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Well, here's my first go at it.

I still have a lot to improve on, but hopefully it's the start of something good.

Now I just need a title...


Hope he doesn't take his CO's plane!


  Nied said:
Hope he doesn't take his CO's plane!


Flippin' Sweet!

That's perfect! I'm gonna get to work on doing up those colors in 3d studio. They'll be needed for next week's strip.

Curious about your choice of 601 and 632 for the modices (or 600 series in general) I think I'll go with it, though.

  Vinnie said:
  Nied said:
Hope he doesn't take his CO's plane!


Flippin' Sweet!

That's perfect! I'm gonna get to work on doing up those colors in 3d studio. They'll be needed for next week's strip.

Curious about your choice of 601 and 632 for the modices (or 600 series in general) I think I'll go with it, though.


The 632 is based on something I noticed in the description of Toni you had with his character sketch. You had his callsign as "Griffon 32" which I assumed would also be the modex of his plane (it's too small to make out in the version I posted here but the BuNo you gave him is also on the engine nacelle). As for why I wnet with a six series modex, I figured being a reletively low priority squadron would result in them having a fairly high modex, I imagined that low 0, 1, 2, and 3, modecis would got to hot shot VF-11 and VF-17 squadrons. That and the font I used for the modex (Amarillo USAF) made made five look a little funny.


This comic brings back fond memories of little valk, didn't someone archive those into a giant zip file?



Click to Enlarge

Well, here's #2. I changed the palette around to be more like the Macross Plus tones. Hopefully it's an improvement over the last one. Lineart is cleaned up a bit, but still not where I want it. I didn't get the chance to really present the VF-4 like I wanted to with Nied's paint scheme, but will fully reconcile myself next week. In all though, I'm happy with the changes from #001.

This week's is of course a few days late. Normally webcomic artists have some excuse for why they were delayed. Here's mine: I flew my ass off this past week, flying over 12 patients on 5 missions for 8.2 combat hours.

Also big news, I'm bringing on webcomic fan Ben Whitten to help with the writting. He edited my dialogue this week, but we should actually be getting some whitty humor out of him over the coming strips.

What's this Little Valk?


"I have a solution to both your problems. Let me fly first, and you can have Maria!"

"So.....I'm leaving now" "You are so Dead!"

that's just priceless! :lol:

  Lightning 06 said:
"I have a solution to both your problems. Let me fly first, and you can have Maria!"

"So.....I'm leaving now" "You are so Dead!"

that's just priceless! :lol:


What does it for me is the look on Maria's face in the preceding panel. I've gotten that look so many times from my fiance and you captured it perfectly Vinnie. Good job!

Posted (edited)


Click to Enlarge

Thanks for the encouragement folks! It keeps me going and pushes me to try and update every thursday. This week's strip is only a day late, but kind of rushed as I tried to get myself back on schedule. It didn't get quite the level improvement I was hoping to achieve this week, but some aspects I'm quite happy with.

Next week I'm hoping to have a textured VF-4 for you. Oh, and a series title? I'm thinking "Remove Before Flight" as it's kinda goofy, aviation related, and seems to fit that trend for webcomic titles. Any thoughts?

Edited by Vinnie

Hey it's been a week! Any updates Vinnie?


Hey guys none for this week. I'm using my free time getting the VF-4 model finished (again) and textured. I'm at 75% complete and plan to have a new comic up by this thursday. Me and whitten worked on the next couple of strips and have some funny stuff coming down the pipe.

On a more personal note: flew up to the forward team site the other day, and got mortared for the first time. Well, it was probably a rocket attack. In any case, if I can hear the whistling and then the booms, then it's way too f-ing close for my comfort level. I suppose I'll get used to that after a while though. :lol:


That's lame huh? A post with no content? Lemmie fix that:

Two WIP Shots of the VF-4 done in SVF-143 colors circa 2038. Some of the proportions aren't quite right yet as I've been working on it in modules, and some of the parts haven't been replaced yet from the old model, but the idea is there.



Posted (edited)
  Vinnie said:
On a more personal note: flew up to the forward team site the other day, and got mortared for the first time.  Well, it was probably a rocket attack.  In any case, if I can hear the whistling and then the booms, then it's way too f-ing close for my comfort level.  I suppose I'll get used to that after a while though.  :lol:


Holy crap!! That is definetly not good! Stay safe man, I don't think anyone wants to hear that you got blown up in some hellhole.

It's good to see your VF-4 model again it's looking real good. If you need a better reference send me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll send you the full sized versions of the color schemes (they're about twice as big).

Edited by Nied
  Vinnie said:

On a more personal note: flew up to the forward team site the other day, and got mortared for the first time.  Well, it was probably a rocket attack.  In any case, if I can hear the whistling and then the booms, then it's way too f-ing close for my comfort level.  I suppose I'll get used to that after a while though.  :lol:


Now that was something I never expected to hear reading this thread. I hope everything goes well for you. Keep your head down!


The Army doesn't like people sending their soldiers e-mails with attachments in them so everyone gets to see what those VF-4s I posted last page look like full sized!

SVF_143.zipFetching info...

Posted (edited)
  Nied said:
The Army doesn't like people sending their soldiers e-mails with attachments in them so everyone gets to see what those VF-4s I posted last page look like full sized!


Stingy Bandwidth Bureaucrats!

We can actually get stuff, just not things prone to viruses. In any case thank you very much! I just which I knew what the ultra small font under the cockpit said.

Anywho, I did promise a comic this week and while it's not...quite ready yet, I can throw up a 3d render I'll be using in one of the panels.


Edited by Vinnie
Posted (edited)
  Vinnie said:

I just which I knew what the ultra small font under the cockpit said.



Gibberish. Pure unadulterated gibberish. I think one says something like "Hey look! It's that arrow thingy pointing that that box! asdfkasdfka adfkasdfj." Another warns of the dangers of urinating during high wind conditions. Most of the rest were made by banging on the keyboard with appropriate looking spaces.

Edited by Nied

Quick question Vinnie, Is the VF-4 Lightning your favorite VF?

  Phalanx said:
Quick question Vinnie, Is the VF-4 Lightning your favorite VF?


One day you should ask Vinnie, Lightning 06 or me about the legendary "Cult of Lightning."

  Nied said:
  Phalanx said:
Quick question Vinnie, Is the VF-4 Lightning your favorite VF?


One day you should ask Vinnie, Lightning 06 or me about the legendary "Cult of Lightning."


Sure is my favorite valk! If I could only get a chick to cosplay as a VF-4...

And on that disturbing note...It's comic time!

You'll have to click the Macrossworld attachment, as I'm on an Air Force network at the moment that's denying me access to both the website I've set up for the comic (not ready yet) and my xanga blog.

This week's piece is more of a technical one than anything else. I tried a new drawing technique for doing Toni. I'm trying the Remove Before Flight tag out. Did the backgrounds a little differently. Finally, I'm super happy how the VF-4 is turning out and decided to showcase it heavily. Unfortunately I got so wrapped up in rendering it that 6 panels later the strip was starting to get kind of crowded. So instead of cutting everything out, I just made it bigger. It's probably some sort of a webcomic no-no, but I'm only 4 strips into this. Still learning.

So yeah, I'll try to get back on schedule. Kind of hard at the moment now that I'm the acting platoon leader AND we're short on pilots. But I'm not complaining, I'd rather be busy than sitting around bored.




It's hard to resist the technical nit pick, even on something as intentionally light hearted as this, but I just can't help it so here goes: Given that we see the VF-4's predecessor ingest all sorts of debris including whole cars and bits of various buildings, would a flock of birds do anything worse than mess up that pretty pretty paint job on Toni's Lighting III? Unless Ave Maria has Eden like pterosaurs then all bets are off!

Posted (edited)
  Nied said:

It's hard to resist the technical nit pick, even on something as intentionally light hearted as this, but I just can't help it so here goes:   Given that we see the VF-4's predecessor ingest all sorts of debris including whole cars and bits of various buildings, would a flock of birds do anything worse than mess up that pretty pretty paint job on Toni's Lighting III?  Unless Ave Maria has Eden like pterosaurs then all bets are off!


You know, you'd think that. You really would. I mean that P&W Star Ram compressor with the advantage of OTEC can suck in anything and keep on trucking. Rugged compressor blades that would grind anything to fine bits that would be incenerated by a magnetically contained nuclear inferno shortly thereafter. However...well, just refer back to comic #2. :lol:

Another continuity note: You'll also notice that this isn't Toni's bird. It got kinda clipped off in panel 6, but 604 is actually assigned to 1st Lt. Jane Day, the XO. With one aircraft presently operational in the whole outfit, pilots have to take turns getting their missions/hours in. The VF-4 that'll be modexed 632 hasn't been acquired by the Dogs yet.

Edited by Vinnie
Posted (edited)
  Vinnie said:
You know, you'd think that.  You really would.  I mean that P&W Star Ram compressor with the advantage of OTEC can suck in anything and keep on trucking.  Rugged compressor blades that would grind anything to fine bits that would be incenerated by a magnetically contained nuclear inferno shortly thereafter.  However...well, just refer back to comic #2.  :lol:


Fair enough.

Another continuity note: You'll also notice that this isn't Toni's bird. It got kinda clipped off in panel 6, but 604 is actually assigned to 1st Lt. Jane Day, the XO. With one aircraft presently operational in the whole outfit, pilots have to take turns getting their missions/hours in. The VF-4 that'll be modexed 632 hasn't been acquired by the Dogs yet.

You know I did notice the 604 modex, and I noticed that it wasn't Toni's name on the canopy rail, but I didn't actually put 2+2 together to realize it wasn't Toni's VF. I think that says something about my deductive resoning skills. :unsure:

Edited by Nied
Posted (edited)

I like where you going with this. It looks great and the new name tag/banner is also good.

At least you know theres a skill that can get job for you if ever you get board of life in the Armed forces.

Edited by big F

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