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You just gotta love it when a starship shows up. Name some of your favorite starship designs that just're memorable to you. B))

If anyone can identify these that'd be awesome. BTW. I can only recognize the Andromeda II (in the first pic) but I don't remember seeing it in any Yamato movie or series. It's gorgeous. :wub:



Whoa, Andromeda II? I had no idea that there was such a thing. That design is cool, but a little "overdesigned" if you know what I mean; almost like the latest Space Cruiser Yamato incarnation that features a saucer section in its midsection.

As for favorite ship designs, I would have to say the Andromeda I from 'Space Cruiser, and the Galaxy class starship from 'Trek...


my list of frav ships in no order

1. assault ship in Seikai

2. vaygru(spelling) mothership in homeworld 2

3. macross in macross

4. nupetiet-vergnitzs in macross

5. the hammerhead in starship operators


I love fictional starship designs. There's nothing quite so interesting as a very well designed spaceship when you watch a science fiction film.

Of the big ships...

  • Imperator-Class Star Destroyer, Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer, Acclamator-Class Assault Ship, and Venator-Class Star Destroyer (Star Wars)
  • Orion III Spaceplane and U.S.S. Discovery (2001: A Space Odessey)
  • SDF-1 Macross (Macross: Do You Remember Love?)
  • Thurvel Salan Class Battleship (SDF Macross)
  • Whitestar, Victory Class Destroyer, Omega Class Destroyer, and Shadow Vessel (Babylon 5)
  • Glorious Heritage Class (Andromeda)

When it comes to the smaller, non-fighter craft, I really like the junky smuggler/pirate/bounty hunter ships. The more the ship is portrayed as one's own personal spacecraft, the more appealing it is to me. I suppose it's much like the futristic equivalent of driving your own car. Except in space, there are no speed limits posted :)

  • Millenium Falcon, Lambda Shuttle, Slave One (Star Wars)
  • Serenity (Firefly/Serenity)
  • The Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)

Posted (edited)

UN Spacy, the Britannica is from the Lensmen movie, and the Strega comes from the PSX shooter "Philosoma". If you have more pics of the Strega, feel free to post them :)

Now my personal faves are *looks around at his model shelves*

-the ships from the classic Battlestar Galactica (Battlestar, Basestar, Raider + Viper)

-the Buck Rogers Starfighter (they don't build spaceships today like they did in the late 70's)

-Sulaco from "Aliens"

-Copperhead and Black Boa from the Final Fantasy movie

-Minerva from "Crusher Joe"


Edited by electric indigo
Posted (edited)

Dropship from aliens

All Star Wars ships from Episode 4 and up

Ark royal carriers and SDF-1 from Macross.

Aconcagua from Gall Force

Sulaco from Aliens.

Spaceships from ID4

Strega from Philosoma

R-GRAY 1 AND 2 from Raystorm

Sylphide fighters from Sylphide

Silverhawks from Darius

Vic Viper from Gradius

Gauntlet fighter from Thunderforce 5

Axelay fighter

Vanguard ships from Vandread

That spaceship Fighter from Descent

Those fighters in Starlancer

Einhander fighter.

You know what, I like all of the spaceships from Japanese space shooter games and sci-fi shooters because there's too many to list and they look helluva lot more sleeker and viscous than most of those crappy ships in American and European sci-fi movies.

Edited by Phalanx

God they are just tooo many! LOL!

But of the top of my head many of the Sekai Star Forces designs. The super Carrier from RahXephon. Several of designs from Orgun. Those sweet SEED ships from Trigun.

The main spaceship from StarOcean2.

But overall I'd have to say tradition style Torchships get me going!! :D



How 'bout the good ol' Rebel Blockade Runner?

This is a scratchbuilt model (not mine) Posted over at SSM. See the whole thing here



Hmm, my favourite is definitely the movie version of the Macross, some others include the Imperator and Executor class Star Destroyers, not to mention the newer ship designs from the prequels (I love the Republic ships).

I adore the Star Trek Starfleet ship designs from the movies. Something about those fragile looking, elegant designs. They really stand out from anything else. A good mix of ergonimic and utilitarian aesthetics. I really wish Art Asylum had done a Miranda Class and Excelsior in the same scale as their Enterprise toy.

I really like both the Alliance and Imperial ships from Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Some great designs there.

Metsumoto's designs are often among my favourites. The Arcadia, the Yamato, and definitely the Queen E.


1. Ma-ku-Ro-su! [i mean c'mon, that's a given, right?]

and in no particular order...

--X-Wing, Star Wars

--Phoenix, Battle of the Planets

--Colonial Viper, BSG ['78]

--Spike's Swordfish II, Cowboy Bebop

--Argo/Yamato, Starblazers

--Andromeda, Starblazers

--Galactica, BSG '78





Posted (edited)

Most of mine are the Free Planets Alliance BBs and Command BBs from Helgensagen Vom Kosmenief aka LOGH.

The Hyperion


The Kulishina


The Rio Grande


I've got quite a few more, but I'll leave it at that.

Edited by Noyhauser
  UN Spacy said:

If anyone can identify these that'd be awesome. BTW. I can only recognize the Andromeda II (in the first pic) but I don't remember seeing it in any Yamato movie or series. It's gorgeous.  :wub:

OMG, can that Andromeda and Dark Nebula command ship be any more overgunned? Each turret has four cannons. It's like a regular Andromeda, and then getting injected by an overdose of steroids.

As for favorite ships:

B5: Whitestars, Shadow battle crabs, EA Warlock

Startrek: Defiant (all the other ST ships are a bunch of pansies)

Yamato: Desslok's flag ship during Comet Empire, Triple deck carriers (like WWII carriers)

  UN Spacy said:
You just gotta love it when a starship shows up. Name some of your favorite starship designs that just're memorable to you.  B))

If anyone can identify these that'd be awesome. BTW. I can only recognize the Andromeda II (in the first pic) but I don't remember seeing it in any Yamato movie or series. It's gorgeous.  :wub:

Ist page, bottom pics, I'm pretty certain that that's from Aura Battler Dunbine, no idea of the name.

2nd page, I could very well be wrong but I thik those are from a toyline (possibily a show as well) called lensman.

3rd page, no idea.

4th page is easy, it's the Outlaw Star from the show of the same name.

  Noyhauser said:
Most of mine are the Free Planets Alliance BBs and Command BBs from Helgensagen Vom Kosmenief aka LOGH.


Whoa! $1,700-$2,000 USD for the 110 episode boxed set? I'd love to see LOGH, but I won't be getting that anytime soon :(


the B5 Starfury's, both the older one and the Ground attack one. Love the colonial Mk VII from the new BSG. the Ragnarok from FF VIII is one of my favorites too.


I also forgot one more spaceship. Those fighters from that old SciFi show Space Above and Beyond.


OK, here's my list

- Sol Bianca from Sol Bianca

- Patrol ship from Banner of the Star

- Imperial vessel from Legend of Galactic Heroes

- Ark Royal class from Macross 7

- Andromeda from Andromeda

- Macross Cannon from Macross 2

- Rodger Young from Starship Troopers

- SSD Executor from Star Wars

- Warlock class from Babylon 5:Crusade

- Eucharis class from Nadesico: Prince of Darkness

- Reinforce Junior from V Gundam

- Akira class from Star Trek

- Rin Nadow Lojn class :huh: from Macross

- SDF-1 Macross DYRL version

- Sulaco from Aliens


Posted (edited)

There's so many ships I like. Here's a few:

-God Phoenix 1 (Gatchaman)

-Battle Shark (Battle Fever J)

-Palomino (Black Hole)

-Searcher (Buck Rogers)

-Metal Siren (Macross 2)

-Yamato (Uchu Senkan Yamato)

-Pegasus Class Ship "Albion" (Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory)

-SDF-1 Macross, Movie Version (Duh! =P)

-USS Saratoga (Space Above And Beyond)

Edited by gerwalk25
Posted (edited)
  Phalanx said:
I also forgot one more spaceship. Those fighters from that old SciFi show Space Above and Beyond.


Those Hammerheads from SAAB rocked! I liked the way the cockpit attached from the upper platform to the lower hangar. Genius. B))

BTW there's some info on the ships of SAAB. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/heckifiknow/saab/craft.asp

Edited by gerwalk25

I'll second the LoGH ships. I especially like the esthetics of the Reich's designs. The Spartanians are a gret fighter design as well.

The Soyokaze from Irresponsible Captain Tylor is a wonderful ship, though obviously cribbed from Matsumoto's work. Most of the other ships in the show are pretty ugly, though the Raalgon designs do work as being very alien.

Glad to see the Sol Bianca got a mention. It always seems to be under appreciated.

For Star Trek, the Enterprise A is probably my favorite.

B-wings are definitely my favorite Star Wars design.

For Babylon 5, I'll have to go with the Agamemnon-type ships. Yeah, rotating sections in warships is stupid, but they still looked cool.


-NCC-1701 refit Enterprise (loved star trek since I was a kid, even if I don't like how things have gone with it over the years)

-NCC-1701-A Enterprise

-Defiant from DS9 and First Contact, "tough little ship"

-DYRL Macross

-Republic "star destroyers" (okay I dont know what they're called in ROTS even though I'm a nerd, I focus on lightsabers damnit)


  gerwalk25 said:
There's so many ships I like. Here's a few: 

-God Phoenix 1 (Gatchaman)

-Battle Shark (Battle Fever J)

-Palomino (Black Hole)

-Searcher (Buck Rogers)

-Metal Siren (Macross 2)

-Yamato (Uchu Senkan Yamato)

-Pegasus Class Ship "Albion" (Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory)

-SDF-1 Macross, Movie Version (Duh! =P)

-USS Saratoga (Space Above And Beyond)


Gawd, Battle Fever J... cheesy ship, but does that bring back memories. It was the Sentai I watched.

I forgot about Gundam series, Hmmm, I like the Lily Marleen (0083), Musai (classics), and in CCA (Rao Lola)

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Here's one fighter design, eventhough it's not a starship, it still looks viscous. From one of my favorite childhood TV shows, may I present to you, the Turbokatt from Swat Kats. And yess I went old school. ;)B))


Edited by Phalanx

From Star Wars, any of those ridiculously large, wedge-shaped designs. Acclamator, Victory, Imperial, Executor, etc. The bigger they get, the more over-the-top they get, the meaner they get... exactly what you'd expect from an evil Empire. Gotta be honest, thought, I couldn't care less for just about every other ship larger than a starfighter in the entire franchise.

Most of my favorites come from Trek. The best of the best would be, in no order:







Constitution-class (refit)



D'deridex-class Romulan Warbird

Valdore-class Romulan Warbird

Scimitar-class Romulan Warbird

Klingon Bird-of-Prey


Since I'm a big Stargate SG-1 fan, I have to mention the Asgard's O'Neill-class battleship. Yes, I know it's a bit of a rip-off of Star Trek's Klingon and Romulan ships, but hey, that's what you get when one of the show's producers is a huge Trek fan.





I don't know that I have a list but if I did...

- the Executor (Vader's big ass star destroyer) would definitely be on it.

- the Enterprise E as well, even if it looks like a big frozen turkey... heck, it's

a MEAN frozen turkey.

-SDF Macross (movie version as well)

-and the nebulon B's...


Starship designs I like the most are (in no particular order):

1. Yamato from Space Battleship Yamato

2. Andromeda from Space Battleship Yamato

3. SDF-1 from Macross TV.

4. SSD Executor from SW ROTJ & ESB

5. USS Saratoga (Space Above And Beyond)

6. X-wings (SW)

7. TIE Defender (SW Tie Fighter VG)

8. USS Enterprise-E Sovereign Class (ST)

9. Calamari Cruisers (SW ROTJ)

10. USS Defiant (ST:DS9)

11. Akira class (ST:TNG series)

12. Imperial Class SD (SW)

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