mecha action!!!! and the development is slooow. It's also -much- easier to appreciate when you sit down and watch it in big chunks than weekly or whatever.

But bottom line, the Robotech adaptation is really unusually poor for SC, much poorer than Macross or Mospeada. Turning Seifriet into Zor Prime totally robbed him of all his motivation and everything that was cool about him and ruined the character. The fact that the Bioroid pilots are just clones/androids/whatever (they keep waffling on this) instead of kidnapped humans ruins that whole arc, and there are lots of other problems.

Now, I don't think SC is better than Macross (though design work aside, it's better than Mospeada, IMO... Mospeada has really simple plotting, almost no overall story arc, and veryyyy limited character development), but if you watch the original Japanese show, it's a pretty good little series.

  Ginrai said:
The fact that the Bioroid pilots are just clones/androids/whatever (they keep waffling on this) instead of kidnapped humans ruins that whole arc, and there are lots of other problems.

The kidnapped human aspect is there, but is incredibly subdued. You basically have to read into certain things, such as the fact that the kidnapped civilians/soldiers from Metal Fire are shown wearing Bioroid Pilot uniforms in Star Dust or the Fleet Commanders' wishes to simply 'reprocess' the 15th ATAC into Bioroid Pilots in Crisis Point .

I will say, as a fan of both (but for different reasons for both), there were things that should have been done for The Masters War that were better explained in SDC: Southern Cross. However, the humour in The Masters War is dead on better than in SDC: Southern Cross (mostly due to the comic interaction with the voice actors, especially Steve Kramer as Angelo Dante). SDC: Southern Cross also has more 'out of left field' moments than The Masters War, such as when Bowie expressed his love for Jeanne in BioPsycher.

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