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The Xbox 360 Thread!

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I see this is gradually becoming a 360 thread again! :p

But not for long...

Hey, I have a Reserator 1 (see below).  It works great.  It keeps my CPU temperatures 10 degrees above ambient temperature and it currently cools my cpu, video card and motherboard.  It was easy to set up and I was able to get rid of all my fans except for the power supply fan (which was replaced by a quiet fan).  I've had it for six months and have had no problems (even took it apart for the move).  It's really quiet and the only thing that bugs me now is the noise of my two Maxtor drives (damn cheap drives).  The Seagate I have is much quieter.  I'll take a picture of the interior of the case when I get home.



Mmmm... 's a beautiful piece of hardware.

Goes with that case really well, too.

Edited by JB0
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In 360 news, there was some sort of upgrade/patch for the 360 that came out several days ago.  I was firing up COD2 and the system had me download and update for the system.


What does this patch do? Keep the system from crashing or overheating?

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System's still working fine after 2-1/2 months of heavy use (lots of COD2 and Halo 2!). 


How does Halo 2 look on the 360?


I just have a plain Jane 25" TV so I can't fully appreciate (yet) what the 360 graphical boost does for it (I know it suppose to appear as 720p on an HD TV). But even on my current TV, I love this game to death. :)

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In 360 news, there was some sort of upgrade/patch for the 360 that came out several days ago.  I was firing up COD2 and the system had me download and update for the system.


What does this patch do? Keep the system from crashing or overheating?



Nothing much but a few little fixes or upgrades.

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how's it going with your 360?

Pretty good. I haven't been using it much lately, though.

Are you online much with DOA?

No, I can't stand playing with strangers. It seems I either play people (usually in FPS) that are just way better than me, or I play people (usually at fighting games) that seem to enjoy cursing me out when I beat them stupid.

What sort of progress are you making in your games?

I have about half a season done on Madden, maybe a quarter season done on NHL. I'm... somewhere along the PGA Tour in Tiger. I beat Call of Duty and Perfect Dark. I kinda lost interested in Project Gotham after I got the awards for Lamborghini club and Ferrari club. I just kinda stopped on NFS... meaning to get back to it, never have. As for DoA, I just have to unlock Tengu and get the rest of the costumes.

Got any new games lately?

Yes, as a matter of fact I have. And they're why I haven't been on Xbox ;) . Megaman X Collection, Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, and Ape Escape 3 are all very fun games I've been playing on PS2. And Maverick Hunter X is officially my favorite PSP game now.

How's work?

It'd be better if I could find a new job.

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I'm in the same situation myself. After receiving my replacement console I just haven't spent much time with it; PGR3 and NFS are prime examples of games I just dropped, for no apparent reason.

I had a feeling that online play, especially with DOA4, would be unsatisfactory, and is one of the reasons I stopped playing BF2, although that's another platform. Isn't there some sort of "class" rating that hopefully pits similairly skilled players against each other on 'Live? Somehow I get the feeling that doesn't work as planned either.

Have you gotten the patch for the system, yet?

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I had a feeling that online play, especially with DOA4, would be unsatisfactory, and is one of the reasons I stopped playing BF2, although that's another platform.  Isn't there some sort of "class" rating that hopefully pits similairly skilled players against each other on 'Live?  Somehow I get the feeling that doesn't work as planned either.


The porblem with most Live games is that developers don't bother putting together a decent online interface and just do a typical PC-style game dump list of available servers.

This is why'd I'd argue that Halo2 is the best online game on consoles, because it's online interface is so well developed. Ranked matchups (and some unranked as well), as well as no player-controlled servers which takes the power away from all the various idiots you run into online. Add in a feedback and active anti-cheating involvement on the part of Bungie, and it's an unparalled online experience.

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Have you gotten the patch for the system, yet?

Yeah. I don't really notice any differences.

This is why'd I'd argue that Halo2 is the best online game on consoles, because it's online interface is so well developed. Ranked matchups (and some unranked as well), as well as no player-controlled servers which takes the power away from all the various idiots you run into online. Add in a feedback and active anti-cheating involvement on the part of Bungie, and it's an unparalled online experience.

Yeah. I also liked that you only talked to your team mates.

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Mike, what time are you on your 360 these days? I have yet to play with you or against you in any game! :)

I did get myself a wireless USB keyboard a few weeks ago and that has made it far more easier to type messages to anyone I am communicating with on the 360. :)

how's it going with your 360?

Pretty good. I haven't been using it much lately, though.

Are you online much with DOA?

No, I can't stand playing with strangers. It seems I either play people (usually in FPS) that are just way better than me, or I play people (usually at fighting games) that seem to enjoy cursing me out when I beat them stupid.

What sort of progress are you making in your games?

I have about half a season done on Madden, maybe a quarter season done on NHL. I'm... somewhere along the PGA Tour in Tiger. I beat Call of Duty and Perfect Dark. I kinda lost interested in Project Gotham after I got the awards for Lamborghini club and Ferrari club. I just kinda stopped on NFS... meaning to get back to it, never have. As for DoA, I just have to unlock Tengu and get the rest of the costumes.

Got any new games lately?

Yes, as a matter of fact I have. And they're why I haven't been on Xbox ;) . Megaman X Collection, Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, and Ape Escape 3 are all very fun games I've been playing on PS2. And Maverick Hunter X is officially my favorite PSP game now.

How's work?

It'd be better if I could find a new job.


Edited by Apollo Leader
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Mike, what time are you on your 360 these days? I have yet to play with you or against you in any game!

Hardly ever, it seems. Maybe we should try to arrange a time? Because it seems like all I'm doing is waiting around for Burnout when it comes to 360.

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Man, have we gotten tired of our shiny new toy already?


Not the new toy. Just the mediocre discs that go in it. ;)

Seriously, NFS and PRG were both good, but you just kinda get tired of them. Call of Duty was excellent... but I beat it. And a man can't live on DoA alone...

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Sort of funny...new, expensive, HiDef console and right now most of the fun people are having with it are old 80's arcade games and (at best) early 90's depth action/puzzle games like Geometry Wars and Yuma. My friends and I actually put three hours into Gauntlet....

$400 Hi-Tech Game Console

$200 Worth of Wireless Controllers

$50 XBox Live Subscription

$5 Downloaded old arcade game

Picking the elf first and therefore having 5x the amount of points as anyone else...Priceless... :D

At this point, I wish we got some of the Japanese-only games, like the one wrestling one and...yes, I'd even play Dynasty Warriors 5 again at this point....

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No. All of you are wrong. Games mean nothing, it's the power of the console that determines how successful the 360 will be with us-lol...Meanwhile, I'm playing DOA Volleyball on mine...

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You know, for the last 2 weeks since I started this job at FRY's, I've been wondering where the hell is their 360 stuff? I can find Xbox, Gamecube, PSP, DS, GBA, PS2 and even some PSONE items, games, etc. but NO 360....Yet I've bumped into customers who are buying 360 products like wireless controlers, games, the works.

Well lastnight, I finished up early cause for the last week it would take 1-2 hours to count my till and I'd have to be excused from closing duties cause I still need to have a certified associate recount my till to make sure it was done right.

So I hung out in Software cause games and movies are there. And RIGHT next to the software podium :o bam 360 galore accessories and games.

They got travel bags, connectors for HD and computer monitors, third party universal remotes, which some looked REALLY stylish. Lots of face plates, and even this nifty platform stand which also cools the 360 and I think can store controlers and remote.

Course the stand was like 50 bucks, but with discount I think it'd get about 40-45 dollars.....I may end up getting it this week after pay day......cause I might not be working there anymore after friday....I applied at another Nissan dealer and the GM there is gonna try and create a position for me after I told him how I need to get out of FRY's cause its melo drama teen angst ridden crap hole.

^_^ so yeah, back to the point, I managed to find 360 gear.......happy!

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there's no shortage of 360 gear here in Cleveland.

most stores (i.e. gamestop, eb games, etc) are still filling preorders of the 360 system, but big stores just have them whenever, yesterday, i was at walmart, they had four, that's right, 4 xbox 360 PLATINUM systems in stock. today, none.

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Just from personal experience in the Twin Cities, the launch was sort of messy. Back late last year when the 360's were mainly being pinched by scalpers and store clerks hoping to make easy money, stores had whole display areas and Best Buys had dedicated over an aisle to XBox 360 stuff. Of course, with only two legitimate first hand purchases, none of it sold. The stuff literally started gathering dust.

Now that they're more easy to come by, the stores are caught flat footed again with low supplies of wireless controllers, batteries, rechargers, etc. One Best Buy near me cut their 360 aisle down to a half-one side and that pitiful small section is decimated with some skins and third party wired controllers being just about the only thing available.

I wonder just how well this worked out for local retailers if they misidentified both the high and low points so far.

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No.  All of you are wrong.  Games mean nothing, it's the power of the console that determines how successful the 360 will be with us-lol...Meanwhile, I'm playing DOA Volleyball on mine...


I heard there's some problems with that one. Something about it using the idiocy known as pressure-sensitive buttons, which the 360 lacks.

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You know I was wondering about that; acceleration in PGR3 and NFS was either no speed or hot rod. I just assumed that this cutting edge, high definition gaming experience would include pressure sensitive buttons, a feature that has been around for almost a decade-too bad the 360 doesn't have them...

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You know I was wondering about that; acceleration in PGR3 and NFS was either no speed or hot rod.  I just assumed that this cutting edge, high definition gaming experience would include pressure sensitive buttons, a feature that has been around for almost a decade-too bad the 360 doesn't have them...


Try 5 years now.

And the thing is... pressure-sensitive buttons were a bad idea when Sony decided to try it, and they aren't any better now. There's no real way to get accurate control out of them, so ALMOST no one used them.

I AM baffled at why PGR3 wouldn't be using the analog triggers for gas and brakes, as they-re still present and actually work worth a damn.

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Well that's actually my fault. Correct me if I'm wrong PGR3 players, but you can assign the trigger buttons as analog controls for the gas and braking duties. I've always prefered to use the buttons on the controller for those functions, so I've just had to deal with the on/off style of acceleration and braking...

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Okay, that makes sense.

Especially if MS was toying with the idea of putting pressure sensitivity in for another round at one point.They may not've known for sure if the buttons would be analog when they were rigging the input.

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That makes sense...

Excuses, excuses...


"The fastest GDDR3 chips are able to keep up with the rest of the system. But the slow memory chips can actually slow down a game so much that it is noticeably slow to gamers, sources said."

Or, you know, crash the machine when they're run at speeds they can't handle, since consoles usually don't have provisions for multi-speed RAM connections?

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Yawwwwn. We're getting a must-have title for the 360 when exactly? I mean besides Geometry Wars.

Behold: Yet ANOTHER version of Battlefield 2 Modern Combat for the '360; when a version on every other system except the Sega 32X isn't enough for you...

I don't see a must-have title for the entire 2006 lineup.

Possible game releases...

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Well, at the risk of sounding nerdly (even in a thread about videogames on a board about a 20+ year old anime), I'm something of a Trekkie. That said, I'm really excited for Star Trek Legacy, but I can see where the rest of you might not be.

I'm also going to keep my fingers crossed that Mass Effect comes out this year. I've never played a bad Bioware game... in fact, if you missed it the first time, pick up Jade Empire, and Xbox 1 game that plays well on 360, and a classic example of Bioware's awesomeness. Jade Empire was, hands down, my favorite game for the original Xbox.

And supposedly Obsidian had two games in the works for the 360. I'd be willing to bet that one of them will be Knights of the Old Republic 3. If they can get that out this year, that'll be three games that are, to me at least, must haves.

In the meantime, I'll definately be picking up Burnout Revenge (I avoided it for the current gen, so it'll be fresh to me), and I might check out The Outfit, which I'm hearing compared favorably with Mercenaries.

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Personally, I haven't seen a system with a "must-have" 1st-year line-up in a long time.  SNES was probably the last one.


The Nintendo 64? Mario 64 + Starfox 64 = win.


Was Starfox in the first year? I thought it came out later, with the expansion pack.

Meanwhile, I'm playing DOA Volleyball on mine...

Wait a minute! That's not on the list! It really works for you? It doesn't give you the "This game is not currently supported" message?

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1. I'm a Trekkie. But we are the most cursed, gamewise, of all creation. ::edit:: OMG! It's got modified Excelsiors and late-version Ambassadors! ::end fanboyism:: I also see they modified the Nebula class so that they actually have decent impulse engines. (Why they weren't designed the same as a Galaxy there I'll never know, there's plenty of room for all 3--and they could easily have gotten by with just the main one)

2. I would buy a 360 for KOTOR 3 alone.

3. Super Mario World. Greatest system-seller ever. THAT sold the SNES. Pack-ins=better sales. I remember to this day the first time I saw Mario World--JC Penney catalog department. I *needed* that game. And it delivered. I didn't need an *SNES*, I needed that GAME.

4. If the Revolution had Super Mario 1, 2, 3, and 4 as a pack-in, it'd sell zillions. I'd buy one. If not, Zelda Twilight Princess. (Based on current rumors)

Edited by David Hingtgen
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The Nintendo 64? Mario 64 + Starfox 64 = win.

Yes, uh-huh. Prime examples of how games sell systems and make all of the difference in the world for that console. When I first turned on M64 and 'Fox later I really felt as if gaming had been revolutionized-I haven't felt that way since, and

I'll never forget the '64.

As for DOAV, I should have said that I was "planning" to play DOA Volleyball on my 360, as the hard drive that I purchased was deemed defective and I had to return it; ultimately, I decided to keep my money and not get a replacement HD as of now. If MIke Z. is right and I can't play key games such as DOAV on the '360 then I just might have to drive over my console a few times...

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Personally, I haven't seen a system with a "must-have" 1st-year line-up in a long time.  SNES was probably the last one.


The Nintendo 64? Mario 64 + Starfox 64 = win.


Was Starfox in the first year? I thought it came out later, with the expansion pack.

It was the Rumble Pack premiere game. Dun recall exactly when that was, but it was well before the Expansion Pack(which was with DK64 initially).

I never liked Mario 64, for the record. Me and 3D platformers don't get along.

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