myk Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Yummy. Isn't Tecmo's bouncing boobathon DOA Extreme being released today?
Apollo Leader Posted November 14, 2006 Author Posted November 14, 2006 myk said: Yummy. Isn't Tecmo's bouncing boobathon DOA Extreme being released today? Just looked at and it looks like the game is shipping as we speak.
myk Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Ah, looks like DOA X2 is a rental guys. It's basically the original game at a higher resolution, but with an unfortunate new "boob-physics-engine" that induces nausea rather than horniness...
GutsAndCasca Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 I beat Gears on hardcore difficulty (1st run through.) I'm now playing on insane. And I'm loving ever minute of it! Not many games are this fun. It is literally blowing my mind. I can't imagine Halo 3 will come close to this... by the way, it sucks once you beat RAAM, because they leave you hanging severely. I can't complain the game is too short though. With such jaw dropping graphics and ridiculously fun gameplay, I can say I was satisfied. 'Just sucks it'll probably be two more years until we see the sequel. By the way, I saw pictures of Halo 3 in EGM, and it doesn't look any better than 1 and 2 in my opinion. In fact it looks exactly the same. (?)
myk Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 myk said: It's basically the original game at a higher resolution...
MicronianDevil Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Wow I'm trying GoW on Hardcore difficulty and I am gettimg my butt handed to me. It's still fun though. I've learned that on Hardcore the Gnasher Shotgun and Longshot Sniper Rifle are my best friends.
Apollo Leader Posted November 15, 2006 Author Posted November 15, 2006 Today (November 15) marks the 5 year anniversary for Halo Combat Evolved... and there is some great news. 1. A public beta demo will come out next spring for Halo 3. Will it be available through XBL or on DVD is unknown for now. 2. Another reason for Halo 2 players to dump their original Xboxes and go 360... new maps for Halo 2 next spring though the catch is that they will only be available to 360 owners (through Marketplace I presume). 3. A teaser trailer for Halo 3 will air one time on ESPN Monday Night Football on December 4th. Will be available for download from XBL Marketplace. Had been hoping for the original Halo off of Marketplace with XBL capability, but all this news is good.
CoryHolmes Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Apollo Leader said: 3. A teaser trailer for Halo 3 will air one time on ESPN Monday Night Football on December 4th. Will be available for download from XBL Marketplace. Whereupon it will be very quickly be available to download from half the Internet
Apollo Leader Posted November 15, 2006 Author Posted November 15, 2006 CoryHolmes said: Whereupon it will be very quickly be available to download from half the Internet Yeah it will probably be up on the Bungie website availble in Windows Media or Quicktime formats as well. Either way, can't wait to see it.
Chowser Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 what???? dang, i'm gonna be stuck in the hospital on the 4th!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! why can't my son wait another day to be born??? guess i will just have to d/l it. already preordered my Lengendary Collection of Halo 3 at Gamestop. ouch, $25 down, for something that is possibly going to be released next November.
GutsAndCasca Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I'm a little anxious for Halo 3 - I can't lie about that. But, not as much as I had looked forward to Halo 2. So far Halo 3 looks exactly, EXACTLY, like the other Halos except with slightly more elaborate armor for the master chief. It also doesn't help that all the focus so far is on multiplayer, when the only internet access I have is dial up. What I'm seriously hoping for now is a sequel to Gears of War and Ninety Nine Nights. BTW - I just made it to whatever level introduces the lambent wretches on GOW insane mode. Haven't really started it yet, but when I play it tonight I'm sure I'll get my butt kicked. I look forward to it though...
Poonman Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 honestly i'm not very excited about Halo 3 because i've been so content with GoW.... I used to think the Halo universe was so great but Gears just took it to another level.. a darker, grittier level that appeals more to me. I honestly think Bungie is going to have to pull off a miracle to make a game better than Gears. and yeah you guys are right.. all the screen shots i've seen have looked just like the Halo 1 and 2 with just a little more detail...
Ghadrack Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I am a Microsoft/Xbox hater. Gears of War has me eating my words, I played it co-op with a friend from 9:30 Saturday night straight through to 7:30 Sunday morning. Best gaming experience I have had in years. Wow, that game is just bas ass. Inovative, fun, challenging, and it looks so nice on an HDTV, it is about criminal..... The guys that made that game seriously deserve medals.
yellowlightman Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 GutsAndCasca said: By the way, I saw pictures of Halo 3 in EGM, and it doesn't look any better than 1 and 2 in my opinion. In fact it looks exactly the same. (?) If you'd read the interview, they mention that and say Bungie is still working on the graphics. Also, they mention they saw 20-seconds of the single player game and it looked spectacular, and considerably better than the multiplayer portion. I read through most of EGM's cover story today and while I'm not overwhelmed, I have no doubt it'll be an amazing game. The multiplayer (the only part I'm interested in) certainly isn't anything new or radical, but when Halo 2's multiplayer is is pretty much perfection, it makes sense they wouldn't tweak it too much.
Apollo Leader Posted November 16, 2006 Author Posted November 16, 2006 (edited) Digital shots of the Halo 3 pictures used in EGM. For those thinking this game looks only marginally better then Halo 2, see the picture I attached below? Go to this link to see the much higher rez version. Nice! Edited November 16, 2006 by Apollo Leader
Apollo Leader Posted November 16, 2006 Author Posted November 16, 2006 Of course there is extended coverage of Halo 3 by EGM and 1up.
Steve68 Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 OMFG, check this little sucker out. It will allow you to hook up a mouse and keyboard to your 360 and play games with them!!!!! Now I'm ready for some fps goodness on my 360. Steve
Gaijin Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Want a Core 360 for $100? Amazon will have 1000 of them at that price Thanksgiving day. Part of the vote for the best deal thing every week for the next month. This is the deal that will win and be posted on Thursday. Good luck.
Poonman Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Ghadrack said: I am a Microsoft/Xbox hater. Gears of War has me eating my words, I played it co-op with a friend from 9:30 Saturday night straight through to 7:30 Sunday morning. Best gaming experience I have had in years. Wow, that game is just bas ass. Inovative, fun, challenging, and it looks so nice on an HDTV, it is about criminal..... The guys that made that game seriously deserve medals. thats awesome this game shines in HD but the damn gun icon in the upper right corner is burning into my plasma because unlike the single player game it doesn't fade out in the online game Steve68 said: OMFG, check this little sucker out. It will allow you to hook up a mouse and keyboard to your 360 and play games with them!!!!! Now I'm ready for some fps goodness on my 360. Steve I thought you've always been able to use any USB keyboard and mouse.. oh yeah- whats your tag Yellowlightman? do you play Gears? the IC crew is on like every night and we have a blast. it makes a HUGE difference playing with cool people and joking around and stuff. A LOT better than the random idiots online who swear and use racial slurs and drop out all the time.
yellowlightman Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Poonman said: oh yeah- whats your tag Yellowlightman? do you play Gears? I don't have a 360 (yet) so no GoW for me.
Gaijin Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 yellowlightman said: I don't have a 360 (yet) so no GoW for me. $100 for a Core at Amazon on Turkey day.
yellowlightman Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Gaijin said: $100 for a Core at Amazon on Turkey day. I'm not up on my Xbox 360 specs, the only thing I'd need to make it comparable to the Premium would be a hard drive, right? Another $100 or so?
Poonman Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 you also get a headset, component cables and a wireless controller with the Premium.
Gaijin Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 yellowlightman said: I'm not up on my Xbox 360 specs, the only thing I'd need to make it comparable to the Premium would be a hard drive, right? Another $100 or so? $100 for a HDD...if you have an HDTV you'll need component cables. And the Core comes with a wired controller. A wireless one will set you back $50. Cables...$40 I think. Headset I 'm not sure. But the main thing are the HDD and cables.
Gaijin Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Poonman said: you also get a headset, component cables and a wireless controller with the Premium. Yeah, but this $100 Core deal is almost too hard to pass up.
Ladic Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 is HDD really necesary or is a memory card good enough?
Poonman Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I'm not sure how big the memory cards are but ever since the Xbox1 I got real used to having a hardrive... just save stuff and forget about it. I'm pretty sure you need one for Live too. demos take up a TON of HD space too... I'm always hovering around 6 gigs of free space on my HD and its mostly because i've got downloaded around a dozen of the newer game demos and a couple vids too.
Gaijin Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I'd say go with the HDD...some games even make use of it to cut load times some.
yellowlightman Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Gaijin said: $100 for a HDD...if you have an HDTV you'll need component cables. And the Core comes with a wired controller. A wireless one will set you back $50. Cables...$40 I think. Headset I 'm not sure. But the main thing are the HDD and cables. I don't have an HD TV and I can deal with a wireless controller. Thanks for the heads up Gaijin, guess I what I'll be doing Thanksgiving Eve. *click reload*click reload*click reload*
Ladic Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 does the component cable of the first xbox work on the xbox360?
Gaijin Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 Ladic said: does the component cable of the first xbox work on the xbox360? Nope, sorry.
MicronianDevil Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 (edited) Well finally got my head set today. My XBL GT is MicronianDevil. Anyone up for some GoW co-op play just give me a heads up. Edited November 19, 2006 by MicronianDevil
Uxi Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Picked up an HD-DVD add on today. Watched MI3. Looked great on my SXRD! I'll have time for King Kong (included with the set) tomorrow. Pro: PQ outstanding. Much faster loading than the rather clunky Toshiba HD-A1/XA1 and without any of it's quirks (no resume play, etc). Great surround sound from through my 1000W surround. Unfortunately, my analog inputs remain empty and I still don't have an HDMI equipped AVR (probably in the next year). Included King Kong and backlit remote (the cheaper standard 360 one, not the better Logitech) are nice freebies. Con: 360 is still noisy as hell, and is especially noticible during the more quiet dialog scenes. Add-on is ergonomically awkward. Hopefully MS will do a new SKU with integrated HD-DVD drive (if not an HDMI port, but IIRC that will require a new video board as the Xenos currently being used is analog only, which means no HDCP). On a related note, I just was at a demo the last weekend where a local guy with an AWESOME home theater (Qualia 006 1080p front projector, 133" inch screen, Pioneer Elite and 7.1 sound system. 30' long dedicated theater room with perfect acoustics and the whole thing just ISF calibrated. And the decorations: Many posters and LOTR swords and on the wall, as well as Masterpiece Replicas lightsaber hilts (Anakin Ep3 and Mace Windu). Anyhoo, he invited a bunch of us from AVS Forums for a Blu-ray/HD-DVD face-off. The results: Basically a wash. There was no quantifiable difference in PQ or AQ for most of the features (Mission Impossible 3, Aeon Flux dead even with Corpse Bride getting a slight node on superior color saturation). Upconversion (SD Gladiator) was a wash, as well, though the Panasonic BD player was more friendly in it's responsiveness than the Toshiba HD-DVD (and it should be since it's over twice the price!)...
Apollo Leader Posted November 21, 2006 Author Posted November 21, 2006 The much hyped Small Arms comes out on XBLA tonight.
Apollo Leader Posted November 22, 2006 Author Posted November 22, 2006 Happy Birthday, Xbox 360! This first year's been a lot of fun and I can't wait to see what happens for year number 2 (Halo 3, Halo 3!!!).
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