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  UN_MARINE said:
...it wouldn't be much fun if, say, magneto just did a regular drive-by shooting wouldn't it ? :lol:

LOL :lol:

Guess its always easy to be a critic. :p


I dunno, this guy that's playing Supes is a scrawny little cuss ain't he? Has he got small hands too? :p Yeah, I know--the living in a solar system with only one yellow sun, yaddah yaddah yaddah. But still, this guy looks like: if things had gone differently; if Krypton hadn't exploded, and he'd lived out a "normal" life, he looks like he ought to have gotten his arse kicked every day in school.


Took me a couple hours last week. He ended up looking filipino LOL(which I am).

Anyways, felt an itch to whip out some cell shading.

So...no reference, drawn in pencil, then inked, then colored in PS7.

Took I think 3-4 hours...maybe less I forget.

*BTW mods I didn't know where else to put this*


  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
*BTW mods I didn't know where else to put this*


not here... seriously, which part of Macross only topics don't you guys get? :p

Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
*BTW mods I didn't know where else to put this*


not here... seriously, which part of Macross only topics don't you guys get? :p


You do know we can merge topics too, right?

Edited by azrael
  azrael said:
  >EXO< said:
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
*BTW mods I didn't know where else to put this*


not here... seriously, which part of Macross only topics don't you guys get? :p


You do know we can merge topics too, right?


yes... I just figured that it would have died on it's own. :rolleyes:


I think you missed a very important point. The entire crystalline structure was infuesd with kryptonite. Thats why he was affected when he was on the island with Luthor and his goons. Once he removed the island from the earth he should've been affected, period, End of discussion. Not to mention the Kryptonite that was still lodged in his back. Unless he was wearing a lead suit which they could've done if the writers were thinking. This was too a huge suspension of disbelief to accept esp consdering the fact that in the previous scene he couldn't fend off Luthor and his 125 pound goon.

I thought the movie as okay (a C+). Lois came off as a Jilted lover, Lex was a cartoon villian of the week. I never cared for Gene Hackmans Luthor and I think Spacey was merely a darker version of Hackmans portrayal. I think the story was flat, I didn't feel for any of the characters, and I think the largest blunder was that they never fully addressed the question why the world needed superman. The movie never showed that his presence inspired people to achieve more than what was already within their reach. I hope Singer doesn't make a sequel because I think he screwed up with this film.

  Golden Arms said:
I think you missed a very important point.  The entire crystalline structure was infuesd with kryptonite.  Thats why he was affected when he was on the island with Luthor and his goons.  Once he removed the island from the earth he should've been affected, period,  End of discussion.  Not to mention the Kryptonite that was still lodged in his back.  Unless he was wearing a lead suit which they could've done if the writers were thinking.  This was too a huge suspension of disbelief to accept esp consdering the fact that in the previous scene he couldn't fend off Luthor and his 125 pound goon.


PRECISELY!! Thank you!


Then you guys are idiots, because he went under the island so far it wasn't until orbit where the K grew past the earth shield he used to lift it and protect himself. I do agree that it was mildly stupid for the docs to remove it from him, but goes a long ways towards explaining why he fell from orbit anyways. Little K + longer exposure = Same results.


Now my review. ;)

The movie only gets a 1 star outta 5. And if you rate it any higher....

...PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU SMOKED BEFORE YOU SAW IT.... and how much it cost! ;):D

The ONLY "good parts", if you call an animated beginning showing work equal to talented high schooler level 3D & following another opening around the time the maker was born 'good', was the opening title/credits and the ONLY well directed part in the movie where they show a young Clark experimenting with his powers. Which is the ONLY part that they shoulded as 'human' through out the entire movie.

There are several 'neat little things' that show up in the beginning like the radio dials face settings. Ka anyone? The various screens of flashed Scrabble boards with some interesting words on them that may or may not relate to something I say later in this post.

This movie is full of stone-like 'pretty people' with equally boringly flat dialogue and unexpressive facial expressions featuring not only a completely laughable plot, but also vastly immature lackluster 5th grade written script that ANY aspiring writer or hack could manage to pump out within 12 hours. Or a caffienated 5th grader could do in an hour.

Kevin Spacy is totally wasted on this version of Lux Luthor and could've been brillant if they used the version from either the books or Smallville(which seems to be the ONLY frigging show that gets him right!). In this movies role he is barely better then Richard Priors role of comedic relief from Superman 3.

Visually dark, smothering and oppressive the ENTIRE movie with little to move the movie along to show that the world accepted Superman back or the buoy the audiences emotions during what should've been either inspiring moments or moments that were a turning point in the movie as a whole.

I've come off with the impression that this movie was burdened down by it's own methos and is actually chained down by the homage that it poorly trys to simply "mimic". It could almost be said that Singer and Co. attempted to keep the same fans by merely copying what has given rise to the movie franchise. He does not, because neither he nor the Co. understand the character well enough to bring him back.

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If they ever was made a movie about a ballless, inhuman & irresponible Superman this is it, and it sure is hell not SUPERMAN.

I'd have to say this movie rates below the movie Solider, and almost makes Matrix: Resolutions look like and feel like Shakespeare.


Lex Luthor in the movies has always been a campy Donald Trump in love with real estate, ugly fashion, and doing stupid things. Routh was misused and Lois was miscast. The kid? Don't get me started :) (looks at my piano).

Very disappointing Mr. Singer.



I watched Superman Returns last night and I was a bit disappointed by it. Sure, it's got great visuals, but it suffers from a lot of pacing problems, not to mention the whole "sliver of Kryptonite on Supes' back" debacle. Sure, it's better than Superman III & IV, but those two movies were actually fun to watch to a certain degree.

Overall, it was a boring movie. As a matter of fact, there were at least a couple of people in the theatre snoring halfway through the movie.

  Golden Arms said:
thought the movie as okay (a C+). Lois came off as a Jilted lover, Lex was a cartoon villian of the week. I never cared for Gene Hackmans Luthor and I think Spacey was merely a darker version of Hackmans portrayal. I think the story was flat, I didn't feel for any of the characters, and I think the largest blunder was that they never fully addressed the question why the world needed superman. The movie never showed that his presence inspired people to achieve more than what was already within their reach. I hope Singer doesn't make a sequel because I think he screwed up with this film.


I just seen it and it was pretty crap. I felt like i was watching a disaster flick with superman in it. It had much potential to be a human drama but it fell short of it. You see the direction is there but it never quite reached the peak. Golden Arms, you more or less hit it on the spot. If they actually focused on "the return of superman" more and why the world and lois) need superman, it would've been a much better movie.

This show gets a 2/5 from me.

  chrono said:
Then you guys are idiots, because he went under the island so far it wasn't until orbit where the K grew past the earth shield he used to lift it and protect himself. I do agree that it was mildly stupid for the docs to remove it from him, but goes a long ways towards explaining why he fell from orbit anyways. Little K + longer exposure = Same results.

PRECISELY! Thank you!

...but watch the name calling. ;)


I enjoyed it, and thought that for what it was(popcorn movie) it was actually pretty good.The scenes of Superman in action were quite awesome and really conveyed a sense of that these things were only things that Superman could do. It was rife with cliche's, but that has been the norm for any "blockbuster" for quite a while. They make this movie for the lowest common denominator;dumbed-down so "everyone" will enjoy it. For everyone poking holes in the already paper-thin plot, GET OVER IT, it is a comic book movie. I was around for the first series of Superman films and while this one does absolutley nothing original, it does a decent job of re-hashing a lot of ideas from the first 1 and 1/2 Donner films.


Finally watched this last night.

It's an okay film. And I gotta agree with a good chunk of what therealfolkblues says.

Something about the whole "mass appeal" intent of film just rubbed me the wrong way. I think X2 got the right balance of appealing to the masses but statisfying the rabid fanboys. Here, that balance just seems "off."

I also understand that it's supposed to be a continuation of the first two Supes movies. But I think this link really hindered the film. At times, it feels like Singer is trying way too hard to make this into an homage to the old films.

Probably my biggest gripe of the film though is Lex Luthor.

I realize they're going for the Lex of the old films, but I just don't find that version of Lex all that compelling or interesting. Maybe I've been spoiled by Clancy Brown's portrayal of Lex in the DC Animated Universe. But I prefer the Lex Luthor who's a cool, ruthless, and in control businessman with a drol sense of humor, rather than this flamboyant madman who likes to wear wigs.

All in all, the film has its moments. But I just wasn't "Wow..."ed by it.

So far, it's been a pretty average summer movie season. Haven't seen Cars yet, but there really hasn't been any standout, "Damn that was good!" movies this summer.

  chrono said:

The ONLY "good parts", if you call an animated beginning showing work equal to talented high schooler level 3D & following another opening around the time the maker was born 'good', was the opening title/credits and the ONLY well directed part in the movie where they show a young Clark experimenting with his powers.


A review this poorly written complaining about how Superman Returns was poorly directed... is hilarious.


On a serious note.. As a "casual" superman fan at best. i thought they did a very poor job of explaining exactly to what degree superman was affected by Kriptonite.

He's standing on an island made of the stuff, yet doesn't feel a thing, untill lex (a normal guy) punches him, which sends him HURTLING backwards!! ( so supes is soo weakened by the island that he's like a child, yet can't feel the effects? huh?)

So i'm thinking superman is totally screwed if he goes near the island. I didn't realize he was going under the ground to make a sheild of dirt between him and the kriptonite...

honesty i don't see how some earth could protect him from the sheer tonage of the stuff. It was confusing to me as a casual super hero fan. there needed to be a scene somewhere earlyer that established his weakness and to what degree it affected him. i was confused.

  KingNor said:
On a serious note..  As a "casual" superman fan at best.  i thought they did a very poor job of explaining exactly to what degree superman was affected by Kriptonite.

He's standing on an island made of the stuff, yet doesn't feel a thing, untill lex (a normal guy) punches him, which sends him HURTLING backwards!!  ( so supes is soo weakened by the island that he's like a child, yet can't feel the effects?  huh?)

So i'm thinking superman is totally screwed if he goes near the island.  I didn't realize he was going under the ground to make a sheild of dirt between him and the kriptonite...

honesty i don't see how some earth could protect him from the sheer tonage of the stuff.  It was confusing to me as a casual super hero fan.  there needed to be a scene somewhere earlyer that established his weakness and to what degree it affected him.  i was confused.


I agree that was pretty confusing, but the way I understood it, the entire island wasn't made of the stuff, just the bit of kryptonite Lex had encased the crystal in had been dispersed throughout the island. So, not enough to kill him on the spot, but enough to weaken him so Lex and his boys could put the beat down on him. I liked the aspect that Superman couldn't just pick this thing up and wisk it off in to outer space and turn back at the camera, wink and smile and fly off. It truly looked like he was dying when he watched that island floating away. Now of course, we didn't need all the hospital drama for a good twenty minutes because we all know that Superman wasn't dying since this is the re-launch of the series, but I guess it was as good a time as any for Lois to drop "the secret that everyone saw coming a mile away". I did enjoy the movie, and will probably go see it again with my wife's family, just because I enjoyed the FX.

  KingNor said:
  chrono said:

The ONLY "good parts", if you call an animated beginning showing work equal to talented high schooler level 3D & following another opening around the time the maker was born 'good', was the opening title/credits and the ONLY well directed part in the movie where they show a young Clark experimenting with his powers.


A review this poorly written complaining about how Superman Returns was poorly directed... is hilarious.


Not quite as hilarious as someone complaining about poor english usage on the Internet. Epecially where 5/6 of which do not understand or write english well. But then again you were just taking the typical pot-shot and I don't see you bothering with more then "I'm confused." as a review. LOL

(Oh and if your gonna slam someone at least correct your post before posting the dozen or so language errors that it contains.) :rolleyes:

therealfolkblues, a boring movie is a boring movie. It doesn't even matter if it was a 'comic book' movie with a thread bare plot. The characters were boring, the writing un-engauging, and the visuals were flat. This movie was like having to watch a movie in high school during the summer with the pool outside the rooms windows.

But from what I've heard there seems to be about 40 minutes cut from the movie, so it maybe worth watching out for the Directors Cut edition. But if the movie feels long and drawn out now...... :blink:


My wife and I watched it. It was fun.

Seriously, Supes is the one superhero franchise that is foolish to take seriously. Ever since his "humble beginnings" (what a joke), Superman has been about Bigger, Faster and Louder.

Superman is THE popcorn superhero. And this movie was fun.

The one complaint I'd say we really had was that, being an extension of Superman - The Movie and Superman II, Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane sucked. She ain't got nothin' on Margot Kidder. ^_^


They need to make Superman's powers more consistent. One moment he can fly so fast that he goes back in time and the next moment he can barely catch up with a free-falling aircraft. One moment he can lift an entire continent made out of Kryptonite and hurl it into space and the next moment he is barely able to lift an airplane. What is going on here?

Why does Superman even bother slowing down and talking to Lex on the island? Why not just swoop in really fast and pick him up? There was no need for him to stop and walk towards him.

When will Superman fight somebody that is at least challenging? He has more enemies than Lex Luthor and environmental disasters. I'd say, out of all the movies, Superman's greatest nemesis is gravity.

In Superman Returns there seemed to be no direction. What was the point of the movie? Nothing changed after Superman got back.


Despite lousy movie and all, hearing the main theme song always makes me smile. ;)

One thing i could never do, hum the star wars theme, then the superman theme, and then back. I always get screwed at the 3rd change. Damn you john williams! XD


It was a good movie. I liked it....except for the fact that it ran long. By the time the final sequence came, my eyes were telling me to blink...

  Dangard Ace said:
  chrono said:
Then you guys are idiots, because he went under the island so far it wasn't until orbit where the K grew past the earth shield he used to lift it and protect himself. I do agree that it was mildly stupid for the docs to remove it from him, but goes a long ways towards explaining why he fell from orbit anyways. Little K + longer exposure = Same results.

PRECISELY! Thank you!

...but watch the name calling. ;)


I was troubled by this whole "issue" too. But I came up with a combination of the explanation you guys are saying there, and my own:

He knew what he had to do and knew he'd be in contact with kryptonite, so that's why he took the time to head up to the upper atmosphere after leaving the sea plane and absorb some direct sunlight. . . not just to heal, but to store up some extra energy/power, etc. After all, Supes is just a big solar battery. . . and I think he may have gone up there to "gird his loins" for some prolonged contact with kryptonite. . . something he wasn't prepared for when he got his ass handed to him by Kumar.

Either explanation if good enough for a comic book movie. But together, they more than allow for me to maintain my suspension of disbelief.


  Mephistopheles said:
One moment he can lift an entire continent made out of Kryptonite and hurl it into space and the next moment he is barely able to lift an airplane. What is going on here?


Well, not to take any of this too seriously, but the trick is to do it right, you can't stop a plane instantly, it would disintegrate and kill everyone aboard. Likewise, pushing that crystal continent too fast might have just made it break up.

Of course, that Boeing 777 would have disintegrated long before Superman even arrived, so let's not look into this too much! ;)

  Hurin said:
  Mephistopheles said:
One moment he can lift an entire continent made out of Kryptonite and hurl it into space and the next moment he is barely able to lift an airplane. What is going on here?


Well, not to take any of this too seriously, but the trick is to do it right, you can't stop a plane instantly, it would disintegrate and kill everyone aboard. Likewise, pushing that crystal continent too fast might have just made it break up.

Of course, that Boeing 777 would have disintegrated long before Superman even arrived, so let's not look into this too much! ;)


I'm aware of that however he sure put some considerable effort into trying to stop it when it wouldn't have been that hard for him to slow it to a stop. Additionally, it took him a few seconds to get from the bar to where the plane was but once he got within a few hundred yards of it he could barely keep up with it. What happened? Did he run out of NOS?


I believe the next movie will involve the villan, Brainiac.

Spoiler Warning.

Brainiac in some versions of Superman (particuarly the animation Superman) is a Kryptonian supercomputer gone bad. It decided that it needed to collected all knowledge of a planet and then destroy it.


So here's my theory as to why we'll probably see Brainiac. They never resolved what happened to the six crystals of Kryptonian technology that went into outer space. The crystal was a form of supercomputer for Superman. One of them was corrupted in a way by Luthor when it was surrounded with green kryptonite. The Kryptonite land mass was still growing in the air despite having no source of water. A lot of speculation, I know, but it could happen.

Posted (edited)
  Mephistopheles said:
I'm aware of that however he sure put some considerable effort into trying to stop it when it wouldn't have been that hard for him to slow it to a stop. Additionally, it took him a few seconds to get from the bar to where the plane was but once he got within a few hundred yards of it he could barely keep up with it. What happened? Did he run out of NOS?


All of those questions occurred to everyone else too. But most dimissed them as soon as they realized that the scenes would have sucked had it been handled according to the upper limit of his abilities. :p

You might as well ask why they didn't just use one of the Eagles to take the Ring to Mount Doom in LotR. . . because then there'd be no story!

So, again, your point is taken. . . but these are comic book movies!

I felt about the way you do here when Spider-Man suddenly became Superman in Spider-Man 2. I thought the way he stopped the run-away train was waaay beyond Spidey's abilities and more into Superman realm. But, then I decided I didn't care and enjoyed the movie. :p


Edited by Hurin
  Hurin said:
  Mephistopheles said:
I'm aware of that however he sure put some considerable effort into trying to stop it when it wouldn't have been that hard for him to slow it to a stop. Additionally, it took him a few seconds to get from the bar to where the plane was but once he got within a few hundred yards of it he could barely keep up with it. What happened? Did he run out of NOS?


All of those questions occurred to everyone else too. But most dimissed them as soon as they realized that the scenes would have sucked had it been handled according to the upper limit of his abilities. :p

You might as well ask why they didn't just use one of the Eagles to take the Ring to Mount Doom in LotR. . . because then there'd be no story!

So, again, your point is taken. . . but these are comic book movies!

I felt about the way you do here when Spider-Man suddenly became Superman in Spider-Man 2. I thought the way he stopped the run-away train was waaay beyond Spidey's abilities and more into Superman realm. But, then I decided I didn't care and enjoyed the movie. :p



The difference between Spideman's display of power and Supermans is that Spiderman never went backwards in terms of strength. While I will agree that Spiderman probably lacks the physical strength to stop a train, the way they did the scene leaves some believability to it. Superman on the other hand is extremely inconsistent with his powers even in the comic books. That is one of the reasons why I could never really get into Superman comic books. Superman is simply too super. If they were consistent with his powers then only a handful of his enemies could go head to head with him. The movies make it even worse as most of the time he either fights some sort of disaster or somebody who doesn't stand a chance against him. That is boring to watch. Spiderman has enemies that are at least equal in power which makes it much more entertaining to watch.

As for the Lord of the Rings thing, they say the only reason why the hobbits are taking the ring is because they don't succumb to the power of the ring as easily as others do. I'm not sure if the eagles are the same however there was always the possibility of the eagles getting intercepted by the... nazg... .... ... evil dudes who ride the dragon things.


It's Nazgul. And yes, Superman Returns sucked...

  Briareos said:
I believe the next movie will involve the villan, Brainiac.

Spoiler Warning.

Brainiac in some versions of Superman (particuarly the animation Superman) is a Kryptonian supercomputer gone bad. It decided that it needed to collected all knowledge of a planet and then destroy it.


So here's my theory as to why we'll probably see Brainiac. They never resolved what happened to the six crystals of Kryptonian technology that went into outer space. The crystal was a form of supercomputer for Superman. One of them was corrupted in a way by Luthor when it was surrounded with green kryptonite. The Kryptonite land mass was still growing in the air despite having no source of water. A lot of speculation, I know, but it could happen.


Agreed. Out of all the Superman villians like Darkseid, Bizarro, and Luther that's the most plausible.

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