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  Twoducks said:
Stupid? Best marketing ploy they could do. People are asking left and right in other forums how to join this "club", of witch close to nothing is known, just for the more expensive anime colours of the same toy. So there is a demand to pay more for the same toy.

People who want a MP SS will either buy the normal one or pony up more cash for the anime version. Best way to kick start a club$$? Promise something a lot of people really want.

Even if they end up with some unsold normal colour SS’s, they can just release anime version (after making a very good profit out of the club thing) and people would buy it.

If said club is only for Japan residents, Japanese Ebayers are going to enjoy some easy cash.


Its stupid because not only does it annoy Takara's potential overseas customers, but it also annoys the customers in Japan. TF is almost dead in Japan from Takara's mismanagement of the line over the past decade.

Rumours abound that 2006 will be the last year Takara is directly involved with Transformers, especially considering Hasbro is taking a much larger role in engineering the toys now (Beast Wars X Primal and Megatron are all Hasbro toys). Apparently Takara has very little to nothing to do with the movie line next year. They have jack all to do with the movie aside from a press release in 2005 saying they are happy that a movie is being made.

  Fit For Natalie said:
I just want my Starscream toy, with his schemes, his treachery and his speed. I care not a whit for 'real-world accuracy'.


I'm sorry. Toy makers cannot reproduce "treachery and speed." Do you really want a toy that can steal your wallet really fast?

  VF5SS said:
  Fit For Natalie said:
I just want my Starscream toy, with his schemes, his treachery and his speed. I care not a whit for 'real-world accuracy'.


I'm sorry. Toy makers cannot reproduce "treachery and speed." Do you really want a toy that can steal your wallet really fast?


We already have a toy that can steal your wallet really fast. We have two actually: Yamato's 1/48 VF-1 and Yamato's 1/60 VF-0 :p

Posted (edited)
  mister_e said:
  VF5SS said:
  Fit For Natalie said:
I just want my Starscream toy, with his schemes, his treachery and his speed. I care not a whit for 'real-world accuracy'.


I'm sorry. Toy makers cannot reproduce "treachery and speed." Do you really want a toy that can steal your wallet really fast?


We already have a toy that can steal your wallet really fast. We have two actually: Yamato's 1/48 VF-1 and Yamato's 1/60 VF-0 :p


Well, I'd want him to steal other people's wallets instead, or have he befriend others and betray them. By stealing their wallets. Really fast.

A SCHEMING toy, that's a different story.

Seriously though - since this is a reimagination of Starscream, I wish they had put swords in those.... things on his hips. It would be a nice link to the other major Starscream (Armada/Energon/Cybertron) who is portrayed as a swordsman.

At the very least having swords stored inside would give those hip things SOME function in bot mode.

Edited by Fit For Natalie
  Dangard Ace said:
Just call it Thundercracker and call the exclusive version Starscream.  :p


I dunno if i'll repaint it myself or wait for Takara to do it.



Thundercracker would be perfect! While a fairly simple repaint the main problem is the SS tail code.



Just repaint the tail entirely, that's what I plan to do eventually. (Since the odds of a G1-accurate TC seem low---if SS looks more like TC, imagine what TC will look like---black with lavender? Seafoam green with orange stripes?)

TC's tail is simple to do, it has the easiest to paint striping of all the seekers.

Posted (edited)
  David Hingtgen said:
It's stupid because nobody expected that they would change the colors to overall teal-grey, with fuschia and blurple accents.  For a character that is DEFINED by his color scheme (since he's physically identical to Skywarp and Thundercracker) changing the color scheme pretty much re-writes the character. 


So it’s stupid because they did something that didn’t make you happy. Glad you clear that up.

And lighten up, you make it sound like the only thing that would be worth it about this toy is the anime colours. Even if it doesn’t have all those things you post about that F-15 have and nobody else notices but you, this thing is the most realistic, well engineered and detailed transformer in a long time. You can only compare this thing with the Yamato valks and the very few high quality Transformer toys that exist.

So there’s more to MP SS than just red, grey and blue.

  David Hingtgen said:
I don't see anybody who actually prefers the scheme that's coming out--some find it acceptable, but it seems all would prefer the many digi-repaints we've seen of either G1 toy colors, or a real F-15E grey with G1 red and blue.  If the G1-colored version was the normal version, and was as easy to get and the same price, I think almost everyone would go for it.  Nobody prefers the teal/fuschia one, but they'll take it because it's easier/cheaper to get. 


So now you are starting to see my point. Good.

They make the less sellable easier to obtain than the hot one. Now making people pay more money for the same toy, while also charging them membership for a club that helps Takara build a client database doesn’t sound so difficult to do. As you say, people will get the normal one if they can’t get the anime version.

Takara has more to win this way. Later they can just throw the fanboys a crownless normal anime version and everyone would be happy (especially Takara). Or they can hold on to anime coloured SS until they are in a pinch. So if you need to use a negative term to define their marketing strategy to get all of your anger out, “risky†is more correct than “stupidâ€.

BTW Read more carefully, there are people who like this scheme and some even prefer it.

  David Hingtgen said:
It's no different than if the Yamato VF-0S would have had dark grey and orange accents (and how about a purple visor to boot).  Kinda close, but clearly not what it should be.  Then making "correct" yellow and black with green visor a limited-run exclusive.  How many people do you think would have gone for orange/grey as their first choice?  How many would have preferred black/yellow but ended up with orange/grey because it's all they could get?  What would MW's boards be like if if Yamato just flat-out changed the colors of certain valks, then made the REAL colors only available as exclusives, so most people couldn't get the colors they wanted, they colors that should have been available in the first place? 


Your example is a little off. MP SS is pretty big leap from other SS toys, and also when compared to other transformer toys. If you want to compare to Yamato, you need to take the 1/48 when it first came out and dumb down the 1/60’s to cheaper toys (the VF-0S resemble the VF-1 a lot and so is less unique). Most MW would be just happy to have a great toy of their favourite transforming plane, even if it was coloured in a different scheme. Many MW have said that owning a Skyfire or a bootleg made them happy because there wasn’t anything else. MP SS isn’t just a decent substitute for anime accurate SS, it’s a very good looking toy.

  David Hingtgen said:
"New VF-22 announced!  Available in Milia orange and Max purple!---also we will make 20 red and 20 blue ones to people who win a cell-phone contest in Paris--good luck"


People would buy them if they are good looking toys. The YF-19 isn’t out yet and people already want the purple YF-21…

Edited by Twoducks
  Fit For Natalie said:
  Twoducks said:
Stupid? Best marketing ploy they could do. People are asking left and right in other forums how to join this "club", of witch close to nothing is known, just for the more expensive anime colours of the same toy. So there is a demand to pay more for the same toy.

People who want a MP SS will either buy the normal one or pony up more cash for the anime version. Best way to kick start a club$$? Promise something a lot of people really want.

Even if they end up with some unsold normal colour SS’s, they can just release anime version (after making a very good profit out of the club thing) and people would buy it.

If said club is only for Japan residents, Japanese Ebayers are going to enjoy some easy cash.


Its stupid because not only does it annoy Takara's potential overseas customers, but it also annoys the customers in Japan. TF is almost dead in Japan from Takara's mismanagement of the line over the past decade.

Rumours abound that 2006 will be the last year Takara is directly involved with Transformers, especially considering Hasbro is taking a much larger role in engineering the toys now (Beast Wars X Primal and Megatron are all Hasbro toys). Apparently Takara has very little to nothing to do with the movie line next year. They have jack all to do with the movie aside from a press release in 2005 saying they are happy that a movie is being made.


Don't know what the Japanese think about MP SS and nobody is saying what is going around in Japanese forums so what you say can only be guess work (unless you really now, if so please post said forums, I’ve been meaning to bookmark some). I do know that, like most people, they like well engineered toys. This isn't a cheap toy, even if you don't like it you have to admit that it's a well thought out transformer.

And even some pissed western transformers fanboys that should be annoyed all their lives with Takara for this outrage say that the colours "aren’t that bad", "are great" or "are a good homage". In other words: they aren't selling a pink SS with neon yellow stars and olive stripes; they are selling a high quality toy in a more than decent colour scheme and people like it (people from transformer forums, not just collectors or Macross fans).

Yes, I know of Takara's financial situation. That's one of the reasons I think they are doing something smart. Remember, they aren't here to make you happy, they are here to make money; if they have a bigger chance of making more money making you unhappy, they will do so:

- This toy is unique, the only SS that comes close is this one. Quite a leap in quality wouldn't you say? How many other Transformers look as good as the MP SS? Not much. Are people tired of MP SS repaints? No? Well that's because there aren’t any MP SS to begin with. So we have a unique and fresh new toy here ready for milking.

- Anime repaints are more popular than made up ones (everybody wants Thundercracker, Skywarp and SS). After making all of those, how many people are left that want to buy the same toy again (this time with no anime colours left, just made up ones)? Well, the answer is equal or less than the ones willing to buy the made up scheme right now.

So, by doing this cheesy move on a unique, detailed and high quality never before seen product they artificially create a "cool scheme that people want to buy" (because it’s the only one easily available) and leave the real “anime cool schemes†in the freezer for later milking. They can sell equal or more units of a made up scheme, sell their club and sell all the other anime repaints later, including anime SS. More money in the short and in the long run for them this way, something they need.

Posted (edited)

:lol: It's like Convoy is hidden from view on that box.

As for low vis SS: since they are aiming the toy at an adult collector who probably outgrew the cartoon it kinda makes sense that they would go the non-anime look.

Maybe it's a case of: the more high visibility the toy the more kiddy it looks.

It kinds makes sense when you take into account that part of the reason the adult collector go for alts is thier realism in vehicle mode. They are probably tapping into the adult market first since they have the spending power to afford something like it.

Unlike other TF the alternators emphasis is on thier realism and accuracy in vehicle mode, that when transformed would pass as a 1:24 model of the real car. Just like how they are aiming for the car fans with alts, they are probably using the same logic here with jet fanatics. Either way they win as eventually they will just release both at some point. (similar to the yamato credit card valk, followed later by the stealth)

Think of it as like a staggered release.

Like when nintendo release different colored nintendo DS to keep awareness of the same thing fresh and alive in the minds of the fanboy instead of releasing different colors simultaneously.

My view is that when you grow up, you kinda outgrew the look of the toys and as an adult you now look back and think: what was I thinking as a little kid? These toys stink! Crap articulation, no resemblance to the cartoon character, kibble all over the place. Hell I don't care about nostalgia as I am not a fan of the cartoon anymore, all I care about is how cool the toy looks to me so I won't look like a nerd when people come into my house and see this on display". As an adult, you become much more image conscious too. You want everything to look expensive and sophisticated, not cheap and tacky. (perhaps that is why overly bright pastel colors tick some people off - just plain looks ugly un less those high vis colors are functional for vehicle mode in some way: like a training vehicle or something)

At least with alts everything has one dominant color for the body and a few others to break it up a little in bot mode. The bonus is that the disguise would really work since the emphasis was on a good vehicle mode to begin with. Don't you get a kick when you reveal to others that the little 1:24 car on your desk is actually a robot in disguise? And transform the thing in front of them as they watch in awe at the engineering that went into its complex transformation? Have we all lost track of what made these toys so fun to begin with?

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)
  Twoducks said:
- This toy is unique, the only SS that comes close is this one. Quite a leap in quality wouldn't you say? How many other Transformers look as good as the MP SS? Not much. Are people tired of MP SS repaints? No? Well that's because there aren’t any MP SS to begin with. So we have a unique and fresh new toy here ready for milking.

That's the Robot Master Starscream, he has metal parts too. I have him, SW & TC. They're a great size against the 1/100 Valks.

The Takara re-issue 09 (I think) is great example of G1 anime colors (plus he come with megatron in gun mode and fist for G1 optimus prime, so that he can hold him).

The Robot Master line is a cross between articulation and cartoon character and the seekers are very much worth having.

- Anime repaints are more popular than made up ones (everybody wants Thundercracker, Skywarp and SS). After making all of those, how many people are left that want to buy the same toy again (this time with no anime colours left, just made up ones)? Well, the answer is equal or less than the ones willing to buy the made up scheme right now.


We're tools and Hasbro knows this. Just take a look at bendy Prime (Delux Armada Optimus Prime), look at how many times he's been repainted and re-released...we still buy him.

Edited by rosedoggydog
Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:
Cute.... >_>


I am really glad I am not a transfan...that box is embarrasing.

And, after seeing the photoshopped MP SS in "anime" colors, I'm glad they aren't doing that. I forgot how garish he looked.

If they are gonna take a seeker and tweek the design so it "looks better," why wouldn't you want them to tweek the color as well? Maybe it's the Macross fan that takes color to mean everything, but SS was a grey F-15 that turned into a giant robot. This is a SUPA cool grey F-15 that turns into a SUPA cool giant robot.

I read the complaints, but I honestly don't understand them outside of "fanatical fanboy ravings" and I know from experiance on this board that Mr. Hingtgen is usually level headed, so I'm a bit confused.

Soon as I have the money, I'm pickin' this guy up.

oh, and:

Have we all lost track of what made these toys so fun to begin with?

excellent point

Edited by Phyrox
Posted (edited)
  Phyrox said:
  wolfx said:
Cute.... >_>


I am really glad I am not a transfan...that box is embarrasing.

And, after seeing the photoshopped MP SS in "anime" colors, I'm glad they aren't doing that. I forgot how garish he looked.

If they are gonna take a seeker and tweek the design so it "looks better," why wouldn't you want them to tweek the color as well? Maybe it's the Macross fan that takes color to mean everything, but SS was a grey F-15 that turned into a giant robot. This is a SUPA cool grey F-15 that turns into a SUPA cool giant robot.

I read the complaints, but I honestly don't understand them outside of "fanatical fanboy ravings" and I know from experiance on this board that Mr. Hingtgen is usually level headed, so I'm a bit confused.

Soon as I have the money, I'm pickin' this guy up.

oh, and:

Have we all lost track of what made these toys so fun to begin with?

excellent point


StarScream is a little more than a mecha. He is a fan favorite character. Also his color scheme was one of his main distinguishing features. This toy was supposed to promise us a masterpiece representation of StarScream. The thing that primarily distingished him from the other seekers, other than his personality, was his paint scheme. It is part of his character. I'm not certain I'd feel very happy if someone promised me a masterpiece Darth Vader and suddenly decided he looked better in white. It really wouldn't be that hard to make him a lighter grey and paint his hip armor red as it really wouldn't interfere at all with his real world fighter scheme.

That said, I'm still getting this toy as it looks very cool. It's just disapointing that they chose to respect real world source material more than the transformer universe's source material. As for David, I think he's frustrated because for him this toy fails at being an accurate representation of the cartoon robot and of the real world fighter it's supposed to represent.

Edited by GobotFool

Looking at the MP SS I have to admit the colors are starting to bug me. Not so much the base color, but the blue and fusia are too bright. If the colors overall were desaturated I think it would make a big difference


  Crazy Canuck II said:
Looking at the MP SS I have to admit the colors are starting to bug me. Not so much the base color, but the blue and fusia are too bright. If the colors overall were desaturated I think it would make a big difference



I look at the screw visable through the cockpit and realize SS has a belly button.


ive been flip-flopping on this guy all along: love the design (even though it's not perfect), but hate the colors...in the end, i've decided to skip it until they come out with a better color scheme. I have no use for some starscream/thundercracker hybrid toy...bring on this:


or leave me out of it. There is entirely too much potential for repaints here to bother with the initial release.


Personally, I am also glad they are not doing the anime colors for starscream. When this was first announced I was very excited, then the first prototype pictures surfaced and I was still excited despite people complaining about how fat he looked, or the neck being wrong, or the feet looking wrong....ect.. Then, I got worried....not about the sculpt, which I liked, but about the colors...especially after someone photoshopped the anime colors on him. Like someone else just said...it just looked silly. Prime and Magnus worked because their colors are more realistic to begin with. Hell, even Thundercracker and Skywarp have more....serious..colors than SS has.

Now, while I DO like this color scheme and prefer it to the anime accurate colors. I will agree with David that maybe a less thundercracker like color scheme would have been better and use a "more" real world F-15 color instead. Not totally F-15 accurate, just more Grey.

In the end, I still really like it, and can't wait to get it!

Oh, David, I was refering to the lettering on the tail. If one wanted to repaint Starscream as Thundercracker but still use the miltary like markings that this will have it would require removing the SS on the tail and replacing it with TC. I think that would be a good blend of Anime accuracy with real-world realism.


Posted (edited)

I bought Alt Prime today and (with a paint pen) painted his waist and shoulder pads silver, like Kiss Convoy. Saved myself money, as well as embarassment and shame from never dealing with a toyline that has representations of underage-looking bondage (I mean, dude, Hot Rod's chick has a collar around her neck and is tied up).

Edited by Fit For Natalie
  wolfx said:
Cute.... >_>



WTF is that?!

As for the MP-03 SS, I'll pass. I've got a good feeling that Takara will release an anime color scheme SS later on and that's when I'll buy it. The current colors just don't do anything for me.


They could easily make some very minor color changes if they wanted to issue Thundercracker next. I probably won't get this version of Starscream only because the original colors have grown on me for so long.

Posted (edited)
  GobotFool said:
I look at the screw visable through the cockpit and realize SS has a belly button.


Stop quoting pics, GobotFool.

Edited by areaseven
  areaseven said:
  TheLoneWolf said:
  wolfx said:
Cute.... >_>



WTF is that?!


I don't know, but it looks pretty cool.


more than meets the eye!


Its pretty big.....the box that is. Comes with some DVD probably with Prime and Melissa getting it on or something. Yum. :twisted:


Hubba hubba.....now everyone say "MOE~" with me.


Posted (edited)

Ok seriously now, what the HELL is that???

That box has just waaay too much pink on it to have something other than a pink pony with long, flowing hair and a hairbrush as its contents. This is just too f*cked-up a marketing concept even for the japan-only market.

Edited by captain america
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