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I decided to start this topic when I was just taking a quick gander at a pic my favorite valk, the VF-2SS and I must confess, I really not fond of it's appearance in gerwalk mode, so this makes me wonder, do any of you guys really like the gerwalk modes of your favorite valks? I just a little anxious to know :rolleyes:


i have never liked the gerwalk myself, i will always keep mine in Fighter or Mech mode. i have never been fond of the design it always seemed like some halfway transformation that was accidently unintentional :p


I think it's a nice option to have.......god bless the HORY FROATING HEAD.


The GERWALK is the bomb. Although, in practice, it doesn't always work (VF-4, YF-21/VF-22).

My favorite is the VF-9. In fact, the sheer coolness of the VF-9 GERWALK in conjuction with it's awesome fighter mode and, admittedly, kinda OK battroid mode make it one of the best designs after the original VF-1. Never has a GERWALK looked so much like predator as it does with the raised cockpit of the VF-9.

  zeo-mare said:
i have never been fond of the design it always seemed like some halfway transformation that was accidently unintentional :p


IIRC, it was discovered accidently during VF-1 flight testing and was never supposed to be part of the original design.

Still, it serves a useful purpose for certain limited applications.

I've never been particulaly fond of GERWALK mode and seldom pose my toys that way. Still certain VFs such as the YF-19 and VF-0S do have a very nice looking GERWALK mode.


Posted (edited)

On the VF-1, I just love it!

For my 1/48 VF-1A, I usually keep it in fighter of gerwalk modes. Rarely as battroid. Guess I'm against the trend here :lol:

On others VF's... mmm... it dependes on the VF. My Yamato VF-21 rarely sees the gerwalk mode. It's a little tricky to get it to stand on its own. :angry:

I also sorta like the look of the gerwalk mode on the VF-19. Hate it on the VF-17 thou >_<

Edited by Garou Kuroryuu

Gerwalk is definitely a mode that takes getting used to and not all valks look good in it. It does make for a nice gunship deployment of a valk, making it useful while on planet but no so much in space.


I love the VF-1 without FAST packs in Gerwalk mode, and the VF-11 isn't too bad, but I'm not too fond of any of the others. I especially hate the 19 and 21/22 Gerwalk mode...simply awful I think.

But remeber guys, we've ALL gotta like the VB-6 Koenig Monster Gerwalk mode :lol:


The VF-1 is the only mecha that looks good in gerwalk mode.

Another benefit of gerwalk mode is that it makes the Toynami MPC look good.

I used to put G1 Optimus Prime and Megatron in gerwalk mode for fun :lol:


I like Gerwalk mode on the VF-1, about equally to Fighter and Battroid modes to be honest. The VF-11 Gerwalk is quite nice, but mine doesn't end up in that mode very often because I have issues getting it to balance on my shelves (a problem with the shelves, not the VF). Not keen on the Gerwalk modes of the other Mac 7 mecha to be honest, or the VF-22 - it just looks terribly unbalanced even in the line art.

The only thing I've got in Gerwalk mode at the moment is my Jetfire, which is totting spare 1/48 missiles under the wings, but I tend to rotate my collection through modes as the whim takes me.



Gerwalk Mode is almost the signature of Macross mecha, can't imagaine if the VF-1s are without it.


My second favorite mode to fighter; it's battroid that I couldn't care less for...


Gerwalk with FAST Packs is the way to go with the VF-1. I love it menacing looks, all weapons brought to bear!

Just took a look at the VF-9 Cutlass again, and my what a beauty. Maybe Yamato will surprise us again with a totally abostract selection from the macross line of mecha, just like they did with the VB-6.


Real world has planes, Gundam has standing mecha but ONLY Macross has Gerwalks. I don´t know why but the first time I saw a Gerwalk I instantly realized that a Jetfighter with legs and hands just looked right. As if I had just wanted to see exactly this weird thing for all my life. It was a VF-1 of course and the resemblance to (then) contemporary fighters just helped to make it convincing for me.

I can´t say that I dislike ANY VF in Gerwalk mode, it´s more the contrary, even if I´m not too convinced of a Fighter or Battroid mode of a certain VF, the Gerwalk kind of evens it out to a degree.

As for the VF-9, I like it in Fighter mode but not as a Battroid. Its Gerwalk looks the most interesting of all VFs but at the same time makes me scratch my head. It does look all too cool with the raised nose but I can´t stop imagining how it might just be about to pick some bird food from the ground.

The other strange thing is the VF-17 Gerwalk. Very cool design but its legs are always seen in a "bent back" position so it looks as if it was about to fall over. Don´t the lower legs have the ability to bend to the front? Can the toy really stand in this position? Maybe Graham can shed some light on this...


Quick note, yes, the VF-17 toy can easily stand in gerwalk mode.

As for the topic at hand, I love gerwalk mode in general. I can't think of any Valkyries I've seen that don't look good in that mode. Some are better than others, of course but can't really say I thought any of them looked bad.

  Radd said:
Quick note, yes, the VF-17 toy can easily stand in gerwalk mode.

As for the topic at hand, I love gerwalk mode in general. I can't think of any Valkyries I've seen that don't look good in that mode. Some are better than others, of course but can't really say I thought any of them looked bad.


I must say that the YF-21/VF-22 is the worst GERWALK mode to date.

Posted (edited)

I like the GERWALK for reasons of practicality. It allows vertical take off and landing and in the tv series hikaru uses it to great effect.

In macross zero shin 'parks' it in that mode and it looks like it would be much safer than to have it standing in battroid mode with pilot coming out of the head turret.

Another reason I like it has to do with the idea that it may be useful for manuevering in that mode by giving a bit more speed but staying low to the ground to take advantage of any cover.

When hikaru shoots his first alien with the gunpod in gerwalk mode, it just looks cool. A little bird versus an ostrich. :D

I alo think the gerwalk makes the valk seem more like a robot equivalent of a flying insect. Especially the alien looking vf22. It just looks like something out of this world which I like.

I have always loved the reverse leg mecha like the regult and glaug and monster. It give the robots a sense that they can use these powerful legs to absorb some of the fall if they were to ever do a boost assisted hop and in the case of the regult and glaug the legs look very powerful.

To be honest I think the gerwalk looks best if you have it in a dramtic pose such as having the arm holding the gunpod and pointing it to the side while the valk is moving forward (pilot can see to the left or right easily) or alternatively have it angled down while on a display stand.

We should all be grateful for gerwalk mode: it can save lives as shown in macross plus when dyson cushions guld's descent while holding his mech above. A valk isn't really able to land anywhere without a landing strip without this mode so I can see where it would be useful as an in-between mode if the fighter has to come in low to continue in an area not suited for fighting in fighter mode.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I've heard people called it the chicken legs. :lol:

Chicken Legs or Bird of Prey, I still think Gerwalk Rocks.

  Kamion said:
VF-1 Gerwalk mode is my favourite!! It's so cool. Looks like a bird of prey.


Posted (edited)
  kensei said:
I must say that the YF-21/VF-22 is the worst GERWALK mode to date.


Ah, we must agree to disagree. I like the YF-21/VF-22 gerwalk mode. I think it looks ominous.

Edited by Radd
  Radd said:
  kensei said:
I must say that the YF-21/VF-22 is the worst GERWALK mode to date.


Ah, we must agree to disagree. I like the YF-21/VF-22 gerwalk mode. I think it looks ominous.


It's ok. :lol:


The image of a gerwalk-mode VF rolling over and diving or skating along the ground is, for me, an integral part of the Macross look and feel. Fighter mode will always be my favourite, 'cause I'm a military aircraft fan at heart, but I also love the look of the VF-1 and its direct "descendents" transformation-aesthetic-wise (VF-5000, VF-11, et al.) in gerwalk mode.

It's also the only mode a Toynami MPC VF-1 looks good in, IMHO... :lol:


When I think about it, not all of the fighters look so bad in gerwalk mode because IMHO, i think they look better if they didn't have their arms out when in gerwalk mode. As for me, I think tha t the VF-19 looks good in gerwalk mode, with or without it's arms. Can't explain what exactley is about that makes it look good in gerwalk.

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