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Posted (edited)

well...i just bought the set....i put in for 2 day shipping and it was still something like $13...this is just wow...just wow... :blink:

Edited by Dat Pinche Haro!

Just noticed that my order went from shipping in 2-3 days to 3-5 weeks. Not that I really care as long as I get them. The price is too good.


wow that is a hell of a price. :ph34r:


  Gaijin said:
Just noticed that my order went from shipping in 2-3 days to 3-5 weeks.  Not that I really care as long as I get them.  The price is too good.


Yeah,, I just notice the shipping wait too, so choosing the normal free shipping will be the better deal. for those that pick the 2-3 days shipping you can still change your order. I ordered the same set from Amazon just about a month ago, and it took them over 10 days just to start the shipping process. But the set was well worth the $40 I paid for. the video quality on the first couple of eps was amazingly sharper and clearer then their Perfect Collection set ( which I also have). There's also uncut eps and all in 6 thin dvd casing.

This is a super price. But I'm not sure if Amazon will honor it. But for a price like this, there's nothing to lose. As long as you don't order like large numbers of 20 or more.

If they choose to honor some then you know it'll be the ones that order 1 or 2. So as a tip don't order too much and don't call or email to ask about this set.

Best of luck to everyone


I don't think this is a blow out sale, its showing the list price as $9.98. Someone screwed up, or there is a glitch in the system.


i figured it was a error because of the list price of $9.99, i wonder how many more errors there are like this on their site? we should take another look at their dvds and stuff, there may be some more hidden goodies on there site that we have yet to notice.



we should take a good look through there list and see if we find anything and post it here.


Posted (edited)

I don't want to ruin your excitment, but this happened around boxing day as well. Several items were priced for dirt cheap only to be price adjusted a day or two later. Amazon did not allow the cheap sales that had been made to stand, but they did allow cancellation without any problem.

It's a good deal and I hope all goes well, but my guess is Amazon will not honor the sales.

Edited by Mr March

do not know if this is a deal Metal Gear Solid 3 for about $10.00? i do not have a PS2 so i do not know the prices of their games


  Mr March said:
I don't want to ruin your excitment, but this happened around boxing day as well.  Several items were priced for dirt cheap only to be price adjusted a day or two later.  Amazon did not allow the cheap sales that had been made to stand, but they did allow cancellation without any problem.

It's a good deal and I hope all goes well, but my guess is Amazon will not honor the sales.


I kind of expected as much, but it doesn't hurt to try.


the rhaxephon (sp?) box set is similarly priced. I hope they honor these prices... though, this is low enough that I would call to complain if they tried to change it.

Posted (edited)

Amazon hit by pricing error

Customers who thought they'd secured a TV for a bargain price have been left disappointed, after Amazon pulled the mispriced offer

From this past October. Funny thing is, if Amazon were a real, physical store, they'd have to honor it.

Edited by Duke Togo
Posted (edited)

it looks like the Eva set is no longer for sale :( . so i think we are out of luck, by the way where is this rhaxephon set? i found none that were priced way off. does anyone have a link


Edited by zeo-mare

My friend just told me he has got stuff from amazon a few times for too cheap price, so it still may happen sometimes, but I wouldn't be too optimistic.

  Zentrandude said:
hmm 56 now. you guys cancelled your orders seeing they will not charge you the price set on the screen when you first saw it?


$56.00...it looks like those are from independent sellers on the side that have it new and used. it does not seem like Amazon is accepting any more orders. i did not cancel my order but i do not know if amazon will.


  zeo-mare said:
do not know if this is a deal Metal Gear Solid 3 for about $10.00? i do not have a PS2 so i do not know the prices of their games



They have an accurate list price(if somewhat dated, it goes for about 30 now, I think)).

I'd say that one's a legitimate sale. Probably to clear the shelves for the updated MGS3: Subsistence.


yea i figured it was not a error but i though it seemed like a really good price for it so i posted it for anyone who might be intersted in it.



just got there email all i can say is YOU SUCK AMAZON.COM all well..... easy come easy go i guess..... <_<

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