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4 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Gotta respect the laziness... screw painting them with new color schemes, let's just cast the new toys in matte silver and knock off for lunch. :rofl:

These are some of the laziest designs, they just went build fighters and changed a little equipment and a horn here and there. They don’t even deserve newish names. It’s like if they took a Zaku and put the missile pods on the legs and said it was an actual variant that deserves being called something slightly new.

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1 hour ago, Big s said:

These are some of the laziest designs, they just went build fighters and changed a little equipment and a horn here and there. They don’t even deserve newish names. It’s like if they took a Zaku and put the missile pods on the legs and said it was an actual variant that deserves being called something slightly new.

To be fair, that's actually been pretty normal UC-era design practice for decades now.  Especially in side stories.

Build Fighters just stopped did away with any remaining pretense that it wasn't purely a tactic to sell the same kit to fans multiple times.


Still... this VR movie seems like a real unnecessary addition to the Universal Century.  I can only imagine how stilted it's going to be because of all the concessions it'll have to make to VR headsets.

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2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

Ho-hum. Wake me up when Sunrise/BandaiNamco announced an OAV or series about ADVANCE OF Z.

For what it's worth, they're re-releasing all their AoZ MG kits on PBandai at the moment.

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4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

To be fair, that's actually been pretty normal UC-era design practice for decades now.  Especially in side stories.

I wouldn’t say decades, maybe just the last decade.


2 hours ago, kajnrig said:

For what it's worth, they're re-releasing all their AoZ MG kits on PBandai at the moment.

 Saw those up last week, but lack the space for many larger kits unfortunately. Maybe when I win the lotto

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7 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Seems like Anaheim'll sell Gundams to anyone these days.

I mean, I'm pretty sure that's been their entire business model from day one.

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On 3/23/2024 at 7:32 PM, lechuck said:

I'll certainly watch this, but to be honest the whole Zeon view point certainly dampens my excitement.

I just can't bring up enough sympathy for that side to care, it's also why 0080 doesn't rank so high with me.

0080 is probably my all-time favourite UC era  OVA.

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4 hours ago, Graham said:

0080 is probably my all-time favourite UC era  OVA.

For me it’s probably 08th ms team, but I sometimes waffle between that and Stardust Memory. Although 0080 is very close. All three of them are my favorite Gundam things to watch and are far better than any movies or shows or ova’s or whatever 

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This VR movie is nothing more than Bandai probing new avenues of viability for their IP. It's just as much an experiment for Bandai as it is for the consumer.

VR and required hardware isn't really mainstream household tech yet like a game console or mobile phone. So from that perspective it's understandable to me that Bandai would not go all the way in designing new Mobile Suits for this.

If this VR movie takes off, then expect them to double down on effort for new stuff and if not successful, then the movie will get a re-edit and distribution will happen via the usual channels and media for the masses to consume.

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I wouldn't say that, meta upped the pricing on their Meta 3 headset because the Quest 2 was very popular. I wouldn't say it's millions, but probably a couple hundred thousand at the lowest. I've ran off a Quest 2 for almost 2 years now, there are some things I REALLY enjoy about it.....course somethings I don't. But I think this could be a fun experiment and it's not just the only thing Bandai is trying out but other Gundam related stuff on Meta. So I'm looking forward to it. 

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17 hours ago, Graham said:

0080 is probably my all-time favourite UC era  OVA.

Same.  That was a Gundam UC title with some actual soul and an artistic statement to make.

Plus the NT-1 is just a damn beautiful design on its own.


3 hours ago, lechuck said:

VR and required hardware isn't really mainstream household tech yet like a game console or mobile phone. So from that perspective it's understandable to me that Bandai would not go all the way in designing new Mobile Suits for this.

I'm surprised they're bothering to probe it at all... VR seems to be struggling pretty hard thanks to the technology's relative immaturity limiting what can be done in terms of user experience.  Game developers have really struggled to find anything meaningful to do with VR due to the limitations of the technology.  Most VR games are more like tech demos or gimmicky casual games than the kind of fully developed immersive experience VR hardware developers keep promising.

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5 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Plus the NT-1 is just a damn beautiful design on its own.

Honestly, there isn’t a design from that one that I don’t love. Everything from the updated GM’s to the adorable Hygog, I love them all

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, that's definitely looking more like the kind of mook horror show you'd expect for a Zeon-centric story set during Operation Odessa.

Looks like they're drawing more than a bit on [i]08th MS Team[/i]... I'm pretty sure there was a copy of Norris Packard's MS-07B-3 Gouf in there, and I guess that explains why the Gundam looks like a variation on the Ez8.

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1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Well, that's definitely looking more like the kind of mook horror show you'd expect for a Zeon-centric story set during Operation Odessa.

Looks like they're drawing more than a bit on [i]08th MS Team[/i]... I'm pretty sure there was a copy of Norris Packard's MS-07B-3 Gouf in there, and I guess that explains why the Gundam looks like a variation on the Ez8.

I'm going to pass on this. I'm kind of tired of the Zeon bootlicking every UC ova seems to be about these days.

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Yeah, I'm pretty tired of the UC being the One Year War and not much else.

Trying to make the Principality sympathetic is, as I've said before, a massive uphill battle in its own right considering the war crimes they're guilty of.

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The American voice acting is terrible to an extreme here. I’ll probably check it out since the Zeon’s were always more likable than the feds, but there better be a subtitle version that doesn’t sound like crap.

If there isn’t, I’m turning it off the moment I hear someone say “even so”.

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  • 1 month later...

I’ll still watch it, even though it still looks like old PlayStation cutscenes. 

I started rewatching Seed because Netflix added the movie and it’s been a long time and I didn’t want to be totally lost. I forgot how bad the character animation was in that show. At times it reminded me of Kim possible, but they forgot the lower lips in their show on the female characters while seed forgot to draw the upper lips. Anyway, it’s gonna be a while since I plan to watch Destiny as well and that’s a lot of episodes altogether 

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12 hours ago, sh9000 said:

Exclusive Clip.


In a way, it's kind of impressive that they've managed to make this more detailed and yet it still doesn't look like much of an improvement over MS Igloo from... 20 actual goddamn years ago. It's literally been 20 years since MS Igloo.

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Maybe the detail just flew over my head until now, but I wasn't aware this was episodic; I thought for sure it was just a one- or two-part movie, maybe a limited OVA at best.

I'm thoroughly bored with, how to call it, "Gundam shot composition." It's always the same camera pans, always the same framing, pacing, etc. The monoeye turning on. The catapult/launch/drop sequence. The "conventional war machine takes a beating and COs panic beforehand" montage.

Remember when the first episode of Macross Zero came out and we were treated to that phenomenal, intricately-detailed, slow-motion transformation sequence? I want something like that from Gundam. Not LIKE THAT like that, necessarily, but something that leaves a lasting impression on me the way that does. (The Gundam UC Destroy Mode transformation(s) does the former, but not the latter.) But despite Zakus and GMs being rendered in frakking UNREAL ENGINE now with millions of polygons and high-resolution textures, and this prime opportunity to use the new medium to do something interesting and unique, it's still just... more of the same.

Bah. I'm too down on it too prematurely. It's only one more month; I should wait to complain until then.

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3 hours ago, kajnrig said:

Maybe the detail just flew over my head until now, but I wasn't aware this was episodic; I thought for sure it was just a one- or two-part movie, maybe a limited OVA at best.

I'm thoroughly bored with, how to call it, "Gundam shot composition." It's always the same camera pans, always the same framing, pacing, etc. The monoeye turning on. The catapult/launch/drop sequence. The "conventional war machine takes a beating and COs panic beforehand" montage.

Remember when the first episode of Macross Zero came out and we were treated to that phenomenal, intricately-detailed, slow-motion transformation sequence? I want something like that from Gundam. Not LIKE THAT like that, necessarily, but something that leaves a lasting impression on me the way that does. (The Gundam UC Destroy Mode transformation(s) does the former, but not the latter.) But despite Zakus and GMs being rendered in frakking UNREAL ENGINE now with millions of polygons and high-resolution textures, and this prime opportunity to use the new medium to do something interesting and unique, it's still just... more of the same.

Bah. I'm too down on it too prematurely. It's only one more month; I should wait to complain until then.

I don’t think you’ll get much new in that form since most gundam stuff doesn’t transform and when it does , you usually wish it didn’t. It’s also not gonna look new when it looks old and long outdated from the start. It may have a surprising thing here or there, but I think they were just showing off the tropes for the previews so people see the connection. But I’m not gonna expect much either way.

personally, slow motion tends to bore me. And having the ugliest Zaku in slow motion would probably be sickening. I’m usually far more impressed when things appear to be at real speed. Like with Mad Max where the road chases were filmed at speed giving the road an absolutely chaotic look or Equilibrium which was kinda the anti Matrix. I guess that’s probably why Zack Snyder movies put the audience to sleep. Not sure how much slow motion this will have though 

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4 hours ago, kajnrig said:

Maybe the detail just flew over my head until now, but I wasn't aware this was episodic; I thought for sure it was just a one- or two-part movie, maybe a limited OVA at best.

It's a six episode series, so it's borderline OVA territory.

It's a UC story, so it's hardcore playing it safe.  UC takes no risks and pushes no envelopes.  It's pretty much the fanservice embodiment of mindless self-indulgence.

I'm actually kind of disappointed in the action scenes we've seen in the trailer, since they compare unfavorably to the last One Year War CG side story we got.  Those Type-61 tanks on the Federation side are practically crawling up to the Zeon front line when in MS IGLOO 2: the Gravity Front we've seen those things are so fast and so nimble they can just about tapdance and have no problems taking out Zaku II's with adequate range.  Kind of expecting, having seen that, that there's going to be some hardcore jobbing on both sides to try to build tension because they've already given the game away that it's the Gundam that's going to REALLY mess these Zeeks up.

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On 9/17/2024 at 7:23 AM, Seto Kaiba said:

In a way, it's kind of impressive that they've managed to make this more detailed and yet it still doesn't look like much of an improvement over MS Igloo from... 20 actual goddamn years ago. It's literally been 20 years since MS Igloo.

That's a little unfair. the character faces are significantly less horrifying than they were in MS Igloo. they're still bad but they're not dream haunting bad.

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:08 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

Yeah, I'm pretty tired of the UC being the One Year War and not much else.

Trying to make the Principality sympathetic is, as I've said before, a massive uphill battle in its own right considering the war crimes they're guilty of.

  Is it too late to go dig Kamille Bidan out of retirement and put him back into a suit? :rofl:

1 hour ago, anime52k8 said:

That's a little unfair. the character faces are significantly less horrifying than they were in MS Igloo. they're still bad but they're not dream haunting bad.

I'm afraid that's kind of like saying "it's crap, but at least it isn't dog crap"....

Edited by pengbuzz
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Yeesh - I know movie/TV tactics are bad but those guys are BAD.  Just walk up in column through enemy territory with no scouts out, that puts it in unwatchable territory.  As for the CGI, the Final Fantasy movie from 2001 is way better in regards to physics - something in all of this video just seems off.

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10 hours ago, anime52k8 said:

That's a little unfair. the character faces are significantly less horrifying than they were in MS Igloo. they're still bad but they're not dream haunting bad.

TBH, I don't see a ton of difference on that front... there's more texture to the faces, but the facial animation rigs don't seem to be significantly improved vs. what was used back in MS IGLOO.  There's still a lot of lockjaw-style expression and the body movements still look very stiff and unnatural.

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10 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

I'm afraid that's kind of like saying "it's crap, but at least it isn't dog crap"....

At least it’s not the triceratops poo from the first Jurassic Park movie. That thing pooed half its weight in one standing. Seriously that pyramid was up to its B-hole in height, no wonder the thing was dying.

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On 9/21/2024 at 4:28 PM, Big s said:

At least it’s not the triceratops poo from the first Jurassic Park movie. That thing pooed half its weight in one standing. Seriously that pyramid was up to its B-hole in height, no wonder the thing was dying.

"The Triceratops took a $#1t and died...."

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After getting through a few episodes of seed on Netflix, I have to warn anyone that might’ve thought about watching the dub that it’s the worst idea ever. The Japanese cast really didn’t seem great and I was kinda half watching the show while doing other stuff in the morning. I figured the dub would work for that, but an issue pops up the further you get into the series. Voices from certain characters start to disappear mid conversation. One character will sound perfectly fine while another might have no audio and it will put up subtitles for that character. The further into the show more and more characters lose their voices. I figured if it makes you read, you may as well just watch the subtitled version. I googled the issue and seems everyone has this problem with the dub at least on Netflix 

I guess I can’t really watch the show in the background anymore. 

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4 hours ago, Big s said:

After getting through a few episodes of seed on Netflix, I have to warn anyone that might’ve thought about watching the dub that it’s the worst idea ever. The Japanese cast really didn’t seem great and I was kinda half watching the show while doing other stuff in the morning. I figured the dub would work for that, but an issue pops up the further you get into the series. Voices from certain characters start to disappear mid conversation. One character will sound perfectly fine while another might have no audio and it will put up subtitles for that character. The further into the show more and more characters lose their voices. I figured if it makes you read, you may as well just watch the subtitled version. I googled the issue and seems everyone has this problem with the dub at least on Netflix 

I guess I can’t really watch the show in the background anymore. 

think it's streaming these days on some of these shows. Crunchyroll thru Amazon has subtitle issues. I was watching a DBZ movie and it's using both english dub subtitles/CC and the translations at times are terrible. Trunks is suddenly named Trump. And subtitles have a tendency to cut off when another character is talking or it overlaps. I sort of blame rushing to get things out for other services to fit their coding or something more technical. 

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