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  1. 1. Vehicle Voltron Popularity Poll

    • Yay, I might even take it with me for a drive some times.
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Now that the MPC Lion Voltron is here, I sense that the Vehicle Voltron is not far behind. People like the Lion Voltron for the beastiness of the lions, the shinyness of the legs, etc. I like the Vehicle Voltron because of the cars and planes, etc. Seeing the little ship stacked together to form the might robot ["loved by goods, feared by evils"] was such an amazing sight while in junior high. How many of you would like Toynami or WEP, or whoever has the right, to make the Vehicle Voltron to have its beasty bro stand next to it?

(* Outa way you Mazda devil! *)


Honestly, I perfered the Vehicle Voltron series as a child compared too Lion Voltron, it was more space orientated, which was what I liked as a child.


I definitely like Vehicle Voltron more than the Lion one. I watched some outtakes where they'd lose a foot or head and had to form anyways. Funny stuff.


Vehicle Voltron was my favorite. I saw it in Chinese before Lion Voltron.

Dairugger was more science fiction. Having them aboard a space carrier type ship in the vastness of dangerous space was so mysterious and cool. It was like Macross for kids.


I've been waiting for a Dairugger for years. But I would much prefer Bandai made a SOC rather than Toynami doing one.


Not too mention to today's standards, Lion Voltron is VERY power ranger resque with the colored flight suits and "OMG! ZAP!" fights.


Vehicle all the way. Fifteen vehicles to form a big robot is just cool (and they even combine to do the air, water and earth transports). Plus having all those crew members running aroung was nice.

I kinda remember it being more dark than Lion Voltron (although I read that they censored a lot of the deaths in Lion V.). Overall it was more Sci-fi (no princess and castles), wich I liked a lot as a kid.


Vehicle Voltron, without a doubt. First, the sories were sci-fi based and very dark. Second, it featured a multi-racial cast from different planets. Lastly, VV was just a"kick ass" kind of robot similar to Mazinger Z. :lol:


Normally I'd run with the Vehicle Voltron/sci-fi theme, but this time I'll have to go with the Lions. V3 had a bit of sci-fi and fantasy thrown in, as this time you had space pilots who had to go to some distant planet, behind enemy lines, to find some uber-powerful robot that may or may not exist. Add in the castle and other medieval-esque themes on a beautiful planet, combined with some hot, virginial princess who's just waiting for the right group of guys to come along and save her royal ass and you've got a unique sense of adventure that just doesn't exist in V1's story line...


Well myk, you have Lisa in V1. Lisa is shapely. With the right make up and adornment, I bet she will give Princess Alura a run for her money. Lisa can also sing, which reminds me of Sara Nome, if the idea is not too far fetched.

For t. lone wolf, multi-racial crew was not a turn-on for me during the time either. But it was not a turn-off. Now that we grow older and learn more, diversity is important. Anyway, I really don't care much about the crew except the little cars, planes, submarines, and tank that are ingeniously designed to fit together to form a robot with a head that resemble that of a samurai.


When I was a kid they would show Lion Voltron for a while then I would get sick of it, then Vehicle Voltron for a while and I would get sick of it. Now I love them both equally. I hope they finally get released to DVD soon.

As far as the VV toy. It is amazing. I remember when I was a kid Toy Chest went out of business, and my mom took me to get some cheap toys. I found and wanted the vehicle voltron sets but she said no. i was sad and always wanted this Voltron. flash forward several years to 2005. My wife bought me a Vehicle Voltron on ebay and it is one of my favorite toys. Believe it or not it is actually pretty sturdy.

  MrDisco said:
anyone have pics of the car voltron toys (or even that 3rd voltron which I barely ever saw).


"Voltron, transform and roll out, literally"



  DeathHammer said:
As a toy, how sturdy was the original? I would think 15 separate vehicles would make the entire setup more fragile. Plus curious how they distribute the weight of it so it can stand unaided.


It stands fairly well.

The clips holding the legs together should've been something besides plastic. They broke fairly easily, and once they did it lost playability because the legs fell off when you moved it.


I'm hoping Bandai will eventually give Lionbot and Dairugger a SOC facelift.

I actually sold my Vehicle Voltron a few months ago.

  Extra Large Mumma said:
Where did you get your Vehicle Voltron DVDs, Cyclone?  I'm looking to get ones too.


Well, if you can view PAL discs and have a multi-region DVD player, Madman Entertainment in Australia has released both Lion and Vehicle Voltron on DVD in three disc volumes, five for Lion and three for Vehicle.

http://www.madman.com.au/ (official site)

http://www.ezydvd.com.au/ (easiest Australia online DVD store for you to deal with or so I've been told)


  Extra Large Mumma said:
Congratulations on having such a nice, `huge' if I may add,  collection, twoducks.


Sorry, those aren't mine. Only googled them up. Only Vehicle Voltron I had was a bootleg of the gummy looking one :(


Cyclone, thanks a bunch for the links. I have a Toshiba DVD player. Not sure it if can play PAL format. I bookmark both links for the future. Do you think a computer DVD player with Cyberlink PowerDVD is up for it? I have not installed the Cyberlink PowerDVD software that came with my DVD burner yet.

Hey Twoducks, at least you've found a museum pic to share with us. :)


My friends and I found vehicle Voltron boring compared to Lion Voltron when we were kids. For me if I wanted transforming vehicles, the Transformers were better. But I'm glad I was able to buy the knock-off Vehicle Voltron at Toys R Us a few years ago when they were selling it as a generic robot toy. I think I got it for around $15-$20 and it's pretty big.

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