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Rising Force Online


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I've heard of the game, just bits and pieces and that you can pilot mecha and its online.........friend of mine recently purchased it and he said it isn't bad at all, says some of the mecha remind him of Tekkaman.

However I've heard conflicting reports the game is pretty bad. Yet I really don't seem to see that in these screen caps or movies......

So from others point of view, before I got spending 50 bucks, I was wondering what others who play the game if here being MWer's think of it....that way I can decide if this is actually worth the money or not.

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It's ok..., it's pretty much like L2 or CoH/CoV.

No PvP, instead you have RvRvR (Race vs Race vs Race)... and the battlefield can get prettty ugly with lots of summons, nukes (area of large damage type wepon), and robot armor dealing damage.

There are 3 races of course.

Accretian - the obligatory ork type characters... just mechnical in nature, special type weapons, Big Guns for Big Bang.

Cora - you guessed it... the elf's... just a wee bit more technological, only race that summons.

Bellato - Human race (almost dwarvish, looks like a bunch of 11 year old kids kicking ass, especially during the Beta against the Accs and Coras... Bellato owned Spirit server), and pilots giant robots (need to be lvl 30).

You have a standard interface for hot keys (F1-F10) plus an additional 4 other alt Function key.

Point, click, kill, quest for the items and level.

However, there is a lot of serious steal killing in the game.

Is it worth the $50.00, probably not if you have played L2 or CoH/CoV.

Right now, there are players trying to get to the magical number of 25+ to join the 3 way race war to own the mine, and get that special weapon/skill.

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I was trying to get into the Open Beta, but they never threw me that bone, so I'm not involved... But from what research I did I'm not too sure it'll fly well.

First, it's like the whole game revolve around group/ race PvP, with some mining and PvE on the side. I'm not sure that would hold my interest for long, especially since the play area seems to be rather small (you're always fighting over some darn mine...).

Other than that strictly meh material for me. Without the chance to look at in in Open Beta, I won't put down money for it. Not to mention I don't quite like the space-fantasy aspect of it.. strictly speaking I'm interested only in Accretians or the Mechdrivers (forgot what they were called), but they really only have two styles and that's really restrictive.

I play L2 (note the present tense), and that's another massive PvP game (and I don't even like to PvP). And it's a massive grind fest. But at least, L2 has a huge area for you to explore and hundreds of nooks and crannies for you to look at (and the graphics are gorgeous). Even as rigid and structured L2 is, I think it's still better in terms of options than RFO -- in L2, you can opt not to fight in castle siege and STILL have things to do (even in the Open Beta). In RFO, if you don't mine/ fight for mine control, it seems that you have nothing much to do.

EDIT: Personally, what I hope to see one day in a MMORPG (and it has to be graphically awesome! :) ) is a hard sci-fi game. Either a Btech-style mechanized MMO (or even Power Dolls style mecha) or a fleet-based -- massive fleets! -- space MMORPG. Something like Leviathans, but only with hundreds of RL ship captains participating in massive battles to control entire star systems and galatical economy.

Edited by Lynx7725
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