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Posted (edited)

I was wondering what caused HL2 to get bumped into November... here I was thinking that all the FPS releases slated for October were making them rethink their "market strategy".

Edit: Actually now that I went looking it seems everyone has delayed their new FPS games into late 4th Quarter or early 2004... man, there went my christmas! <_<

Edited by JsARCLIGHT
  JsARCLIGHT said:
I was wondering what caused HL2 to get bumped into November...

A friend was telling me about this last night. Apparently there was a serious security breach, and somebody got part or all of the new "Source" code. Looks to me like the h4x0rz are getting pretty agressive about getting their cheats.

  bsu legato said:
  JsARCLIGHT said:
I was wondering what caused HL2 to get bumped into November...

A friend was telling me about this last night. Apparently there was a serious security breach, and somebody got part or all of the new "Source" code. Looks to me like the h4x0rz are getting pretty agressive about getting their cheats.

Err... I just said that 4 posts ago. <_<

I even provided a link.

As for the delay... it has nothing to do with the code theft. The delay was announced like 2 months ago or something. <_<


Not enough games have co-op anymore. I remember one of the funnest things in Descent was to grab a buddy online or over a LAN and whip some robo-buttocks... Doing so is so much better with a friend.

That said, I really hope they add Co-op to HALO PC. The multiplayer is fun... but without Co-op something is missing.

I'm wondering why it's taking them so damn long to translate it to PC, considering the X-box is basically a PC and the damn game was supposed to come out on the PC like 5 years ago. Damn microsucks.

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
I'm wondering why it's taking them so damn long to translate it to PC, considering the X-box is basically a PC and the damn game was supposed to come out on the PC like 5 years ago.

Well, they had to wait for XBox sales to stagnate... the sequal to be announced and be in produciton... the game to basically be festering on the $9.99 racks at stores... need I go on? Halo was the XBox to a lot of people and to take away the XBoxes' strongest unique title meant it had to be replaced with another. It's more business than it is technical work... they most likely had the game done with a year ago but they wanted to squeze those last drops of blood from the XBox before opening it up to "everyone else".

Damn microsucks.

I still wish that darn company would have been taken out by the Anti-trust lawsuits. I have no love for the "little guy" but you have to admit that things like this "delay" in porting happen just because they say they can.

  Abombz!! said:
Err... I just said that 4 posts ago.

Am I supposed to keep up with your posts now? You've usually posted 4 replies in the time it takes me to hit the "reply" button. :p


Halo was one of the only games that was going to convince me to buy an Xbox. Now that it's out on PC, I have no real reason to buy one, considering the other games I really wanted would make me look like a depraved, cheetoes-eating, mountain-dew-drinking, SW-ep3-waiting-for loser. <_<

Vostok 7

  bsu legato said:
  Abombz!! said:
Err... I just said that 4 posts ago.

Am I supposed to keep up with your posts now? You've usually posted 4 replies in the time it takes me to hit the "reply" button. :p

Guess she is just quicker than you man.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
  Vostok 7 said:
I'm wondering why it's taking them so damn long to translate it to PC, considering the X-box is basically a PC and the damn game was supposed to come out on the PC like 5 years ago. 

Well, they had to wait for XBox sales to stagnate... the sequal to be announced and be in produciton... the game to basically be festering on the $9.99 racks at stores... need I go on? Halo was the XBox to a lot of people and to take away the XBoxes' strongest unique title meant it had to be replaced with another. It's more business than it is technical work... they most likely had the game done with a year ago but they wanted to squeze those last drops of blood from the XBox before opening it up to "everyone else".

Damn microsucks.

I still wish that darn company would have been taken out by the Anti-trust lawsuits. I have no love for the "little guy" but you have to admit that things like this "delay" in porting happen just because they say they can.

Yeah... welll, Halo still goes for $50, almost 2 years after it was released. MS has shown no signs of wanting to lower the price. <_<

  bsu legato said:
  Agent ONE said:
Guess she is just quicker than you man.

They don't call her the "Spam Queen" for nothin'. ;)

Hey! At least all my replies in this thread have been on topic. <_<

  Vostok 7 said:
Halo was one of the only games that was going to convince me to buy an Xbox. Now that it's out on PC, I have no real reason to buy one, considering the other games I really wanted would make me look like a depraved, cheetoes-eating, mountain-dew-drinking, SW-ep3-waiting-for loser. <_<

Vostok 7

You do realize that Halo 2 will be coming out for the XBox sometime next year, no? $$$

  Oihan said:
  Vostok 7 said:
Halo was one of the only games that was going to convince me to buy an Xbox.  Now that it's out on PC, I have no real reason to buy one, considering the other games I really wanted would make me look like a depraved, cheetoes-eating, mountain-dew-drinking, SW-ep3-waiting-for loser.  <_<

Vostok 7

You do realize that Halo 2 will be coming out for the XBox sometime next year, no? $$$

Yeah... but in 10 or 20 years... it will be out on PC too. :lol:

  Abombz!! said:
  Oihan said:

You do realize that Halo 2 will be coming out for the XBox sometime next year, no? $$$

Yeah... but in 10 or 20 years... it will be out on PC too. :lol:

Meh. Halo 2 doesn't have boobies.

Uh... I mean...


Vostok 7


I loved Halo on my X-Box. So glad I got it with the system, especially since I was trying to buy an X-Box without any games at all. I wanted my X-Box exclusively for Soul Calibur 2. I found the control for Halo was actually really good. Granted, no gamepad can compare to the keyboard and mouse of any PC, but Halo worked way better with the S-controller than any other 3D shooter on any console system I've ever played.

I doubt I'll get Halo for the PC. I'm really looking forward to Halo 2 as well as Half-Life 2. And I just purchased Jedi Academy and Homeworld 2 two weeks ago. Those two titles are soaking up all of the little game time I have :)

Posted (edited)

I've always wished they'd included multiplayer co-op in the story version of the game so that one person would be master-cheif and the rest could be the little marine guys (that would either be droped in via foe-hammer or continue to respawn)

that would be hilarious, and it would be really challenging for a group of you and your buddys trying to take em on as the marines

don't you think?

also, coolest part of halo, you can melee enemys with ANY weapon, no switching to crowbar/fist/bat , and there is a "throw grenade" button, you dont' have to select it as a weapon. VERY VERY good inovations.

Edited by KingNor
Posted (edited)

1) Macs work fine for games. Just as in the PC world, game performance is based on hardware AND software. A badly ported Mac version of a PC game will obviously have performance issues when compared to the PC version running on a similarly equipped PC.

2) As someone already mentioned, the Mac version is being worked on. The Mac version was announced at the same time as the PC version. For those of you who don't know, the first major public viewing of Halo was at the Macworld New York 1999 keynote speech. It was running on a Mac. Last summer, the Mac and PC versions were reannounced. Of course, this new version of Halo is completely different than the one shown at MWNY 99. Instead of a 3rd person multiplayer focused game, it's a 1st person singleplayer focused game. The PC version ported by Gearbox, the Mac version being handled by Westlake Interactive, the best Mac porters in the business. There work is based on the PC code. There's video footage of an alpha build of Mac Halo running on a G4 867 with a Radeon 9800 Pro at MacGamer. The Mac version is now in Beta and should be ready to ship in time for the holidays (my estimated shipping date).

Edited by a2daj

My friend gave me the opportunity to try the beta version when I was visiting him, only the single player was working and I wasen't all that impressed, made me decide NOT to buy it, that and the fact my funds are limited :rolleyes:

Will wait for UT2004, shows all the fun of playing with vehicules like in Halo but with the graphics of today, not 2 years ago! :lol:

  SuperOstrich said:
Considering that Halo on the Xbox is still selling roughly 50,000 copies a month at full price, I can't figure out why they released a PC version at all.

Because it was just there. They started working on the Mac and PC version first. I bet they were pretty far along when MS gave priority to the Xbox version. heck... I even think they might have some PS2 version code somewhere there.

And for that reason I seriously doubt MS will be releasing a PC version of Halo 2 anytime, if at all, soon.


I'm sure it'll be a while afore a PC version of Halo2 is available. But in the meantime, there are enough games that feature vehicles coming that I think it'll be a moot point anyway. UT2004 does sound promising, Breed is fun............can't think offhand what else is in the pipeline.............


Hey, hey Kids!

I found a single copy of Halo for the PC on a rack in a Walmart of all places this weekend while I was picking up packing supplies for my eBay auctions. I bought it...

Man... what a letdown...

Why was everyone so hyped about this game anyway? It's a run of the mill FPS game with only one gimmick: vehicles... seems to me like a futuristic version of Medal of Honor, just without all the "wow" and "gee" things... well to be honest it has some interesting elements but they are two year old innovations that are long tired on the PC FPS circut.

I agree with Super O, Why oh why did Microshaft release this game on the PC? Better yet why did they wait so long? If this game had come out when it was "new" then all it's flash and features would have been neat... but instead it just feels like a copycat "me too" title. I know it is not really a "me too" because it had a lot of these features back when they were new but when you release a two year old game into the market with no real improvements it shows it's age.

Oh well, I brought it with me to work today so we'll see if the multiplayer can save this guy from oblivion.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Just got done playing some LAN Halo here at the office. ...

Ok kids, notice that our hero is at WORK today. :blink:


I liked the game because of the AI, the graphics, and the weapons/vehicles. I still play Halo on the XBox and love it to death. I think this FPS game is just better than all the ones I've seen. Tribes 2 a close second.



Can't the boss goof off a little? :rolleyes:

I run a loose ship, we work hard and we play hard. An hour out of the day for some LAN gaming keeps spirits high, work ethic in good shape and things running smoothy... where else can you go home and tell your wife that you killed your boss eight times today at work?

  JsARCLIGHT said:

Can't the boss goof off a little? :rolleyes:

I run a loose ship, we work hard and we play hard. An hour out of the day for some LAN gaming keeps spirits high, work ethic in good shape and things running smoothy... where else can you go home and tell your wife that you killed your boss eight times today at work?

Lol. You your own boss? Where do you work at? What do you do? I'm curious now... :blink:


I'm a co-owner (now) of a very hot media and advertising company in Saint Louis. We do package design, commercials, print media, you name it. I started here as a head-hunted team leader and have worked (and bought) my way up to the ivory tower. My current title is Executive Coordinator, but basically I'm the 1st officer of the ship... I see to it everything in the design wing gets done on time, on budget and in high quality. I have several awards under my belt including three local emmys, six videographer awards, five telly awards, three vision awards and four graphic design awards.

Come to saint louis and drop my name at the RCGA (Regional Commerce and Growth Association) or at the Ad Club and watch people's attitudes about you change!

(Hang on, my inflated head got stuck in the door again)

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Come to saint louis and drop my name at the RCGA (Regional Commerce and Growth Association) or at the Ad Club and watch people's attitudes about you change!

No thanks. I still have the bruises from the last time I tried that. :lol:

  bsu legato said:
  JsARCLIGHT said:
Come to saint louis and drop my name at the RCGA (Regional Commerce and Growth Association) or at the Ad Club and watch people's attitudes about you change!

No thanks. I still have the bruises from the last time I tried that. :lol:

At least all you got WAS bruises!!! I got thrown in Jail!!!


Now you know how I get rid of my enemies! B)

Anyhoo... has anyone else played Halo on the PC yet? I'm looking for some comments other than the ones I kept hearing at work today (that were sort of off-color and made me feel bad)...

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