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Wizard World Comic Convention '06

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Just came back from the Wizard World Comic Convention today, and despite moving to a larger venue (L.A. Convention Center instead of the one in Long Beach), the whole con looked very empty. Here are some pics:






Of course, what would a con be without special guests? Don't know if anyone here remembers them at all, though...





And then, I realized what was missing here...


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Who wasn't there? Tiffany something I can't read.

Seeing old sci-fi actors groveling to sell autographs is sometimes just so sad. Like the original Lois Lane there. I've seen them at shows before attracting zero interest and you feel almost bad enough to go up and buy something...almost.

As for the attendance, I think the internet (24 hr discussion and info), ebay(24hr borderless collectibles shopping), and video games (comic sales and fandom crashing) are killing cons.

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Who wasn't there?  Tiffany something I can't read.

Seeing old sci-fi actors groveling to sell autographs is sometimes just so sad.  Like the original Lois Lane there.  I've seen them at shows before attracting zero interest and you feel almost bad enough to go up and buy something...almost.

As for the attendance, I think the internet (24 hr discussion and info), ebay(24hr borderless collectibles shopping), and video games (comic sales and fandom crashing) are killing cons.


except SDCC... it's bigger every year. It's the only con I would think of going to.

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except SDCC... it's bigger every year.  It's the only con I would think of going to.


In many cases, it should be the only comic con in the West Coast. Wizard World just isn't going anywhere these days when it comes to attracting crowds.

Now for some news I gathered around most of the booths:

Manga Entertainment

Keith Burgess & Co. were promoting Karas. Other than that, one side of the booth had a DJ mixing machine, and they were giving away DVDs to anyone who danced for 30 seconds. I won a Macross Plus boxed set. :lol:


Just an announcement that they're releasing Desert Punk (Sunabozu) this Summer, and that they'll have a private screening of Negima.

Top Cow Productions

They showed a trailer for the Witchblade anime. Don't know who's actually releasing it domestically, though.


TNA's Jeff Jarrett and Jackie Gayda were on hand to sign autographs. Samoa Joe is supposed to show up today. Unfortunately, I'm at work. :angry: SpikeTV also gave away promo materials for the upcoming Blade TV series.


The booth displayed new and upcoming toys for Superman Returns, Naruto, Cars and Yu-Gi-Oh.


The whole con was boring, so I spent most of the time playing GT4 and trying out Sony's bike racing game Tourist Trophy. It's basically GT4, only with race bikes, so the game physics are completely different.

Other Booths

The booth with Margot Kidder and Jack O'Halloran was selling tons of Superman and DC Comics merchandise, as well as bootlegs of the "lost" director's cut of Superman II. Didn't have $20 on me, though. So if anyone here has seen this version, fill us in on the details.

BTW, while Kidder was out on break, the guy in charge of that booth was talking with O'Halloran about how much of a b*tch she was when it came to flight and hotel arrangements.

Charisma Carpenter was also at the con to sign autographs. Didn't get a chance to take pics of her, though.

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yo areaseven, I was there Saturday too. It was my first con ever, so I had a pretty cool time. I didn't get a chance to scope out the con as much as I would have liked cuz after noon, I was on one line or another to get someone's autograph. Definately going to make an attempt to hit the SDCC later.

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