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  azrael said:

That actually one of the new scenes in Special Edition 4 - "Cost of Freedom". It will air on Jan. 8 2007 ( yes, it's actually on TV)

TBS: 2:20am Jan 8

MBS: 1:35am Jan 8

Yup. If I remember correctly, some fans at some convention were showed some new clips that were going to be used in part 4 and mentioned Kira had a White Zaft Uniform. Somewhere in Gunota.....


Interesting, moving from being Earth Alliance, to Orb and now to ZAFT....Kira just switches sides when ever he feels it's convient.

Wonder how come I haven't seen any of these movies? guess they're already liscened for distribution here in the states right?

  Hikuro said:

Interesting, moving from being Earth Alliance, to Orb and now to ZAFT....Kira just switches sides when ever he feels it's convient.

Probably cause the Clyne faction has got back control over ZAFT after Dullindal's plans were foiled.


Klien: Peace! Live with the naturals!


Dillandul: I shall rule you all and determin thru your genes what you shall do in your future!

Lacus: .......ara....


I want to ask one thing. I'm currently watching Gundam SEED series and about to come to the end. Shall I be watching Movie version before moving on to Destiny or should I not bother with the movies as I'm very familiar with the series considering I'm watching all the episodes and save it for later

And from where can I get this Gundam SEED After Phase ? (No torrent is working now) :wacko:

  Sevket_Erhat said:

I want to ask one thing. I'm currently watching Gundam SEED series and about to come to the end. Shall I be watching Movie version before moving on to Destiny or should I not bother with the movies as I'm very familiar with the series considering I'm watching all the episodes and save it for later

And from where can I get this Gundam SEED After Phase ? (No torrent is working now) :wacko:

The movies are up to you. It's the same series compressed and with a few different or added sequences.

After Phase doesn't add much either that would affect the story of Destiny. I won't know where to get it. I would just skip it.


After Phase is really nothing, it's just Kira contemplating why he's still alive when he should be dead, and Athrun saying he'll do whatever he can to protect the Earth and PLANT....dats pretty much it.

  Hikuro said:

After Phase is really nothing, it's just Kira contemplating why he's still alive when he should be dead, and Athrun saying he'll do whatever he can to protect the Earth and PLANT....dats pretty much it.

Err, don't they already say it like every other episode already? C'mon, stop beating us over the head with that already...

Watched a good portion of Gundam Seed and Destiny. Got to say, Seed is interesting, but Destiny went downhill (and too super-robotic-sentai) for me.


They don't think they make the point enough on the protection of the PLANTs and Earth, and wondering why they're alive when everyone around them dies horrible deaths.


The only major difference in the movie & TV versions of SEED is that in the TV series Mu clearly dies with his helmet floating out in space, While in the movie they remove his helmet floating from the scene

As for After Phase, if you really want it, it can be had. There's an HK disc that has just the final episode of SEED, After Phase, and textless versions of the intro's. The UK 10th volume of the TV series also has After Phase. But as others have said, there's nothing Earth shattering there. As for Destiny, I liked it, but I tend to be in the minority on these things. Only major problem I had with it was the same problem I had with SEED, too many recaps & flashbacks.


I've been reading the scanlations of Crossbone Gundam, it's not too bad. My only gripe is that it's sort of hard to recognize the reappearing characters from F91...like it's just now dawning on me that Kincado is Seabook under an alias...if he isn't seabook then how did Kincado become the pilot of the F91 when you see a flash back of him against Zabine?



Cool a gundam thread, im a big fan of gundam mainly UC though. I haven't seen any of the AU gundams so i don't know wither they are good or bad.

But i don't think there will be a show that could beat ZETA Gundam, which in my opinion is the best and also better than Macross story wise that is, Macross has the cool robots.


That's always up for debate on the best gundam show, many say Zeta, but LOTS say Gundam Wing and don't have much interest in Tomino's work.........however I'm a big Zeta fan, and much perfer the second half of Double Zeta.....actually almost anything Tomino has done for Gundam I've enjoyed.


I'd rather have SEED, hell, what was the other crap series, Wing, that's it...than have another UC with a Gundam named after a mythical horse with a cone on it's head.

  promethuem5 said:

Just get rid of SEED... bring on Unicorn Gundam and some new UC stuff... just more Zeta of something please....

Funny you should mention that. Unicorn could be in the works. According to an article on Gunota*, Unicorn is being looked at. The unfortunate side is, the novel starts in Feb. 2007 and it sounds like it will be LONG. So any hope of seeing Unicorn in animation will be quite down the road, probably after the novel ends.

The main focus seems to be on some more mature UC tales for the older crowd and CE stories for the new crowd. Seed will be the UC for today's fans. Some people have hinted on a Western-based Gundam story but it sounds like Bandai is weary of G-Saviour-misery, especially if it wants to it to go back to Japan, where the core fanbase is. Hence, the foreign markets are leaning more toward games (card, video, etc).

It sounds like right now, they are looking at bringing back the AU/stand-alone series to bring new life into the franchise while still maintaining the fanbase for UC and Seed fans.



  Hikuro said:

That's always up for debate on the best gundam show, many say Zeta, but LOTS say Gundam Wing and don't have much interest in Tomino's work.........however I'm a big Zeta fan, and much perfer the second half of Double Zeta.....actually almost anything Tomino has done for Gundam I've enjoyed.

I think most of tomino's work have been great like ideon, they always have some message in them like anti-war stuff and the characters are always shown to be human instead of being simple good and evil.

I would have to say ZZ gundam is a big mess, though some episodes were good, but i like to think it didn't happen. I suppose all good franchises have their worst moments like Macross 7 and the new starwars films.

By the way does anyone have news on the Zeta Gundam Movies coming out in English and if MS Igloo might come out too.

  kung flu said:

By the way does anyone have news on the Zeta Gundam Movies coming out in English and if MS Igloo might come out too.

The Zeta movies will probably start hitting the convention circuit in 2007. That's the earliest I can predict for a release date. It already premiered at the Chicago Film Festival in September. We'll probably hear more about a DVD release date at AX2007.

MS Igloo has not been marked for licensing by Bandai.


I doubt we'll see MS Igloo even hit the states considering it's a very low key UC story line....

For the Zeta movies, I just need to watch Movie 3 and I'm done.....I don't really care for it...it just helps pass the time.

  Hikuro said:

I doubt we'll see MS Igloo even hit the states considering it's a very low key UC story line....

For the Zeta movies, I just need to watch Movie 3 and I'm done.....I don't really care for it...it just helps pass the time.

I've seen all three movies but its in Japanese so i don't know what they are saying, though i have i pretty good idea since it follows the TV series in some events.

It would be a shame if Igloo doesn't come out cause thats a good show. I think the thing with Bandai/Sunrise is that they only release Gundam shows in the West only if they can sell merchandise like figures and models as well. If only they would just release the show like other Anime companies do with their shows without bothering about toys.


Well see, it's sort of weird, it's kind of like a buzz...see, Alternate Universe shows like Wing, G Gundam, etc etc follow a better fanbase because of the animation. the original Gundam show flopped because people didn't care of the animation it was too "Old" and "Ugly" compared to todays standards of animation.

I remember the rumor that Zeta was going to be on CN last year, but that quickly died....and Char's Counter Attack did air on CN few years ago because the animation style was "new" looking though it was 15 years old or so. Just the style was alot sharper.

Which is another reason why you don't see quicker releases of the UC stories like Double Zeta as well....the story gets to childish and no one would be into the animation...

Now as for MS Igloo, CGI shows don't do very well unless it's very well known like FF7....and I think the CGI in MS Igloo is a bit dated compared to what we see now with movies using CG.

  Hikuro said:

Well see, it's sort of weird, it's kind of like a buzz...see, Alternate Universe shows like Wing, G Gundam, etc etc follow a better fanbase because of the animation. the original Gundam show flopped because people didn't care of the animation it was too "Old" and "Ugly" compared to todays standards of animation.

I just wish companies like bandai would just release these old shows instead of trying to advertise toys or trying to get them aired on TV. Never mind about the animation quality other companies have released old shows like votoms and patlabor, and the animation in them were old.

  kung flu said:

I just wish companies like bandai would just release these old shows instead of trying to advertise toys or trying to get them aired on TV. Never mind about the animation quality other companies have released old shows like votoms and patlabor, and the animation in them were old.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work this way. Call it a trend but most Gundam shows have had a toy or model line that comes with it. If the show doesn't attract viewers or produce a marketable merchandise line, the chances of it staying on TV or coming out on DVD goes down. The line between what fans want and what can produce a profit only stretches so far. People often forget that companies, like Bandai/Sunrise need to be able to make a profit and attract an audience, or their value goes down, sharply.

  azrael said:

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work this way. Call it a trend but most Gundam shows have had a toy or model line that comes with it. If the show doesn't attract viewers or produce a marketable merchandise line, the chances of it staying on TV or coming out on DVD goes down. The line between what fans want and what can produce a profit only stretches so far. People often forget that companies, like Bandai/Sunrise need to be able to make a profit and attract an audience, or their value goes down, sharply.

I don't know much about marketing but i reckon it would be better to just release the shows first on dvd for a limited time and if sales are doing well then increase dvd production, then think about releasing the toys/ models and maybe try and air the shows on TV. If dvd sale are not doing well then at least the main fan community has been served.

This is better than trying to blitz the west with toys, dvds, tv simultaneously cause that just doesn't work. It works in japan because gundam has been around for 30 years and the fans have grown with the show.


Well something Bandai/Sunrise has been doing with the older shows are releasing a limited edition box set, such as Zeta Gundam....once the box sets ran out, they knew there was some sort of a following, hence about a year later Individual Volumes began to emerge....however it was originally stated, that because UC stories and the older animation from Gundam don't sell compared to GW, G Gundam etc, they would only do the box set.

  Hikuro said:

Well something Bandai/Sunrise has been doing with the older shows are releasing a limited edition box set, such as Zeta Gundam....once the box sets ran out, they knew there was some sort of a following, hence about a year later Individual Volumes began to emerge....however it was originally stated, that because UC stories and the older animation from Gundam don't sell compared to GW, G Gundam etc, they would only do the box set.

Now that I think about it, we should probably clarify Bandai/Sunrise, being Sunrise the the Japanese animation studio under Bandai....

Also, the boxset rule appears to apply to the western markets. The Japanese market is somewhat different with Gundam. Especially since the MSG boxset is #8(overall) and #1(weekly) on Oricon's sales charts. And on average, Gundam titles are usually in the top 10 of animation sales for about a month.

Also, IIRC, Bandai (USA) stated that the individual Zeta discs would come after the boxsets came out before the boxsets hit the streets.


Well Gundam is virtually a house hold name in Japan, big difference there, not too mention Animation such as Gundam isn't recognized as something for a "Child" but for a Teenager or adult versus here in Western culture when nearly everything animated is for childern.

And while MSG is looked upon as being one of the top sellers, it does piss poor in relations here...also fans didn't have much interest in the english adaption only being available on DVD while the Triology box set of MSG was given a remastered version with the japanese audio and no english track despite an English version produced many years ago.

As for the Zeta discs, I recall them saying if the boxsets sell well they'd do the individual sets. But I can't really remember that being said or where I read it....


Gundam hasn't done well in the U.S. because Wing is the only series that got the full marketting machine behind it. Had SEED been shown in the weekday afternoon block like Wing, it would have had a more successful run.

Bandai missed their opportunity to strike while the iron was hot on their Wing success. X should have followed up before G, as should V. 0079 would have been a crap shoot to begin with, and honestly should have stuck with a DVD only release instead of an attempted broadcast. The Dub only-ness of the TV series sure as hell didn't help. I'd be surprised if the movie box & CCA didn't sell better than the Gundam TV dub only disc's.

All things considered, I wouldn't at all mind limited edition box only releases of ZZ, V, X, & Turn A. Side releases of Evolve & MS Igloo would be just as welcome.


I think, Turn A would have probably a larger success then SEED, mostly because of it's unique look to the Gundam franchise, it diffenetly shares the most interesting storyline out of all the Gundam shows.


Well it's not really Gundam show related, but sort of is......a friend of mine (cause she's a huge GSD fan) was cruising an auction sight when she stumbled across a Meer cosplay DVD which was actually a cosplayer doing porn in a Meer/Lacus costume......0_o.......I didn't see that one coming.


Yeah I thought someone might ask for that or get a flood in my im box....not gonna produce a link sadly since the picture quality of the dvd box was pretty poor....you couldn't tell if she was holding a vibrator or a microphone.

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