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  Limbo said:
Once thing that bugged me was Pyro’s powers... on X2 he CLEARLY states to Magneto that he cannot generate, but only control fire... that's why he carries that Zippo lighter of his. Now on X3 he generates fire at will from his hands at will... WTF?


I think he had a mini flame thrower/lighter attachment on his gloves.

Posted (edited)

Nah, he had no gloves. On the church scene he makes flames on his hand to back off the spiked asian kid.

Edited by Limbo
  Limbo said:
Nah, he had no gloves. On the church scene he makes flames on his hand to back off the spiked asian kid.


When he's fighting iceman, you can clearly see he has a lighter of some sort attached to the underside of his writst.

When he's fighting iceman, you can clearly see he has a lighter of some sort attached to the underside of his writst.


Yeah, I just verified that on the 7 minute preview...

mea culpa.

  Limbo said:
Nah, he had no gloves. On the church scene he makes flames on his hand to back off the spiked asian kid.


When he's fighting iceman, you can clearly see he has a lighter of some sort attached to the underside of his writst.


Well Pyro can't make fire; he can only manipulate it. That's the reason he had the lighter.


Heh, Iceman should have frozen Pyro's twig and berries.

I guess stuff like that would make me be not a good guy in most stories huh. :p Actually if I were Iceman I would have killed Pyro while he was down, but since Iceman is a good guy he didn't.

Being a good guy sucks.


i can't beleive pyro and icemans big fight was over the whim of a crazy magneto (not personal) and that it involved a childish "who's beam is stronger" fight. LAME

Logan vs scott never happend

magneto vs prof x/jean/anyone

there was very very llittle power vs power fighting.

i liked x2 where everyone had a function, knew it, and instantly stepped up to do their thing.

Magnetos final powermove in this film was to throw cars at people (poorly) ITS LAME.

why is beast, a diplomat able to do kungfoo. in the comic he was part of xmen it made sense.

imho the only cool action sequence in the movie was magneto vs the caravan, but then his betrayal of mystique was totally out of character, if nothing else magneto could have seen the use of a martyr for his cause.

she and the gun were a way to rally the WOLRD of mutants, instead magneto ditchs mystique and lets jean destroy the gun.


where magnetos army is wiped out by the humans almost instantly while magneto simply makes a bridge for the human reinforcements to use to get to alcatraz.

so little of this movie makes sense, it's an insult to people who like xmen, its an insult to movie goers in general!


Yeh, Pyro's lighter is tucked underneath his sleeve on his glove. It's hard to see, but it's there.



Wow, to read people's comments about this latest movie and certain key scenes/characters, it certainly seems that an awful lot of creative liberty was taken with the franchise in general?

Which begs the rhetorical question: If you're going to take already established characters and basically change everything about them; their personalities, key events in their lives, what happens to them in relation to the "big picture" of the story, the story itself--why don't you just change the title to something else besides "X-Men"?

If you're going to make such drastic changes to all the key characters and elements---CALL IT SOMETHING ELSE. It would seem that it's no longer the franchise that everyone is familiar with and/or expecting to see.


Oh man, imagine if they were wearing metal helmets and Magneto crushes the helmets on their skulls. Ouch.

I loved the caravan sequence. Crunch, toss, next. :D

  azrael said:
The problem with writting a series of movies is you have to hope that the 1st 2 have to do good in order for the 3rd to happen. And for the 2nd movie to happen, you have to hope the 1st movie does good enough. X-men was a gamble. And it looks like it paid off. But what if it didn't?


That's a fair point, but because HW takes these types of chances on nearly every movie it's a little mote. And if it didn't 'pay-off' they would write it off like every other failure

It probably won't have cost them 1.5 million for a trilogy length script given how many fanboy's were attaracted to the project and the amount of back history resources. Throw in the fact that they knew that action movies involving 'super powers' made money, remember this is post Matrix stuff, and already had 10-40% of their wanted audience already established.

It's pretty much the typically lack of vision that HW has become known for these last few years. But that's mass media for you!


when that one guys said "send in the tanks" i was thinking YES YES YES, but then that guy said "magneto would destroy them" and i'm thinking DO IT ANYWAY SEND THEM IN.

i wanted to see war. not a half ass needle gun fight.

and i agree with who ever said it, the less lethal mutants should have had conventional weapons.

rogue could have subdued magnetos powers long enough for other xmen to get into the fight only to have his powers come back or something and the fight could have good turn arounds.

the whole mess just ended up in a generic brawl


For what it's worth I thought the whole final fight between the Brotherhood and the Army/Xmen was decent enough.

When you figure in the following things the fact that it was for lack of a better term "a generic brawl" it makes sense:

- Magneto had sort of planned on the Army having conventional weapons, hence his line "Humans and their guns, they never learn". When it turned out they had cure weapons I imagine a part of Magneto's plan went into the toilet and he had to improvise.

- For the most part the Brotherhood is a gaggle of regular sub class 3 mutants who have no formal training or experience... They are pretty much a rabble and Magneto uses them as such (pawns as he says it). Giving them practical weapons would not have helped matters much. You can hand an untrained person a rifle and they are usually no more deadly than they where with an axehandle in their hands.

- When the Xmen show up, they show up completely unprepared. Wolverine is really the only one with any real fight experience and he pipes up and lays down the "no one crosses this line" tactic. At that point the thing devolves into a frenzy with both sides fighting man to man with no real attack plan.

- I can fully accept certain people like Magneto and Storm not using their "full force powers" since the island was crawling with friendlies as well as hostiles. If Magneto where to just start throwing shrapnel around like confetti he'd kill his own people. And if Storm where to call down a few tornadoes she'd blow away her own teammates and the Army guys as well. The actual battleground they fight in is very compact and large scale displays of power would have wiped out both sides. While it seems Magneto was just fine with his "pawns" being eliminated in combat, I don't think he'd deliberately kill them himself.

In a nutshell that final battle on Alcatraz was one big soccer riot. Magneto went into it with a plan, which may or may not have went into the toilet when he realized the Army had cure weapons instead of conventional arms. The Xmen come screaming in after seeing it on the news and pretty much arrive with no tactical plan other than to "stop the Brotherhood" and "protect Leach". In real life combat encounters when neither side has a decent plan the engagement degrades into a mess quickly... and for what it's worth I thought they did a pretty good job of conveying that on screen.


Given the wide array of mutant powers and available technology, I guess there are a zillion plot holes in such movies.

BTW, wouldn't a pure lead sniper bullet (does Magneto's power work on non-ferrous metals?) or other material fired fom a mile out KO Magneto?

Wolvie standing in front drawing the line was just asking for Magneto to rip his claws out and send them zipping around to kill everyone else.

How come the Golden Gate bridge was still standing relatively straight after Magneto lost his powers? We can see that it's supports were ripped out and it was just the span supporting its own weight.

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:

How come the Golden Gate bridge was still standing relatively straight after Magneto lost his powers? We can see that it's supports were ripped out and it was just the span supporting its own weight.


I still want an explination as to why magneto layed it down the way he did. All his mutants were with him, he could control the bridge. Why did he make it so easy for the humans reinforcments to get to alcatraz?

If it wern't for that they'd have had to use ferrys and small boats, and would have been a snap to deal with.


Well what is Magneto's military background? Was he well verse in modern tactics?

Sure he plays chess and is resourcefull but he was pretty much shown in the movies as terrorist not a military leader.


I have no military background, and I thought Magneto's "tactics" in the new movie were pretty terrible. "Yes, the pawns go first. HaHA! Look how evil I am, sending my own kind to the slaughter with nary a reason!" Of course, that still didn't top Professor X.

Wolverine, "What!? You've been basically keeping her under mind control all this time? How can you do something that goes against everything the first two movies established that you stand for?"

Prof. Xavier, "I'm Professor X, B**CH! I do what I want! WOOOOOOO!"

Later, after Jean wakes up entirely on her own and attacks Wolverine, Professor X stumbles in drunk, "Wolverine! What have you done!"

Wolverine, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be psychic, or at least somewhat intelligent? I did jack squat!"

Prof. Xavier, "B**CH! Don't be dissing Professor X! I'll **** you up!"


as far as im concerned the bridge was a waste of power when he could just gotten an assload of metal folding chairs and flew everyone over :lol:


That would be awesome! In fact if I ever get Magneto powers, I'll make sure to fly everywhere in a flimsy folding chair! The kind I used to get hurt in as a kid because I'd play around with it and get caught in it when I break it. :lol:


HAHA i'd line everyone up in rows like a jet liner, then INSIST everyone make jet noises while we fly around otherwise they go for a swim.


p.s. also anyone wearing a helmit, uniform, and cape is automaticly a military general, so he had to have put the bridge like that for a reason, though what that reason was is a mystery to this day.

Posted (edited)

My question was why was he still wearing his anti-Xavier-mind-zap helmet. Xavier was gone, and Magento knew it. (And he should also know it'd offer NO protection against Jean if she wanted to fry his mind)

As for metal: with the "ever expanding" clause of most super-hero powers, Magneto can affect pretty much any metal, since his power is technically control of a decent chunk of the electro-magnetic spectrum, not just SHEER magnetism. This allows lots of new variations in powers, etc. So he could probably affect lead, just not as easily as iron-based stuff. Probably couldn't morph it like he does iron, but certainly enough control to stop it and move it around. Most any metal is conductive, and with relationship between magnetism, conductive metals, and electricity he should be able to affect most anything he (or the writers) felt like. :)

Edited by David Hingtgen

He're another issue. If Magneto can lift an entire metal bridge why didn't he just drop the whole friggin thing on the island?


See thats the problem isnt it? Why didnt the movie make sense is some spots?

You're right why not just kill everybody by dropping the bridge on them. Heck Why didn't Jean Grey just kill everybody from the start. who was gonna stop her? Why why why?

Posted (edited)

I just saw this flick the other night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, it coulda been better. There were some compositing problems, some of the scale wasn't great and there wasn't enough character development. But for Brett Ratner taking over from Bryan Singer it coulda been a helluva lot worse. Unfortunately, it would been better if went out with a huge bang if they would have got a great replacement director like Ridley Scott or someone that carries a great resume.

Edited by Skullsixx

you know what this movie reminded me of...

it was alot llike seeing the battles in "dragonheart" only a few weeks after seeing "braveheart"


If you've seen Gladiator, Alexander, The Patriot.......Robin Hood, or any one of those types of movies then you've seen all that there is to see in Braveheart...


just saw this movie tonight...HORRIBLE!

angle was a complete dildo, and they killed off way too many main characters with no real build-up or drama...just "there he is...now he's dead"

something about the way everyone flew or hovered was off too...like the wires were set up wrong, so they hung at odd angles.

beast though, was rad

Guest Bromgrev

If we're going with the whole 'questioning the basis of the film' thing, I have to ask: What the hell is wrong with Xavier? Magneto makes a lot more sense to me, and I'm not even a mutie (although I used to live in Milton Keynes). :ph34r:

If you've never read 2000AD, you won't get that last bit, so go out now and buy a copy.


Probably nothing. I guess. Sicne the cure did come from him. It's a bit like asking what would happen if Rogue touched herself. Skin to skin contact.

Anyway Since bullets are made out of lead and Magneto did manage to control one in the first movie at the train station scene I think he should be ok.

  ShadowerV2 said:
Probably nothing. I guess. Sicne the cure did come from him. It's a bit like asking what would happen if Rogue touched herself. Skin to skin contact.

Anyway Since bullets are made out of lead and Magneto did manage to control one in the first movie at the train station scene I think he should be ok.


On that subject, since we know that the cure is only temporary. Wouldn't Iceman be in for a shock halfway thru, ehmm, you know what with Rogue?

Can't remember that Magneto bullet scene. But most bullets are metal jackets over lead cores.

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