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Hi guys,

I recently becamse really interested in Fang of the Sun Dougram, and am trying to track down any English laguange release I can. I know that no dub was released, and sa far as I can tell, not even an official R1 release w/ or without subs.... so, has anyone got or know of a fansub of this series? I want to se it sooooo incredibly badly. Same with Dorvak, but that's much less important.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Dougram is pretty darn rare these days... I don't believe I've ever seen a complete fansub of it. I could have sworn long ago in the early '90s I saw some fansub tapes at Chicago comic con but that was so long ago and my mind is not what it used to be.

I'm just happy with my VCD's. I may not know exactly what's going on but the plot is not so hard to follow that you need cliff notes.


Years ago I watched an encoded raw of the first episode. Looked very interesting. It's a shame nobody subbed it, but it is really old and quite long, so it's not surprising.


But it's a classic and has such cool mecha.

And I just realized how badly I spelled 'fansubs' in the thread subtitle.... wow... guess Ben needs to lay off the crackpipe...

So you're watching it in Japanese and just winging it?

Yep, in a nutshell. I have a set of bootleg VCDs of the entire series. The video and audio quality of the set I have is superb for their nature and they play back on most modern R1 DVD players just fine. Once you have a set all you really need is a guide to the show, or at least a tollerable synopsys to the show, to know what is going on. The show is not rocket science after all and is mostly a large continuing string of episodic action sequences. A decent online synopsys will give you the gist of the story.

ย  Any idea where one could find the series in any form?ย  I want it sooooo badly.


I bought my set off of eBay many moons ago. The guy who sells the VCD sets, and I believe there is only one guy who does, puts them up for sale every few months. The sets are not cheap and will cost you upwards of $80 if I remember right.

I've loaned my set out in the past to folks who wanted to copy it but at the moment it is out on loan to one of my employees.


There is this guy online who sells DVD copies of old anime series like Dorvack and Dougram.

The only catch are it's not subbed and it's quite expensive.

I believe it's here.

I've never done business with this guy so I have no idea if he's legit or not. I found his library of classic and oldies mind boggling...

Posted (edited)

I remember getting some torrents a while back, but don't recall if they were subbed.

I'll let you know what I can find....


Sorry......they were raw vids. (Here). :(


Thanks Grand Cannon... that's more than I could find after almost an hour of hardcore google searching.... just wish it was at least the whole series RAW... I'm willing to do it the way J is if it comes to that.

On that note, J, if you can direct me to a good synopsis, I'd be pretty greatful... and if I knew how to copy VCDs to computer, I'd be more than patient if you'd be willing to lend your set to me when the current guy is done... if I'm not imposing too much here... :)

It looks like the website I got my synopsys from is no longer up and running... let me keep looking around to see if perhaps it moved somewhere else.


Could that be Knowlton's World? It's too bad a lot of it is "Under Construction". Found that site getting info on my Battle of Stanrey game..was/is a good resource.

  • 2 months later...

Okay, time for today's really random question: For anyone who's seen FotS:D, is the Dougram's big shoulder/backpack gun linked to the targeting computer, or does the Dougram have to use its hands to move the gun around and physically aim it?

Posted (edited)
Okay, time for today's really random question:ร‚ย  For anyone who's seen FotS:D, is the Dougram's big shoulder/backpack gun linked to the targeting computer, or does the Dougram have to use its hands to move the gun around and physically aim it?


Never saw the show, but I think the proper term for the 'big shoulder gun' is Linear Turbo Cannon.

Or AC/5 if its on a Shadow Hawk SHD-2H.

Edited by Retracting Head Ter Ter

Haha, yeah, AC/5.... hmmm.. Linerar Turbo Cannon... so in Dougram is it more rail-rifle? Linear cannon usually makes me think of gauss rifle.... I was thinking it was more along the lines of a howitzer artillery gun.

So, anyone seen it and know if it's auto targeting, or has to be held and aimed?

It's too bad the US release of VOTOMS hasn't been more successful, or else we'd have a much better chance at seeing a series like Dougram finally get translated.


Is VOTOMS not selling? I can't really tell, since my local stores only get in a handfull of copies, and once they're gone they're gone.


Hey hey hey, eyes on the topic here... I still need to know if the shoulder Linear Gun operates via the computer or if the pilot had to physically move and aim the gun with the Dougram's hand... cmon, someone said that they'd seen it.

And yeah, I wish VOTOMS sold better so we could see Dougram too.


I've seen Dougram all the way through several times and most of the times that shoulder cannon fired that I can remember it was done at medium to close range and the Dougram's left hand was holding it. For as many rifles, missles and cannons that the Dougram is seen with in toys and pictures, it does most of it's fighting up close. Large ammounts of ammo for the Dougram are not exactly stockpiled for Deloyer 7 everywhere they go so the big Doug has to duke it out hand to hand a lot of the time.

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