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Official Transformers Super Thread 3

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I'm not getting too worried until I see a final painted product, but I really do think that photo we've seen looks terrible. Like eugiom said earlier, it's not because it doesn't match the cartoon so much as the fact that it's 17 different shades of nasty. If it were all low viz, fine, but the colored bits make it look like a pile of yuck.

If the final painted version looks like that photo, I will simply cancell my preorder and wait for a paint scheme that's appealing.

As for MP Primes trailer, it looks very nice so far. Almost like a larger scale version of the Hybrid trailer. I hope it's released by itself at some point otherwise I probably wont be getting it.

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I know I asked this a few pages back, but has anyone heard anything on if MPC Starscream MIGHT see a US release???


If Hasbro decides to pick it up and release him under the 20th Anniversary title or so and such there might be hope that it he’ll see an American release. But I don’t think there’s been anything official yet.

One good thing that might come out of an American release though is a paint scheme that more closely resembles Starscream’s original colors. One can only hope. :ph34r:

Edited by Veritas
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Well if that is his color scheme for release, I may have to give some serious thought on either keeping my order or canceling it, I'm not thrilled with this choice of color.....it's okay, but I'd rather have an authentic Red, yellow, white blue color, the traditional.

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I know I asked this a few pages back, but has anyone heard anything on if MPC Starscream MIGHT see a US release???


If Hasbro decides to pick it up and release him under the 20th Anniversary title or so and such there might be hope that it he’ll see an American release. But I don’t think there’s been anything official yet.

One good thing that might come out of an American release though is a paint scheme that more closely resembles Starscream’s original colors. One can only hope. :ph34r:


I'm betting Hasbro WILL pick him up, and they'll release him in the "normal" paintscheme we know and love from years of animation and merchandising.


Found this looking for something earlier.

'S an AMV involving decepticons smashing stuff to some japanese song.

The opening sequence was worth a chuckle.

Edited by JB0
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I wouldn't be too worried about Starscream's paint scheme: given my own experience with toys and marketing, it's just a ploy to sell more units.

They'll release this initial, low viz batch, and people will buy it because it's a first edition, and it's all that's available for now. Once those are sold, they'll most likely release a version in "authentic" Tv colors.


yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. They will milk us for all they can. Ill buy them anyway as long as I like the paint scheme. Even if the paint is not relative to the show. Same with the Yamato 1/48s.

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There's a parody someone showed me lastnight, basically hacking up pieces of the final few episodes when Prime's reawaken and lil bit before hand and Rodimus gets him up to date, then Prime figures out how much of a poo for brains Rodimus really drove the army right to the ground and the only right thing he did was to reactivate him.

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I'm betting Hasbro WILL pick him up, and they'll release him in the "normal" paintscheme we know and love from years of animation and merchandising.

Probably with shortened lasers so kids won't poke their eyes out with it. :lol:

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If people would just stop breeding stupid wimpy kids, we wouldn't have these restrictions in pointy objects.


It's less a problem with the kids, it's more a problem with over protective parents. There was this great article about how the last generation should technically be dead according to modern safety laws.

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If people would just stop breeding stupid wimpy kids, we wouldn't have these restrictions in pointy objects.


It's less a problem with the kids, it's more a problem with over protective parents. There was this great article about how the last generation should technically be dead according to modern safety laws.


I'd like to read that. :lol:

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I'm still buying a MP Starscream, but I'm not as excited about it as I was initially. Alt Mirage looks awesome, I'll definately be picking one up, if I can find one that is.

Anyone reading the current IDW Transformers comic? I thought the Infiltration arc was wrapped up nicely with Megatron vs. Starscream. I do have a question about the Stormbringer comic that just started this week. Is this is a continuation of the War Within storyline from Dreamwave? That's what I'm guessing, but in the story, they reference the Infiltration storyarc in Stormbringer. Optimus gets a emergency transmission from Earth and he refers to it as Prowls command sector which is how it is in Infiltration.

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Its more of after infiltration, like kinda future but not far future.

I don't really like Ej Su's artwork, it didn't appeal to me in gijoe vs tf, and still does not appeal to me in infilatration. I remember when I did some constructive criticism once and an assload of transfans flamed me for it. One of the biggest turn offs is lack of accuracy in alt modes. And the drawings just don't really jump out at me.

Maybe its my bias because I am a diehard jetfan, who knows, maybe its because me majoring in illustration and not really seeing anything really spectacular in his work, but if anything, I think its a problem not limited to him but in the entire industry that barely ANYONE can draw a jet right!

The F-22 alt modes for the seekers he draws are way off most of the time. I don't care if anyone tells me its "good enough". NO. That is no excuse to draw an overbloated F-22 that is very inaccurate and looks like something out of a coloring book. Even when he draws humans, eh its MHO but yea his work don't appeal to me. To each their own. Infiltration should have had Don or James Raiz on it. James Raiz rules.

And for that matter NO I do not like Pat Lee's work either.

Heck even Bryan Hitch, one of my personal faves(who I just figured out a few months back, worked on the OLD UK transformers g1 comics!) does not draw planes as well as he draws figures.

The guy who draws Twilight X has EXCELLENT planes, so does Shimizu from Prowling Red Devil.

Eh anyways. back to tf's.

Hasbro ain't planning on bringing over MP Starscream at this time.

But Kickback did provide this.

"When I asked Hasbro about MP Starscream before, I got a "Sept 2007 at the absolute earliest, if at all". So you won't be seeing him here until next Christmas at the earliest."

BTW guys takaratomy is doing some STARS club thing in japan. Their exclusives include Roller for MP-04, and Anime color Starscream.

I don't want an anime color starscream, don't like the colors on the present one on the retailer scan, I want the OLD g1 toy Starscream colors! Baby blue does not work on a menacing toy....maybe it did in the cartoon but naw DARK blue looks better!

As a matter of fact, the g1 seeker toys had the "definitive" colors for me. No baby blue thundercracker for me either!

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Hasbro will not be releasing MP Starscream. If they ever release him, September 2007 would be the earliest.

I'm thinking its because of a lack of retailer support given 20th Prime's sales difficulties.

Or its another 'Takara exclusive' dealio where they won't let Hasbro use their stuff (which has happened before).

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Agreeing with Shin. I want G1 *toy* colors on my seekers. THOSE are the definitive colors IMHO. Thundercracker is only baby blue in the anime because "metallic sapphire" can't be done in animation. At least, not on that budget... :)

BM Jetstorm was a similar metallic blue, and that's simply an awesome color. And I was very happy to see perfect G1 TC colors used on Armada TC.

I want dark metallic blue for my Thundercracker, period.

Of course, I also want the earlier, non-YF-19-ish robot mode mold, too.

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Actual photos of a painted MP-03


Strangly, this new StarScream has actually grown on me. Sure I'd rather have a more toon accurate sculpt and color scheme, but just as a toy I think it looks pretty good.

Edited by GobotFool
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Actual photos of a painted MP-03


Strangly, this new StarScream has actually grown on me. Sure I'd rather have a more toon accurate sculpt and color scheme, but just as a toy I think it looks pretty good.


thanks for the pic... that color scheme is so disapointing... it's not cartoon accurate OR realistic... that's just sad because the sculpt itself is so beautifully done.

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Actual photos of a painted MP-03


Strangly, this new StarScream has actually grown on me. Sure I'd rather have a more toon accurate sculpt and color scheme, but just as a toy I think it looks pretty good.


thanks for the pic... that color scheme is so disapointing... it's not cartoon accurate OR realistic... that's just sad because the sculpt itself is so beautifully done.


The base color as a jet strikes me as fairly close to the grey most military aircraft are painted. I actually like the use of the duller red. As a revision I don't think it's half bad. I'll get this and really hope a more toon accurate color scheme is released. Though if the reaction to this current scheme is very negative, how hard can it be to change color schemes?

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Actual photos of a painted MP-03


Strangly, this new StarScream has actually grown on me. Sure I'd rather have a more toon accurate sculpt and color scheme, but just as a toy I think it looks pretty good.


thanks for the pic... that color scheme is so disapointing... it's not cartoon accurate OR realistic... that's just sad because the sculpt itself is so beautifully done.


The base color as a jet strikes me as fairly close to the grey most military aircraft are painted. I actually like the use of the duller red. As a revision I don't think it's half bad. I'll get this and really hope a more toon accurate color scheme is released. Though if the reaction to this current scheme is very negative, how hard can it be to change color schemes?


hmm, maybe it's just my eyes, but the colors still seem very pastel to me. If they flatten out the colors and maybe lower the tone a bit more, it could work out well, imo.

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By I think sending them 30,000 yen to be a "special member" of some club they're advertising.....I doubt anyone outside japan can take part in this.

The MP Starscream does indeed look nice, though I still don't like the color scheme all that much but I can accept it I suppose. It's got a more "realistic" sense to it. It also looks like there wont be much of a size difference between Prime and Starscream which is cool cause I'd like to have 'em duke it out.

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How does one go about acquiring one of these supposedly limited TV-accurate versions of Starscream anyway?


According to the fan sites, to get the Cartoon Accurate MP-3 you’ll have to join the Japanese equivalent of the American Transformers Collector’s Club. After which time you become a member you can purchase (I’m assuming) a limited amount for a higher price than the normal version. This also seems to be the only way you can get the roller that should have come with MP-4 Convoy’s trailer. <_<

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How does one go about acquiring one of these supposedly limited TV-accurate versions of Starscream anyway?


According to the fan sites, to get the Cartoon Accurate MP-3 you’ll have to join the Japanese equivalent of the American Transformers Collector’s Club. After which time you become a member you can purchase (I’m assuming) a limited amount for a higher price than the normal version. This also seems to be the only way you can get the roller that should have come with MP-4 Convoy’s trailer. <_<


Sounds sensible. How/where does one go to join, and are there any "fees" or restrictions?

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How does one go about acquiring one of these supposedly limited TV-accurate versions of Starscream anyway?


According to the fan sites, to get the Cartoon Accurate MP-3 you’ll have to join the Japanese equivalent of the American Transformers Collector’s Club. After which time you become a member you can purchase (I’m assuming) a limited amount for a higher price than the normal version. This also seems to be the only way you can get the roller that should have come with MP-4 Convoy’s trailer. <_<


Sounds sensible. How/where does one go to join, and are there any "fees" or restrictions?


I have no idea how you go about joining the club. I'm not even sure they've started taking memberships yet. I'm assuming there will be fee to join as well. Worse than that though, i'm also assuming that you will have to have a permenant address in Japan before they'll accept your membership. :ph34r:

So in that regard i don't think it will be to sensible for us overseas fans.

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Now he almost perfectly matches (colorwise) the upper half of an F-14. Yes, that's "realistic colors" for an F-15 all right---the unique and distinctive F-14-exclusive greenish-blue-grey of FS35237. (Well, you'll find it elsewhere if you really look, but no plane has it as much as the F-14 low-vis scheme).

PS--they molded the gun on the wrong side. F-15's have it on the RIGHT side, F-14's have it on the left.

Edited by David Hingtgen
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I really like the color scheme. You get quasi-realistic F-15 plus a less pansey color scheme for the 'bot. This only works for Starscream, though...

For Tcracker and Skywarp, how would they deal with the fighter color scheme, if not metallic blue and black?

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That color scheme is growing on me a lot. The red tone goes pretty well with the rest of the toy, to bad they don’t use it more. Hope that it still comes with the smirk face, from what I've read it looks like the crown will be included only in the club thingy version.

Is it just me or those Starscream have two right hands in that pic?

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According to TFW2005 Peter Cullen HAS been casted as Prime for the 2007 movie.




I was one of the people figuring it'd be hard to screw up as long as it was 2 hours of giant robots kicking giant robot asses(and if there's one thing Bay does right, it's explosions), but having Prime played by Prime is certainly a good nostalgia move.

And lets face it, the movie's driven as much by nostalgia as anything else.

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