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Sweet stuff, qoo_ysl

Nice to see some vintage Macross represented!

I really like the TT Henkei Type VF1J, Ohstao clear mechanics VF1J, and the TT Paro Valks. You dont see those often.

You also dont shun the Toynami stuff, thats a sign of a real toy lover :)

Beautiful display case too, is that a custom job?


qoo_ysl that has got to be the biggest collection ever!!!

Veri nice display cabinet.


qoo_ysl, Yours is The House of VF's!!! :o


qoo_ysl, thats an awesome collection mate! From the cabinet to the contents, its justa gorgeous setup!

And u know the more pics i see of that Urban Camo GBP armour the more interested i get in it.......


Wooo!!! Took me 2 minutes to scrool down to the last pic.:wacko:

qoo_ysl, your valks display are so tidy, awsome!!!!


Good Golly!!! I think my index finger nearly broke scrolling down and up.

Thought you didn't have the 1/60 YF-19 until I saw that its in the corner with the VF-1s.

Massive Macross collection there. Just where the heck did you get the money to buy them all? Woah! O.O.


In my experiencem, the people with the bigger collections of anything are the people who only have one real passion. macross fans buy just Macross stuff, Transformers fans TF stuff, etc etc. the peopel who hacve it harder are the guys like me; Ima toy fan. i love Macross and stuff, but Ill buy any toy I think looks cool. And that all adds up, meaning u never have the biggest colletion of any one thing, just a lot of other collections. if i collected macross stuff only Id have much more to show.

Posted (edited)
  Scream Man said:
In my experience, the people with the bigger collections of anything are the people who only have one real passion. macross fans buy just Macross stuff, Transformers fans TF stuff, etc etc. the people who have it harder are the guys like me; I'm a toy fan. i love Macross and stuff, but I'll buy any toy I think looks cool. And that all adds up, meaning u never have the biggest colletion of any one thing, just a lot of other collections.

I must agree with you there. . .

I collect alot of things and it takes serious self control to keep from going overboard.

But I still have a reasonably good sized Macross collection, I just don't have it all unpacked and displayed. :D

And about 90% of it is Yamato. :lol:

But all in all I think you hit it on the nose SM. . . . ;)




Edited by DARKWIND

Good lord, lorn_13, you need to do a 1/48 version of the head for us!!!! Good work!!!!

Posted (edited)

That's for Yamato to do, if they want the licence. All they have to do is make a new head, gunpod, and also FAST Packs! Well technically they are permanent...

Edited by kensei
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