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I was thinking about getting Halo but now I don't know. I think I will just wait for some of the bigger titles later this year. These days, I don't really like a playing video game unless it is really good. I don't know why it took them so long to get Halo on the PC when that is what they started developing it on. I suppose Microsoft finally figure out that their XBox isn't going to set any sales records so they might as well make what money they can elsewhere.


After some playing last night I have my professional character assassination of Halo on the PC ready:


- Graphics don't look that dated, but have issues, more later

- Plot is at least original and not your run of the mill FPS thin one

- character designs are interesting

- vehicles... more later

- environment effects and design are also interesting, except for level design

- sound effects in EAX are top notch

CONS: (sit down this is a long list)

- level design is terrible at worst and uninspired at best.

- the vehicles, especially the Warthog jeep, steer like a greased cat on ice

- the weapon selection in the game is puny and most of them are sub-par as far as FPS weapons go

- your character moves like he has a lead ass and is slow as a sloth... yet somehow he can leap like 9 feet in the air?

- the game lacks true 32 bit textures and relys on the same low-res ones from the Xbox which makes some things appear crystal clear while others are blurry and messy

- limited list of enemies and weapons means you basically fight the same skirmish over and over and over again

- The game really reaks of "simplistic console game" in all aspects


Stay away. Stay far away. In fact, don't go home after buying this game, go somewhere else so you don't allow the suck to follow you back to your home planet. This game.... ugh... this game. What did all you Xbox people see in this thing? It's slow, it's stodgy, it's limited and it's annoying. On one hand you have the Master Chief with his constantly reactivating shields so you are never really in any danger who moves like a sloth but can leap ten feet in the air... combine him with a selection of truly useless cookie cutter weapons, vehicles that have oil on the tires so you drive like a drunk moose and level design so linear my cat could follow them leaves you with one thing: this was obviously a console game designed knowing full well it was going to be played in low res on a TV with a cumbersome controller and the game reflects that. Seeing as how the Xbox was filled with such suck titles at launch no wonder this game mopped up, it was an average game in a field of crap which made it look like the second coming.

I'm sticking to my made for PC games from now on, no more ports for me. If you are a seasoned PC FPS player, Halo on the PC is tantamount to going back to kindergarten... the simple levels, simple weapons and limited enemies and options will not confuse or befuddle the slow minded but will bore the elite to death in seconds. Much like GTA 3 people tell me "well you should have played it on the console"... I have a feeling if I did I would have liked it more because then there would be excuses for all the bad elements in the game...

My Score: a 3 out of 10


Posted (edited)

It'd be fun to DM with you guys.


I am hoping that HL2 will live up to the hype.

Haven't really been online with many games. But I get together with a buddy of mine in Orlando each week on average to play Quake2. We spent 12 months going through 720 3rd party maps for Quake2. I know Q2 is way old now, but it's still fun........especially when you add the Weapons of Destruction patch.

I know it's old skool, but would anyone be willing to join in a little Q2 DM sometime?

I'm an HPB (still stuck in dialup land), but even though my friend hosts, I usually get the better of him.


Edited by Capt Hungry

Well, looks like we all got a long ways to go until HL2.... four more months to be exact :angry:

Anybody play America's Army? For anybody who's ever compained about power weapons, I find that M-16s across the board to level the playing field quite a bit. Plus it's free =)

Ah... as soon as I get a job and can afford broadband, I gotta download myself the latest copy.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
To be honest, Doom 3 is just as vaporware as HL2... I mean, where is it in the sceme of things?

Doom 3 will be available right after Duke Nukem Forever goes on sale. Book yours today.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
To be honest, Doom 3 is just as vaporware as HL2... I mean, where is it in the sceme of things?

I don't get your use of vaporware in this context. Isn't vaporware something that is just there but will never be released? Like Daikatana a few years ago?

Doom 3 and HL2 are sure to be released.... some time.... in the near future (near being used very loosely here). And why the heck did stealing 1/3 of the source code put a hamper on things? Aren't they supposed to keep a copy of it? <_<


Vaporware is something that keeps setting release dates only to be pushed back again and again... or something that gets redone over and over, never to actually hit the shelves. Bsu's use of Duke Nukem Forever is a good example. That game was supposed to come out in what, 1997? Where is it? I saw a lot of screencaps and hype with no product... IMHO Both Doom 3 and HL 2 are vaporware. When they do eventually come out sometime after the great robot war of 2034 we will not be impressed. :p

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Vaporware is something that keeps setting release dates only to be pushed back again and again... or something that gets redone over and over, never to actually hit the shelves. Bsu's use of Duke Nukem Forever is a good example. That game was supposed to come out in what, 1997? Where is it? I saw a lot of screencaps and hype with no product... IMHO Both Doom 3 and HL 2 are vaporware. When they do eventually come out sometime after the great robot war of 2034 we will not be impressed. :p

Isn't it funny that all they show are the same 2 Duke Nukem screen caps? I mean... who the heck do they think they are fooling? Last time I heard they went from the Quake 2 to the Unreal engine. Why do I small another Daikatana without the flamboyish that was John Romero. <_<

  Abombz!! said:
[And why the heck did stealing 1/3 of the source code put a hamper on things? Aren't they supposed to keep a copy of it? <_<

I suppose they could theoretically release it as is, but that means that the hackers will have a field day as soon as HL2 goes online. Plus, their new "Steam" online system has been partially or even completely compromised. Steam is replacing the current WON id system, as well as providing instant updates for patches and such. Bad stuff to let fall into the wrong hands.

  bsu legato said:
  Abombz!! said:
[And why the heck did stealing 1/3 of the source code put a hamper on things? Aren't they supposed to keep a copy of it? <_<

I suppose they could theoretically release it as is, but that means that the hackers will have a field day as soon as HL2 goes online. Plus, their new "Steam" online system has been partially or even completely compromised. Steam is replacing the current WON id system, as well as providing instant updates for patches and such. Bad stuff to let fall into the wrong hands.

But honestly.... 4 months to alter the stolen code? I know somethings about programing, but not nearly enough to know what it is the have to write the code to something as big as a game, but 4 months?!?!? :o

  Abombz!! said:
  JsARCLIGHT said:
Vaporware is something that keeps setting release dates only to be pushed back again and again... or something that gets redone over and over, never to actually hit the shelves. Bsu's use of Duke Nukem Forever is a good example. That game was supposed to come out in what, 1997? Where is it? I saw a lot of screencaps and hype with no product... IMHO Both Doom 3 and HL 2 are vaporware. When they do eventually come out sometime after the great robot war of 2034 we will not be impressed.  :p

Isn't it funny that all they show are the same 2 Duke Nukem screen caps? I mean... who the heck do they think they are fooling? Last time I heard they went from the Quake 2 to the Unreal engine. Why do I small another Daikatana without the flamboyish that was John Romero. <_<

I go to 3D Realms periodically to check things out in the forums.

They are pretty militant about the release date being "When its done." I have been waiting for this game, but have resigned myself to the fact that I don't ever expect to see it on the shelves.

I don't think that I necessarily agree with the attitude at 3D Realms and WID, but they could at least release a new screenie or two. I hope it won't be another Daikatana, but............................

I do think we will see HL2 and Doom3 within the next 6 months.

  Abombz!! said:
I know somethings about programing, but not nearly enough to know what it is the have to write the code to something as big as a game, but 4 months?!?!? :o

Don't look at me, I know even less than you about coding. In fact, I don't have the first clue about it. :blink: I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be a non-theft related delay in the release as well, but I haven't heard anything official about it. Remember, April is just a rumor at this point. I'll have to keep an eye on the official HL2 board to watch for any announcements.

  bsu legato said:
  Abombz!! said:
I know somethings about programing, but not nearly enough to know what it is the have to write the code to something as big as a game, but 4 months?!?!? :o

Don't look at me, I know even less than you about coding. In fact, I don't have the first clue about it. :blink: I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be a non-theft related delay in the release as well, but I haven't heard anything official about it. Remember, April is just a rumor at this point. I'll have to keep an eye on the official HL2 board to watch for any announcements.

Err... not so much of a rumor. It was an official announcement by Vivendi. Sure... they were 2 months late to announce the first delay, but its still more then just a rumor.

  Abombz!! said:
Err... not so much of a rumor. It was an official announcement by Vivendi. Sure... they were 2 months late to announce the first delay, but its still more then just a rumor.

Maybe, maybe not. This is from the article posted a page ago:

Update: Half-Life Source (ironically titled, under the circumstances) has their report based on visiting Valve saying that "only a SMALL PORTION" of the source has been stolen, and an email they attribute to "Mike Thompson who says he works for Vivendi Universal" saying "delay is not confirmed...

Got to love em conflicting sources. :lol:

Half-Life 2 delayed until April 2004 

Publisher Vivendi Universal blames code leak for delay; no word from Valve.

Gamers' worst fears were confirmed this morning when Vivendi Universal announced that its eagerly awaited Half-Life 2 will not be released until April 2004.

In a brief statement to the French daily Les Echos, VU Games president of international operations, Christophe Ramboz, blamed the now-infamous source code theft for the delay. "A third of the source code was stolen," said Ramboz. "It's serious because it forces us to delay the launch of the game by at least four months--to April 2004." Neither Half-Life 2's developer, Valve Software (site of the actual code theft), nor its founder, Gabe Newell, had any comments as of press time. A Vivendi Universal Games spokesperson informed GameSpot that it would release a statement regarding the game later today.

The Half-Life 2 delay couldn't come at a worse time for VU Games. So far, 2003 has seen the publisher's relationship with Baldur's Gate developer Interplay disintegrate, while its much-hyped Hulk game fizzled, just like its big-screen counterpart. Analysts cited Hulk's failure in the firm's $61 million operating loss in the company's two most recent quarters. However, the delay announcement today didn't greatly affect the stock price of VU Games' parent company, Vivendi Universal.

Steady stock prices are cold comfort to the millions of gamers who had hoped to help Gordon Freeman save the world--again--this holiday season.

By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot  [postED: 10/07/03 09:10 AM] 

Thats from gamespot.com BTW.


Here' some more news from Half Life Source...

Our exclusive visit with Gabe Newell and Valve Software did confirm that only a SMALL PORTION of the source code was taken. This is different than most of the reports. The entire source was not taken. Straight from Gabe Newell.

No Mention Of Half-Life 2 Delay. So far Half-Life 2 is shipping for the HOLIDAYS.

It appears that Valve Software is really close to getting the hackers. They seem to have their names written on a whiteboard. It's no wonder that it's business as usual at Valve!

They have names on the whiteboard -- the history, date, times -- and other things that looked like file names. That was pretty much a quick issue. You know, it's done! They're on it! They look like they know who did it.

Business seems to be as usual at Valve, and it appears they are working hard on rolling out Half-Life 2.

By the way, just because a little bit of code compiles doesn't mean that a person has Half-Life 2. It means they have a small portion of it and that's all.

We have a slide-show presentation tomorrow on Half-Life Radio.

  bsu legato said:
Here' some more news from Half Life Source...
Our exclusive visit with Gabe Newell and Valve Software did confirm that only a SMALL PORTION of the source code was taken. This is different than most of the reports. The entire source was not taken. Straight from Gabe Newell.

No Mention Of Half-Life 2 Delay. So far Half-Life 2 is shipping for the HOLIDAYS.

It appears that Valve Software is really close to getting the hackers. They seem to have their names written on a whiteboard. It's no wonder that it's business as usual at Valve!

They have names on the whiteboard -- the history, date, times -- and other things that looked like file names. That was pretty much a quick issue. You know, it's done! They're on it! They look like they know who did it.

Business seems to be as usual at Valve, and it appears they are working hard on rolling out Half-Life 2.

By the way, just because a little bit of code compiles doesn't mean that a person has Half-Life 2. It means they have a small portion of it and that's all.

We have a slide-show presentation tomorrow on Half-Life Radio.

lol... I like your source better. :lol:

  Abombz!! said:
lol... I like your source better. :lol:

Yeah...and denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Who are we kidding here? We'll be lucky to see this thing on the shelves by 3rd quarter '04. <_<

That said, I think I'm going to check out Call of Duty. Has anybody checked out the trailers for this yet? It basically has DoD 1.0 graphics but uses an engine capable of much, much larger enviroments. Now you can actually have streetfighting in an actual city, not just one city block.

  bsu legato said:
  Abombz!! said:
lol... I like your source better. :lol:

Yeah...and denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Who are we kidding here? We'll be lucky to see this thing on the shelves by 3rd quarter '04. <_<

That said, I think I'm going to check out Call of Duty. Has anybody checked out the trailers for this yet? It basically has DoD 1.0 graphics but uses an engine capable of much, much larger enviroments. Now you can actually have streetfighting in an actual city, not just one city block.

Yeah.... well.... I would trust Valve more then I trust Vivendi when it comes to HL2. <_<

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