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I forget who I was talking to about what but during the conversation I had a though. I then had another beer... or two...

anyhow, eventually I sobered up enough to remember the thought premise so here it goes...

So of us here on the board are hoarders. By this I mean than it's not neccissarilly that we want to hoard... but one of our favorite toys comes around at a price we can't say no to... so we don't, even though we already have a few of them sitting on a shelf.

I'm famous for my jetfire fetish. I bid on lord knows how many a month and rarely win, but every jetfire with armor I score in my price range shipped... I'm not gonna complain. It doesn't happen often but the times it does I jump on. Yeah I have a boxed jetfire [or few] but even though I don't need them, and already have enough junker 1/55's to make a custom army from, I still can't help but buy any orginal vf with f/p at a price less than a reissue. Unfortunately not all things can be gotten as cheap as a reissue.

But anyhow... I want to know what toys others hoard. We all can anme a few individualls that have 12x of every 1/48 AND rare stuff like a beta... so I want to limit this to the individuals top three hoarding items. As such... you loved the 1/60 roy strike and bought 30... that counts. Have 1 1/60 signined by the creator AND a taiwanese whore... I don't care and you prbably shouldn't discuss sch stuff Anyways as you bever know who might show up at your wedding :unsure:

so... what do you have the mostest of? I'll start off with my top three...

#1... jetfires... I actually have no idea and estimate by volume... enough...

#2... zen officers pods. [matchbox till somebody else makes one] 6 complete

#3... Yamato 1/72 vf-19a [in all it's blue goodness] 3, 2 mib and one paint chipped in box.

for extras... as I know there are many like me who wouldn't mind a duplicate at the right price but have yet to find one... I had to bid on, and thankfully win, doubles/multiples of...

gundam 1/100 s-heavy type rx-178 s-heavy speacial 1 mib, 1 cwb, one loose

gundam 1/100 rx-178 musha cloth type [x2 both mib one with poster]

there is other stuff I have stockpiled but nothing cool, especially since godzilla aquired my "army". Just wondering what else everybody else is hording.

:note... I don't mean for this to become a bragging rights in your face thread. We all know some folk can afford 12 of each 1/48 as it comes out. I can't and as such thats not what I ask. I want to know your top three and numbers. You could own 5 transformers... 4 ravage and 1 sound wave... ravage would make your list. 100+ 1/48's... great... which three do you have the most of?

got one of everything... what do you have doubles of? You get the idea. I have many cool toys but I don't "play" with any unless I have a "back-up"{ in case part of a twa 747 falls from the sky destroying it..., or my dog eats it..., or my cats/wife vomit on it..., you get the idea. If somebody only owns four toys, and one of them is a duplicate... I want to know what that duplicate is. ;)


lemme see now.... I guess it would be Joke Machines for me

#1 22 Joke machines Breakdown: 8 roys, 1 max 1A, 1 hikaru 1A, 5 miriya, 7 max 1J

#2 4 SDF-1

#3 5 bandai strike valkyries



Since we're being this specific I'm not sure what duplicates I have.....I think these are my top three in no particular order

6 x 1/48 CFs

4 x Lego Tie Fighter

3 x tie (too many to name)


I think this is what I have...I\'ll have to check

1. 9 - 1/55 VF-1A Hikaru, Bandai Reissues

2. 13 - 1/55 VF-1S Supers, Bandai Reissues

3. 10 - 1/100 VF-1(s)

**Various other items that I have dups of, but this is where the bulk is.


i not a hoarder, im more of a display designer :p

so 2 of everything that transforms, and 2 of any modern gokin/diecast if it comes in a regular and gucci version. i dont think i have 3 of anything

i did briefly have 5 bandai super reissues, but sold off the valks and kept the armor.


I'm not a hoarder, but I do seem to have a cannon fodder fetish.

5x 1/60 TRU CF

5 or 6x 1/60 CF

1x 1/48 CF

3x 1/55 CF

I have lots of other VF types that are not CFs, but proportionally the CFs are in the majority.



#1 4 x VF-2SS 1/100, 1 original, 3 x reissue.

#2 Banpresto Perfect Transformation, Strike x 12, Super x 9.

#3 Robotech Shadow Morpher x 6


#1 Wing Zero x 7, MSIA x 3, 1/100 x 1, 1/60 x 1, SD x 2.

#2 Gundam Meteor 5, 4 x 1/400 and 1 x 1/144

I do have lots of two's, three's, and four's of some.


FX X-wing x 7. I just really liked that toy...


this is hard. I usually try and buy three or four of everything. thats not always possible, though. I've sold off quite a bit now too.

#1 qty 9 Jet Fires Transformers

#2 qty 4 Optimus Prime 20th anniversary

#3 qty 4 VF-1A CF 1/48


I'm not a hoarder, remember that.

VF-1S Roy = 24

VF-1A Max = 13

VF-1A CF = 22

1/48 FAST Packs = 31



#1 12 FP(does that count?)

#2 6 GBP armors

#3 4 VF-1S & 4 CFs

I don't even know if a FP would count, but they are quite pricey to not mention them.


Looking at the title of this thread initially I thought we were supposed to vote for the top three toy hoarders. :lol:

  vlenhoff said:
I don't even know if a FP would count, but they are quite pricey to not mention them.


I Forgot about fastpacks. 1/48 x 10, 1/55 x 13.

  kensei said:
Looking at the title of this thread initially I thought we were supposed to vote for the top three toy hoarders. :lol:


Well us small timers got carried away. :lol:

Well that would be:

#1 Sithlord

#2 Kensei

#3 ?


Oh, I forgot to mention that I own 3 Bandai Strike Valkyries...

  myk said:
Oh, I forgot to mention that I own 3 Bandai Strike Valkyries...


oh yeah... ditto.

I think bobe has 5 boxed :blink:


Yeah. If I had only known that the '48s were coming out just a few years later, I never would have even bothered with the Bandai's...

3 x 1/72 HCM VF-1S

3 x 1/72 HCM VF-1J

3 x 1/72 HCM VF-1A

Uh, Sithlord, if I remember your collection correctly, you have three of FRIGGIN' EVERYTHING. Why did you decide to single out those particular items?

Sad fact, As a rule I don't keep duplicates. The only time I have two of something is when I'm mixing and matching pieces or came across something at such a great deal I'm just holding it for an investment (and the stray "ooops" gift someone gives me).

3 x Rick Hunter MPC (Don't laugh, I bought them as half price for an investment and am hoping eBay will convert them into xmas shopping money this year)

I also have a few extra Alphas but heck if I know which ones at the moment... they'll probably get sold around xmas too :)

  Fortress_Maximus said:
Well that would be:

#1 Sithlord

#2 Kensei

#3 ?

Wouldn't #1 be Godzilla or Kensei?  :huh:


Shhhhhh. I am not a hoarder...oh crap. I need to change my siggy. :rolleyes:


Well, I've since sold them off except for one, but at one time I 7 Devastators + another Mixmaster. That's 43 constructicons! I was really addicted to combiners when I was into TF's (i still have one of each) and here's the breakdown when it was at it's worse give or take a bot :

7 Devastators (and an extra Mixmaster)

5 Bruticus (and an extra Onslaught, Brawl, and Swindle)

5 Superions

3 Predakings (plus an extra Rampage and Tantrum)

3 Computrons

3 Defensors (plus an extra Hot Spot)

2 Menasors

2 Abominus (plus two extra Blot's and an extra Hungrr)

1 Piranacon

That's for a combined total of : 173 Transformers, or 31 Gesalts. God I was sick.


6x 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz ( who here dun wish to horde more but the price now is ;) )

4x 1/48 Max 1A (used to have 6 , sold off 2)

3x Bandai boxed 1/55 Strike 1S Hikaru (2 loose w/o box nor strike set)

17x 1/48 FP

my favourite is still the Bandai Strike 1S :p

  Deimos said:
6x 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz ( who here dun wish to horde more but the price now is  ;) )

4x 1/48 Max 1A (used to have 6 , sold off 2)

3x Bandai boxed 1/55 Strike 1S Hikaru (2 loose w/o box nor strike set)

17x 1/48 FP

my favourite is still the Bandai Strike 1S  :p


you gonna sell those loose strike valks any time soon? ;):D:p:lol:

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