Knight26 Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Grand Admiral said: The Countdown comic establishes that the mining ship was upgraded at a secret, high-tech Romulan military outpost shortly after the destruction of Romulus. Apparently the tech is partially based on Borg technology. That doesn't jive with the screen evidence though. What we see on screen is that spock arrives just too late to save romulus and is immediately attacked by Nero and his ship. Quote
RedWolf Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Knight26 said: That doesn't jive with the screen evidence though. What we see on screen is that spock arrives just too late to save romulus and is immediately attacked by Nero and his ship. The Jellyfish was launched after Romulus and Remus got toasted. The Vulcans had to process the decalithium into Red Matter too. Spock miscalculated the growth of the Hobus nova. Decalithium it seems is a prized isotope in the Romulan Empire. Nero's Narada was mining it till they found out the Hobus Star went nova and for some reason expanding. Decalithium given its relation to Red Matter may be the catalyst for artificial quantum singularities. Romulans don't use Dilithium cystals and Matter/Anti-matter reactor warp cores. Romulans use artificial quantum singularity for their warp drive. A mini blackhole for ship power. Quote
Radd Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 akt_m said: I watched the movie, how the "evil guy" ship destroyed some militar ships if it was a mining ship??? (if i recall correctly) This is one instance where this prologue comic really detracts from the movie. The impression I got from the film was that the only reason Nero's ship so easily handed the Federation its collective rear ends was because it was from the future. So, we see this huge, massive Romulan super ship...and then it turned out to be nothing more than a mining ship. That was a pretty nice twist. But noooo. Instead it really is filled with top of the line, experimental Romulan weaponry. Being 200 years more advanced simply wasn't good enough. Quote
Grand Admiral Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Yeah, the comic storyline is sort of "eh". I don't really recommend it. Quote
kaiotheforsaken Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 The comic seems sort of pointless imo. The story in the films works fine on its own. Quote
Radd Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 I haven't actually read the comic, but it sounds like it fills in a couple of the plot holes, like how there could be a single star going nova that threatens the entire galaxy. I mean, sure, hollywood science and all, but there's limits to how far you can stretch believability. Quote
RedWolf Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Well I just wish to see the specs on the new old ships other that the Enterprise or Kelvin. We haven't had an influx of Starfleet ships like this since Best of Both Worlds and First Contact. Thougth I do have a theory that the Nova may have been artificial. Quote Later that year, in the Alpha Quadrant, the Dominion attempted to detonate a device containing trilithium, tekasite, and protomatter into B'hava'el, the Bajoran sun, by way of a Changeling infiltrator hijacking the runabout USS Yukon. At that time, a combined Federation, Klingon, and Romulan fleet was gathered at Deep Space 9 in anticipation of a supposed Dominion attack. The attack was a ruse to wipe out all three fleets and Bajor in a single stroke with the supernova of B'hava'el. The USS Defiant was able to tractor the Yukon away from the sun, and the bomb exploded harmlessly in open space. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light") Star blowing Trilithium + unstable unpredictable Protomatter = Hobus Nova? Quote
Vostok 7 Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 RedWolf said: Well I just wish to see the specs on the new old ships other that the Enterprise or Kelvin. I totally agree! The three- and four-nacelle'd Miranda-style ships would be really nice to see some better views of. Vostok 7 Quote
areaseven Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Vostok 7 said: I totally agree! The three- and four-nacelle'd Miranda-style ships would be really nice to see some better views of. Vostok 7 Except when they exited warp. Quote
taksraven Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Its funny, a friend of mine who is usually critical of Star Trek was disappointed that they DIDN'T press the reset button at the end of this film. Doesn't like the fact that this is going to continue in an alternate reality. Anybody else thinking like this? Taksraven Quote
kaiotheforsaken Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 My Dad was kinda feeling that way the first time we saw it together. After the second time though he didn't feel that way at all. Personally, I think hitting reboot at the end of the flick would have kinda negated the entire premise. This gives us an entirely fresh start. The film is well received and has done well financially. All these factors (and the fact Paramount already had the next one contracted if this one hit it off) means that the Trek franchise is alive and well. I just don't think it would be able to maintain any kind of foothold with new audiences if they just did remakes from this point out, or were bound to the pre-existing time line. Quote
EXO Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 if we had to follow old trek continuity the entire thing would just be a remake. I don't see what was so great about the OG timeline anyway, except trekkies love knowing all the trivial stuff about it. Quote
Radd Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 RedWolf said: Well I just wish to see the specs on the new old ships other that the Enterprise or Kelvin. We haven't had an influx of Starfleet ships like this since Best of Both Worlds and First Contact. And I love that the designs look like reasonable precursors to the original movies' designs, which were by far my favourite Trek ship designs. I haven't really liked the aesthetic of Next Gen and beyond ships, but love these. Quote
RedWolf Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Vostok 7 said: I totally agree! The three- and four-nacelle'd Miranda-style ships would be really nice to see some better views of. Vostok 7 There appear to be four types of capital ships in this scene including the Enteprise. Quote
Ghost Train Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 One thing I hate about Federation designs in general are those massive warp nacelles, which dwarf the smaller ones on Romulan & Klingon vessels. In a battle situation, you could just target those huge nacelles to cripple the ship permanently. This is another reason I like the more practical designs like the Defiant and Steamrunner classes.... admittedly though, Federation ships are a bit faster on Warp. Quote
peter Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Radd said: I haven't actually read the comic, but it sounds like it fills in a couple of the plot holes, like how there could be a single star going nova that threatens the entire galaxy. I mean, sure, hollywood science and all, but there's limits to how far you can stretch believability. Fills in a couple, makes a few more. Watched the movie again. Starting to understand the need for a reboot, new timeline/alternate universe. More freedom for writers so they don't have to constantly refer to what's canon. As Trek Fans, we pretty much know everything that has happened and is going to happen in the Trek universe. Now, we have no idea what they're going to do. They can now explore new ideas that they couldn't explore before...because of canon. I really loved original Trek, I'm fan of the old school, but I'm also excited to see where they will go from here. This new movie worked for me. Quote
Sdf Prime Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 RedWolf said: Well I just wish to see the specs on the new old ships other that the Enterprise or Kelvin. We haven't had an influx of Starfleet ships like this since Best of Both Worlds and First Contact. I was hoping they would put out some sort of artbook for the movie that would have the designs of some of those ships. Quote
Ginrai Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 peter said: The scene where MCoy and Kirk meet on the that how he gets his nickname Bones? Cool stuff. He was nicknamed bones because he was a doctor. Bones is short for sawbones, something they used to call doctors all the time in the frontier days. Quote
big F Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 Ginrai said: He was nicknamed bones because he was a doctor. Bones is short for sawbones, something they used to call doctors all the time in the frontier days. True..... But this is the reboot so I guess they rebooted that idea too. Quote
taksraven Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 peter said: Fills in a couple, makes a few more. Watched the movie again. Starting to understand the need for a reboot, new timeline/alternate universe. More freedom for writers so they don't have to constantly refer to what's canon. As Trek Fans, we pretty much know everything that has happened and is going to happen in the Trek universe. Now, we have no idea what they're going to do. They can now explore new ideas that they couldn't explore before...because of canon. Technically, prequels are really tough, especially if you wanted to do a good one. Its really hard to be creative and not step on the toes of the material to follow. Taksraven Quote
myk Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 peter said: They can now explore new ideas that they couldn't explore before...because of canon. I really loved original Trek, I'm fan of the old school, but I'm also excited to see where they will go from here. This new movie worked for me. Screw canon, especially when you consider that Trek was dead anyway, at least to anyone that wasn't still living in their mom's basement dreaming of Orion Slave girls. Now, did someone mention a new t.v. series based on the movie? Quote
peter Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 myk said: Screw canon, especially when you consider that Trek was dead anyway, at least to anyone that wasn't still living in their mom's basement dreaming of Orion Slave girls. Now, did someone mention a new t.v. series based on the movie? Who doesn't like Orion slave girls? I find they're always a good image to tug to. Quote
UN Spacy Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 Star Trek is THIS close to passing the $200 million in domestic gross. According to boxofficemojo it's now the #1 movie of 2009. Fascinating. Quote
kung flu Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 If they wanted to reboot star trek why not just "REBOOT" it, instead of going back in time altering the time line and all that jazz. Theres been other movies and shows that have been rebooted without the need for a link to the original. I'm really growing tired of all these time travelling story lines that have been going on non-stop through out star trek and other sci fi shows, can't they just do with out it. Quote
eugimon Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 (edited) meh, the time travel lets the reboot take place while acknowledging the continuity that trekkies have studied so diligently. It actually lets them create an in show reason for having the reboot instead of the usual, "sorry, we drove the franchise into the ground and restarting it is the only way we could think of to salvage it" Don't get me wrong. I think all the time traveling stories helped drive the series into the ground, especially with voyager and enterprise and the ridiculous notion of the Federation as some sort of intergalactic time cop. I also liked that there was no attempt to "fix the timeline" in this movie. Edited May 29, 2009 by eugimon Quote
Excillon Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 I have to say, I've seen all the Star Trek movies, I watched NG and DS9 when I was younger, and I'm not much of a Trekkie but this move KICKED ASS! I was so impressed, I can't wait for the Blu-ray. Really. This movie floored me. Going into it, I didn't want to see it, but I thought hey, it's got Harold in it, and even better Shaun of the Dead. So at least there would be some funny parts. Wow. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a movie THIS much. I thought it would suck, and Terminator was going to be the best blockbuster film of the year, man, I had that totally backwards... Quote
kung flu Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 eugimon said: Don't get me wrong. I think all the time traveling stories helped drive the series into the ground, especially with voyager and enterprise and the ridiculous notion of the Federation as some sort of intergalactic time cop. I also liked that there was no attempt to "fix the timeline" in this movie. I wonder where the time cops were to prevent the movie? Every time a time travel episode came on in voyager or enterprise it really pissed me off, it really showed that they were running out of ideas. When enterprise came on, i thought it started off well being a prequel showing humans starting off space exploration and making first contacts, but then they ruin it with a time cop guy, a temporal war and aliens following future leaders. Quote
eugimon Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 (edited) kung flu said: I wonder where the time cops were to prevent the movie? I was thinking about that... all I could think of is that they didn't have a chance, nemo nero alters the time line pretty radically just as he emerges from the future so there wasn't much time ( ) to do anything about it, just deal with the consequences. That was one of my big gripes with how the show dealt with chronal anomalies, why would these nefarious time villains go through all the trouble of jumping back in time and then wait around till they actually get around to being evil? Edited May 30, 2009 by eugimon Quote
anime52k8 Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 eugimon said: I was thinking about that... all I could think of is that they didn't have a chance, nemo alters the time line pretty radically just as he emerges from the future so there wasn't much time ( ) to do anything about it, just deal with the consequences. nemo? Quote
eugimon Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 (edited) anime52k8 said: nemo? lol. nero. nemo. all the same at midnight. Edited May 30, 2009 by eugimon Quote
Keith Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 I just love the fact that not only do they reboot teh franchise by effectively erasing the entire pre-existing series (except for maybe Enterprise), but do it so well that everyone loves it, and the bulk of the fans willingly accept it. That's not just ballzy, that's Kirk ballzy. Quote
RedWolf Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 Keith said: I just love the fact that not only do they reboot teh franchise by effectively erasing the entire pre-existing series (except for maybe Enterprise), but do it so well that everyone loves it, and the bulk of the fans willingly accept it. That's not just ballzy, that's Kirk ballzy. TWoG says the movie is an alternate universe. The established Trek continuity still exists. I myself chalk it up with the Mirror Universe in terms of divergent reality. This universe's history was different from the get go the moment Pike mentioned the Kelvin's crew complement is 800 (Constitution class crew complement was 431) and Kirk being born in space. In the original timeline he was born in Iowa and has an older brother who looks like him. Plus if we were to believe Admiral Archer who exiled Scotty in an icy post on Delta Vega for loosing his beagle is in fact Jonathan Archer, here in this reality he did not retire from Starfleet and go into politics as with OTL according to his file on the Defiant's historical database. (A Mirror Darkly) Quote
anime52k8 Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 (edited) RedWolf said: Plus if we were to believe Admiral Archer who exiled Scotty in an icy post on Delta Vega for loosing his beagle is in fact Jonathan Archer, here in this reality he did not retire from Starfleet and go into politics as with OTL according to his file on the Defiant's historical database. (A Mirror Darkly) what bugged me about that line was that archer was born in 2112, and the year in the film is 2258, so if it was in fact the same archer, that would mean he was well into his 100's by the time the the transporter incident occurred. and obviously it's not the Porthos from the show. most likely it's not really the same archer, and they threw in the name and details just as an in joke. Edited May 30, 2009 by anime52k8 Quote
David Hingtgen Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 150 is possible for a human in Star Trek----medical advances. Admiral McCoy was like 140 in TNG... Quote
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