Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 Hikuro said: I went on a major Transformers hunt yesterday, spent 4 hours of my time off. I went too 3 Fredmyers, 4 Walmarts, 2 targets, 1 ToysRUs (only one in my way) and the most I came up with.........was Primus. Course I had a spending limit so Primus wasn't on that list.So after searching for Prime in 10 stores, nothing, no alternator Prime in the Portland Metro area. However, online i had some much different luck, I managed to find 10th AV Beast Wars Megatron and Primal, 19.99 each, not a bad price from the usual retail of 14.99 though. So I went ahead and picked both them up, shipping was ridiculious, we'll see if Brian's Toy Store is any good or not....the figures should be shipping today. I more then likely wont see 'em till next Tuesday or Wedensday. They did have Alt. Prime but he was 39.99, WAY much money, I'd only buy him there if he was the Binaltech version with the diecast. Otherwise it looks like has Prime for 19.99 on pre-order status....yet they offer a bundle which includes ALOT of alternators with prime for 99.99......and is available. So I don't know at all. 417167[/snapback] Rumor has it 10th anniversary primal will be available in cybertron sans comic/ships for $9.99 later this year.
eriku Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 Twoducks said: 417099[/snapback] See, it isn't difficult to come up with a polite answer instead of acting like a smartass like you did before. You could have given this response in your previous message and yet you didn't. Why? 417134[/snapback] Thanks for the personal critique. I'll make sure to add that to my resume.
JB0 Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 Vermillion21 said: Holy S---! I impluse bought this and received it today. It is one sweet MOFO!! And the transformation process is as complex as the Yamato 1/48 valkyries!! Wow. I had no idea these TF Alternators were that sweet. Are the rest of 'em like this? Man, this is making my quest to get the TF gestalt sets that much harder (and tougher on the wallet!). For those of you that don't have one - get it. You will not regret the buy. Highly recommended!! 417063[/snapback] The only Alternator I have is Shockwave. I tried to resist the lure, but seeing my favorite purple death machine on shelves again pushed me over the edge. He's 8 diffrent kinds of awesome, despite not being a ray gun. He's posable, articulated, well-proportioned... basically everything I thought the Transformers should have been as a kid. And as the picture shows, I had a lot of fun shortly after getting him. Note that my digital camera likes blue a LOT. He's very clearly purple in person, despite looking somewhat like a Tracks bootleg in the picture. As for Alternators VS combiners... Send Hasbro a letter telling them you want to see the Constructicons show up in the Alternators line. Alternator Combiners would kick so much ass that it's not even funny.
baronv Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Does anyone know if an entire Computron gestalt was ever bootlegged? I know the knock-offs of Abominus and Menasor had some parts from Computron. I just need him to complete my knock-off gestalt hall of fame.
LL Cool VF1J Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 baronv said: Does anyone know if an entire Computron gestalt was ever bootlegged? I know the knock-offs of Abominus and Menasor had some parts from Computron. I just need him to complete my knock-off gestalt hall of fame. 417270[/snapback] I have all the knock offs and I have not seen a complete computron. Just parts in different sets.
Hikuro Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I got bored and took a picture of Wheeljack and Grimlock....I found alot of places selling alternatores, the question is do I wanna spend 39.99 a pop when I know it's a rip off.......I haven't bought any new Alternators since October when I got buy 2 get 1 free deal at a local store.
Vermillion21 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 JB0 said: The only Alternator I have is Shockwave. I tried to resist the lure, but seeing my favorite purple death machine on shelves again pushed me over the edge. He's 8 diffrent kinds of awesome, despite not being a ray gun. He's posable, articulated, well-proportioned... basically everything I thought the Transformers should have been as a kid. And as the picture shows, I had a lot of fun shortly after getting him. As for Alternators VS combiners... Send Hasbro a letter telling them you want to see the Constructicons show up in the Alternators line. Alternator Combiners would kick so much ass that it's not even funny. 417236[/snapback] Wow, Alt Shockwave looks SWEET! I's got to gets me one of those!! And Constructicons Alternators ... great idea mate!
Vermillion21 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 LL Cool VF1J said: baronv said: Does anyone know if an entire Computron gestalt was ever bootlegged? I know the knock-offs of Abominus and Menasor had some parts from Computron. I just need him to complete my knock-off gestalt hall of fame. 417270[/snapback] I have all the knock offs and I have not seen a complete computron. Just parts in different sets. 417294[/snapback] Nope, I haven't seen him either. I've seen the 4 mini technobot figures with other KO gestalt sets. I believe Afterburner & Nosecone come with KO Menasor, while Lightspeed and Strafe come with KO Abominus. Haven't seen a KO Scattershot - the main central figure. You can probably find an original G1 version off of eBay cheap - it's the Computron parts that are pricey.
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 (edited) Who's paying $40 for Alternators? They're only $20 here. Edited July 19, 2006 by Metal_Massacre_79
Veritas Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Metal_Massacre_79 said: Who's paying $40 for Alternators? They're only $20 here. 417343[/snapback] Well if you're speaking of the ones that just came out (Mirage) and in some cases Alt. Prime, that's pretty much what they're fetching on eBay nowadays and even at most online toy stores (counting shipping). Scalpers are buying Prime up left and right and since each Alt. is packed only one per a case (thanks Hasbro), alot of ppl. are having a super tough time finding the more popular and/or more recent releases. I got lucky at a Wal-mart the other day because they were just opening up a new case and i got my first Prime, my first! It's been what 2 months since he was released and i haven't seen a single one on store shelves until last week. It seems to be even worse if you're looking for Mirage at the moment and it might stay that way for quite awhile unfortunately.
Hikuro Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Ya know, I really should go to a store like Target or Walmart and ask a clerk if that's all they got in the shelf, cause 80% of the time it's not, they just don't wanna go back there and find out, which is stupid cause if you got a customer and you can find the product they're looking for, they'll freakin buy it.
JB0 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Veritas said: I got lucky at a Wal-mart the other day because they were just opening up a new case and i got my first Prime, my first! It's been what 2 months since he was released and i haven't seen a single one on store shelves until last week. It seems to be even worse if you're looking for Mirage at the moment and it might stay that way for quite awhile unfortunately. 417365[/snapback] Damn... I was planning on going Mirage hunting this weekend, too. ... Are we sure he isn't just using his cloaking device?
Vermillion21 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 (edited) Not sure if this has been posted before on this thread: Hasbro's news post on TF Classics toyline to debt Nov 2007. First releases will be 6 figures: > Prime > Megatron > Rodimus > Astrotrain > Starscream > Bumblebee (no pic) See link for pics: They actually look pretty cool, although Astrotrain in train mode looks like a dildo!! Edited July 19, 2006 by Vermillion21
Dobber Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Vermillion21 said: Not sure if this has been posted before on this thread: Hasbro's news post on TF Classics toyline to debt Nov 2007. First releases will be 6 figures:> Prime > Megatron > Rodimus > Astrotrain > Starscream > Bumblebee (no pic) See link for pics: They actually look pretty cool, although Astrotrain in train mode looks like a dildo!! 417377[/snapback] Yup, old news, and they'll be released Nov. 2006 not 07. Chris
eriku Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Hikuro said: Ya know, I really should go to a store like Target or Walmart and ask a clerk if that's all they got in the shelf, cause 80% of the time it's not, they just don't wanna go back there and find out, which is stupid cause if you got a customer and you can find the product they're looking for, they'll freakin buy it. 417368[/snapback] You can actually find out for yourself at Target. Go to one of those price scanner terminals that are all over the store and punch in this number: 087-06-0849 That's the product DPCI code for Alternators. If there are any more cases in back, it'll say so. If there aren't, you'll be seeing the same "NONE" that I've been seeing for, oh, three weeks now. And as for the Classics line, I thought that had been bumped up to August or Sept for a release? Packaged samples are popping up on Ebay, too.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Guys it might be earlier than that. Some say end of this month but most are saying august. November is the saturation date or might be the wave 2 release. Apparently one of the mods over@tfw says that jetfire blows all the others away. Jetfire's reportedly based on the way Don Figueroa is drawing him in the Stormbringer comic. poo thats out today too.... Anyways it is of no surprise to me being that he is designing them.
eriku Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I read that about Jetfire, too. I'm actually surprised no pics of him have surfaced yet. Sounds like he even has "fast pack" add-ons. Also, Amazon now has a listing for a 6" Titanium Soundwave. My fingers are crossed that it's G1 Soundwave.
Hikuro Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Great! I'll check that out sometime after pay day....since I don't have anymore money haha.........>_> fin Megatron and Primal....
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 eriku said: I read that about Jetfire, too. I'm actually surprised no pics of him have surfaced yet. Sounds like he even has "fast pack" add-ons. Also, Amazon now has a listing for a 6" Titanium Soundwave. My fingers are crossed that it's G1 Soundwave. 417413[/snapback] None of wave 2 has been shown, but we do have the listings and semiconfirmation that the grimlock we saw a while back is indeed the classics version. I am hoping he comes with a sword, I could care less how he transforms(which is what a lot of fans are complaining about). One of the mods@tfw did see pics of these toys and he was the one who described Jetfire, then someone showed him a pic of Don's jetfire and he said it is very similar, if not the same. BTW he said us g1 jetfire fans will love it, its similar to the old toy with a different more cartoon accurate chestplate. Hell it even has the armor and its got a faceplate that can be put on or off(via hinge?). If anything that is exactly how Don drew Jetfire in the comic(or skyfire whichever, either way in the comic yes he does have a faceplate that he dons and can leave off).
kensei Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 If it looks that good like in the comic, I'll be all over it. Anyone know where to get the entire package of Dreamwave comics? I want to get them all in one hit. it's a bit spotty at the places I'm looking at the moment.
Ivan Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Super Famicom Transformers Matrix Quest game Took only 7 minutes to beat? I couldn't even figure out how to transform.
Southpaw Samurai Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Ivan said: Super Famicom Transformers Matrix Quest gameTook only 7 minutes to beat? I couldn't even figure out how to transform. 417508[/snapback] Wow. That game looks much easier when you're not trying to actually shoot anything. I don't remember if I ever figured out transforming myself. Don't think I ever really put much effort into it anyway, given that it's a game where you play Ultra Magnus vs. a whole bunch of things that don't remotely resemble anything Transformer related. In retrospect, it should've been called 'Magnus' Daydream Adventures' as Ultra Magnus defeats the Decepticon's spaceship singlehandedly, then goes on to fight a Trypticon-sized Megatron, Trypticon himself, and a number of giant Decpticon logos! YUKE RODIMUS!
Kurisama Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 About Titanium Jetfire - hes the one that was floating around here the other day right? In that case, I think it actually looks more like Jetfire from War Within, than from Jetfire in stormbringer.
Hikuro Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 I went to Target an hour ago, tried the code, nothing in stock, they only even had 1 alternator left....nothing I'd bother buying....I'm sick of repaints.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 Kurisama said: About Titanium Jetfire - hes the one that was floating around here the other day right? In that case, I think it actually looks more like Jetfire from War Within, than from Jetfire in stormbringer. 417537[/snapback] Titanium Jetfire IS WWI Jetfire. Classics Jetfire however, is supposedly based on the design Don made for the later G1 comics before DW fell, and the stormbringer comic, which just came out today. BTW go to! New toy pics from SDCC preview night! New 6" transformable titaniums Optimal Optimus RID Super Optimus Prime WWI Starscream(said to be a thundercracker repaint) G1 Soundwave W/TRANSFORMABLE tapes!(Guys I hear the one in the photo is mistransformed!) G1 Rodimus Prime(trailer is not removed) G1 Scourge Looks like the 6" line is slowly becoming a war within line!
eriku Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said: Kurisama said: About Titanium Jetfire - hes the one that was floating around here the other day right? In that case, I think it actually looks more like Jetfire from War Within, than from Jetfire in stormbringer. 417537[/snapback] Titanium Jetfire IS WWI Jetfire. Classics Jetfire however, is supposedly based on the design Don made for the later G1 comics before DW fell, and the stormbringer comic, which just came out today. BTW go to! New toy pics from SDCC preview night! New 6" transformable titaniums Optimal Optimus RID Super Optimus Prime WWI Starscream(said to be a thundercracker repaint) G1 Soundwave W/TRANSFORMABLE tapes!(Guys I hear the one in the photo is mistransformed!) G1 Rodimus Prime(trailer is not removed) G1 Scourge Looks like the 6" line is slowly becoming a war within line! 417569[/snapback] Rodimus and Scourge look fan-FREAKIN-tastic! WOW! RID Prime is cool, but I'm not a huge fan of that Prime design. Same goes for Optimal Optimus. That version of Prime just looks awkward and wrong. Soundwave is...well...I really hope to god he's mistransformed, otherwise he can only be called "Daiper Soundwave". I'm sure he'll be as fantastic as Roddy and Scourge though.
JB0 Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 (edited) Ivan said: Super Famicom Transformers Matrix Quest gameTook only 7 minutes to beat? I couldn't even figure out how to transform. 417508[/snapback] Awww... that's just Famicom, not Super FamiCom. I was hoping for a minute I'd missed a classic TF game, and there was still a chance of one not sucking. *watches video anyways* That one used to be legendary in the emu community. The guy that did the translation patch wasn't sure he got everything because he couldn't figure out how to beat it, nor could his beta testers. Or the general public for that matter. The legend died because the game sucked too badly to sustain anything. Awww... they don't run through after Magnus upgrades to "RODIMUS COMVOY". And they aren't using the translation patch, so I have no f'ing idea what they're saying. But yeah, that BLUE DECEPTICON LOGO was a really scary boss, huh? Edited July 20, 2006 by JB0
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 eriku said: Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said: Kurisama said: About Titanium Jetfire - hes the one that was floating around here the other day right? In that case, I think it actually looks more like Jetfire from War Within, than from Jetfire in stormbringer. 417537[/snapback] Titanium Jetfire IS WWI Jetfire. Classics Jetfire however, is supposedly based on the design Don made for the later G1 comics before DW fell, and the stormbringer comic, which just came out today. BTW go to! New toy pics from SDCC preview night! New 6" transformable titaniums Optimal Optimus RID Super Optimus Prime WWI Starscream(said to be a thundercracker repaint) G1 Soundwave W/TRANSFORMABLE tapes!(Guys I hear the one in the photo is mistransformed!) G1 Rodimus Prime(trailer is not removed) G1 Scourge Looks like the 6" line is slowly becoming a war within line! 417569[/snapback] Rodimus and Scourge look fan-FREAKIN-tastic! WOW! RID Prime is cool, but I'm not a huge fan of that Prime design. Same goes for Optimal Optimus. That version of Prime just looks awkward and wrong. Soundwave is...well...I really hope to god he's mistransformed, otherwise he can only be called "Daiper Soundwave". I'm sure he'll be as fantastic as Roddy and Scourge though. 417584[/snapback] After lookin closely at it I think I can say for sure he is mistransformed. The chest needs to be slid down and so do the lower legs. Once you do this he does look farily well balanced. God they even mistransformed Jetfire! LOL geez the things companies do when showing off their own product.
eugimon Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 oooh, gotta get soundwave He was my first transformer and I just loved those tape-bots,
Doctor Reggae Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 According to TFW 2005, it looks like the dark grey scheme for MP Starscream is indeed going to be what he's going to look like. They've got a scan up on their frontpage, link is here: Any thoughts? I'll still get him...but I'd rather have him colored like the show.
GobotFool Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 (edited) Well, I'll still be getting it. Not because it's starscream, but because it's an intricate transforming toy. The intricate transforming toy fan in me is still rather excited about this toy. However, the TFer fan in me is a tad disapointed with alot of the changes they have made. Edited July 20, 2006 by GobotFool
eugimon Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 Doctor Reggae said: According to TFW 2005, it looks like the dark grey scheme for MP Starscream is indeed going to be what he's going to look like. They've got a scan up on their frontpage, link is here: Any thoughts? I'll still get him...but I'd rather have him colored like the show. 417676[/snapback] I still doubt it... that mock up has purple insignias when the description said it would be grey. But if that IS the official color... I will be cancelling my pre-order. Not because it isn't cartoon faithful.. which isn't a deal breaker for me... but just because that paint job sucks massive man-faye ass.
GobotFool Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 Here are some pictures of the trailer for Prime. Anyway, I'm glad there has been an official trailer release, it makes Prime's truck mode seem complete.
captain america Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 I wouldn't be too worried about Starscream's paint scheme: given my own experience with toys and marketing, it's just a ploy to sell more units. They'll release this initial, low viz batch, and people will buy it because it's a first edition, and it's all that's available for now. Once those are sold, they'll most likely release a version in "authentic" Tv colors.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 captain america said: I wouldn't be too worried about Starscream's paint scheme: given my own experience with toys and marketing, it's just a ploy to sell more units.They'll release this initial, low viz batch, and people will buy it because it's a first edition, and it's all that's available for now. Once those are sold, they'll most likely release a version in "authentic" Tv colors. 417692[/snapback] The TV colors are a club exclusive.... To me the TV colors were too pale. The colors on the original toy were superior, darker, but still a good red, grey, and navy blue. TV one was too pastel like. And I hope this scan was just a digibash and not the real thing.
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