sharky Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 (edited) This guy does a good review of the Art Asylum Enterprise E and he compares it to the Playmates version. The Enterprise E is the most drastic example of what's bad about Playmates and what's good about Art Asylum. To be fair the reviews I've seen of the new movie Enterprise by Playmates doesn't look that bad, but I'm sure Art Asylum can do better. One thing he doesn't mention in the video is that the Art Asylum Enterprise comes with two batter covers. One has the socket for the stand while the other cover is smooth. The cover secures with a screw which is nice. Edited May 15, 2009 by sharky Quote
RedWolf Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Frankly the claim that the new Enterprise is bigger is erroneous. Given the visuals it is still around the 300 meter range. Or else why do I see just two decks around the circumference of the saucer section. Ex Astris Scientia a source on on-screen Trek evidence makes a better argument than me. Quote 5) Comparing my preliminary side view with that of the other two Enterprises, I obtain a length of 295m for the new ship. We can take for granted that the height of the saucer is the same as on the Enterprise refit with its very similar saucer shape. There is still an uncertainty of a couple of meters until orthographic views are available that are exactly to scale. In any case the occasional rumors that the ship has to be bigger are untrue. There are supposedly "official" but absolutely ludicrous length figures of 2500ft and 3000ft afloat, which would turn the Enterprise into a monster considerably bigger than a Galaxy class! This is allegedly because the CGI was scaled to this size. But even if the VFX team really had to scale up the ship (such as to squeeze in the way too many shuttles), the basic deck structure, the window size and the diameter of the hatch in the neck from where Kirk's escape pod was launched are definite proof that it can't be much longer than 300m. Every possible other detail pointing to a larger size would have to be reinterpreted in an adequate fashion to fit with the overwhelming evidence of a 300m ship. Quote
wolfx Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Vostok 7 said: I'm assuming you haven't seen the new movie yet? Because if you have you'd get it. Vostok 7 I did.....but...i don't remember the lensflares? Am i going crazy? Quote
kaiotheforsaken Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 You must be, they were all over the place, but I liked those too As for Art Asylum, their Enterprise E is pretty nice no doubt but their refit A has a really amazing finish on it. In any case, I don't think there is a better bang for your buck ship wise. I think Enterprise D (both the regular and 3 nacelle version) are next up from them. Quote
sharky Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 I am anticipating the Art Asylum Enterprise D for sure, but I also have in my sights the new HD classic Enterprise with more detail because of the remastered version of the show that was done. Quote
taksraven Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 (edited) noticed that.... Edited May 15, 2009 by taksraven Quote
taksraven Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 wolfx said: note: Oh hey i didn't know we can use the embed for youtube vids here. WE cant! MODS can. :( Taksraven Quote
big F Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 (edited) Duke Togo said: Thankfully, a majority of those people are unable to reproduce, so they'll be all but extinct within a generation or two. ROTFLMAO So true. I guess its up to the individual viewer though. I liked the film, sure there were inconstancies and such, and it may not be "Trek" but take it as it is in a world where the reeboot is now considered normal Hollywood behaviour, and a real world where the original back story of post apocalyptic WWIII earth rises from the ashes etc wouldn't fit in today. Its a bit like Macross in that way. You would have to reeboot that, 1999 has been and gone to make that fit you'd either be making a partially historical drama or you'd just have to say the SDF1 crashed in 2020 or something just so that the historical part was satisfied. In the TOS they had small hand-held coms devices that could "phone" an orbiting ship. Now in the 1960's that was future tech Nowadays most of us have small cell phones almost with ability. Top end real sat phones are not that much bigger. To make it more believable, for the average movie gower you have to bring it all up a notch thus that is the essence of a reeboot and not just an authentic remake. therefore some flexibility is called for. Call it a reeboot an alternative reality or what ever it is still Trek. The only way it wouldn't be was if Harmony Gold got the rights and renamed it SpaceTech and cut up the footage, re dubbed it and re marketed it with plastic action figures and stopped anyone else making toys or talking about it. Edited May 15, 2009 by big F Quote
Knight26 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Some of my issues with the movie: 1) the cinematography was horrid, I hate shaky cam, it has a time and place, but it was all over the place here and that hurt the visuals, those stupid lense flares also killed it for me, I don't want ot have to go into a movie and be constantly putting on and taking off my sunglasses. And to add to that the unnessarily harsh lighting, dang near every scene was either too dark or too bright. 2) lack of simpathetic characters. If you went in and were not a trek fan, casual or otherwise, there are few, if any, characters that the audience can immediately identify with and latch hold off. Everyone in the first sequence either dies or isn't seen again, with the exception of the bad guys. The next time we see kirk he is a little punk brat who destroys a classic corvette, for no good reason, I about stopped watching at that point, because they never explained why he did it, or did I blink? Spock had at least some audience connection when he showed up, he was the kid getting picked on for being different and then wailed on the kid who made fun of his parents, that allowed the audience to relate. Next time we see him though he is a total prick, and pretty much is from then on. The next time we see Kirk he is this brash egotistical jerk off who picks a fight in a bar with, what, 4 other guys, and gets his butt handed to him, could have been written much better. Kirk then continues to basically be a jerk the whole rest of the movie with few, if any redeeming qualities, I especially hated the way they made the cheat work on the KM scenario, it just felt stupid. The only two characters I really liked were Bones and Scotty, because they were the two most relatable characters, one takes a job in a place he hates because he basically has no other choice, I think most of us have had to do that, and the other is stuck in a crappy job somewhere because he made one little mistake. 3) horrible set design. I never cared for the bridge designs they introduce, but I could live with it. The corridors and teleporter room, those made sense and looked good IMHO. The engineering hull, WTFO? They cheaped out on what was possibly the most important part of the ship by filming it in a stupid water works that was this massive open chamber and none of it even looked liked any kind of powerplant, which was the point of that whole hull, other than the shuttle bay. If you want to cheap out like that at least go to a real ship, even a decommissioned one and use that, then at least the interiors would look somewhat plausible. While we are on that, how giant was that shuttle bay, maybe it was the angles, but it looked to take up half the engineering hull, I think that is where the majority of these scaling inconsistencies are coming from. Moving onto Nero's ship, again what is with these massive open spaces aboard a space ship, especially a mining ship? Mining ships would likely be pretty minimalistic, so why is that ship so open, and why is the exterior such a nightmarish mess? The whole design of that ship makes no sense whatsoever, the only thing that says mining ship about it is the drilling laser. And why does a mining ship need to be so heavily armed? 4) plot holes left and right. Do you really want me to go into this? How much red matter do you need Spock, planning to take over the galaxy? 5) a complete lack of understanding of military protocol. Again, do you want me to go into this, i.e. the promotion of a rank cadet to captain of a starship before he has even officially graduated? Sending cadets into harms way before they have graduated? Promoting a rank cadet over a slew of commissioned officers, etc... etc... etc... 6) bad, horrible, terrible science. I won't go into the whole transit time issue, trekkies are harping on that enough. But what about changing the fundemental nature of a teleporter and its targetting system strictly by inputting a formula, no hardware or software changes? How about how a star going super nova would really only effect the planets in its own system, and maybe some adjoing systems due to the radiation? Or this one I love, a drop of "red matter" can create a black hole that will swallow up the supernova in an instant, yet the deploying ship carries something in excess of a few million or billion times that volume of it, good planning there starfleet, you just created a superweapon that could wipe out the galaxy. Dumping the warp cores (maybe the anti-matter stores?) in order to escape the black hole, WTF? And where did the black holes go, did they just disappear? There is even more then that, but I'll digress. 7) Bad writing. Really all the points I summed up before could have been fixed by a better writer, or possibly a better editor. If the two main characters had been more symapthetic characters I could have enjoyed it more. But in the end, I will say take a pass on it, some impressive space visuals and ok action don't make a good movie to me. Quote
Duke Togo Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Knight26 said: a good movie Here, I edited your review down to make it more readable. Quote
Knight26 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Duke Togo said: Here, I edited your review down to make it more readable. Kind of lost the gyst of it though. Don't mistake me for some whiny trekkie, I'm not, I just did not like the movie Quote
eugimon Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Knight26 said: Kind of lost the gyst of it though. Don't mistake me for some whiny trekkie, I'm not, I just did not like the movie fair enough. I really disagree on your characterizations though. Young Kirk's actions are pretty easily understood by anyone who's been a latch-key child. No dad, mom constantly off-world, step dad or who ever who cares more about his things than Kirk. He didn't destroy that vette for no reason, he took out his frustration on the 'thing' that was more important than him. And Spock was easily the most sympathetic character. A kid who feels like he's the only defender of his mom, his own father refusing to stand up for her. And I don't know how you can see he's a prick, he basically tells all of vulcan to go fly a kite because they insulted his mother and his earth heritage and then risks his life to save those people. And I loved the new engineering section. I find it much believable than the usual giant glowing dildo. Quote
Vostok 7 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Knight26 said: Kind of lost the gyst of it though. Don't mistake me for some whiny trekkie, I'm not, I just did not like the movie I'll tell you one thing, I'd much rather watch two and a half hours of the new Star Trek movie, with it's standard Sci-Fi flubs, than sit through any amount of time of late TNG/DS9/Voy/ENT (basically anything by B&B) where made up "super science" serves as a deus ex machina to solve every problem (this is one of the major reasons I prefer the original movies and TV show, not every issue was solved by shooting a "qullitrillium delta beam from the deflector shield" at it). Vostok 7 Quote
Vostok 7 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 eugimon said: And I loved the new engineering section. I find it much believable than the usual giant glowing dildo. :lol: So true. And not everything in engineering was solved by just running around and typing on a few screens while spouting made up words. Vostok 7 Quote
eugimon Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Vostok 7 said: I'll tell you one thing, I'd much rather watch two and a half hours of the new Star Trek movie, with it's standard Sci-Fi flubs, than sit through any amount of time of late TNG/DS9/Voy/ENT (basically anything by B&B) where made up "super science" serves as a deus ex machina to solve every problem (this is one of the major reasons I prefer the original movies and TV show, not every issue was solved by shooting a "qullitrillium delta beam from the deflector shield" at it). Vostok 7 What? People standing around and talking about inverse polarizing tachyon beams for 44 minutes and then a 2 second clip of the entrprise emitting some beam isn't entertaining for you? Quote
mikeszekely Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 eugimon said: What? People standing around and talking about inverse polarizing tachyon beams for 44 minutes and then a 2 second clip of the entrprise emitting some beam isn't entertaining for you? It's entertaining for me... Quote
Duke Togo Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 mikeszekely said: It's entertaining for me... That is why... you fail. Quote
Knight26 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Hey I hate the technobabble too, and do not miss it being absent. @eugimon: But they never explained that, the only thing they said was "because your mom is off planet" or something to that effect. We don't know who he is with, why she is gone, how long, etc... You don't need massive exposition of that, but at least show like a 1 minute scene of him running out, not just out stealing the car. @V7&Eugimon: I never cared for the giant dildo either, but at least make the thing look like an engine room then, it didn't it was all open pipework, and non-sensical ducting and waterworks. Nothign about it said engine room, no system monitors, anything, and it was such a massive open space, it didn't make sense to exist in that hull. Quote
eugimon Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Vostok 7 said: :lol: So true. And not everything in engineering was solved by just running around and typing on a few screens while spouting made up words. Vostok 7 Yeah, if there's going to be a complaint about Scotty plugging in a formula and then drastically upgrading transporters, which I think the movie explained pretty well (realizing it's space that's moving) then pretty much half of TNG suffers from far worse where the deflector dish was used to emit all forms of energy known to man and also served soft serve to the kids on Sundays. Quote
Einherjar Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 When you have 90 to 150 minutes to tell a story, never waste a huge chunk of it with technobabble or exposition only die-hards will ever understand, especially when you're attracting new audiences to watch it. If it gets people to watch the other material then mission accomplished. Quote
eugimon Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Knight26 said: Hey I hate the technobabble too, and do not miss it being absent. @eugimon: But they never explained that, the only thing they said was "because your mom is off planet" or something to that effect. We don't know who he is with, why she is gone, how long, etc... You don't need massive exposition of that, but at least show like a 1 minute scene of him running out, not just out stealing the car. @V7&Eugimon: I never cared for the giant dildo either, but at least make the thing look like an engine room then, it didn't it was all open pipework, and non-sensical ducting and waterworks. Nothign about it said engine room, no system monitors, anything, and it was such a massive open space, it didn't make sense to exist in that hull. See, I didn't think they needed to. That sort of acting out is pretty easy to spot and just that line of the guy talking about his mom being offworld and being more concerned with his car was enough for me to understand where kirk was coming from. They did show the "engine room" in the final shot when the cores are ejected and it was different from the parts of engineering kirk and scotty were running around in. It makes sense that a ship that services a thousand people would have a pretty crazy system of pipes, containers and what not. Water needs to be stored, treated, piped, heated, cooled, etc. I understand that food replicators and creative uses of transporter tech takes care of all food and hygiene needs but machinery still needs to be cooled, filtered, heated, etc. Glowy pulsey tubes and underlit etched polycarbonate panels seem far less realistic to me than a maze of pipes. Quote
Ghost Train Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Enginnering was the worst designed set of all imo... it looked like a McDonalds playground. As for the character likeability thing, Kirk came across as a wigga-johncena-wannabe-gangsta... but yea new continuity, so forgiven. Quote
Keith Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Knight26 said: Hey I hate the technobabble too, and do not miss it being absent. @eugimon: But they never explained that, the only thing they said was "because your mom is off planet" or something to that effect. We don't know who he is with, why she is gone, how long, etc... You don't need massive exposition of that, but at least show like a 1 minute scene of him running out, not just out stealing the car. You find out all you need to know, His dad's dead, he hates his stepdad, so he stole his care & drove it over a cliff. Pretty cut & dry. Quote
Macross007 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 eugimon said: And I loved the new engineering section. I find it much believable than the usual giant glowing dildo. + 100. Quote
ntsan Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Knight26 said: 6) bad, horrible, terrible science. I won't go into the whole transit time issue, trekkies are harping on that enough. But what about changing the fundemental nature of a teleporter and its targetting system strictly by inputting a formula, no hardware or software changes? How about how a star going super nova would really only effect the planets in its own system, and maybe some adjoing systems due to the radiation? Or this one I love, a drop of "red matter" can create a black hole that will swallow up the supernova in an instant, yet the deploying ship carries something in excess of a few million or billion times that volume of it, good planning there starfleet, you just created a superweapon that could wipe out the galaxy. Dumping the warp cores (maybe the anti-matter stores?) in order to escape the black hole, WTF? And where did the black holes go, did they just disappear? There is even more then that, but I'll digress. You probably need mass quantity to make red matter stable Quote
miles316 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 eugimon said: Yeah, if there's going to be a complaint about Scotty plugging in a formula and then drastically upgrading transporters, which I think the movie explained pretty well (realizing it's space that's moving) then pretty much half of TNG suffers from far worse where the deflector dish was used to emit all forms of energy known to man and also served soft serve to the kids on Sundays. Other than the Dominion on DS9 every time star trek played around with long range transporters their was a inharent danger in their use. Spock might have been desperate, and chose to use a unstable technology to get Kirk to the Enterprise. Quote
Macross007 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 miles316 said: Other than the Dominion on DS9 every time star trek played around with long range transporters their was a inharent danger in their use. Spock might have been desperate, and chose to use a unstable technology to get Kirk to the Enterprise. Explaining why Scotty was not safely transported onboard the Enterprise. Yeah, make sense. Quote
miles316 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 (edited) I suppose he was lucky he did not materialize halfway in the tube. Though it would have been funny if Kirk and Sulu's suits fused together during transport. It would have been a nice tension breaker. Edited May 16, 2009 by miles316 Quote
sharky Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 miles316 said: I suppose he was lucky he did not materialize halfway in the tube. Though it would have been funny if Kirk and Sulu's suits fused together during transport. It would have been a nice tension breaker. That scene would have fit right into this movie right along with Kirk's gigantic swollen hands. Quote
DarkReaper Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 miles316 said: I suppose he was lucky he did not materialize halfway in the tube. What happened to the water that was already in the tube. Did it just get displaced by the beaming progress or is that overlocked. Quote
UN_MARINE Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 if memory serves... they beamed into the ship right before the water started pumping into the tubes. there was enough time for Kirk to look around for Scotty & him responding by knocking on the tube. it's possible that the tube was empty when they beamed aboard. Quote
RedWolf Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 (edited) Macross007 said: Explaining why Scotty was not safely transported onboard the Enterprise. Yeah, make sense. Or Spock didn't expect this Enterprise to be radically different from his. Given Kirk and company's experience with the Mirror Enterprise which was pretty much the pre-refit Constitution commanded by Pike. In that universe Kirk killed Pike for command of the Enterprise. This alternate reality apparently has a distain for Jeffries tubes. Oh if you are wondering why engineering looks like beer brewery it is because it is a beer brewery. This movie is the last Star Trek that Majel Barrett worked on before her passing. In would be nice to see a version of her first Star Trek character in the sequel, Number One. Yes Star Trek's first First Officer was a woman. Though in this alternate reality the Enterprise was constructed in 2055. The prime universe Enterprise was commissioned on 2045 under Robert April. Oh with thorough research I have established that is in fact an Alternate Reality not an Alternate Timeline due to certain facts. 1. James Kirk had an older brother in the Prime reality, George Samuel Kirk. In the Alternate reality there was no George Samuel Kirk. 2. George Kirk was a farmer in the Prime reality. There are many references that James Kirk grew up in an Iowa farm. With exception of a time during his teens at Tarsus IV. Prime reality * March 22 (Stardate 1277.1) - James T. Kirk is born to George and Winona Kirk in Iowa. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"; ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; Star Trek) Alternate reality * On stardate 2233.04, the Romulan mining vessel Narada, from year 2387, engages the USS Kelvin, resulting in the destruction of the Kelvin and the death of George Kirk; James T. Kirk is born on Medical Shuttle 37 as it departs the Kelvin. (Star Trek) Edited May 16, 2009 by RedWolf Quote
aerocombatpilot Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Just saw the film in IMAX, and it was friggin awesome!!! Being an old trekkie (sigh), I was worried when I saw the first movie photos of the crew; they all looked like they belonged at a star trek convention! But after the trailers, and the movie reviews I got excited about Star Trek once again. I really enjoyed the "new" enterprise and it's crew. All the main players had their special moments and there were plenty of "old trek" references which was nice. I have to admit, I did not fully understand the whole "time-travel" storyline, and as much as I hate to admit this; old Spock being there felt like it was "forced" on the film. I got the same feeling about Kirk being in Generations, but that is my only nit-pick. The film was fantastic, and I can't wait for the next one!!! Quote
F-ZeroOne Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Vostok 7 said: :lol: So true. And not everything in engineering was solved by just running around and typing on a few screens while spouting made up words. Vostok 7 Just seen it. I enjoyed it, though I have some niggles like a few people about the science (okay, I say niggles, more like "Just hire Professor Hawking to help with the tech stuff next time, okay?!" ). I would also like SF to remember that the future is supposed to look like the future and not some waste processing plant in Wales... Quote
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