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Well I bit the bullet and in turn paid about $130 CDN for VP on Ebay. I'm actually very glad I got the original, simply because there are CERTAIN things which just are too damn good that it's actually worth it.

I know $130 WTF!?!?!?! But I mean, it's not going to get any cheaper right?

Plus I'm terrible at technology. A mod chip is $140 with labour, and I can already see the arguements that it pays off with future games, however, I personally like getting original games, rather than bootlegs. However, the same thing can't really be said for all me current anime. :lol::lol::lol:

Freya, a character in the game, will help guide you in the first dungeon and teach you battle basics.

Once VP2 comes out, I can boldy show them side by side!

Edited by Spatula
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Good to know i can just go ahead and start. I know there are FAQa/walkthroughs out there, but don't want to dare...and see and spoilers.

Chips are going for $140!?!? For PS2, right? Modded my PSX back in '98 for under $20. And people balk at me when I say that I still have it....heh.

Which is more important, your wife or a tri-Ace game?  :p


Ohhhh, no. Not brave enough to answer that out loud. :lol:
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The manual won't help at all in maximizing your attacks. I don't know of any other RPG with so great a difference between doing "ok" and doing "great". 1000 damage vs 100,000 sometimes it seems. Just play, and see how comboing/timing works. Above all else, experiment with a character's attack order---not who goes when, but what sequence the character actually does his/her moves. (it's a little-used but critical option in the menus) Aelia does like 3x better when you change it from the default. (She's my fave character after Lenneth)

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The manual won't help at all in maximizing your attacks.  I don't know of any other RPG with so great a difference between doing "ok" and doing "great".  1000 damage vs 100,000 sometimes it seems.  Just play, and see how comboing/timing works.  Above all else, experiment with a character's attack order---not who goes when, but what sequence the character actually does his/her moves. (it's a little-used but critical option in the menus)  Aelia does like 3x better when you change it from the default.  (She's my fave character after Lenneth)


Second everything. Including the bit about Aelia(I actually liker her more than Lenneth, but you don't have an option there).

And when picking attack orders, consider the entire party. Some combos look good as a standalone, but don't mesh with what everyone else is doing. And some dismal-looking ones work great when fused with the rest of the party's actions.

If you order things properly and time your hits right, you can almost make the enemies bleed XP gems. :)

Or CP gems. Not as pretty as XP gems, but a few of these go a long way towards keeping the mayhem levels peaked if your fights take more than a few turns. And until you get mental reaction, mages NEED these to do anything but idly spin their staff around.

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With the CP gems, strangely enough I've seen enough battles where I got a whole slew of these, say like 5-6, and I see them float up RIGHT ABOVE the guys heads. I'm thinking now...okay, so am I rewarded with these things? I mean, most of my guys are busy running around hitting the enemy and I'm hoping that these CP are collected and just don't disappering into the abyss of the time-space continuum.

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With the CP gems, strangely enough I've seen enough battles where I got a whole slew of these, say like 5-6, and I see them float up RIGHT ABOVE the guys heads.  I'm thinking now...okay, so am I rewarded with these things?  I mean, most of my guys are busy running around hitting the enemy and I'm hoping that these CP are collected and just don't disappering into the abyss of the time-space continuum.


CP gems don't have any long-term effects. When they disappear, they remove one point from the collector's charge gauge at the bottom.

But the game's handling of them is such that they're distributed randomly among ALL characters. If someone has an empty CP gauge, they can still collect the gems.

When you get a half-dozen and your 8-CP mage doesn't get any because a chargeless fighter took 3, it's... frustrating.

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Oh I see, I thought if you collect 40 some of them for any one character, it would make their CT permanently reduced by 1 or something. Also, it seems Valkyrie can do 2 attacks now, either she can shoot two rounds of three arrows, or she can double cut with her sword, do a slide dash, and attack from the other side. I wonder if I could do this with her at very low levels, like at the 1st dungeon.

Also, starting a game on hard, how could it be "better" according to one gamefaq that your Einherjar all start at level one? I know this might be part of the increase in difficulty, but your team pretty much has to advance onto the more harder dungeons say in Chapter 5, while your guys, besides Valk are at level 1. I guess you could put Arngrim and another high level and the newb to tag along. Meh, I guess I'll have to play to find out.

So basically the nice XP gems are the ones to get since they carry on for experience at the end. Oh I see...

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Oh I see, I thought if you collect 40 some of them for any one character, it would make their CT permanently reduced by 1 or something. 

There's no way to permanently alter the CP gauge in any way.

Also, it seems Valkyrie can do 2 attacks now, either she can shoot two rounds of three arrows, or she can double cut with her sword, do a slide dash, and attack from the other side.  I wonder if I could do this with her at very low levels, like at the 1st dungeon.

It's all based on what weapon you're using.

Also, starting a game on hard, how could it be "better" according to one gamefaq that your Einherjar all start at level one?  I know this might be part of the increase in difficulty, but your team pretty much has to advance onto the more harder dungeons say in Chapter 5, while your guys, besides Valk are at level 1. 

The XP orb is your friend.

I suspec tthe "better" is because it lets you allocate all the capacity points they would gain through level ups(be careful, it's REALLY easy to run that up to 999 while doling out XP orb points).


How dare they have 2 diffrent and unrelated CPs? Charge points and capacity points makes it easy to get confused when using acronyms.

So basically the nice XP gems are the ones to get since they carry on for experience at the end.  Oh I see...

Like I said, CP gems are good too. But only in some situations, while XP gems are ALWAYS good.


Item drops are also governed by the XP gem rules. So every time you're knocking XP gems out, you've got a chance of getting an item instead of an XP gem. Taht's always good too.

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Yup, experience orb is everything.  ESPECIALLY combined with the Emerald Necklace.  Put the emerald necklace on someone, give them JUST enough points from the orb to level up, swap who has the necklace, repeat.


Nice that's what I've been doing lately. Especially when I know I have 7000 next for one guy, I fight a dragon (easy peasy with the dragon slayer) and get 6000 exp. I then make the dude wear the necklace and use the 1000 from the party menu! WOOT! Extra 100 some CP right there! I usually max out these skills with top priority:

TOP: Counter

1. First Aid

2. Guts

3. Use Item

4. Survival

5. Attack

7. Fight

8. Whatever else...traits and stuff

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Also, how good are these bracelets of zoe?  I transmuted I think a golden egg or something.  Also, I try to keep a decent supply of spells ready for new mages to learn, especially sap guard/attack.  Meh, you just already said it.


Teh bracelets are good. The 300HP bonus may not seem like much, but it adds up after a few levels. Especially for hard mode, where you can get it from level 1. :)

I just passed one around and slapped it on whoever was closest to level up, though. Don't need to keep a lot of 'em.

The emerald necklace is good too. 100 extra CP at levelup.

Basically, every time someone approaches level up, you should slap both of those on 'em.

Though you have to be careful when draining the XP orb for a new character. It's VERY easy to max their CP with an emerald necklace. Won't kill you or anything, but it slows skill growth down a bit.

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According to Magic Box, VP Lenneth and VP Silmeria have been registered as trademarks by SQ-Enix in the US.  That's basically confirmation of US releases.


Not a guarantee, though.

*grumbles about Parasite Eve Rebirth and Chrono Break*

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