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I may be off my nut on this but didn't they indirectly "show" Beast in one of the previous X movies? I could have sworn I saw someone called "Dr. McCoy" on a TV screen somewhere in the mix and he looked like a thin, glasses wearing Egon-esque (Harold Ramis) sort of guy. Am I just imagining things again?

  JsARCLIGHT said:
I may be off my nut on this but didn't they indirectly "show" Beast in one of the previous X movies? I could have sworn I saw someone called "Dr. McCoy" on a TV screen somewhere in the mix and he looked like a thin, glasses wearing Egon-esque (Harold Ramis) sort of guy. Am I just imagining things again?


You are correct sir.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
I may be off my nut on this but didn't they indirectly "show" Beast in one of the previous X movies? I could have sworn I saw someone called "Dr. McCoy" on a TV screen somewhere in the mix and he looked like a thin, glasses wearing Egon-esque (Harold Ramis) sort of guy. Am I just imagining things again?


No, you're not - not sure which movie, but he does appear in a TV interview.


OK, so I'm not crazy...

But how do they get from Egon Spenglerish non-furry non-blue non-Beast regular looking guy on TV to a blue furry fatass beast shown in those press stills? Rogane gone bad and tons of hostess fruit pies? :huh:

Posted (edited)

There was a scene where Beast came out on TV for a few seconds. It certainly wasnt the blue hairy beast we see here. That could be attributed to what he did in the comics, an expirment gone bad which mutated him further. Not too worried about that.

Angel however (here comes the small handists) did seem a little shorter then I would have casted. Plus I would have tried to give him longer hair like he had in the comics.

I had read somewhere that they had looked into casting the guy who plays Sawyer in Lost to be Gambit. Too bad they arent gonna have Remy in this film though...

Teaser trailer will be seen for peeps going to see Kong <_< damn them, here is a summary of it that I got from superherohype.com

The trailer is a montage of scenes from the film. It starts out with a voice over by Patrick Stewart. As he talks about the war of mutants (as well as angels and demons), we see a bunch of very, very brief scenes. Here's what I remember (not necessarily in order):

- The X-Men walking down the hall in the basement of the X-Mansion. We see Wolverine, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, and others.

- An exterior shot of the X-Mansion

- Storm walking out of the Mansion doors and looking at a cloudy sky.

- Quick shot of Professor X in a wheelchair.

- A shot of Beast and the other X-Men at what appears to be a funeral.

- A shot of Angel, shirtless and in a lab, quickly unfolding his wings in from of some scientists.

- A quick shot of the President and his advisors.

- Juggernaut in a containment cell.

- A shot of Magneto in the woods flanked by Pyro, Juggernaut, and an Asian mutant among others. Magneto delivers a line and dozens of mutants raise their fists in the air.

- Cyclops screaming at the sky.

- Wolverine meeting Cyclops at Alkali Lake and his glasses flying off and into Wolverine's hand.

- Jean Grey waking up on an infirmary table.

- An X-Student walking through the halls of the Mansion flying paper airplanes with his powers.

- Storm flying through the air, then spinning and knocking people over.

- Storm flying and knocking Wolverine out of the way of debris falling down (in a Danger Room training sequence).

- A shot of Magneto causing a car to fly up into the cab of a truck.

- A shot of Magneto and other mutants walking along the Golden Gate Bridge. The Bridge then starts ripping and bending apart.

- A shot of Jean Grey casually walking towards a door in the infirmary and it violently blowing apart.

- A scene of Wolverine jumping out of a tree and tearing someone apart with his claws.

- A shot of Mystique jumping onto a desk in front of somebody, and her hands are chained together.

- Wolverine falling down in a corner in between two walls and as he's falling he's got his claws sticking out slowing his fall and there are sparks flying from his claws.

Edited by Zor Primus
  JsARCLIGHT said:
OK, so I'm not crazy...

But how do they get from Egon Spenglerish non-furry non-blue non-Beast regular looking guy on TV to a blue furry fatass beast shown in those press stills? Rogane gone bad and tons of hostess fruit pies?  :huh:


2 things

1. The Beast WAS in X-Men 2 as a cameo human looking a sort of easter egg for comic geeks

2 Well baiscly In the Comics The Bast was Born looking human but unllike most mutants who's powers show up at puberity when he was born he had unusually large hands and feet. he could walk on his hands for hours and tie knotxs with his toes. He was a founding member of the X-men.

Much laetr while working for Roxon Oil (Bad Guys) he treid to create a formula o cure mutations and tried it on him self. Which made him blue and furry.

Also to note the Jacket he is wearing in that Pic looks a lot like the Costumes designs from Grant Morrison's run of X-men (comics) 3-4 years ago


I wanna wait until I see more of Beast to make a judgement. I mean, that one picture doesn't really show you enough. I'm gonna say they deserve some credit for getting even that much out of Frasier.


Personally, I hope they skip the explanation for Beast's metamorphosis or at least keep it to minimal exposition. The problem I find with films like this is that they devote far too much time to origins instead of actual plot. I just want to see mutants beating the living hell out of each other, not a rehash of each of their traumatic backstories.

As for Gambit, I hope they keep him far far away from the films. Back when I was into comics, I found him to be nothing more than a smug, shallow overhyped waste of ink. Now with the space of years I can see his "fan-ish" appeal to kids. To me, he was like a Spiderman written by the shallowest fanboy who wanted nothing but awesome kickassitude without any of that "characterisation" b.s. to slow things down.


That pic of Beast doesn't do much. It's only a hand and face shot. I can't see the rest of his body. Kelsey Grammer is fairly tall and has some bulk...but I can't see anything with that picture.

I would like Angel to have a larger upper body given his body structure....He's suppose to have a bird-like body makeup (in human form). Hollow bones, more muscle to body fat, etc...When they draw his flight, it should really be bird-like and not like a airplane. Beast should move much like a gorilla if he runs. These 2 guys should move like animals given their abilities.


Hmmmm, the pics looks kinda odd, but i will wait for more pics to come out. I hope the movie will at least be decent, i love the first two, and even though i am an avid x-fan and could tear them apart, i won't. I think bryan singer did a good job with the franchise, i am very very scared of what brett ratner will do. I did like rush hour 1 and 2 for the cheap laughs and what not. Red Dragon not so much. Lets just hope he knows what he's doing. if he can put out a decent film then i will be happy. Hell just give me more shots of colossus and i will be happy


The makeup job for Beast looks good. The props for Angel look dead on. I'm surprised actually, since I'm pretty much expecting this third installment will fail miserably. Regardless, thanks for the pictures.


Beast looks pretty good. I imagine it would be incredibly difficult to get the Beast look just right.

I really hope the lack of Brian Singer doesn't kill this movie, as the first two films are fantastic (fingers crossed).


This pleases me greatly.

Kelsey Gramer as "The Beast"= wins (let CG handle the looks, "Frasier" definately knows how to banter like Hank McCoy would)

Halle Berry returning as "Storm"= wins (even if it was out of guilt for her co-stars that she returned. Still, I hope she gets a really small role just to spite her for being such an uppity little cockmaster bitch. She's not even that pretty)

Colossus returning= wins (ok, the role would've been perfect for a young Arnold Schwarznegger, but the guy they have doing it does a good job. Romance between him and Kitty would be cool to see, since they've been an item almost for the entire run of the two characters... with a few exceptions)

Angel= loses (not a matter of how they presented him, it just would've been much cooler if it had been Archangel instead. I guess they decided 4 blue mutants in one movie would be too much (Beast, Archangel, Nightcrawler, Mystique). I won't dock too many points for this though)

Possible "Dark Phoenix"= wins (finally, give the X-men something to REALLY angst-out about, having to battle one of their own.)

Overall, I'm very enthusiastic about this installment. The X-men series is something that has improved as it's advanced, so hopefully this one won't dissapoint. Furthermore, I'm not opposed to the idea of more sequels (although it sounds like X4 is a no no, "Wolverine" instead), as there is plenty of story they can use with plenty of fresh characters (Arcade, anyone? That could make for some good times)

  kensei said:
I thought Halle Berry decided to cop out of anymore X men movies?


Yeah I thought that was the case too! It's nice to have her back. Now give her a mohawk!

  Skull Leader said:
Angel= loses (not a matter of how they presented him, it just would've been much cooler if it had been Archangel instead. I guess they decided 4 blue mutants in one movie would be too much (Beast, Archangel, Nightcrawler, Mystique). I won't dock too many points for this though)


Nightcrawler doesn't look like he will be in this one.


I have seen the prototypes of the figures that are due out in spring, saw these a couple months back when they were leaked from a site overseas. Now they are not indicative of what may be the final product, but if they toys were any indication, some of them have costumes heavily influenced by the Ultimate Xmen book. Again the prototypes probably recieved massive revisions so who the hell knows, but ultimate x men to me is way better than that leather bullshit from the past 2 movies.


The make up looks good, but why do they look like they all just stepped out of the beauty Salon?

Professor X's Beauty School for Gifted Students?

Posted (edited)

Teaser's up!

Dark Phoenix looks to be heavy in this one, and she's on Magneto's side(?)

Angel....I really liked the way the wings looked in Constantine and wasn't too thrilled by the still pic, but I'll reserve judgement till I see em really move.

Beast, again still can't really tell, but the quick action shot made him look very animal-like.

I'm still trying to place the teaser music, I don't think a composer's been signed yet, but I hope Ottman comes back to develop his Jean themes

I'm actually thinking this could be a decent turn for Ratner.


ETA: Are the figure pictures still around Shin?

Edited by uminoken
  Ladic said:
red dragon was great....


Could have been better. He had an excellent cast but ended up making a watered down, cookie cutter, movie-of-the-week thriller while Hopkins & co. laughed all the way to the bank.

Definitely not even a 1/10 of the brilliance seen in Lambs or Hannibal.

Posted (edited)

Looks like they finally have a Danger Room sequence.

The Morlocks are the bad guys. Juggernaut looks kinda fake....The muscles look like a rubber suit, I mean, it really looks like a rubber suit. It doesn't look natural, at all.

BTW, found this looking for some info. Looks like their going for actual extras for Multiple Man...


The HD trailers are now on Apple's site.


Edited by azrael
Posted (edited)

Nightcrawler isn't in this film, but there are a ton of mutants from the comics that will be in the film. Much of the plot will center around recruitment of the Phoenix.

I really wish Marvel would get off their asses and try to get some of their properties on TV like DC. A x-men spinoff could be a hit on TV.

Edited by Golden Arms

they tried the tv thing with...i think X-man or

whatver, The movies have been good and they've

stayed fairly close to the comics, i never cared for

Rogue -paquin- being so young but oh well Pheonix

being playing a large role huh, sounds like

Dark Pheonix is coming.

  Macross73 said:
they tried the tv thing with...i think X-man or

whatver, The movies have been good and they've

stayed fairly close to the comics, i never cared for

Rogue -paquin-  being so young but oh well Pheonix

being playing a large role huh,  sounds like

Dark Pheonix is coming.


It was generation X, but they never really gave it a shot. They had a pilot and that was it. Buffy and Smallville have shown that with the right casting, a network that is willing to give the show a fair shot, and competent writing a show of the X-mens nature could work on TV, Hell I'd go after some of the cable networks instead of the big 3.

  mondamoto said:
The xman 3 web site also has the trailer up along with more cast photos including Callistro (who is she), Kitty Pride, and Beast plus more



Callisto is the head of the morelocks, a gang of misfit, malformed mutants.


IMO, Brett Ratner is a hack and couldn't direct his way out of a plastic bag.

The previous company I worked for supplied the blank guns and ammo for the HK part of Rush Hour, so I was on set quite a bit.

IMO the guy is an airhead and ranks alongside such talent as Uwe Boll and Paul Anderson.


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