Liottel Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Two of my favorite anime are DYRL and Megazone 23. DYRL is an epic, well told story with stunning visuals, and the crescendo at the end sends chills up your back it's so cool. Megazone 23, borrowing heavily from Macross aswell as Robert Heinleins "Orphans Of The Sky" novella, created an incredible storyline with memorable characters that ended in Part II leaving you mind blown. But, neither of these really affected me. I enjoyed them incredibly, but it had no prolonged significance in my mind as I went about my daily life. The third anime I will mention, I shall call my favorite anime. Arcadia Of My Youth, is a story that could not be made in this day and age. I watch it every now and then and I am moved by it. It is the most amazing anime story of all time. And I believe it is a story only men can appreciate. I do not believe women, or lesser males, would "Get It". I can gurantee you that if I made my friends girlfriend watch it, she would giggle her way through it and laugh at it. Because she is inferior. In Arcadia Of My Youth, the earth is subjugated, and most humans are entirely content to be controlled, and manipulated. Like sheep, they are complacent with whatever happens to them - as it is in reality. Only a few characters in Arcadia' have the mindset to realise it can be better, and they take the chance. Who else thinks that this film is one of the greatest anime storys of all time? This message is for the oldschool anime fans... "Cartoon Network Is My Life!" fellas need not apply... ~Liottel. Quote
jenius Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Quote Because she is inferior. That is pure awesomeness. I haven't seen Arcadia of my Youth, where can i get it fo' cheap? Quote
Liottel Posted April 9, 2006 Author Posted April 9, 2006 Animeigo release of the DVD and the VHS. DVD used for 14 bucks, VHS used for even cheaper. Don't buy the old dub tapes. I'm of the belief that no true anime fan will watch a dub over a sub. Go listen to modern R&B if you really enjoy hearing a nice language turned into something foul and nasty. ~Liottel. Quote
ychanus Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 (edited) Message Deleted.. Edited April 12, 2006 by ychanus Quote
Seven Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 (edited) ychanus said: Are you Nazi? Just wondering... 389134[/snapback] Yes, he's a Neo Nazi posting about the wonders of foreign invader Japanese animation.... he's amazingly tortured by the beautiful animation but also how defiled it makes him feel since foreign yellow hands drew such horribly beauty... cmoooon man, think about it... Its a manji symbol not a swastika. Edited April 9, 2006 by Seven Quote
Dangard Ace Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Ah, so I was right. It's the Finnish Air Force symbol. and yes, AOMY kicks all sorts of ass but then again almost all Leiji Matsumoto stuff does. Quote
Retracting Head Ter Ter Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 I wish this issue would get brought up more often in the Western media. The Nazis didn't invent or design the swastika. It was in use for hundreds of years in the East. You find them all over Chinese/Korean/Indian places of worship. Quote
zeo-mare Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 sadly over the last 60 years the sign has been desecrated in the eyes of many specially those who live in the western world were it has a whole other meaning. Liottel i support your freedom of speech but maybe you should change it before it causes to much problem this whole thread has been derailed beacuse of it, i do not want to see other ones end up the same way. chris Quote
jenius Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Christ didn't invent the cross either... it's funny how symbols get claimed huh? I hear the number 666 also existed prior to "the beast." Point is, if you know a symbol has been appropriated you're rolling the dice by using it. Quote
Liottel Posted April 9, 2006 Author Posted April 9, 2006 (edited) I enjoyed Cosmo Warrior Zero in a really lame childish sort of way... I definitely think Leiji is running out of good ideas. But, I thought Gun Frontier was really good. I think Gun Frontier was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in a while. But, none of his new stuff is up to par with his old stuff. I'd still like to get a hold of the full series (subtitled) that came after Arcadia'. What was it? Endless Odyssey SSX? There was another series, "Endless Orbit" or something, but that's not what I'm talking about. This series was about 26 episodes and was fromt he earlier 90s I believe. I have the opening on a "Toei Openings" dvd I got. ~Liottel. P.S. Any of you seen Zipang? The tv series about a modern Modified Kongou Class aegis destroyer of the Japanese SDF accidentally being sent back in time to WWII, and the dilemma of the Japanese crew whether to try and turn the tides? Because it's based on a massively long manga, the TV series ends abrubtly without any real conclusions, but I thought it was still very good. Edit: P.S. #2 A lot of you have pictures of naked women as your avatars. Being that the Finnish have never been part of the ratial nonsense that the symbol you guys are offended by is synonomous with, I find no reason why I should change it. While flying this symbol, the armor and aircraft of Finland managed to become one of the few militarys to repel Russia's vicious invasion, and then even counter attack, breaking deep into Russian territory, only to be screwed during the armistice, because after all, Russia attacked them first, and they fought back - that means they were Axis forces. For all I know the reason Finland still exists, is because they flew the Hakarista, a good luck symbol. Being mostly Finnish, 'damned if I'm changing it. Edited April 9, 2006 by Liottel Quote
zeo-mare Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 (edited) Liottel said: P.S. Any of you seen Zipang? The tv series about a modern Modified Kongou Class aegis destroyer of the Japanese SDF accidentally being sent back in time to WWII, and the dilemma of the Japanese crew whether to try and turn the tides? Because it's based on a massively long manga, the TV series ends abrubtly without any real conclusions, but I thought it was still very good. 389152[/snapback] there was a USA movie with the similar style plot called "The Final Countdown" Edited April 9, 2006 by zeo-mare Quote
Liottel Posted April 9, 2006 Author Posted April 9, 2006 Say, speaking of Leiji who basically has one type of story he can tell, although he tells it incredibly well... Do any of you like Koichi Ohata? Koichi is one of my favorite directors. A lot of people watch M.D. Geist and think "Wa'da'hell??", but those same people might go and watch a Tarantino movie and enjoy it. Koichi Ohata is all about making a character that is entirely out of the ordinary. M.D. Geist isn't a hero at all - He Wants To Kill You. Why? Because Your Alive. In part 1 where you finally realise he isn't a hero at all, he's just an insane murderer, is when he activates the death force, stating it hasn't ended "It has only begun." Made my head spin. Furthermore, Genocyber is a hair raising cyber punk anime that really impressed me. You have to have the right mind set for that sort of thing... On one hand, it lifts your spirits, because the main character girl is becomming free - on the other hand, in order to do it, she annihilated all of Tokyo. Leaves you sort of questioning things. And Ryosuke Takahashi used to be an amazing director - Dougram, Votoms, Layzner, etc. But, in making Gasaraki he started to loose his mind I think. So, when Blue Gender came out, I was extremely skeptical. Then, I realised that Koichi Ohata had collaborated on it. Know why Blue Gender is so absurdly dark and forboding? Koichi Ohata did that. I firmly believe that if Ohata wasn't there helping out Ryosuke Takahashi, it would have become a horrible piece of philosophical mecha drivvle. How it was completed though, I thought it was an A+ anime. Similar could be said for Burst Angel (Bakuretsu Tenshi). It was a lame lame story, with lame characters, done in a lame way. And it would have been absolutely horrible - except Koichi Ohata partook of it. Because of that, a happy-go-lucky Babe In A Robot anime actually ended up being pretty dark and forbidding. At first I thought the show sucked. But by the end of it, I thought it was a pretty good show. I can't wait for whatever Ohata works on next. ~Liottel. Quote
Noyhauser Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Still none of them match up to Helgensagen Vom Kosmenief Quote
isamu_dyson Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Retracting Head Ter Ter said: I wish this issue would get brought up more often in the Western media. The Nazis didn't invent or design the swastika. It was in use for hundreds of years in the East. You find them all over Chinese/Korean/Indian places of worship. 389147[/snapback] yep (quote from wikipedia) The swastika (from Sanskrit सà¥à¤µà¤¸à¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤• svastika) is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles in either left-facing (å) or right-facing (å) direction. The swastika is a holy symbol in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. In the West, it is most widely known and used as a symbol of Nazism. It is traditionally oriented so that a main line is horizontal, though it is occasionally rotated at forty-five degrees. The Hindu version is often decorated with a dot in each quadrant. Quote
Black Valkyrie Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Since I`m a SCI-FI Anime fan but to me my fave all time anime is the original Vampire Hunter D cuz seriuosly in someway I`m a bit like D. Quote
Retracting Head Ter Ter Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 (edited) jenius said: Christ didn't invent the cross either... it's funny how symbols get claimed huh? I hear the number 666 also existed prior to "the beast." Point is, if you know a symbol has been appropriated you're rolling the dice by using it. 389151[/snapback] It got appopriated mainly because the WESTERN MEDIA played it that way. If you walked into China or India and pointed at a swastika to half the people, many of them wouldn't have even heard of the term 'Nazi'. If Hitler had used the Christian Cross as his symbol, you'd bet the western media wouldn't have let it been appropriated. But its a Hindu/Buddhist thing and those beliefs weren't important to the post 40s western media so lets conveniently use it as a symbol of evil. Now, you are right to say that many symbols were appropriated, not just the swastika. BUT the difference is that the swastika is still in active use by... uhmmmm like 1-2 billion people (hard to estimate, in modern times how many of the current day Indians and Chinese still identify readily with it). Not asking people to disassociate the Swastika with the Nazis, just asking for a little _education_. Edited April 9, 2006 by Retracting Head Ter Ter Quote
Zentrandude Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Retracting Head Ter Ter said: I wish this issue would get brought up more often in the Western media. The Nazis didn't invent or design the swastika. It was in use for hundreds of years in the East. You find them all over Chinese/Korean/Indian places of worship. 389147[/snapback] Its funny how things go in life, the Volkswagens bug which you know his name practicly told the designers what to built is celebrated by hippies and been in several movies featuring "the love bug". Quote
JsARCLIGHT Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 OK for the love of mike QUIT IT WITH THE NAZI TALK already. Liottel, while I have nothing against your avatar you might want to think about changing it otherwise every thread you make is going to be preempted with people blathering on and on about swastika this and nazi that and offtopic nonsense this and that. It's bad enough when people's avatars derail threads into "what is that from" discussions but having a symbol in which half of the known world associates with very bad things is going to cause these issues over and over and over again. Quote
Liottel Posted April 9, 2006 Author Posted April 9, 2006 In the 50's a Victorias Secret commercial would have been universally offensive, but now it's commonplace - and I really rather enjoy it I figure it's fine. People will figure it out. Or eventually I'll just get bored with my good luck symbol and get an avatar of an underage really busty skantily clad girl ~Liottel. Quote
JsARCLIGHT Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Victoria's Secret never murdered 3 million people. I know what your avatar is from, as do a lot of other people. I just think that you need to think of the idiots out there who are going to think other things when they come here and see that symbol so boldly displayed. I believe your intentions are virtuous but suffice it to say that symbol is associated with a lot of very bad stuff and negativity no matter what sort of goodness it embodies other places in the world. I recommend you change it lest the need to constantly explain yourself dominates your time here. Quote
dr_vandermeer Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Liottel said: In the 50's a Victorias Secret commercial would have been universally offensive, but now it's commonplace - and I really rather enjoy it I figure it's fine. People will figure it out. Or eventually I'll just get bored with my good luck symbol and get an avatar of an underage really busty skantily clad girl ~Liottel. 389311[/snapback] I figure you're really good at playing dumb. Quote
the white drew carey Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 OK... if you think the swastika has to go, I think all the half-naked tits need to go. Dr Vandermeer's bloody child needs to go because showing bloody children reminds me of all the bastards who harm kids. >EXO<'s avatar should go because I find it offensive every time I see Minmay giving me the finger. NERV's avatar has to go because many people don't think something like that is remotely funny. I'm offended by Phyrox's avatar because one of my friends was beaten up once by a bunch of a$$holes in a super-redneck mobile simply because he was out skateboarding. Asking someone to change their avatar simply because most of the western hemisphere will misinterpret it is plain dumb. And I love Patlabors complete storyline, yo. Quote
Rocket Punch Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 JsARCLIGHT said: Victoria's Secret never murdered 3 million people. I know what your avatar is from, as do a lot of other people. I just think that you need to think of the idiots out there who are going to think other things when they come here and see that symbol so boldly displayed. I believe your intentions are virtuous but suffice it to say that symbol is associated with a lot of very bad stuff and negativity no matter what sort of goodness it embodies other places in the world.I recommend you change it lest the need to constantly explain yourself dominates your time here. 389312[/snapback] If Liottel changes his avatar then the terrorists win. Quote
Mr March Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Deja Vu! My thoughts on the avatar can best be summed up as Bono's opening words on 1988's remake of Helter Skelter... "This is a song Charles Manson stole from the Beatles...we're stealing it back" Quote
the white drew carey Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Mr March said: Deja Vu!My thoughts on the avatar can best be summed up as Bono's opening words on 1988's remake of Helter Skelter... "This is a song Charles Manson stole from the Beatles...we're stealing it back" 389336[/snapback] I remember that! p.s.- No one's avatar actually offends me. I was just citing probable scenarios where one would. p.p.s.- While Legend of Galactic Heroes is epic in scope I, for one, found it really hard to get into. It has been a while, maybe I should give it another chance? Quote
EXO Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 All avatar discussions should go in the feedback section. You guys figure it out, I dont really care about the subject but discussions are being derailed by it and as long as they do I'll lock them all. No offense to anyone. Quote
Jemstone Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Ah, what am I doing in Leigi Matsumoto thread when apparently I am inferior? Then they wonder why they disgust me. Quote
Fortress_Maximus Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Surprised no one has raised the talented mangaka Takahashi Rumiko's excellent works over the years, including Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Mermaid's Forest, Fire Tripper, Ranma, etc. Quote
Radd Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 'Arcadia of My Youth' is definitely one of my two favourite anime films, the Herlock franchise being among my favourite anime. I wouldn't say that all of Matsumoto's newer stuff is not up to snuff against his older works, did you see "Endless Odyssey?", next to Arcadia it's my favourite Herlock story to date, and it's close by a really slim margin at that. Fantastically animated, and directed by Rin Taro, it's simply wonderful. Cosmos Warrior Zero, and Gun Frontier are simply campier, cheesier stories. They're fun in their own way, and while they retain a lot of the familier themes and characters, they are not supposed to be the same as Arcadia or Yamato. Meanwhile, there's also Galaxy Railways. I haven't finished it yet, but it's wonderful so far. The animation isn't up to 'Endless Odyssey', but not as low end as Zero. The story is definitely not pulling punches, with tragedy after tragedy occuring. Helgensagen Vom Kosmenief is another fantastic anime, and further proof that there is some great anime past the 80's. I need to catch up with the fansubs, now that it's been coming out regularly for quite some time. The fact that it shows that people are people, no matter what side they fall on really appeals to me. There's simply so many characters to enjoy. Jemstone said: Ah, what am I doing in Leigi Matsumoto thread when apparently I am inferior? rolleyes.gifThen they wonder why they disgust me. Yeah, that's one sentiment I don't agree with. There's nothing that says women can't enjoy Matsumoto's works. And, hey, if someone doesn't like Herlock et all, I might question a person's taste but not their worth as an individual. Quote
Mowe Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Dido!!! Maison Ikkoku manga is truely a classic. Its comical peek of splices of life was always spot on. Thank God the TV series was done during the 80's with rock solid animation adaptation (80's anime rocks ) To me MI is Rumiko's best work and has a special place on my all-time top 5 animes. Urusei Yatsura was great but the animation did not aged well. Rama was fun but too silly at times. Inuyasha - kiddy stuff. Fortress_Maximus said: Surprised no one has raised the talented mangaka Takahashi Rumiko's excellent works over the years, including Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Mermaid's Forest, Fire Tripper, Ranma, etc. 389892[/snapback] Quote
Retracting Head Ter Ter Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 the white drew carey said: Mr March said: p.p.s.- While Legend of Galactic Heroes is epic in scope I, for one, found it really hard to get into. It has been a while, maybe I should give it another chance? 389338[/snapback] I found it really easy to get into. After the first 2-3 eps I was hooked. I'd readily vote it for best most epic anime of all time. Only problem was remembering who Franz Ritter von Hipper was vs Wolfgang Scharnhorst Gneisenau Bismarck Von der Tann Motlke Luitpold Holstein Goeben. A few times, Herr von Der Germaname appears and I am like "Wait! Was this the guy from 5 episodes back?" Looks like simple names like Hanse or Kurt isn't popular with the author. As for Liottel's avatar. This isnt the place for it but I'll readily fight for his right to display it someplace else. 6 million jews got massacred under it but nobody will scream at me if I display the Hammer and Sickle which massacred _at_least_ 6 million more Soviets. Why? The media. Which is why I am screaming for _education_ of the masses. Its _lack_of_education_ which lead to all this crap in the first place back in the 30s. Quote
Kin Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 (edited) Noyhauser said: Still none of them match up to Helgensagen Vom Kosmenief 389195[/snapback] I watched those series as a kid. I don't like it because I only wanted to see mecha and action. But now if I look back, it has quite a good story. I can remember some kind of friend became an enemy. One got assasinated cause he took a bullet. Edited April 11, 2006 by Kin Quote
Ginrai Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 I like Arcadia of My Youth okay, but I absolutely love Galaxy Express 999. I found it wayyyy more moving than Arcadia. The first G999 movie specifically. I also really, really like Interstella 5555, but I also love Daft Punk, so that helps. I enjoyed the Legend of the Galactic Heroes movies a lot, but I found the TV show slow, dull, and visually uninteresting and flat. I don't understand how you can go from something so cool, sweeping, and huge feeling to something so small and uninspiring. Sad. Maybe I'd be into it if I never saw the movies. As it is, I couldn't get past episode 6. Quote
Jolly Rogers Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 the white drew carey said: Asking someone to change their avatar simply because most of the western hemisphere will misinterpret it is plain dumb.And I love Patlabors complete storyline, yo. 389333[/snapback] Agreed on both counts. The first 2 Patlabor movies were way ahead of their time and the TV series were a total hoot. Quote
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